Angry Chinaman

Boiling temper of Chinaman


”Why, why, why!!!” Heechul thought as he sat up in his bed trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. A loud noise was heard from the kitchen as Heechul went up heading for the door.


“Eunhyuk! Donghae! Get of the counter!” he heard Hankyungs concerned voice from inside the kitchen.


As he stepped into the small room he saw Donghae trying to catch Eunhyuk running around Hankyung as he was trying to make breakfast.


“Yah! How come every time we have a day off I always wake up to the sound of you two bouncing around!?”


“Well good morning to you too sunshine!” said Eunhyuk who stopped running around for a brief moment. Hankyung turned around and gave Heechul a peck on the cheek. “Morning Princess” he said with a smile before continuing preparing the food.


“Heechul, can you keep an eye on the boiling water as I go and set the table?” Hankyung asked beaming his hyung with a cute smile. Heechul frowned and went over to the stove as he tried to avoid getting run into as Donghae jumped up on the counter once again.


“You two, please be careful!” Hankyung said before he went out of the room balancing the plates and glasses in his hands as he nearly tripped over Eunhyuk whom now had chased Donghae towards the other side of the small room.




Hankyung loved when they had a day off. Everyone would be sleeping in due to exhaustion because of their busy schedule. Then Hankyung would go up to make breakfast while the others also started to wake up. Sometimes Ryewook came out to help him with the food. Eunhyuk and Donghae would always come out of their room as soon as they heard him opening the fridge.


Just like today they would start playing a game or siting in the kitchen chatting loudly and eventually the other members would awake because of the noise they were making. Well, not all the members though. Kangin who's the appa, hardly ever goes up unless Teukie begs him. Eunhyuk and Donghae sometimes tries to wake him up but they never succeed, it always result in a very grumpy appa.


Heechul usually stay in bed just so that Hankyung would had to go get him. He would always drag Hankyung down on the bed to give him a morning kiss while complaining about how loud the monkey and fishy were and how he would eventually have to kill them if they didn't shut up.

Then they all gathered at the table to eat breakfast together, just like one big happy family!

Guess that's just why he love these days so much, they had time to be together like the family they were.


Hankyung put down the last two glasses as he heard a loud smash followed by a scream from the kitchen. “Yah, you stupid monkey! Aish!!!” When Hankyung ran into the kitchen he saw Donghae and Eunhyuk on the floor with a shocked look in their eyes while his Cinderella was clamping onto the kitchen counter as tears ran down his cheeks. The pot of boiling water were no longer on the stove, the water were splashed all over Heechuls legs and the pot itself were turned upside down on the floor.

“I told you to be careful!” Hankyung screamed at the two boys who quickly stood up. He took ahold of Heechul and carried him bridal style towards the bathroom. Eunhyuk and Donghae followed closely after him, helping him to open the door into the bathroom.

Heechul sent his two dongsaengs a glare while tears still flooded down his cheeks.


Hankyung gently set Heechul down on the edge of the sink. He started ping Heechuls pants but his hyung started to resist and push his hands away “What are you doing?” a frustrated Cinderella screamed at his boyfriend. “Heechul, you have to take your clothes off! We have to pour cold water on your skin or else you might get burns on your legs.” Hankyung tried to explain while trying to hold Heechuls hands still so that he could take his pants off.


Donghae stepped forward from where he and Eunhyuk had been standing and took a hold of Heechuls left arm. He motioned to Eunhyuk to grab their hyungs other arm, whom hesitantly stepped forward and took a hold of the other arm. While Heechul kept screaming and trying to get loose Hankyung quickly started ing Heechuls pants once more.


“I refuse getting when those two are in here!” Heechul screamed as he tried to get free from their grip. By now the other members had heard all the noise and started to come out of their rooms to see what all the commotion was about. They all gathered up outside the bathroom while looking shocked at the scene before them.


