"Always Stay By My Side. Even if i break you, make you cry or hurt you. In case you disappear, the person who treats you like a precious jewel is me"





"Are you even looking to where are you going? What kind of stupid girl are you!?" An aggravated rant was thrown into me even though it was all an accident. I am the one who became all wet because of that accident.

However, the moment that i tried to see who may that girl is. I was shocked. I got the courage to defend myself for doing nothing wrong. It was all accident and i really didn't do anything wrong. But…

It was Stella Park. One of the biggest and renowned musical and theatrical actress in South Korea right now. And infact, my number one idol. I was suddenly speechless. It seemed that all of my courage to defend myself were all thrown out like a rotten trash being thrown into a garbage bin. I was in awe and didn't move a second. I was literally starstrucked. Oh My Gosh. Is it real?! I really can't believe that this is even happening right now, i am in face to face to my idol. The one who inspired me to pursue singing.

 "Hello?! Are you even listening to me Miss? Unbelievable? So frustrating?!" She's really annoyed about the incident however my mind couldn't function too well. Infact, i am too much startstrucked to deal with it.

But, seconds i regained my senses and expressed all of my apologies to the girl i admired for a long time. Well, if i will be able to thrown a cup of cold frappe again by her, i am willing. Fangirl Much.

"I really do sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry for being too clumsy Ms. Stella Park."

 "Whatever, by the looks of it, even though if i ask you to pay for these frappes you'll never be able to do that? Maybe you don't have enough money to pay for it. By the way, forget about it. I wouldn't waste my time for such ignorant girl like you. Anyway, Ciao" She exited the café as if like nothing happened and i was too embarrassed to process anything. I didn't care about how harsh those words were, i care for the thing that i made myself look funny or unflattering infront of my longtime idol.

People from the Café were looking at us with a smirk on their faces as if they'll saying "What a stupid one". Well, if they are really thinking the same thing, i deserve it. Actually, i was indeed stupid. I decided not to and exited the café slightly wet. Guess, i would get used to be smelling like a human coffee while returning home. What kind of day it is. Too much happening.

(On The Phone)

"Hello" My friend Francine responded. She's the one who helped me or i mean helping me in getting a lot of musical auditions and she's my bestfriend since highschool years. I tried to call him just to scold about the inconvenience that she had made.

"Ya! France, I thought it was today! I thought the audition was today! I really couldn't take it. Seriously!" i ranted in the middle of a lot of people passing by the the street where i am standing. I really don't care if they are looking at me or what. All i know i was infact really disappointed.

 "Woah! Calm Down Mel! Okay. It’s like i am listening to a loud trumpet on my phone. Can you just calm for a moment and then explain to me what happened"

"And how can i calm down?! I came all the way down here at the theatre just for nothing. Why didn't you just texted me."

"What? I texted you a day before. And i tried to call you as well but your phone had been very busy that is why i am having a hard time reaching you"

Yes. I remember. When i broke the battery of my phone day before. All of my friends are having hard time reaching out to me. Shoots. How can you be so stupid? I am seriously hating myself now. And at this moment, i am blaming my bestfriend for all of these stupidities that are happening to me.

"France… Sorry" i apologized with a sudden change of tone in my voice. Clearly i was guilty of blaming her.

"It's Okay Mel. Just tell me if you're alright. Did anything bad happened to you?"

"Sort Of. But nevermind all of those. Guess it's my fault for being so stupid. But here's the thing." I started smiling and became too excited to tell France about the unexpected encounter happened today. And she is too excited for the sudden change of mood from excitement. How bipolar we are. Friendship.

"By the tone of it, it seems to be a good one. Make it sure Mel that it’s a good one or else.."

"Guess what. I saw two celebs few minutes ago. And you wouldn't believe who they are. You're definitely gonna throw up once you knew"

"Don't hide around the bush. Come on and tell it already!"

 As usual, that phone call became a normal girl talk like we happen to be conversing one on one, personally.


At Sarah's Café

"Woah. This is too cool! I can feel the warm atmosphere here. Such a great café dude" Anthony praised while having a high five to Paul. Actually, the cafe is not that bad. I can see that it's well designed and everything is on point. From the menu to the ambiance, its really perfect.

 Sarah goes from a Paris styled Café and i actually liked the fact that she went to this kind of theme. It feels like i was transported back to Paris.

"By the way, Can we have a taste of coffees that your future wife to be can offer?" I asked while smiling.

