She's My Girl

Good Boy?


“I did it for you.” He shyly smiled. Fei didn’t know what has gotten in to her but she automatically patted GD’s head and smiled like she never did before.

GD’s heart skipped a beat, he looked at her and smiled.

“What are you doing?” he giggled.

“You’re a good boy.” Then Fei laughed and left him, she walked with Sua and GD was left like a freak who laughed and smiled screaming “YES!” while punching the air.


“So you really have a relationship with him?” asked Sua.

“Well, a fake one.” Answered Fei.

“What do you mean by that?” asked Sua while drinking her banana milk. “Want some?” asked Sua giving another milk to Fei.

Fei accepted the milk and started to tell her story. Well it seems that Sua is the only one that she could trust.

“That’s… harsh.” Commented Sua. She’s the ‘I don’t really care about lovelife’ type. “You know what, since we’re friends already, I can only protect you from the girls out here. They’re wilder than beast. And not to mention this is the leader of Bigbang we’re talking about.” She continued slurping her last sip of banana milk.


“Kwon Jiyong!” the voice that called his name was so familiar in GD’s ears. “It’s been a while.”

“Jung Minah…” the elegant girl with a red wine hair and perfect body came near GD.

“You look like you’re meeting your greatest enemy.” Said the girl who was called Minah.

“What are you doing here?” asked GD still feeling strange.

“Your mom sent me here, I’m going to this school. C’mon don’t you miss those old days with me?” she asked again.

“Those were the past Minah.” said GD. Minah who was a little upset held GD’s arms and made a little aegyo and it’s no kidding, she was cute.

Fei was walking with Sua to her locker when the scenery just popped out like that. She stopped and stare for a while, and stayed quiet.

Why am I like this? We’re just fake.

She sighed and kept walking

But then again, why would he want me being his fake girlfriend if he already has one? Tch, playboy

Lots of thoughts were on her mind as she walked, and Sua on the other hand realized that her friend is acting strange.

“You’re jealous.” Sudden words that went out from Sua’s mouth made Fei act even more strage.

“What? Me? Jealous? Oh that would never happen.” Said Fei.

“Oh look, are they kissing?”

“WHAT?” Sua’s trick succeed as she made Fei looked mad. GD and Minah didn’t kiss, they just walked together.

“Yup, je-lous.”

“It’s not that I’m jealous… it just feels weird.” Said Fei with a slower tone and walked away with Sua leaving the view that she hate most away.


Volley practice continued as Fei was trying to hit one of the balls that came to her and passed it to her teammates and did a smash on it. One point for Fei’s team.

“Ouch.” Said Fei as a tennis ball hits her head.

“Oh my, I’m so sorry, are you okay?” a girl with a red wine hair came to her. the face was familiar to Fei but it’s not the other way around.

“I’m okay…” she answered back.

“Ah, where are my manners, I’m Minah by the way.”

“i-I’m Fei, N-nice to meet you.” Fei was nervous because she know that this girl is someone who’s close to GD.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you later.” Said Minah as she left her.


“I’ll see you tomorrow Fei!” said Sua as she walked to a different ways.

As Fei walked to the other way, she saw the same view that she saw this morning, she just felt like turning but GD saw her and called her to catch up with her.

“You two know each other?” asked Minah.

“No.” “Yes.” The two said those different words together and made Minah chuckled.

“Well, anyway Jiyong-ah I think we have something to do so, I’ll catch you later Fei.” Minah then took GD’s hand and pulled him, but GD stooped and pulled his hand slowly.

“No, we don’t. I have something to do but not with you.” Said GD.

“Then with who?” asked Minah.

“With her.” GD moved his eyes to Fei.

“So you do know each other.” Said Minah with a little arrogant face. “Who is she? Another one of your games?”

“No, she’s my girl.” And after GD answered Minah, he took Fei’s hand and slowly pulling her outside of the school. Fei was shocked by GD’s sudden action, but somehow she was also happy, she has that feeling of ‘wow, this person actually cares’ as she followed him outside.

“What is it that you have to do?” asked Fei suddenly in the middle of their walk.

“I just… don’t want her to do anything to you. And don’t you dare get near her.” GD said pointing a finger to Fei’s face.


Quiet was all around them and they sat at a bus stop with GD’s hand still holding Fei’s hand. They both felt comfortable with it because it was also cold and GD’s hand was warm. Soon, even the school’s sweater won’t held the coldness of the weather, so GD opened up his jacket and put it on Fei.

“B-but what about you?”

“You need it more.” GD answered back.

1 minute… 2 minute…

A lot of white objects started to pour as the two stood up. “It’s the first snow in December.” Said Fei. “Let’s make a wish!” Fei then closed her eyes and put her hands together as she prayed. GD on the other side was just looking at her beautiful features.

“I think I already got my wish.” Said GD.

“Really? What is it?” asked Fei in curiosity.

“You.” And GD stared at her eyes as he leaned closer and touched her lips with his. It was one true kiss, unlike the ones he usually gives to those girls at a bar. He felt the thing that he never felt in 3 years. Love.




sorry for another super late update orz

i was having a holiday in Korea, and i know a lot about Korea now so it'll be more easier to make fanfictions kkk

i promised that i would make this fanfiction in only 8 chapters, but i don't know if it would be done or not.

next is a chirstmas special and we'll know how GD and Minah's story is :)

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TheShinningJulie #1
Chapter 8: Please update soon...?! Want to know more
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 8: update soon............
Hana_Kwon #4
Chapter 7: Please update soon~~~~~~
please update soon!
Meng0810 #6
Chapter 3: update this soon please~
Chapter 3: please update i want to read more is very good
acidgaf #8
Meng0810 #9
Chapter 2: are you still gonna update?
Meng0810 #10
Chapter 2: OMG i love school stories~ pls update soon. and i wanna see GD some more action~