Ten for Two

As Joon waited for Jisoo after their long, distraught school activities had ended, just thinking about seeing him for those few seconds would make the end of her day happy once more.

Those peculiar moments with Jisoo or those simple hellos and goodbyes to and from him; Joon cherished and remembered every little bit.  However, this was a different day though.

At least in the world of Joon.

Joon craved for Jisoo's touch - a touch as in at least an hug. A hug to symbolize their stepping stones in their loose friendship.

Now waiting for Jisoo still for at least 10 minutes now, it was five minutes past the normal time he usually came to stand by her, talk with her, and then greet his partings to make his way of leaving.  This was the every day routine they stuck to - although it wasn't really a promise they abided by, it was kept within their hearts that they would see each other to keep their friendly bonds active.

Joon, giving up by now; her feet took off from the lopsided concrete on the rigged sidewalk that would normally fit the feet of two people. Halfway going back home, she heard multiple breaths while different palpitations exerted through the person 10 feet behind her.  Not giving a damn in the world, she blocked out the hindrance still 10 feet apart from her as she took a step forward each time by listening to her music on full volume.

Finally reaching the final step at her doorstep, her knees fell to the outside mat as her earbuds fell out, too, being shocked by the sudden touch of that someone trailing behind her.  Turning around so fast, yet so slowly, she looked up to see the face she yearned to look at every day after school.

Not a word coming out of the both of their mouths, Jisoo leaned in to Joon's face, admiring it for 10 seconds.

All before placing a gentle but the most wondrous, blissful kiss that the both of them could have asked for.

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keiji_ #1
Chapter 1: gosh i can already picture it---
this was short but vv well written!;;;