Things Woozi Does

“UGH,” you complain as you roll over on the hardwood floor. “IT’S SO FREAKIN’ HOT!” You’re at the dorm with Woozi and the members and it’s the hottest day of the summer. As you all melt, Jun and Seungcheol have hooked up all the fans, but they have little impact. Your last saving grace, the air conditioner, short-circuited a few days ago.

Woozi’s been cooling himself with one of your notebooks but stops to fan you instead. But his energy quickly dies as he drops next to you. “WHAT DO WE DO?”

You point to the sky. “JUN, WHAT DO WE DO?”

Jun, who’s on the couch, turns his head and groans. “Keep doing what we’ve been doing. Listen to Mingyu’s playlist and wait to die.”

“That was the most depressing thing you’ve ever said,” DK comments. Even his hyper self has been tamed by the heat. Everyone is in the living area, spread out on the somewhat chilled floor. It may not have been the smartest idea, considering all the body heat in the room, but in times of helplessness, company is the best solution. You know as well as anyone that only two things come out of hot weather: 1) complaints about the heat and 2) dramatic behavior.

Seungkwan snaps up off the floor, sweat dripping down his face. “NO!” he screams. “I CAN’T ACCEPT THIS!”

“Accept it, weirdo,” Hoshi responds, not twitching.

“WHO ARE YOU CALLING THE WEIRDO?” Seungkwan yells back.

Hoshi stays still. “I would fight you, Seungkwannie, but not today. Too. Freakin. Hot.”

Before collapsing with the rest, Mingyu managed to plug in his phone to the speakers and play some music. You turn over to Woozi who has his eyes closed. Probably half of the members have fallen asleep. Well, Dino to the right of you is definitely down, but you can’t speak so surely about the rest. You manage to smile through the pain. Every move you make seems to initiate some sort of fire ritual across your skin. “Baby,” you whisper.

He slowly opens his left eye. “Hm?”

“You look really hot today,” you tease.

He flashes a toothy grin. Then, he swings his arm with some large amount of reserved strength to grab your back and pull you into him. You flail and complain, “BABY, IT’S WAY TOO HOT!”

But you punching his chest doesn’t stop him. “Shh, shh.” He pulls you in even tighter. “It’s worth the sweat and tears.”

You give in and snicker. “I hate you.”

“We will melt to form one.”

“That’s disgusting.”

He kisses your forehead. “My stickiness will form a solid attachment between us.”

“I think I’m gonna puke.”

“You do that.” Even in this mess, he buries his head in your tangled hair and, you don’t know how, but you can feel him dozing off. And you gladly join him. There’s a clear difference between the intensity coming from the outside and the intensity coming from him.

You have no idea how long you’ve been dreaming about cold water and ice cubes when you’re body’s abruptly shaken by…well, cold water and ice cubes. You scream at the top of your lungs as Woozi squeezes you. You can hear him yelling too as this waterfall consumes you both. After the pummeling ends, you both just lay there, letting your skin enjoy the icy kisses it just received. Looking at the massive puddle you’re now basically wading in, you and Woozi start laughing hysterically as you lean your head back and look up at Jeonghan and Jisoo, the culprits holding two huge buckets. Jeonghan squats down and smiles at you two. “Sorry, but you guys looked a little too hot.”

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Chapter 39: These stories are too cute!
Chapter 39: Lol he's sooo freaken cute VERY NICE. Please update soon
spacemilk #3
Chapter 39: Author-nim~ Will you update more stories like these? ㅋㅋ They all are so good~♥ Make me squeal so hard just to imagine woozi did such things~~ You're really good at describing! Author-nim, I hope you will update soon!
Chapter 10: Why Wonwoo called Woozi Hyung? Wonwoo and Woozi is the same age and beside, He is older than Jihoon about 4 Month and 37 Days to be exact~ :-/ :-D No heart take, I'm just asking
Chapter 7: I love you JeongSoo couple. BTW thank you for the ice-bucket water XD :-D
Sialover #6
Chapter 33: Please update more!!!!! I love this fanfic
jlwildchild #7
Chapter 39: Omg this series is like the reason my account is still in use!!! Could u please make 1 for vernon and seungcheol and maybe the rest of the crew? itld be cool to have 1 for every member, but no presure or anything :))
gina1402 #8
Chapter 39: OMGGG thanks for writing another chapter of woozi !!~
Chapter 39: Cuteeeeeeeeeee