"Sure" A feminine voice said and it turned out to be Sarah. She really looked pretty with those white casual dress. It made her natural beauty stood out the most. Well, from the looks of it, my best buddy Paul sure to have a great catch on Sarah. A great girl with beauty, brains and a very admiring personality. I could still remember the day they met and how their story went on. However, as much as i want to recall that, it is their story. Might as well let them recall. By the way, back to reality…

 "Are you preparing to be a good wife for our boy here?" Kent and Anthony teased while Sarah smiled elegantly.

"Yeah. And why not? HaHa. If it takes to me to be a good wife just to make him happy i will. By the way boys, thanks for coming. Don't worry i'll prepare something for you all." Sarah gently said while kissing Paul on the cheeks making us all cringe.



We went back conversing to each other. The usual Boy Talk. From Gadgets, Cars, Movies and a lot of stuffs while waiting for Sarah. When the usual conversation leads to Mino.

 "Have you already texted Mino? Where does that guy have been?"

"No. It seems like he's busy with the girl that he is in to right now. Let him be. Afterall, this is the first time i saw him go gaga to a girl. Let our Mino enjoy his date"

"Alright. By the way, There's an upcoming musical that you're in right now correct? Would you mind to tell us? And when is the show starts?"

"The musical is named Heartstrings. Nothing much to disclose since were still in the process of composing songs and organizing the scenes. We haven't come up with the casting yet. But we are looking for the male lead and female leads"

"I thought you were the male lead? Don't you want it?"

"I don't know. I am too busy to think about that. I am still composing and arranging a lot of pieces for the play. Maybe? I don't know"

"What about Stella? Is she going to be in that play as well? Dude, i think that girl is in to you right now. She's being too sentimental on her SNS accounts. Indirectly confessing to you"

 "HaHa. Whatever. I don't like her and i'll never like her. And about being linked to any other girl like now is not my priority nowadays." Usually topics like these, i brushed it off. I never take these kind of matter seriously. I don't know, it feels like i am empty. There's a part inside my heart which is hard to fill up. It seems like it's yearning for somebody.

Seems like Sarah took a while preparing for the orders whe requested. As the boy's talk continues on, i feast my eyes on my surroundings until my eyes caught something…

I mean someone.


As usual, still on the Phone.

When Francine and I usually got the chance to talk whether via phone, text, chat or personal, expect that to last for two or more hours. And as usual, i am still on the phone chatting with my bestfriend while walking down the street.

"I mean that is the first time ive heard him singing. It was really magical. And guess what, i have also seen Stella. I really can't believe that ive just seen two of my idols in just a day"

"Really. You know what Mel. I am really getting jealous here. I seriously want to see them right now. This may be your lucky day"

"Lucky day? Sort Of. After all these stupidities that i have went through earlier these day, it seems like it went off just because i have heard Timothy and Stella in one day. Though, the first moment i and Stella crossed paths didnt started on a good note."

Me and France continued on conversing over the phone throughout the whole walk. It was a bit sunny and a little bit crowded but it didn't seemed to matter and i continued walking down the crowded street. There was a newly launched Café's across the street and it looks like promising. I am curious of what the café could offer knowing that i, myself, is a fan of café's aswell.

 Due to the blazing heat that day, i couldn't take but to have an ice coffee and i am sure that Café offers like that. I never got the chance to have one when i was in the previous café since i already got one of my most embarrassing moments in front of a lot of people and Stella. Good thing i am wearing a navy blue sweater that's why the coffee that had been thrown unto me wasn't that visible. Only the smell of it. Gosh.

France couldn't stop from talking as i walk down the road while having my iPhone on my right hand. A lot of people are seen crossing that lane aswell so it's a little bit hard for me to keep up. I decided to bid farewell to France on the other line in able for me to focus on my way. It seems that it is getting a bit crowded more and more and i am still half of the long lane. I literally became human pingpong ball being tossed back and forth with these crown. Whoosh. Good thing seconds later it seemed that it became lesser and lesser and i started hurrying up before the stoplight goes red. However…


Shoots! My Purse. That guy who was just passing by carelessly bumped me that caused my purse to be out of my hand. Now what?! I decided to look for it and thank goodness that people seemed to be clearing up. Looking from left and right until…

"Ya! Found It!" Sure i cannot afford to lose that. My phone and wallet are there and even my gifts from a very special one were inside as well that's why i couldn't help but to hug that purse the moment i saw it. Next time, i'll be more careful. Careful than ever.


"Huh?" Wait? What was that noise? I looked right and it turned out to be a big delivery truck fastly approaching. All of a sudden, my feet started to froze and could not even take even a little step. My eyes were fixed to the now approaching vehicle while all of my body could not make any move to evade that danger ahead.

