
Kim Myungsoo Oneshot
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This week seems to be passing really quickly. Maybe because of the sleepless nights. Maybe because I was so busy with work. Or maybe I'm too nervous, worrying too much about how today is going to end. Maybe I'm afraid that this friendship will come to an end. just like that. Yep, I'm in love with my high school bestfriend, Kim Myungsoo. Yep. the same L in the boy group Infinite. I mean, who would not falling for this angel-like boy.

But I'm not falling in love with him for his good-looking. It is because I feel so comfortable with him even though my heart would be jumping out my chest whenever I am with him (A/N: is that even make sense XD) . He also caring at the same time dorky which always the cause for my laughters. I don't imagine that I will be this close with him when I first met him.


"Ahhh today's weather is great" I said while lying down on the grass near the field. It was recess time so no one is using the field at the moment. 

I like to hang out alone, so I always at the field doing nothing but listening to music and staring at the sky. My eyes felt drowsy after listening to Listen by Moon MyungJin. Then, just before I drifted off to dreamland, I was engulfed into a hug by someone and our heads knocked each other hard. I opened my eyes shocked and starting to push whoever was on top of me. I was so scared that someone might taking 'chances' because I was alone. I started to kick my legs up to free myself. 

"Yah, yah yah!" I heard him shouting between the lyrics of Listen, then I remembered I still had my earphone on and quickly took it off while sitting up. He was then rolling beside me holding his crotch. I guess my kicking did hit the right spot.I took a look at the person's face, and realised that it was Kim Myungsoo. He use to sing for a band during school event, so he's quite popular. 

"Arghhh. Yah, that's hurt!" he yelled at me. 

"Mwo?! Then what am I supposed to do when you suddenly did that to me uh, byeontae?? Let it be? Aishh my head feels like it was going to explode" I ranted back at him while standing up and distancing myself from him. Still feeling the pang on my head and I was controlling myself from hitting him more for doing that. 

At the word byeontae though, he looked at me, shocked. 

"I was trying to protect you, and you call me a byeontae? Aishh this girl, really!" he replied back. 

"Protect? tsk, from what? Air? I know you just taking 'chance' on me because I am alone, right?" I replied, still feeling angry. And then, I noticed there was a soccer ball near us and stared at it.

"Eo. that soccer ball. I was protecting you from that soccer ball. Why would a girl like you nonchalantly lying down near a field?" he said again while rubbing his head and massaging his back. He already sat up. I sat there speechless. 

" can just shout and warned me about it." I said.

"With you stuffing your ears with that yellow earphone?" he replied. Okay...I guess that makes sense. 

I started to feel sorry at the moment. "Then you should let it hit me...?" I said in a low voice.

"Right. I should have let it hit you if I know you're not going to appreciate my help" he said while pulling off some grass beneath him. "Aisshhhhhh! I become more stressed because of you"

Feeling sorry, I said, "Yah, I know an entertainment park where you can play as long as you want and I know the workers there, so I guess they can give us fees at the lowest rate"

He quickly looked at me and said, "Jinjja?" I nodded. 

"So, meet me at the school gate later and because of how you treat me just now, I want you to treat me food later on. Jalga!" he said while grabbing the soccer ball and run before I can protest.

"Yah! I don't promise about that!" I yelled back. He just waved back, smiling. 


So, we got closer after spending that evening together.That was 3 years ago. And now I'm back at the place where we first start to know each other. The place where he told me he was actually the one kicking the soccer ball aimlessly at that time to release his stress. The place where he ask me to pay for all food that he wanted to eat. The place we bickered and laughed together. The place where our friendship and my one-sided crush on him started. 

Why I'm here? Well I promised to meet Myungsoo here after his trip to Japan.It's his birthday today and I am going to confess my feeling towards him today since he got busy

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I like it xD