Knock Knock

Knock Knock
010 xxxx xxxx : Annyeonghasaeyo oppa, I had a good meal and thank you for the 11 digits. I'll use it well
HongBin-ie oppang: Aniya, take it as a present for helping with the music video
YoungJiii : Dae, fighting for your promotions! I'll be supporting you from a far
HongBin-ie oppang : Why from a far? How about a little closer? 
YoungJiii : Oppa, you know I can't do that ㅠㅠ 
HongBin-ie oppa : I know ke ke ke. You must be tired. Jarjayo (Goodnight)
YoungJiii : Oppa du jarjayo (goodnight) 
Things went on smoothly for YoungJi. She has a descent number of personal fan club and her international fanbase is stable too. She has roommate to thank for and maybe Jackson too. A lot of people love the bickering couple and roommate. She would often receive both hate as well as supporting comments from international and domestic fans. Although at times, she do witness both parties arguing, she was thankful that there are a group of people defending her. Often standing up for her when needed. Most hate came from Jackson's fans. They didn't like how she was close to him or that people were shipping her with him. Maybe it's because they are of the same age or maybe it's because she felt comfortable enough to joke around - she got close to him. Often enough though, she would receive questions from journalist and fans asking if they were in a some relationship. For YoungJi, he was just a dear friend ; nothing more nothing less but everyone thinks otherwise. They kept saying she's the only one having a one sided crush and that Jackson couldn't care less about her. It was a déjà vu. The things that happened to her in middle school. The hate and insult from people because she was close to their favourite oppa. She knew that it shouldn't affect her since she went through it before but it's difficult. She even saw people creating an account just to hate on her and there were accounts posting death threats too. Whenever she went out to the mart, she was afraid a saesang fan might jump on her and hurt her one day. She lived with constant insecurities. She was already receiving much hate from KARA fans who didn't like her ; because she was an healthy idol and not stick thin, they called her fat. They taunt her and made memes criticising her body. Then comes the second group of haters ; the people who didn't like JackJi. She almost had enough. She just wished that they would stop hating her for being who she is. She didn't want to lie to herself anymore. She's not strong. She can't face the haters all by herself. YoungJi then decided to take some fresh air. She stood at the balcony and stared into space. She was looking for the stars when she heard a whisper. In the balcony next door, was HongBin sitting down on a chair with an IPad on his hands.
" What are you thinking about? Don't frown, the wrinkles will make you age."
"Nothing just wanted to clear my mind."
"So how's life? It should be fine right? Seeing as how you never text me anymore and take hours to reply whenever I send something."
" Just busy I guess."
" schedule or with love? "
" love? What do you mean?"
" I watched roommate and hitmaker, you and Jackson huh? I mentioned before right? That you guys were cute."
"Jackson again, why Jackson? Does my life really revolves around Jackson? Do I look like someone who needs Jackson around??!"
That outrage caught HongBin off guard. He stand up and move closer to the edge of the balcony ; just two arms lengths away from her. With a soft voice he said " I never meant it that way. You guys looked close and I'm happy for you. Being able to find a close same-age friend. Really I was just teasing you. I mean, it's nice to tease you because your reaction is gold."
" I don't know oppa. I mean he's a nice person to hang out with but I can't get close to him without receiving hate. I don't have a lot of friends and when I do have one, I cherish them more than anything. I say his name on shows because I sincerely think highly of him but I guess it's not the case for him. I might just be a good friend ; someone who he can talk to - after all, he can talk to almost anyone. Which is why everyone thinks I'm the only delusional one. I wish for once, he opens up and clarify what our friendship really is."
"In this industry, you're going to meet a lot of people - people who will either make you successful or people who will pull your entire career down. It's normal. If he doesn't think of you as highly as possible, you should know, he's not worth it. You will find other people. People like me, and my VIXX members. They really adore you. They think you have a bright future. Just be who you are. Remember this
"Don't let anyone hurt you just because you let them hurt you." They both said simultaneously. 
