Midnight Snack

Mingyu hummed as he did his sheets of calculus homework. It was a good thing that he'd been following the lessons pretty well, or else he would've had terrible difficulties on every question.
But he was getting hungry. His stomach grumbled unpleasantly and he pouted his lips at the fact that the lights were already off downstairs and that he was way too lazy.
Mingyu groaned non-stop as he rolled around the room in dangerous hunger; his stomach was basically an orchestra at this point. 
After bumping into almost half of his furnitures for the past hour, he noticed that stones were flying and were hitting his balcony window frequently from the outside. Mingyu raised a brow as he stood up and walked over to the balcony. He blinked multiple times to make sure it was vivid. 
A pizza box was sitting on top of his railing with a small piece of paper which apparently was a yellow post-it. He approached the mysterious food and pulled the memo off to read what it said;
Mind if I crash for a while?:)
Mingyu looked down from the balcony and watched a figure wave his hands eagerly with a grin plastered to his face.
Mingyu surely did not expect to see a short and blonde fairy to be waving its arms crazily at this hour.
"I brought strawberries..?" 
As if that statement was going make it any more normal.
Before the younger could say anything, Woozi was already climbing the tree nearby the balcony without any difficulties whatsoever. Mingyu did nothing but watch as his senior jumped to his landing, looking up to him with an uncontainable grin.
But something in the elder's eyes was off. It looked as if it was reflecting a million pieces of shattered glass; they looked awfully hurt. But all of that was carefully masked with a special stretch of his lips.
"Hi." Woozi widened his grin as he unexpectedly encircled his arms around the other's waist with a scratchy sound of the plastic bag, looking straight into his eyes.
Mingyu was clearly taken aback at the sudden affectionate move, but did nothing regardless to it. "Hi."
His voice sounded unbelievably clear, almost scaring him how it didn't stutter one bit. 
It was amazing how this one boy could change the way he spoke within hours.
"You hungry?" As if on cue, Mingyu's stomach grumbled a choir.
Woozi couldn't help but to snort at the younger's accidental silliness as Mingyu joined him with a snicker. Soon after, it escalated to loud fits of laughter.
"We should go inside." Mingyu suggested in between.
"Yeah." Woozi didn't fail to forget grabbing the box of pizza to go along. Mingyu stepped in first as he studied the elder's gape at the spacious room, fading both their laughters off. "Your room's huge, man."
Mingyu shrugged at the statement, "I guess." Honestly, he was used to his room, making it seem just as normal as anything else.
"Just sit here." Mingyu gestured to the carpet where he was previously doing his homework. The blonde obliged as he placed the food down gently, crossing his legs under himself.
Mingyu pushed the papers aside, crossing his legs as well. He faced the other blankly; not knowing what to do.
Woozi took that as a cue for him to open the pizza and to close the box with a piece in his hand. Only then Mingyu reached out for his piece and took a delicious bite out of his dinner.
"This is good stuff." Mingyu exclaimed in a muffled voice. 
"I know, right?" Woozi replied with the same voice.
After a while, Mingyu was laying on his stomach while the other was laying on the opposite side as groans of contentment filled the room. The only things between them were the empty pizza box and the plastic bag that had once been full with red strawberries, now left with only one.
"Eat the last strawberry for me now, will you?" Woozi pleaded with a voice an octave higher. He was too full to function.
"No, you eat the last one." Mingyu argued, as he felt even fuller than his senior. Both were still laying flat on the floor, barely able to move an inch.
"I can't take no more."
"Well, me neither."
"But you brought those here."
"I brought them for you!"
The debate seemed to go on for as long as they could remember, until Woozi said the right words to change the younger's mind.
"You know, that last strawberry might be the best strawberry in the whole entire world. Would be a terrible shame if you ain't taking it."
Mingyu rolled his eyes as he struggled to sit up with a grunt; his stomach has grown so much bigger. He lazily fished the last existent fruit in the house, and muttered a 'fine'.
"That's the spirit." Woozi mentally slapped Mingyu's back with a loud snigger of victory.
After devouring it all in with one bite, he actually believed that what the elder said was true. It was really, really good. 
"Hey, maybe you were right about this being the best strawberry in the world. This thing's a knockout." 
Woozi jolted out of his position in disbelief, "you're kidding me." He kinda regretted it now that he's given that one last strawberry to his junior.
But then he thought, if it really was the best one in the world, he was glad his lover got the chance to taste it in spite of his burning love the fruit.
Mingyu shook his head with his bottom lip jutted out, "nope." 
"Well, lucky you then." The blonde scratched his nape as he let out a wide yawn. "I'm kinda sleepy now." 
Mingyu blinked, "oh, you're going back home?" To be very honest, he didn't want Woozi to leave just yet.
"I didn't say that." Woozi calmly spoke as he slowly laid back down. "Mind getting me that pillow?"
Without a word, Mingyu stood without any hint of laziness to grab the other a white sheeted pillow, only to playfully throw it onto Woozi's face with a loud thud.
"Thanks a lot, Captain Shrug Head." Mingyu could somehow feel the capitals at the choice of address as Woozi placed the pillow under his head as he shifted to get comfortable.
"You are welcomed, Mr Shortie Blondie." Not grabbing one for himself, Mingyu laid his head beside the other's, although not necessarily laying next to him. So it sort of forms a T kind of shape. Well, just half, actually.
