Everything would change

The Pact

“Wes!” She cried out. “It hurts.” She mumbled in her sobs. Holding her knee she gently tapped at the scraped up bloody mess the pavement had left.

“Hey. It’s okay Sachi, I know it hurts but eventually it won’t and eventually you get so good you won’t fall off.” Wes smiled giving her a hand up and picking up her slightly damaged bike.

“Now, try again! You’ll get it!” He laughed loudly and Sachi let out a smile of confidence and hopped back on.


Sachi sat in the broken down tree house and smiled at the memory. The picture in her hands was so fond to her. She missed being a kid, when the only thing she seemed to have to worry about was cuts and bruises. But, now she had so much more to worry about. The objects in the house had withered with time just as she was. The old record player somehow still intact after all of their silly antics. She wondered how this house ever managed to stay in place and go un battered with them always bounding around inside and out of it like dinosaurs. Her hand gently grazed a through the objects in the ‘Ole’ Treasure Box’ in front of her. Her had lifting out and old red bow she used to wear on a daily basis.


“Sachi, wait up! I have to ask a favor and I’ll return it to you too. Is that doable?” Wes asked with his hand on her shoulder holding her in place in front of him.

“What is it Wes?” Sachi was intrigued. It seemed so important that whatever it was she would have to agree.

“I asked Mina out on a date, Dad said he would take us to the drive in! I need you to see if your brother will let me borrow a nice outfit. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASSSSSEEE Sachi! I’ll never ask another favor, this is so important!” At 14 everything seemed to be a life or death situation. But, Sachi didn’t like talking to her brother, every time she did he always made fun of her.

“Wes, no. I don’t want to!” she said with a huff storming off.

“SACHI! Please! I promise I will do whatever you want or give you whatever you want! Just do this one favor for me.” We pleaded Sachi knew this wasn’t;’t the last favor but, decided she could use this to her advantage.

“Anything?” she stopped with her arms crossed and a dead expression on her face.

Wes’s head perked right up. “Yes, anything!”

“Alright, follow me.” She said taking his hand and guiding him to what she had wanted to use him for.

After a good 30 minutes of running around the town they stopped outside of a shop. Her had pointed at the window.

“What is it?” he questioned not noticing the specific thing she wanted out of the millions of other things that seemed to be displayed.

“I want that!” she said pointing to a bright red bow with small sequins in the middle.

“THAT! But, it’s so girly? Why would you want that?” he scoffed. He was right, Sachi never wore anything girly so it wasn’t much of a surprise that he would say that but, it still made her mad anyway. A swift punch to his arm and he took his previous words back.

“Shut up! Just get me that ad I’ll do this for you.” She said waiting for his response.

“Fine, go!” and they entered the store.

“Ma’am! How much for the Red Bow in the window?” He asked rolling his eyes, he hoped she didn’t think that it was for Sachi as a girlfriend like gift. Yuck!

“Young Sir, the bow that you are inquiring about is $7.” She smiled as he turned quickly.

“NOPE NOPE NOPE! Sachi, I only got $2 from my dad for mowing the yard and taking all the trash out. I also had to clean all the chrome on his car! Anything else Sachi, c’mon it’s just a bow.” He pleaded to her.

“No, I want the bow. You said anything and that is my anything.” She huffed and stomped her foot to seem more demanding. She would get that bow!

“I can’t Sachi.” Wes said sternly trying to win

“Then I am not helping you!” Sachi said turning and exiting the store running back to her house.

As the day got later Sachi felt a little bad about not helping Wes, maybe she should just to be nice. After all he really like Mina and who knows if she’d ever date him again. But, she refused to let the bow go.

*tap-tap-tap* the sound of rocks hitting her window caught her attention. She peered out to see Wes down below. She climbed out of the window down the drain pipe like she had so many times before and planted her feet on the ground.

“Wes…I’m…” he silenced her.

“Mina didn’t ever show up.I know you are sorry but, I also knew she wouldn’t come. I hoped she would but… oh well.” He sighed the saddest of sighs she had heard. Now she really felt bad. It was all her fault. “And it’s not your fault! Also, here.” He held out his hand and she opened hers to receive what he was holding. It was the bow! The bright red shiny bow! He had gotten it.

“How? I thought you only had $2?” she smiled taking it but hesitated a little.