Seconds by Seconds, the big truck is closely approaching and i know that it is too late for the both of us to stop the collision. Will it be my last days? Will it be goodbye? I hate to say but by the looks of how big that vehicle is and the speed of it, it seems that i will be crushed alive the moment i'll hit that.

 I closed my eyes already accepted the fate that i'll be having. Even if i survived the collision, i will surely be left with a big damage and be a further trouble for my family again. I could not afford if i became handicapped for the second time around.


 I waited for the vehicle to hit me however, a manly arms grabbed me with all might. I was grabbed into the side of the road still eyes closed. I was breathing heavily and so the person who just saved me. I could hear the loud heartbeat in his chest and his breathing. I slowly opened my eyes only to find that i am in someones embrace and both of us lying on the ground.

People were staring at us. Concerned and Scared. I am grateful that nothing happened. Nothing happened worst. I looked up only to find that the guy was…

Timothy Nam?

He released his wrapped arms around me and started wiping the dirt from his white shirt. I, aswell, released myself from him. We both stood up.

"Hey. Miss. Are you stupid or something huh? If you're going to kill yourself. Don't do it here" He coldheartedly said. The tone in his voice, that was a bit harsh.

"Sorry. But thank you for saving my life. Mr. Timothy Nam. I owe you a lot. Thank You from the bottom of my heart" i bowed whole heartedly. Really, i couldn't thank him enough for saving me. That was really too close.


"Whatever. And the next time, be aware of the streetlights. You'll just cause a lot of incovenience." i turned my back and directly head inside Sarah's Café. Woah. That was really too close. Good thing i was there to save that crazy girl who happens to be crawling down the streets a while ago and started hugging something as if she found something special and was unaware of the red light.

 Tsk. Nowadays. People are so clumsy and dumb. Actually, i wouldn't save her if only it didn't happen infront of my bestfriend's girl Café. I know that it will be too inconvenient and a sign of badluck to see that at the opening day of a newly launched cafè if an accident happen infront of it.

"Woah. That was too close dude. How's the girl? Is she okay? Poor. Does she got any bruises or anything?" Kent asked as i head back. Seems that all of the people saw the event and after seeing that everything is okay, they proceed as if nothing happened. Life must go on.

"Yeah. Good thing, i noticed it already."

I was left speechless after the accident. The girl bowed numerous times outside the café and started to head to a different direction. But for a second the girl looked at the café before making bows, she really looked familiar to me. I do not know where. I do not know when but there's a part in me that is saying that she seems to be somebody whom i used to know.

 "Gentlemen, here is your coffee's and freshy baked croissants and mini cakes. Hope you'll like it" Sarah returned while setting up all seemed to be delicious dishes and it really tasted so good.

"This is how it taste like when Sarah does it. So good. There's some Paris feel into it. So good. Looks like our Paul will be into a very good hands." Anthony said

 "Thanks Dude"

"By the way, what is that Tim? A Music Sheet? Is that the song that you are making for Mino?" I was surprised about the music sheets that they are talking about. As far as i know, i havent come up with any melody nor lyrics, how can i come up with a music sheets?

"What are you all talking about?" i asked and they started to point the slightly crumpled but folded sheet of paper attached to my shirt. Apparently, that paper has a bit of tape on it that's why it is hanging on my shirt all along without knowing.

 I opened the sheet and started scanning. Looks like a Music Sheet. By the looks of it, it was written by an amateur with a lot of erasures in every verses of the song. Chords of Guitar are messily written. But what took my interest is the lyrics. I don't know why but i was a bit interested in the overall meaning of the song.

 "No. This isnt the song i am making for Mino. This is just one of my songs that i am making for the Musical" I lied. I was really interested by the song so i hid it inside my pocket. But what i am more interested is the composer of the messily written song. It may be the girl who almost hit by a truck or someone else. But either of the two, i am interested.



arrived at home.

 "Welcome Home Mel, How is it? Did it turn out well?" My mother greeted me while im in my lowest spirit. It didn't seem to feel exciting to tell what happened. After all of those mishaps and especially my almost accident, i am sure she'll freak out.

 "Yeah" i said in a disinterested tone. I took off my shoes and headed back to the room. I know it's still 12:00 PM noon but it feels like all of my energy had been drained out. Shoots. It feels like it really is an Unluckiest Day of my life.

I lied down in my bed and seemed to be reflecting everything that has happened. I really don't know what to think. Gosh. My favorite stress reliever for these kind of situations will be…

Wait… Where is my Music Sheet?


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7380ssiw #1
Chapter 3: Please please please update more....... this is so good!
wow I just found out about this story, hopefully u will be back here :(
Chapter 3: Don't tell me........Stella Park is Joy? Lol