Lost Kitten XD

The Professional Cha-Cuddler
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Chapter 23

“So, we all set?” Ravi asked after they filled both of the SUVs’ trunks with the camping stuff. Everyone was excited. It had been god knows how long since anyone last went camping, plus it was Stockholm! Jungshin had said he knew a perfect location for camping that was a little high up in the outskirts. The weather was great and everyone couldn’t wait to get there. Except Leo that is. After their mini ‘couple’s fight’ at the store, N had stuck with Jungshin like glue, asking about the camping place and stuff, being clingy and all. Leaving Leo to sulk on his own although after remembering that N enjoyed "that" kiss too, the sulking effect reduced a bit. Hongbin also opted to keep a distance with Hyuk for now. He didn’t want to ruin the trip for both of them. He decided he’ll just let it go and act normal and have fun while he has the time. Leo made a face as he saw N hitting Jungshin’s shoulder jokingly at something. Seeing both of them so close, laughing with each other just didn’t sit wel- DID JUNGSHIN JUST FIX HIS HAIR FOR HIM?!?!
But he relaxed a bit after knowing that they won’t be in one car together. He went towards them effectively breaking their conversation. “Can we leave? It’s getting late and we’ll need to set up the tents and stuff.” Jungshin nodded while N just rolled his eyes, ignoring the kitten. “Sure hyung. Let’s hit the road.” Leo nodded and went towards his own car, N following behind him.
It was decided that N, Leo, Ravi and Ken will go with Leo in his car while Jungshin will take the lead with Hyuk and Hongbin.
As Ken and Ravi had already occupied the back seat and N wasn’t keen on the display of the couple’s grossness, he had no option but to sit beside Leo in the passenger seat. “I wish I could go with Shinnie….” He mumbled, Leo’s hand tightened on the wheel hearing this. He was gonna kill either of them if N didn’t shut up about his ‘Jungshinnie’ soon and the chances of harming N in any way were slim.
“The view is so GREAT!” Hongbin awed at the tall trees and greenery as they drove further out of the city, taking pictures with his camera. The place was too beautiful to not take pictures. Hyuk found himself captivated with the awe in those big doe eye and the infectious smile paired up with those ocean deep dimples. The look of pure joy on Hongbin’s face as he took picture was something Hyuk wanted to remember forever. “Isn’t it? I come here with my friends all the time. It’s very healing.” Jungshin smiled, satisfied that his guests were happy with his choice. “Yup! We’re gonna have so much fun! How about we set up a bonfire? Now that is a must for camping.” Hyuk suggested and was met with excited agreements by his friend and the art work. He was thankful Hongbin didn’t bring it up again. Honestly, he felt bad that he talked to Hongbin like that. He trusted Hongbin but he wasn’t still ready to talk to him about it...and he was worried that he might've scared the bean off…
The atmosphere in the other car was the same, except for the tension between N and Leo. “What if there are wild animals? We’ll be in trouble…” Ken as usual, was dramatic. “Hyung, Jungshin hyung goes there all the time. He told us it’s the perfect place.”  “That’s true. But won’t it be awesome? Imagine if a wild bear attacks us! You’ll protect me won’t you Wonshikkie?” Ken made puppy eyes at Ravi which were attractive ONLY to Ravi. “Of course hyung, always.” “Ken you guys not?!” N felt like gagging at the disgustingly romantic vibe those two emitted “Why hyunggg~~~Even though you and Leo-jjing had a lovers quarrel but you’re lovey dovey all the—You would shut up now Lee Jaehwan or I won’t be responsible for the consequences…” Leo’s low but dangerous voice shut Ken's whining immediately and Ravi also forgot that he had just promised to always protect his boyfriend. Love or no love, you don’t mess with Leo. Leo, satisfied with the silence at the back glanced at N and saw him fanning his slightly pinkish face with his hand. Their eyes met for just a moment before they looked away quickly.
“WE’RE HERE FINALLY!” Ken yelled as soon as they got out of the car, his voice echoed in the wide empty space surrounded by tall trees and greens everywhere. “This place is so beautiful!” N exclaimed looking around, his face glowin

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swethaTR #1
Chapter 51: I'm so sad this us over TT^TT
One of the most interesting neo stories I have EVER read!!
Chapter 51: Omg this fanfic was so cute and fun! Totally loved it!
Chapter 14: Love your puns, authornim!! (^.^)
Chapter 13: Aww...This was really in point.
I know I'm all late discovering VIXX and everything but, I'm all in to supporting them.
I actually absolutely love the Chained Up Album the best. The songs were so great too! And yep. Probably the most epic since it was released during Leo's birthday.
~~I hope VIXX be VIXX for a long long time. :)))
Chapter 12: Lol! I thought N's gonna give him a real kitty!! ○.○
And...Leo...9 cups of latte in a day aren't healthy, y'know. /-.-\
Chapter 11: Awww!! So gentlemanly of Taek!! :)))
N...you've been LeShinSet!! haha
And..though I'm late...I love CHAINED Up!! Taek's so y with those body waves! Plus the blond hair!! ♡♡♡
Chapter 10: N.......... TT_TT
Aww...Somebody's concerned......... I see you kitten! :))
Chapter 7: Ohh.... Now Leo's sulky... :(((
Chapter 6: Gah!! Trouble after paradise!! lol
Chapter 5: Awww!! Taek finally gave up!! lol
Love the cuddle!! <3