
Caramel Mocha

Wonshik's always struggled with relationships.


The idea of meeting up with a person in a  public area who could essentially change your entire life and perhaps make it significantly better has always put him on edge.


Hakyeon's always told him that's it's just 'first date nerves' and that everyone, "even your own mother", gets them.


As much as the tanned boy tries to soften his thoughts, it still feels like someone's twisting his stomach around a fork.




It's a tuesday morning, and the june weather is starting to lighten up. Wonshik still wears the beanie his grandmother gifted him with.


The ten minute walk from his flat to the coffee shop doesn't pose a nuisance to his morning routine, but there are times where he wishes things could be calmer. He doesn't welcome a 7am starting shift with open arms.


There's a dotting of cars on the roads when he steps outside, and there's a young woman pushing a pram on the opposite side of the street. Her hair's been tied back into a lazy bun, but her effort to keep the hair altogether seems to have been futile, as the morning wind plays with the loose strands.


Wonshik hovers for a moment, before pulling his coat across his shoulders and pulling his black dress shirt down, the button catching on the waistband of his jeans. It's hardly the correct weather for shorts and all the rest of the summer clothing, but he still spots a few students making the most of the morning heat.


 He spots Jaehwan a few meters away from the shop, tucking into some frozen yoghurt from the stand outside the supermarket. His co-worker always ensures that he gets his morning serving of frozen yoghurt, or 'froyo' as he calls it. He's not sure where Jaehwan picked up the taste for the sweet treat, but he has a gut feeling Hakyeon is responsible for it.


He's tapping on his phone, and Wonshik can't help but be a little nosy.


"Are you texting your boyfriend again?"


Jaehwan flares up, his face turning red, and the frustrated boy threatens to hit the beanie right off Wonshik's head, into the road. "I told you before! Me and Hyukie aren't dating!"


Wonshik lets out a low chuckle and ducks his head, but takes the wise choice and doesn't aggravate the boy anymore. He knows that no one will appreciate being woken up by a stranger on the street screaming like a pterodactyl at seven am.


As they reach the door, Wonshik suddenly decides to make another sly comment.


"I never said it was Sanghyuk. You said that yourself."


Wonshik grins and turns, running straight through to the back room. Jaehwan's aim seems to be perfect today however, as Wonshik's assaulted by a plastic froyo spoon hitting the back of his head, as Jaehwan practically screams at him.


He hasn't laughed this hard in weeks.




The coffee shop is usually quiet in the morning, with the two workers only greeting a few students and early morning businessmen. Jaehwan's busy creating his latest piece of chalk artwork on the board above their heads, the small step ladder wobbling as he reaches up as much as he can, blue and red chalk dust caking his fingers.


His tongue's sticking out in concentration, as he writes out as many coffee puns he can think of in that moment. As he steps backwards onto the step ladder's platform, the boy admires his handiwork, his apron brightly coloured with the remaining chalk dust that was previously covering his fingers.


The bell rings, and an average height boy steps inside.


His hair is golden, a gorgeous mix of light orange and peach, and there's a pair of dark framed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose. He's dressed in a crisp white shirt, accompanied by a pair of tight black jeans that almost look a little too tight, as if they're cutting off the circulation. His dress shoes are tied perfectly and are polished to a bright shine, there's no signs of scuff marks. His jacket's falling off one shoulder as his backpack drags it down, the strap barely hanging onto his shoulder. His chest is rising and falling, and its clearly obvious that he's been running.


Jaehwan glances down at the boy and then smirks. "Wonshik! There's a customer!"


Wonshik groans from the backroom. He's only just got back from his break and having to go out to the market to restock his fridge at home isn't too much of a bother, but he still regrets not moving off the couch last night to go and pick up more groceries. "Why can't you serve?"


"My fingers are covered in chalk! Just get in here!" Jaehwan yells back, his voice laced with slight annoyance.


The boy patiently waits at the counter, his breathing turning back to normal as he sighs, running his hand through his hair.


Wonshik pulls himself out of the backroom and makes a mental note to hit Jaehwan for focusing more on the damn chalkboard than the work at hand.