" You remembered that quote" HongBin said in disbelief 
" I don't remember it oppa, I live by it. It's been my motivation since the day you said it to me."
" wow what an honour Miss Heo YoungJi."
"But really oppa, thank you for everything. Everything."
He smiled and gave her a wink before going back in. A minute later, he came back with a basket and a stick. He placed a box into the basket offered it to her using the stick. It was a sandwich. 
" my parent's went on a cruise and I bought extra sandwich. So here, have some. Food is the best remedy for a sad person."
YoungJi gladly take it and the two enjoy one another's company though they are separated by a wall. The night couldn't feel anymore peaceful. All negative thoughts were forgotten and the only thoughts in her mind were happy thoughts.
Things went on really smoothly lately. When roommate ended, the hate she received cooled down for a moment. There was no reason for them to hate on her since she wasn't publicly seen with Jackson. She was thankful that starlights -VIXX fandom, was accepting of her. She had to guest together with HongBin and Ravi. The trio had a great time filming being on the same team. They bonded even more and people commented that they looked closer than what they have thought. 
HongBin explained about how filming the music video together and staying up late brought them closer. He even talked about how YoungJi supported their comeback. 
When the show aired, YoungJi was glad that they appreciated her efforts supporting VIXX and even said they thought both HongBin and YoungJi made a good couple. Though there was a handful of mean remarks, the rest is good. She stood by the balcony and HongBin was there smiling while looking at his phone. 
" Ohh oppa, is that a message from a girl?"
" Eung."
" really? Who?"
" My fans."
" Aigoo oppa that's lame."
" did you watch the broadcast just now?"
" Eung I did. It was good."
" Yeah and we looked good."
" What? "
" That's what my fans are saying." Pointing to his IPad
" Really?"
" Yeap they are even commenting on your Instagram."
" Oppa are you stalking me?"
Not answering the question, he gave her a wink. 
YoungJi blushed. Her cheeks were warm and her heart was going crazy. 
" Aigoo, you were and omona, YoungJi you're here too. I watched the broadcast just now and I enjoyed it."
" Ahh thank you eomonni. HongBin oppa took care of me really well."
" Ah jinjja, Aigoo uri HongBin-ie."
Seeing his mum his face like a baby made YoungJi laugh. HongBin's embarrassed face was nothing but adorable. 
" Omma kemanhae (stop it) see YoungJi's laughing at me. I'm supposed to be a cool sunbae."
" Aigoo let go of your pride."
The three had a nice time chatting and enjoying the cooling night breeze. HongBin's mum asked about YoungJi's family and her upcoming plans. When YoungJi said that her parents run a cafe, she explained that due to a certain someone and a drink, she recovered from her past. Hearing that, she could see the edges of HongBin's lip curl up. She liked that she made him blush. Seeing him shy was an adorable image and YoungJi wished she could take out her phone and capture that look of his. HongBin excused himself saying that he needs to head to bed due to a summer festival the next day. YoungJi continue the chat with HongBin's mum and learned more about his past. She could tell his mum really adored him based on how she tear up talking about what a lovely child he was.
" You raised him well omonim. He's really considerate and I'm really grateful he's not only my sunbae(senior) but also my nighbour. You should head in, it's getting late and the night is getting colder. Wouldn't want you to catch a cold talking to me."
"Arasseo (alright) Goodnight YoungJi."
When YoungJi woke up the next morning, she saw her Instagram notication was filled with comments. The hate comments which she once forgotten about was back. She read through them and found out that the root of the comments was because her close friend - Jackson Wang unfollowed her ; a couple of days after returning from the jungle. The comments were all the same ; calling her delusional and asking to give up as well as to stop faking their friendship. She cried. She thought this phase was over. 
HongBin was at the rehearsal for the summer festival when she received a message from YoungJi
YoungJiii : Oppa, i'll give up. I won't care about this friendship with Jackson anymore. The hate comments is too much.
Reading that, made him mad that he can't be there for her - comforting her and doing anything possible to make her feel better. Once his part was over, he excused himself from the waiting room to look for an empty space where he could talk to her. Maybe it was coincidental but the only empty exit was the one next to GOT7.