"Nice way to insult your senior now, eh?" Being around Woozi all the time made him forget that he was in fact younger than the blonde. Mingyu simply responded with a roll of his eyes as silence filled the atmosphere.
Both hearts were gradually thumping faster, yet both don't actually know why. Maybe it was the fact that they were laying so close to each other. Maybe because both were fighting the urge to touch each other. A hundred more "maybe"s sprinted through both minds almost simultaneously.
But Mingyu wanted to take action just slightly more than the other. Who knows when another time like this would come around? He braced himself to collect the small bits of strength he had left before he swiftly flipped his body around, now hovering over the elder's body.
Woozi's eyes widened at the sudden choice of movement, obviously startled and somewhat froze in place. He decided to watch and see what will come next.
Mingyu knew there was no going back now. He shyly brushed his nose against the other's as he made his way down, running his nose through the thick fabric of Woozi's red sweater and stopped right at the hem. Mingyu's hands slipped underneath the clothing and pulled it up a little, revealing the pale stomach of the blonde.
The cold feeling of Mingyu's fingers clearly tickled him as he his tummy in as a sign. Mingyu noticed yet he didn't hesitate to slowly press his lips onto Woozi's fragile and deep belly button as he held both of the elder's thighs for support. Mingyu even dared to gaze into the other's eyes, killing him instantaneously that moment.
Woozi shut his eyes as shivers ran down his spine. His breathing were starting to shorten as he his stomach deeper in. 
Mingyu gave a tiny just below the belly button, which happens to be Woozi's ultra-sensitive spot. The blonde let out a high and small squeal of utter nervousness as he balled both his fists in front of his chest.
Mingyu, on the other hand, was loving every second of it.
And apparently, chuckling ily in a husky and deep voice obviously did not help Woozi's situation. 
Mingyu bit the same spot, tugging on it as he intertwined his fingers with the other's; still looking straight into Woozi's eyes. Woozi pressed his lips into a thin line in attempt to bear whatever it was he's feeling.
"M-Mingyu?" The blonde managed to mutter between short breaths.
Mingyu trailed butterfly kisses up along Woozi's body, diving inside the elder's red sweater and sniffing his sweaty and sweet scent. Woozi held onto Mingyu's neck as he urged the younger to go deeper and deeper, arching his back towards the other.
Soon after, Mingyu's head popped out of the sweater's collar with a grin taped across his face. It bugged Woozi that Mingyu was enjoying this in every way he could.
But all that was washed away by one peck.
No, not on the lips. He did say lips were off-limits. Although he kind of regretted it now.
Mingyu gave a quick and teasing peck on the blonde's chin, shocking the life out of Woozi. He quickly slipped out of the clothing to resume what he'd planned.
And Woozi wearing shorts literally just gave advantage for the younger. He gave the elder's pants a devious smirk, and one to Woozi as well. The blonde panicked and covered as what seemed as his crotch as his cheeks burned with embarrassment.
"Who said I was going after that part?" Mingyu chuckled as the smirk turned into something else; a sincere and loving smile.
Before Woozi could say anything, Mingyu attacked a somewhat weird spot. It was behind his knee, below his thigh, and above his calve. Precisely on the bending spot. Obviously unexpected by the elder.
"I won." Mingyu straightened up to sit between Woozi's legs, placing one on each shoulder as he held onto the other's thighs. Not to forget a devilish smirk of victory.
Woozi gaped at his junior, not knowing how to react as he was THAT surprised. "You..this kid, i swear-"
Mingyu scooped the blonde's body and pulled him into a kiss after dropping his legs down; now wrapping them around the black-haired's waist.
Woozi closed his eyes, turning his head to deepen it. His hands grabbed a fistful of Mingyu's hair as he pressed their bodies closer. Mingyu unknowingly smiled into the kiss in utter delight. He really loved this senior of his.
Before the kiss could heathen, Woozi pulled away to gaze into Mingyu's eyes; he saw galaxies in them.
But Mingyu saw universes in his.
The blonde circled his arms around the boy's neck, "I adore you, you awkward stuttering shrugging boy." 
"And I am helplessly in love with you, you blonde shortie senior." Mingyu confessed with a sweet smile painted across his face; happiness clearly reflected it.
I am ever so glad to be an awkward stuttering shrugging boy. 
Well, YOUR awkward stuttering shrugging boy.
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kwonahra #1
Chapter 10: omg i can't wait for their trip to busan!
11 streak #2
Chapter 10: hi, i really really love your story. There isn't much Jigyu/Hungyu fics out there. <3
FrainZL #3
Chapter 10: Ow so cute.. I'm glad you've updated this fic, please make more jigyu fics author nim..fighting
Chapter 9: I found this fanfic by accident, and now, I am totally in love with it. I'm a Jicheol shipper but now, I don't mind shipping Jigyu (or is it Hungyu?). Anyway, please continue updating and I hope that they do have a sweet and happy ending. Or better yet, no ending at all? Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 9: Awww adorable
Chapter 9: this is so cutee hnngh. thank you for the update c:
FrainZL #7
Chapter 8: oh my jigyu feels...thanks for this beautiful story authornim :')
Chapter 3: Not sure if you noticed, but in a part where both mingyu and jihoon get up, mingyu sling his backpack over his shoulder-- but I thought he left his backpack in class . Either way, this story is amazing so far ;; great work
furuba11 #9