ㅤ「 四 」ㅤ:ㅤ1800-STUDY-BUDDY.

ㅤㅤ「 私の星 」ㅤㅤthoughts & ideas (´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡°◌̊ ).


"how many calories do you burn from running away from your problems?."


inspired by: a bangtan fic....... .. ..... ..  chuckles nervously.
in jinpyo high school in the north of jeolla-do, south korea lives ahn seyeon, president of jinpyo high's student council and overall model student. after petitioning to the teachers for a long time about setting up her own after school club, seyeon manages to convince the teachers to allow her to have her own club 
— for studying. at first literally no one signs up (i mean, really? a study club? why would you even think of that) except maybe a couple guys who do it as a joke and to spend time with seyeon, but it's when the teachers decide to send the lowest graded and students who are failing to join the club for extra help and support that the club really gets going. and although the club is originally set up to be a study club, it's goal slowly strays away from orignal help with studies, to help in friendship, romance, life, and high school in general. these unlikely group of friends begin to bond, and suddenly 'sessions' which are originally held in the library become held at seyeon's house, and etc. blablabla this needs to be elaborated further weeps. practices are held every monday and friday, please don't be late!

▶ the model student — ahn seyeon, taken.

▶ the dumb jock — blabla.
▶ the invisible — blabla.
▶ the sasaeng — blabla.
▶ the queen — blabla.
▶ the foreigner — blabla.
▶ the newbie — blabla.
▶ THE fangirl — BLABLA.
▶ anything else — i don't even know if i should have plotlines??? i'm.

notes: this was an idea i thought of long time ago but never remembered to record down in here, so. needs to be further elaborated????? i....... i don't know rip.


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softboi #1
Chapter 6: i have been waiting for a fic like this
i have characters i've been waiting to use otl