Hankyung were trying to carry the half , furious Heechul into the shower while the other were kicking and screaming towards Donghae to let go of his legs and get the hell out of there.

“But hyung, were just trying to help!” Donghae tried to argue with the still crying Cinderella. Eunhyuk had given up and were now standing scared behind his best friend.


“Yah what's all the yelling and screaming about?” they all heard their Teukie umma shouting through the hallway. “Ohh it's just Hankyung hyung, fishy and the monkey who's trying out a group at Heechul hyung!” Kyuhyun shouted back with a smug grin plastered on his face.


“Oww, Minnie!” Sungmin gave his boyfriend a hard smack on the back of his head as he moved aside for their leader who suddenly came running when he heard the maknaes answer. “OMG, what are you doing to my little princess!!!” Leeteuk yelled as he too stared at the scene in the bathroom.


Hankyung was standing all wet with a strong hold on Heechul who was screaming in pain as he got splashed with cold water. Donghae and Eunhyuk were still trying to help them but did a poorly job as it only resulted in more screaming from both Heechul and Hankyung for them to get out.

“What are you doing?! What's happened?!!” Leeteuk screamed at them as he snapped back to reality.


In all the commotion happening inside the bathroom Hankyung suddenly slipped landing hard on his on the shower floor with Heechul still in his arms. “It's their fault! Now can you all just get out!!!” Hankyung burst out sending an angry glare at both of them. Leeteuks umma instincts kicked in as he looked at his oldest crying half in the shower with Hankyung holding him. He quickly pushed out both Eunhyuk and Donghae through the door. “You stay there!” he shouted as he slammed the door shut.




When their umma had disappeared into the bathroom all members stared at Eunhyuk and Donghae. “What did you do this time!?” a furious looking Kangin asked. Both the kids panicked and started telling what happened in the same time. “Wait we can't understand anything your saying” Ryewook told them. Then they started telling from the beginning exactly what happened. When they had finished there was an uncomfortable silence in the hallway.


“No wonder Hankyung hyung is so angry...” Siwon said as he left to help Ryewook and Yesung clean up the mess in the kitchen. All the other members went to the living room, waiting for the other three to come out. “You two sit down at the couch and don't touch anything or anyone!”

Kangin told them with one of his fearful glares.


“We didn't mean to hurt anyone...” Donghae quietly blurted. “Well it doesn't change the fact that Heechul hyung got hurt and is in the bathroom crying his eyes out. You have to learn too be more careful” Sungmin told him as he sat down beside them on the couch.


“I wonder what will happen later, I mean Heechul is scary when he's angry but Hankyung hyung is waaayyyy scarier.” Kyuhyun said with a smirk on his face. Both Donghae and Eunhyuk gulped at the thought. Hankyung was usually very calm but sometimes he could flare up an become the scariest human being on earth. Even scarier then Heechul and Kangin put together.


“Ohh well, it was good to know the two of you!” Kyuhyun said as he laid down on the floor resting his head on his arms. “Yah you evil maknae, you shouldn't say stuff like that! Kangin yelled at him from the kitchen.


“He has a point though...” Ryewook stated as he walked to the table with some food trays. “But don't worry, we know you didn't do it on purpose.”


“Or did you?” Kyuhyun sneaked in cutting of Ryewook. “I'm sure Hankyung hyung will see that it was an accident and forgive the both of you.” Ryewook continued.


“Or will he?”


“Kyuhyun!” they all yelled in unison.




Inside the bathroom Heechul had calmed down and after the cold shower Leeteuk gently dried his oldest carefully with a pair of towels as Hankyung headed to their bedroom to get some new clothes for the both of them. When he came back he dried himself and got re-dressed.


After putting on his clothes he helped their umma smear some special lotion on Heechuls legs to help the flaming red skin from the burn sting. When they were all done Leeteuk decided that it maybe would be best if Heechul got to rest a bit after all the commotion so Hankyung gently lifted the tired Cinderella and carried him into their bedroom.


