Gutter Ball

Postcards From the Girl in Motion




It was hot, really, really hot. Seulgi was sweating, her body practically melting from the heat. Her arms were slick with perspiration and the button up she’d been wearing was damp and tied around her lithe waist. She’d wrapped the now offensively soaked material so as not to restrict her movements, but also because the room was becoming unbearable. Luckily she’d worn a grey v-neck  and not a white one, that view was reserved for Wendy’s eyes only Her eyes felt itchy from the abundance of smoke—some of it made by machine and some made by being filtered through human lungs. She needed to escape the second hand effects the smoke was having on her body and get cooled down. The one saving grace was the live music.

The club was flashing the brightest light she had ever seen. They appeared as lightening in the dank lower floor of the club, and pulsed in mad, lipstick-red streaks as they reached the rafters. The beat of the live drum was thumping so loudly that from the side stage, she could barely make out the melody of the song. She could feel the sound in her body, the rough and tumble bass drum pounded her bones and shook her muscles wildly. From what she could see—when her face wasn’t covered by a camera—the crowd was awash in the music. They were robotic, alike in all ways, zombies for the dirty beat being sent through their ear drums. She snapped and grooved as best she could to get the photos.




It was half past midnight and she had gotten her shots for her ‘Nightlife in Hong Kong’ photo story, now she just needed a full shot of the crowd. The other shots—the around town pics she’d planned could wait until the next evening. She went from the side stage and through a secret door that led to the club’s balcony. Once there she was alone and could finally hear the songs in full.

The drums were less lethal here and she could actually hear the guitar. It bled and riffed in patterns like waves, it strummed and drifted and distorted. The singer’s voice was desperate and rough as it flowed. It wasn’t Wendy, her voice smooth like melted caramel, but this voice was emotive and somehow scratchy in the best way possible. She needed Wendy here with her to see this. To see the lack of precision, the unearthed diamond of this song, something that needed a bit of a polish. Wendy would know how to polish it. She needed her here to see the crowd thrash and then to see them calm when a slow song began to play. This band was good, striding through the songs at a breakneck pace. They’d practiced looking effortless, but she could see through the façade. She knew something like this would inspire Wendy. She would smile at this thunderous effort in motion, Seulgi knew she would. It was the same effort she’d put into her own singing voice. Wendy’s voice had this same rawness to it, her voice was a wild thing that she’d tamed and trained, and Seulgi longed to see it like this again. To see it broken with tears, or thrown open with laughter. It was beautiful to think about.

Wendy could make Seulgi’s ears feel ic, she’d even told her as much once as they’d laid in bed after love. She needed to hear a song from her pretty lips. She needed to bathe in the fine cup of tea of Wendy’s voice, but she wanted it spiked with whiskey.




She took a set of photos from the balcony after she’d calmed down from thinking about Wendy. She used the continuous shooting feature, then placed her camera over her shoulder and headed to the stairs.

She took one last look toward the stage and saw the singer thrashing against the mic in heartbreak. It was a moment special in it’s own way. It was beautiful and uninhibited, but nothing, no nothing and no one was as gorgeous as Wendy.




The cool night surrounded her and she felt she could breathe again. Her body moved quickly, she could feel the adrenaline sloshing in her bloodstream like an icy, frozen drink. She hadn’t even danced but she was on edge—this is what being in the club had done to her. She smelled like cigarettes and sweat and felt in desperate need of a shower. Her ears thrummed and her eyes still burned but for now the job was done. Her mind was alert and she held tightly to her camera. She stopped on the sidewalk and felt the night’s breeze on her face.

Seulgi untied her shirt from her waist and put it back on. It was till damp and smelled worse than anything she’d had on but she would deal with it until she got to her hotel room down the street. The night was growing chillier by the second and she was thankful for something to put around her arms.

Her lungs were free to breathe deeply so they did and she cleared her thoughts of the hedonistic drums of the club. She looked forward to warm water on her body, the lather of her soap, and the fresh, clean sheets she planned to slide into. She looked forward to food—she’d stashed ramen and other delights to snack on. She looked forward to the burn of soda on her tongue, and terribly cheesy television shows in the background. She looked forward to sleep and the feeling of her tired muscles relaxing in the firm mattress.

Most of all she looked forward to Wendy’s voice over the phone. She needed it tonight, she needed a lullaby.




She felt so much better. The shower had treated her right and now she was enjoying her ramen on the bed and waiting for Wendy to call.