However, as soon as Wonshik looks over at the boy, he soon shuns the mental note away and has to resist the simple urge to let his jaw drop. He attempts to swallow the lump in his throat, as his palms start to sweat. He cant remember the last time he reacted like this, but the customer is gorgeous and he can't help himself.


"How can i help you today?" His voice cracks ever so slightly, but he's sure the customer can hear it clear as day, so he clenches his jaw a little.


The boy sticks out his bottom lip ever so slightly as he glances up at the boards. "I'll have.. A caramel mocha with extra whipped cream please."


Wonshik nods a few seconds after the man places his order, and starts to prepare the machine as Jaehwan takes the latter's payment, his fingers still chalky. Wonshik can feel his fingers shaking as he prepares the drink, and he swallows firmly. Get a hold of yourself.


He grabs the can of whipped cream out of the fridge underneath the counter, and shakes the contents, as he glances over to the cash register. Wonshik's eyes avert to the boy, and he feels his fingers tighten around the can, the pads of his fingers slipping around the wet metal. The customer is playing with a strand of his hair, his eyes poking through his fringe as he looks up, making direct eye contact with the barista. That's when he smiles, and Wonshik feels the can slip out of his fingers as his face turns beet red.


Wonshik bites his lip, almost drawing blood as he bends down and hastily picks up the can. He swallows, the lump in his throat stuck in place, as he quietly tries to pipe the whipped cream onto the drink.


"A-Any toppings?" His voice cracks, and he squirms from the embarrassment.


He hears the man shuffle, but doesn't want to look over in case he drops the entire drink onto the floor and embarrasses himself even more. He can feel Jaehwan's eyes on him, and he can see the other barista smiling out of the corner out of his eye. The latter's face is burning under both his co worker's and the customer's stare.


"Erm, do you have chocolate chips?" The customer's voice is laced with sweetness, and Wonshik feels his head spin slightly.


The barista shakily sprinkles chocolate chips on top of the whipped cream, before snapping on the large plastic lid onto the cup, the straw taped onto the side of the reinforced cardboard. He shakily shuffles over to the counter and places the drink down, before giving the customer a shaky smile.


"Thanks-" There's a soft pause as the latter leans forward and looks at the badge on Wonshik's apron, his fingers pulling the straw away from the cardboard. "-Wonshik."


Wonshik's head snaps up, and he's met by dimples.


He swears his heart just stopped for a beat.


The customer smiles at Jaehwan behind him, then bows politely before pushing up his glasses and opening the glass door. And he's gone.


It takes Wonshik a moment to bring himself back down to earth, but he can hear Jaehwan howling with laughter behind him.


"Wow! Wonshik, you-you should've seen yourself!" He bends over, clutching onto the back counter where the coffee machine is, and his hand's over his stomach. Wonshik wants to knee him in the balls then and there, and then proceed to hide behind the couch in the back room. He doesn't though. He just stands there, his face beet red and his hands still.


He's made an absolute mess of himself in front of a customer he's never even met before. He's never seen that boy in the shop.


And it might be the last time.


Great. Wonshik reconsiders going into the backroom, so he makes a beeline for the door, his face still beet red, and Jaehwan's still doubled over on the counter.


The barista throws off his apron, and sits on the couch, his head in his hands.


Why did he act like that. Why did one customer get him so flustered? There's been plenty of pretty girls in the store, so why haven't any of them made him act like that?


He's ed if that customer comes back in again, but a small part of him wants the man to come back. He wants to learn his name, hear that caramel voice, see those gorgeous almond eyes again, and most of all, see his face light up, his dimples pop in his cheeks.


Wonshik's a mess.

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next chapter is coming very soon !! im just making some final adjustments ,, sorry for making you all wait ㅠㅠ


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Angel-princess #1
This is super cute!!!!
Chapter 1: This is so cute! ♡ I love coffee shop au and I've a feeling this is gonna be one of my fav Rabin fics. ^^
wheres-my-cookie #3
Chapter 1: So cute! Update soon~ ^-^
Momoleee #4
Aww so cuTe~ can't wait for the next chapter!!
vixxleoravilover #5
Chapter 1: Awww this is sweet ♡♡♡♡♡