Leeteuk kept an eye on him as he tucked both Heechul and himself under the covers. Heechul had already fallen asleep. “I'll get you something to eat...” Leeteuk said before he left the room.

In silence Hankyung watched the sleeping princess with a bittersweet smile.




Silence filled the air as Leeteuk entered the living room. “Is the food ready?” he asked as everyone kept staring at him. “Hyung... uhmm... I...” Donghae began but was harshly cut of by their leader. “Is the food ready?!” “Yeah... how's Heechul hyung?” Ryewook asked as he watched their umma making a breakfast tray ready. “I don't know really... It hurts I guess but he's sleeping right now.” Leeteuk answered without looking at any of them when he walked away with the tray down the hall to the Hanchul room.


When he came back, he stopped and looked at everyone whom was still looking at him. “What are you standing here for? Sit down and eat instead of just standing there staring!” Leeteuk told them with a trace of anger in his voice which made no one argue.

All members quietly sat down and began eating their breakfast.


By the time they had all finished not even a word had been spoken. Some members stole glances of the others trying to gather up courage to speak but all attempts had failed. When breakfast was over and done with some people trailed back to their rooms not wanting to be a part of the upcoming drama. Time past and soon it was time for lunch which was something all felt a bit hesitant about. The gloomy atmosphere had not passed and not a single word had been heard from either the Hanchul couple nor their leader.


When they all sat down to eat it felt like a rewind of the morning. Leeteuk went away with a tray and then came back to eat in silence with the other, well that was until... “Ohh please, you can't stay mad forever. Hear them out so that we can continue on with our lives. Please!” Kyuhyun suddenly burst out when they had nearly finished eating. Everyone stared at him and then turned their heads to their leader. “Okay then.. do tell, what do you have to say?” their umma asked in a calm tone. Eunhyuk and Donghae whom were still a bit dazzled because of the maknaes outburst didn't really know what to answer.


“I... uhh... well...” Donghae began. “Just spit it out already!” Kangin told him with a slight irritation. Leeteuk sent him a look before turning back to Donghae. “You were saying?”

“ I.. no I mean we... wanted to say that we are sorry and that we didn't mean for Heechul hyung to get hurt. We were being reckless and... we are truly sorry hyung...” Donghae said while looking down at the table. Everyone turned their heads back to their leader.


Leeteuk gave out a sight before he said with a gentle smile “I know that it was an accident and that you both just want to have fun when we've got free time but I wish that you could try to be more careful and think a little about your surroundings. Not just for everyone else sake but for your own as well. You will get hurt if you're not careful and I don't want that. I hope you've learned your lesson so that maybe I won't have to wrap up another one of you kids in bandages.”


“We have hyung and thank you...” Donghae answered with sincerity. Eunhyuk still hadn't spoken a word, just nodding to what Hae said as he looked down at the table. He seemed like he would burst into tears any second. “But it's not really me you should be apologizing too you know...”

Leeteuk finished as he got up with some dishes into the kitchen.

“I know...” Donghae said with a great sadness in the voice.


“Don't worry to much about it, he'll be fine.” Leeteuk said when he came back and hugged both his little children whom were still looking quite miserable. Everyone felt slightly relieved as all the anger had vanished from the room to be replaced with their leaders motherly care.


After lunch the member gathered up in the living room to watch some TV together. The heavy atmosphere from before had vanished and everyone sat comfortable chatting and laughing at the program they were watching. But as a door down the hallway opened everyone became quiet once again.


Hankyung came out with an emotionless look on his face, he went into the kitchen with the empty food tray he was carrying and then went back to his room. “What if he never speaks to us again?” said Donghae with a sad look on his face. “I think he'll come around, just give it some time.” answered Sungmin before they continued watching the show.