“I used the money for our movie tickets and bought it for you after you ran away.” He said shyly

“You used the money for the movies? But, what if she had shown up? You wouldn’t have been able to go?” she didn’t understand why he would do something like this. He had been in love with Mina since they were 7.

“Because, if she did really show and she actually liked me, she wouldn’t mind if we did something else because I got a gift for my friend.” Sachi smiled at his response.


She held the bow in her hand, it had lost most of the sequins and color over the years. She dusted it off and slid it into her hair smiling at the beautiful memory. Wes seemed to know so much when they were kids. Even when he wanted something he always made sure others had what they wanted or needed before himself. She fondled with the objects in the box some more and brought out a old record of Sinatra. Sinatra was their favorite back in the day. All the teenagers either loved him or wanted to be him. She slipped the cover off and lay the track on the record player and adjusted to a specific song.

Fly me to the moon began to play and it instantly took her back.

“Sachi! Dance with me. Wes said taking her hand and dragging her the middle of the floor.” She tugged back trying to avoid the large crowd of eyes.

“Wes, you know I can’t dance!” She said tugging harder accidentally bumping into the other Prom goers.

“Just trust me!” He said pulling her in fast and spinning her into his arms. She laughed as he led ad she followed. She could feel herself slip every now and then and accidentally step on his foot but, he didn’t seem to mind. The next track came on and they both instantly took to the beat. It had been a song they had heard a thousand times, it was their favorite! Sinatra! Sachi forgot about the other people and let herself go with the music and with Wes. They laughed as they twisted and spun and dipped. The night seemed to play out so fast. But, Sachi didn’t care/ It had been the best night of her life at the time. Prom with her best friend and her last year of high school. It was finally over and her and Wes were going to set out on a big adventure! Sachi smiled as the night ended and Wes walked with her home.

“That was the best night ever!” Wes shouted as loud as his voice would allow while ing his fist in the air.

“It was fun, I can’t wait for everything else we can do! We are unstoppable!” Sachi smiled and skipped around Wes who had his suit jacket throw over his shoulder looking like he had just come out of a 60’s movie.

With a little too much excitement Sachi fell to the ground in her dress. “.” She said holding her knee.

“Well, isn’t this scene all too familiar? Did you fall off a bike midair.” He let out a snort and giggle.

“Shush you!” she smirked to him.

“Are you alright? Need a Band-Aid or maybe me to kiss it?” he giggled some more and she picked up a tiny rock near her and launched it at his head hitting him right between the eyes. With that he had lunged at her and had her pinned on the ground. A mess of laughter and rude playful comments. And somewhere in the midst of all their chaos Wes had quieted everything around them with his lips on Sachi’s yet Sachi’s side of the world seemed so loud. Her mind was racing along with her heart and her bod going numb. Her breathing getting louder and harder and she let herself go. That moment changed everything.


She pondered at the scratching of the record as it had slipped off an ended she couldn’t help but begin to tear up. That summer after High School had ended everything changed, good and bad. The tree house was all that was left of it all and she didn’t want to leave it. Who knew that so much would happen in only 8 years of leaving school and becoming adults. She twiddled at the band on her finger and let herself slide into another memory.


“Sachi, I promise nothing will happen. It’s only been a few days. The doctor said I’m fine it’s just the flu. I promise I’ll be over in a few days and I’ll make up for all the time lost! But, I don’t want you to catch it too. We can’t both be sick. I know you just want to make me feel better but, I feel better just by talking to you, okay?” Wes said over the other line.

“Alright! Fine! I’ll see you in a few days then! But, I want constant updates! Okay? I miss you.” She smiled with sad eyes and they ended their conversation with I love you’s and good nights.

When the week was over he was back just like he had promised. But, he wasn’t the same. Of course he looked and acted the same but, something was off.

“Wes, are you sure you are all better? Something seems wrong?” Sachi placed her hand on his forehead, it was clammy but he didn’t have a fever.

“Silly girl.” He said taking her hand and kissing it gently. “I’m sure I’m fine Dr. Now, If you could asses my heart, I think it’s been stolen right out of my chest!” He let out a loud laugh and Sachi giggled along with him,

“Why patient! Let me quickly check your vitals! Oh no, it seems that you heart is in fact intact but..” She kissed the side of his neck which made his heart beat a little faster. “Yes, yes I see!” She slid her hand down his side and back up sliding his shirt over his head, his heart pumping faster! “Ah, it would seem that in fact you have a serious case of FFS! I must do something about this quick!”