Before she cleaned up, she sent a text to Wendy.


Seulgi: Call me in 20 ;)


No reply had come but she waited and knew Wendy would call. It was just past 1:00 and it was the weekend. She knew Wendy was out with their friends. They’d managed to talk about it over text. She would wait. Their times were only an hour apart. She would wait.




The call finally came fifteen minutes later and Seulgi rolled over and picked it up.


“I’m here, baby,” Wendy whispered.

“Mmm,” Seulgi hummed, “It’s nice to hear your voice.”

“It’s late here,” Wendy said.

“Here too.”

“Of course it is, I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Seulgi asked.

“No sure…because it’s late?”

“Don’t be sorry, we’re in the same boat.”

“How was the band?”

“Really cool,” Seulgi said.


“I wish you could have heard them.”

“Me too,” Wendy said.

“Are you sleepy?” Seulgi asked.

“No, why?”

“You’re just short with your answers tonight,” Seulgi smiled to herself, not upset in the least.

“I’m sorry,” Wendy said sincerely, almost frantic.

“Calm down baby,” Seulgi said, “It’s late. You don’t have to read me a novel at this time of night. I’m not mad, I was kidding.”

“Still,” Wendy said, “I could be more upbeat.”

“I don’t want you to be if you’re not. Did something happen?”

Wendy paused then spoke, “Yes.”

“What?” Seulgi asked worriedly.

“Mrs. Park fell at the late night bowling alley and broke her hand. We’ve been at the hospital since 12:00. I’m still here and so are Joy, Irene, and Yeri. She was up next to bowl and she slipped as she let the ball go.”

“You should have told me this from the start of our conversation, baby. Is she okay otherwise?”

“Yes, she’s joking with Joy and Yeri right now. I’m in the hall,” Wendy explained. Her breathing became more labored and Seulgi could tell she was starting to cry.

“Please don’t cry, Seungwan,” Seulgi whispered.

“I should have done something to help, I—should have suggested we go somewhere else.”

Seulgi could hear the tears through the receiver and wanted to reach through and wipe them away from Wendy’s beautiful face, “Stay calm, okay? I know you’re upset. This wasn’t your fault. It was just an accident, and I’m sure you were as helpful as you could have been.”

Wendy sniffed and let herself be soothed by Seulgi’s voice.

“I’m sorry there’s nothing I can do,” Seulgi said, “I would be there in a heartbeat if I could.”

“I know,” Wendy said, “They’re casting her up, we should be out of here soon.”


“Want to call me when you’re back home?”


“Okay. Wendy-ah?”


“Did she at least get a strike?” Seulgi jokingly asked.

“No,” Wendy laughed through tear stains, “It was a total gutter ball. She was really mad about that.”

“Seulgi laughed as well,  “Sounds like Mrs. Park. Go back in and tell her no more bowling till I get home,” Seulgi said, “Tell her I’ll give her lessons on how to get strikes.”

Wendy chuckled, “Okay, thanks for making be feel a little better. Talk to you in a bit.”

“Yeah baby, talk to you in a bit.”




This round was a FaceTime call and Seulgi picked it up to see a weary Wendy with her old shirt on, and her hair tied up messily. She was clearly ready for bed.

“You need to sleep,” Seulgi said as she looked at her tired girlfriend.

“You too.”

Seulgi had wished all night to hear Wendy’s singing voice, but now she had a better idea.



“Lay back and relax.”

“Okay,” Wendy said. She climbed on the bed and let her head relax against the pillows.

Seulgi hummed the beginning notes of a tune and began to sing to Wendy. Wendy smiled, she loved Seulgi’s voice, always had, and this time it relaxed her. When the song was over Wendy whispered, “Thank you, what was that for?”

“I’ve been wanting to hear your voice all night, but you’re tired so I’ll lend you mine.  I want you to rest easy.”

“You’re sweet.”

“You’re voice soothes me, I want to soothe you too,” Seulgi said quietly.

“Thank you.”

Seulgi smiled at Wendy’s sleepy face, “You’re welcome, now go get some sleep.”


“Good,” Seulgi said, reassured.

“And Seulgi?”


“Try to be careful. Be safe.”

“I’m trying my best. Don’t let Mrs. Park’s accident leave you restless.”

“Okay, just don’t get hurt, I couldn’t take it,” Wendy whispered.