“Rella? You're awake!” said Hankyung as he sat down on their bed taking his princess in his arms. “Yeah but I feel like ...” “My poor little baby, I swear I'm gonna teach those two a lesson they'll never forget!” “Don't... It was an accident and Teukie has probably already punished them.” said Heechul trying to calm down his boyfriend that was fuming with anger. Hankyung continued to argue but Heechul still insisted that he wouldn't do anything radical. Like kill them...


Hankyung was a very calm soul but sometimes he could just snap, especially if it was something concerning his Cinderella. “Okay I won't kill them but I don't promise anything else.” Hankyung finally agreed. “Good, now would you like to come closer so I could kiss you my chinese prince.” “Anything for my princess.” answered Hankyung has he lent down to capture the others lips into a sweet loving kiss.




After the movie ended some of the members gathered up in the kitchen to help out with dinner. The rest were happily chatting in the living room. Eunhyuk still hadn't spoken a word since morning and Donghae were desperately trying to sheer him up. Donghae decided to take him out for dinner so they could be alone for a while.


When dinner was served Leeteuk went to the Hanchul room to cheek on them but he got surprised when right before he was to open the door, it swung open and out came Hankyung carrying Heechul bridal style. “Ohh, I was just about to cheek on you.” “No need for that, were coming out to eat instead, being in there all day is boring.” said Heechul as he beamed a cute smile towards their leader.


“How are you feeling Chullie?” asked Leeteuk. “I'm a bit sore and it stings like hell but it's nothing I can't handle.” “Heechul you shouldn't push your self.” said Leeteuk in a stern voice. “Yeah that's what I keep telling him.” mumbled Hankyung as he walked into the dining room putting down Heechul gently on one of the chairs.


“Okay, dinner is ready everyone.. Heechul hyung!!!” screamed Ryewook when he walked in with the last tray spotting his hyung. He quickly ran over to hug the diva. “Hyung are you all right?! Should we call the doctor?! Do you want cake?!!” “Wookie calm down, I'm okay and yes I would like some cake. But could you please not hug me that tight, I'm a bit sore.” answered Heechul as he was gently patting his overly worried dongsaengs head.


”Omo! I'm so sorry hyung! Did I hurt you!!?” “Wookie! Would you calm down already. It's not like he's dying.” said an very annoyed Kyuhyun making some of the other members glare at him.

Not that he cared, he'd been grumpy all day since Minnie had yelled at him for being insensitive and making everyone else go crazy with his stupid remarks.


“Yah you evil maknae, be quiet and eat your food.”






After dinner they sat down in the living room together watching some old movie. Then suddenly they heard the front door open and quietly close again. In stepped Donghae whom was looking tired and sad followed by Eunhyuk with red puffy eyes.


“Hyukkie what's wrong?” asked the diva. Eunhyuk looked like a kicked dog the moment he heard the voice. Heechul slowly limped up to Eunhyuk and hugged him. As soon as Heechul embraced him Eunhyuk quickly broke down crying. “Hyung ~sob~ I'm so sorry!!! ~sob~ I swear I didn't mean to hurt you!!”


“I know... Just be a bit more careful next time, or better yet keep out of the kitchen when you're playing.” Everyone were looking in awww at the two. “My little babies!” squealed Leeteuk as he smiled with tearful eyes, hugging Kangin closely. The only one not smiling was Hankyung.


“Hyung, I wanted to say I'm sorry too... And I promise, we'll be careful in the future.” said Donghae as he too stepped out hugging his hyung from the back. “Don't make promises you can't keep.” muttered Hankyung when he stepped forward and grabbed ahold of Heechul to carry him back to their room. “Hannie what's the matter?”


“What's the matter! They are what's the matter! I specifically told them not to run around in the kitchen, I've told them to be careful so many times but they never listen!!!” Everyone became quiet and starred at the chinese man that were by now fuming with anger. “I'm tired of always having to worry about you two doing something stupid or getting hurt! Thanks to you two Heechul aren't going to be able to walk without hurting.” when Hankyung had finished his outburst everything in the dorm became deadly quiet.