“FFS?” Wes questioned. But Sachi only pressed her finger to his lips.

“Shh, No time. I must act fast.” She slipped her shirt off after his and their bodies intertwined like a rope. Their hands not stopping for a minute taking in every ounce of each other. In no time their clothes had been strewn across Sachis house and they had been bounded to the bed.

“Now, what is FFS?” Wes questioned rubbing his hand up and down Sachis as she lay atop him.

“Silly man, you have Fallen For Sachi.” She smiled a huge gummy smile and he flicked her forehead and laughed.

“Touché!” He laughed with agreement. He slumped out from under her and the covers to his pants across the way. Sachi stared at his body always full of amazement and question as to how she had gotten so lucky. He pulled something small out of the pocket and hopped right back into bed with her.

“Left hand please?” He said taking her hand as she questioned what he had wanted with it. He slid a ring on her finger and he didn’t even have to ask she already knew. But, she let him say it anyway.

“Sachi…We’re 21 now! It’s been 4 years since we started this crazy thing. Unless you would like to include the 8 years of intense awkward friendship and crazy messes! What I’m getting at is. It’s always been you and it always will be you. I know this isn’t ideal timing for something like this but, I feel much better when it’s just us, completely barren and stripped of the outside world…and clothes!” He giggled at his idiotic pun which was slightly funny. “But, I want all of this for the rest of forever. So what do you say, want to keep living crazy like we have together for the rest of forever?”

Sachi nodded in silence, she couldn’t speak or think. She was numb with excitement. She lunged at him after he slid the ring on and took him once more.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Wes huffed with a laugh and messy breath. And with that it was.

The engagement had been a crazy one filled with laughter and tears and then sickness. Wes, had gotten sick again and this time. It wouldn’t go away so easily.

“Doc, what is wrong with him!” Sachi pleaded her tears overflowing.

“I’m afraid his cancer has spread. It’s no longer just in his stomach, his lungs are now degrading too. There isn’t much more we can do, it seems he had refused chemo last year and he was given 8 months. He’s made it a year, He just can’t seem to fight much more. I’m so sorry.” He walked away.

CANCER! He’s had cancer this whole time! He didn’t tell her he didn’t even hint to her, and he refused treatment! Why? Sachi ran back into his room as fast as she could. Wes staring at her with tears in his eyes. He knew she knew now. All she wanted was to ask why? But, she seemed to understand a little and without any question rushed to his side.

“Now, you listen to me. I don’t care why you didn’t tell me. I don’t care why you refused treatment But, I do want to know what we do now? What do I need to do, how can I..?” She fell to the bed her head aside his and cried. Harder than she had ever cried before. She didn’t know what to do. This was all her fault she felt. If she had known earlier she maybe could have coaxed him into treatment and he could probably be healthy now instead of lying in a bed with only weeks or days left to live.

“Sachi, you can’t do anything. I’m sorry I never told you. I wanted to so bad. But, I didn’t want what time I had left with you spent over tears and hospital cords. I wanted us to be perfect like we had always been. I love you more than anything in this world and I know you don’t understand why or how. But, I’m still here and even when I’m not. I’ll still be here.” His hand lifted and gently placed itself onto her heart.

“Even now you are still the biggest cheese.” She let out a half smile between her sobs and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

“But, you have to do something for me. I promise I’ll never ask for another favor again.” She flinched at  the fact that it could be the last favor he would ever ask her but she agreed in an instant.

“Anything.” She whispered.

“Marry me. Today.” And like that the hospital had set up a ceremony, friends and family had gathered and Wes and Sachi were happy. They decided that they wouldn’t let this affect them even though anyone could see the pain in both of their eyes. Wes didn’t want to stay in the hospital, Beside Sachi was where he needed to be, without the cords and monitors. So he was released.

“Sachi, promise me that everything we’ve done and will do will never be forgotten.” Wes smiled holding her hand under the stars in Sachi’s old tree house. They locked pinkies and the pact was made in that night Wes had passed in his sleep. They few weeks following were rough on Sachi, especially when she found out she was pregnant. But, Even though Wes wasn’t on Earth anymore, he had now left behind something so great that made a part of him always be near and Sachi could only smile.

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