MinMin's awesome concept!

The Professional Cha-Cuddler
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NYong readers! How are ya'all doing? Ur ahjumma writer is back again though this ain't an update. Bianheyo.. But you'll have fun reading this.Yakhseo! ^^

Okay so me and Min were chatting on whatsapp and we came up with a concept of uri own for the upcoming comeback. =D Urineun chel chalaga! XD

NOTE: Please remember that we both had just woken up and were drowsy. Plus Min had just watched the art film for the first time so her feels exploded and I watched the art film again so my feels exploded. Point is................this won't make any sense. But then again...it isn't supposed to so that's why it's awesome! XD

Since there was a lot of greek mythlogy stuff in the film so we gave the oppas characters fitting them. Aren't we awesome?? And if u don't know, u gotta search them so u ken visualize the members in full glory XD XD XD. Here goes:


N-mi XD is gonna be Persephone. Since well, persephone's supposed to be pretty and all.

Look at the beauty! How ken he not rock it. Though Oppa is way more prettier but yes, Persephone it is! XD

Leo-jjing will be Medusa! =D 

Look at those locks! He'll take everyone down with them gelled up like medusa's tentacles! XD

KenKen....tbh, he was supposed to be a telly tubby at first. Cuz well imagine him jumping in between an intense scene with a yellow telly tubby costume.

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swethaTR #1
Chapter 51: I'm so sad this us over TT^TT
One of the most interesting neo stories I have EVER read!!
Chapter 51: Omg this fanfic was so cute and fun! Totally loved it!
Chapter 14: Love your puns, authornim!! (^.^)
Chapter 13: Aww...This was really in point.
I know I'm all late discovering VIXX and everything but, I'm all in to supporting them.
I actually absolutely love the Chained Up Album the best. The songs were so great too! And yep. Probably the most epic since it was released during Leo's birthday.
~~I hope VIXX be VIXX for a long long time. :)))
Chapter 12: Lol! I thought N's gonna give him a real kitty!! ○.○
And...Leo...9 cups of latte in a day aren't healthy, y'know. /-.-\
Chapter 11: Awww!! So gentlemanly of Taek!! :)))
N...you've been LeShinSet!! haha
And..though I'm late...I love CHAINED Up!! Taek's so y with those body waves! Plus the blond hair!! ♡♡♡
Chapter 10: N.......... TT_TT
Aww...Somebody's concerned......... I see you kitten! :))
Chapter 7: Ohh.... Now Leo's sulky... :(((
Chapter 6: Gah!! Trouble after paradise!! lol
Chapter 5: Awww!! Taek finally gave up!! lol
Love the cuddle!! <3