“Hyung...” “Just forget it.” said Hankyung as he walked back to their room. “I guess he's still mad.” said Kyuhyun. “Ohh you think!” answered Sungmin giving him a glare.


“I'll talk to him..” said Heechul as he tried to wobble back to their room. Eunhyuk and Donghae stared at him with guilt plastered on their faces. “Hyung wait, maybe we should talk to him...” said Donghae and dragged Eunhyuk with him into the dark room and closed the door. All the other members gathered up outside so they could hear what happened on the inside.


“Hyung, I know that you're mad at us, but we still want to say that we're sorry. And we mean it. We're truly sorry.” Hankyung didn't know what to say to Donghaes apologize but he started to feel like maybe he'd been a bit hard on them.


“Hyung ~sob~ do you hate us?” asked Eunhyuk with a tiny voice making Hankyung raise and look at them. Hearing the question his dongsaeng asked made him sad, maybe he had been too hard on them. “Hyukkie no... I don't hate you but I get angry with you when you scare me like that.

You constantly gives me and the others heart attacks.” said the chinese man and hugged them both. “When I get angry at you it's because I care about you.”


A quiet aww could be heard from the other side of the door and Hankyung released both the boys and stepped towards it. He quickly opened it and revealed the others, looking like kids whom just got caught with the hand in the cookie jar. Their leader standing in the middle hugged Hankyung and squeaked ”I am so proud of you!”


“What did you think I was going to do?! Kill them?” “Yeah, you nearly threw me out of the window once for making Heechul cry.” answered Kyuhyun. “Speaking of Heechul, can you take him back? He's kinda heavy..” said Kangin as he stepped in giving Heechul over to his boyfriend. “I'm not!!” “Yes you are, if my Teukie hadn't instructed me to carry you I would had dropped you on the floor.”

“Well then it's not me who's heavy, it's you who's weak and mphhh...” Heechul got cut of by his boyfriends lips. “I'm not weak you little...” Even if Kangin was loudly protesting to the divas statement Heechul couldn't answer cause he was too focused with those delicious lips, dark eyes and warm arms that his lover provided him. They broke for air, totally unaware of their band mates presence. “Should I take a look at those legs of yours later?” asked Hankyung.


Heechul was about to answer when he got cut of by their umma who was trying to push all the youngest out the door, cause according to him his children was too innocent for such things.

“You will do no such thing! My little princess needs rest and until he's recovered and I mean fully recovered you are not to touch him. He will be staying in our room if that makes it easier!” said Leeteuk with a firm tone earning a loud grunt from the appa. “What!!!” screamed Hankyung as he quickly went after their leader into the living room.


“You heard me and don't argue with me, you are not to touch him in such a way and thats final!

I mean it!” Hankyung just stood there with his mouth open starring at their leader whom had taken his signature umma pose with his hand resting on his hips. “Don't worry Hannie, we can take it another time.” said Heechul kissing his stunned boyfriend on the cheek. The scene caused a giggle from all their dongsaengs making Hankyung come back to life. “Okay I changed my mind, I hate you all!” said the grumpy chinese man causing the room to fill with laughter.


And so the rest of the evening went on with both laughter and joy now that everything was back to normal.  



Hello everyone! I know this story is a bit lame but I got bored during school so.... Anyways... Hope you liked it!  ^^

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Chapter 1: Aww, this is so cute!!!
Chapter 1: OMO I loooove it!!! I laughed so hard, that's exactly what I expect all of them to behave!
Normally calm and even tolerating all of Heechuls diva moments, but when it comes to someone hurt Heechul he goes crazily angry and protective all over him <3 Aaaw that was so cute, I guess I will read it again, soon! <3
Chapter 1: This is cute, and it's different because in this story heechul is the calm one. Haha
soo CUTE :)
followurdestiny #5
This story is not lame... Teukie Umma is hilarious. Yay I'm the first one to comment or second and I'm looking forward to more of your stories ^^