Seulgi looked at Wendy with deep, knowing eyes, “I’m safe and sound and so are you. I’ll be back in your bed soon, and we’ll take care of each other.”


“Now sleep, rest.”

“Don’t get hurt, Seulgi-ah.”

“Have pleasant dreams, don’t think about that.”

“I love you so much,” Wendy said.

“I love you too. Good night.”




A couple of days later, Wendy received the next postcard



Hi From Hong Kong,

I’m writing this from my hotel room today. It’s rainy and windy (no pun intended, baby), and I haven’t found the courage to go out and explore today like I was hoping to do. I think if you were with me, we’d have been all over the city already—even with the rain pouring down around us, and our clothes soaked, and our bones chilled.

I think being with you is exciting, you excite me and challenge me, so there’s no doubt we’d be seeing Hong Kong in blurry lights reflected off of puddles and holding dripping umbrellas that won’t open just right. You would take me to the little café on the corner and make me tell you all about my adventures. But we’ll probably leave the umbrella in the hotel—that’s so like us, isn’t it?—and the deluge of rain will catch up to us. We’d be in trouble when we finally left the café, but I’d be with you so it wouldn’t really matter.

I pray things are well with Mrs. Park, I know you’re still worried and anxious about her, and maybe about me too. I hear it in your voice when we speak at night and I see it in your eyes. I’m okay, alright? I’m very near you now, and I can practically feel you, we’re not far apart. I’m as safe as I can be and haven’t needed to take many risks getting shots.

There are a few more stops for me and I’ll be home. The weeks are passing quickly now and there aren’t many days left to ache through.

Let me know when you need me, okay? I know I can’t be there physically, but I still want to take care of you as best as I can. Tell me your feelings, tell me your thoughts, let me listen to you as you have listened to me. Let me only speak words of encouragement, endearment, and love, it’s all I want to say to you.  I have longed to hear your voice sometimes at night—when it’s dark and the moon shines bright on me. I hope you’ll let me hear it, that sweet, caramel voice that you have.

I feel sappy and lovesick in these postcards, but I’m being honest, pouring my words out for you. You have been so open and kind and brought me so much energy. I love you, and I want to be your energy too.

It’s still raining, and I still need you. I need you to drag me into the streets and kiss me. I need to hold your hand. I need to feel you next to me.

I know I’ll always need you,





This is my quick chapter 5 update! I hope you enjoyed it. I'm in the process of writing chapter 6, which will be a bit complicated plot-wise, so I wanted to get some content out for everyone to read. Let me know what you think of this chapter. Thanks for all the awesome comments and for subscribing!

Be back soon with 6!

follow me on twitter @snapshotsandink




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Chapter 13: i thought that this part would not catch me but I think it became my favorite part although I have not seen the third part I feel that this part was very poetic and thanks for writing
Chapter 13: Another great story author-nim!
YKanon02 #3
Chapter 13: Hermoso! 😭💛💙
YKanon02 #4
Chapter 1: Amo esta historia!!! Realmente la amo. Es tan detallada y hermosa
Chapter 13: awe my seuldy / wenseul heart, this is so beautiful♡ im glad that i discovered your story authornim, thank you for sharing your story ♡
Chapter 13: i love this story so much.. thank you so much for writiing this author ^^
Chapter 13: Beautifully written
Chapter 13: *tears* This is too beautiful asdgghjkl! Its me again dear author, haha I just poated a comment on the first part of this and now I'm done with the second part, haha. This is just beautiful! You really justified the saying "distance makes the heart grow fonder" betweem SeulDy's relationship. You really shocked me with that truck accident tho, I nearly died while reading cuz I thought Seulgi would "die" and then this story will end up angst-y LOL (i'm a er for happy endings ok, don't judge haha :D) ANYWAY, this is a really great series and as you've this is not the last, then I really look forward to it. Thanks for the great fic!
Uwaaa *cries* It's so freaking beautiful, this is why I love this SeulDy/WenSeul ff it gives me so much feels the au is so perfect, damn the feels train tho I'M REALLY HAPPY THAT THIS IS NOT THE END AND I'M LITERALLY JUMPING RN ^__^ lol are they gonna adopt a kid? lol so much thoughts coming through my mind XD you, authornim is so daebak, istg your writing skills is so exquisite *-* I'll wait patiently for the next part woohh FIGHTING!!!!
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing this beautiful piece of awesomeness!! I'll eagerly wait for the next part