She picked up on the second ring and her voice was shaky " Hello oppa, why ar you calling me?  Don't you have a concert?"

" I'm having my break time right now before the live show. Are you okay? "

" I guess I'm better but still it hurts."
" what happen? Can you tell me? Did he hurt you?"
" He didn't but the hate from his fans did. I woke up and my notification was flooded. Apparently, he unfollowed me and all of a sudden, the fans kept saying-" she couldn't continue and broke down
HongBin could only feel helpless " Cry, cry all you want. Cry all the emotions out until you can no longer feel the pain. Once it's numb, you will be fine and their words won't affect you any longer. I want to be there for you but I'm sorry that I've got a schedule."
"It's okay oppa, I'm already thankful you took the time to call me. I don't have any friends to talk to about this. You're the only one."
" Stop saying thank you. I already said I'm 11 digits away. Now, go to my house and get my mum to make you a yummy dessert though of course it won't be as good as your mum's."
" You went to my parent's café before?"
" I told you Heo YoungJi, I'm your stalker."
"Oppa you're creepy."
"Glad you're laughing already. Remember laugh, don't cry."
"Arasseo Goodbye oppa. Fighting for the concert."
"YoungJi? " HongBin looked up and Jackson was standing there looking at him with a questioning look.
If he didn't have to perform today, HongBin would have punched his face. Although it's not his fault, he didn't like how he's constantly hurting her. She's so fragile. 
" What?" HongBin asked cluelessly
" I didn't mean to eavesdrop hyung but I heard YoungJi's name and something about crying. Is she okay? Are you close with her?"
" I don't know Jackson. Don't ask me. You should think about it and it has nothing to do with you whether or not I'm close to her."
" Did I do something wrong? If I did, why would she call you?"
" I was just being a friend who's there for her Jackson. Now, if you would excuse me, I need to leave."
He walked away clutching his fist. So tempted to punch him so tempted to scream at him. How can one be so clueless. Has he ever for once thought about how she's constantly receiving hate. He spent the rest of the night constantly distracted and making a few mistake when he was MCing. In short, his mind was back a home, comforting YoungJi but no, he was miles away from home just a few doors away from Jackson Wang. The temptation is real. 
When his schedule ended, he quickly asked his manager to go to a 24/7 flower shop saying that it's his mum's birthday and he wants to surprise her when he reaches home. He looked up for the meaning of roses and made up his mind on which rose he would buy. After purchasing the roses, he head home. 
Standing in front of YoungJi's door, his hands were sweaty. He was nervous. This was the first time he's doing an event for the opposite gender. He called her 
" YoungJi-yah, come out. I'm at your door. Let's talk for a while."
" Araseo oppa give me a moment."
With the rose behind him, he prepared himself. When she opened the door, he could only sigh. Looking at how pretty she is. 
" Oppa? "
" I know it's not your birthday but 
You probably hated me all day
You still don’t know me, stupid
Your birthday comes only once a year
How could I forget?
I’m sorry I couldn’t express my heart for all this time
I guess I was too shy to say I love you
Will you close your eyes?
Congratulations, happy birthday to my love
I won’t change, I’ll make your heart race every day
I promise you
Thank you so much, thank you for my love
For being born today, for coming to me
Meeting you was a great fortune in my life
Now blow out the candles, my love
The only thing I can do is
To love you even more
There might be times when I hurt you
But please know this one thing
Just like always, just like now
I love you, you’re my everything to me
Even after ten years, it’ll be like only one day has passed
I won’t change, I’ll make your heart race every day
I promise you, my love
It still feels like a dream
An angel is looking at me and smiling
Like this
Even if I yell I love you endlessly
It’s not enough
Lonely and hard days won’t be scary if we’re together
I’ll give you things that always overflow
Thank you so much, thank you for my love
For being born, for being by my side
I am born again because I met you
Now will you put this ring on? My love

 Lyrics from :


" Sorry I'm late, but thank you for being born. You're perfect Heo YougJi. Will you please accept my 11 lavender roses. Lavender because it was love at first sight and 11 because it means you're truly and deeply loved by me. I fall for you 5 years ago Heo YoungJi and I still do. Will you please accept this rose and be mine. Let's withstand the test of time together. 

" Oppa. What else can I say but yes. I'm more than willing to have you by my side through thick and thin. Thank you oppa - for the past, present and futire."

"Now stop thanking me and kiss me. I've been waiting for 5 years."


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Chapter 3: Now kiss!! I love this story. It'so sweet. ♥
mynameiskimchi95 #2
Chapter 3: Stop thanking me and kiss me LOL love it! Kiss him Youngjiiiii!!!! XD
dabutezu #3
Chapter 3: love your story