
Yuna is a cinnamon roll. A perfect cinnamon roll.

Yuna is a perfect cinnamon roll. Too good for this world. That's what everybody thinks and that's, as a matter of fact, the truth. There's always a smile on her face and she has always something nice to say. Yuna is the person everyone relies on, not because of her good advices - she lacks of confidence to tell people what to do - but because of how reassuring she can be in the way she squeezes someone's hands or how sweet and tender her voice sounds when she says that everything will be okay eventually. Although she doesn't know how things will turn out, she always manages to do her best and things turn well, even better than expected.

Yuna is an assistant teacher at the same university she studied at. After graduating from her degree, she got asked by one of the best teachers to assist him with the first year students. There are a few students in the first year that are really nice to her and some of them are really cute as well. They remind her of her first year and a lot of sweet memories come back to her. 

There's a girl who goes to her tutoring hours because she has a hard time learning her subject. Chanmi is really a sweetheart, that's what Yuna thinks about her and the feeling is mutual. She may not be good at her subject, but she tries her best and Yuna knows that it will be enough for her to pass the final exam. 

"So then if I-"

"Yeah, that's exactly, and then-"

"Oh, I see!" Chanmi nods once and twice as she takes notes on what the assistant teacher has just explained her.

Their conversations always go that way. It iss like they both can read each other's minds and although that's impossible, the two of them understand each other.

Someone knocks on the door and Yuna doesn't have to look up to know who it is because the time says it all. Their tutoring time has ended and as always, here is Hyejeong with that smile on her face. Yuna admires how the girl can smile like that every single day.


"Sure, girl!" She chuckles at the use of that kind of nickname. "Are we done here, Chanmi?"

"Sure! Thanks a lot, Yuna unnie, you are the best!" The younger stands up and bows at her. Yuna blushes slightly and she waves her hands, just to tell her that it wasn't really like that.

"See you tomorrow, okay?" She gives her a wink and the girl nods once again, before waving her hand at Hyejeong and leaving the room.

"How many girls out there have a crush on you, seriously?" Hyejeong smirks as she raises one of her eyebrows. 

"The same amount that have a crush on you, darling" She remarks, smiling at the girl as they both burst into laughter. 

"Come on, Mina is waiting for us. She probably has a lot of gossips to tell us."

"Gossip time is my favourite time of the day" Yuna rolls her eyes, faking annoyment, but Hyejeong knows her enough to know that she doesn't mean it. She wraps her arm around the girl's shoulders and the two of them walk away. 

"So the new teacher has been doing some nasty things lately" Mina says as she curves her eyebrow with amusement. Half of her body is leaning forward, her elbows leaning on the table as she wants to be closer to her two coworkers. "The rumour says that she's in fact dating a guy from one of her classes."

"A student? That doesn't sound true at all, Mina" Hyejeong argues.

"It's true! It's legit! It's canon, Dongdong!" Mina hisses. Yuna grins as she looks at the two best friends interact. They are too funny for her own good.

"What do you think, Yuna?" Hyejeong gives her a hopeful look, wishing that the girl thinks the same way she does.

"I don't know. It's none of our business, anyway" Yuna shrugs and Hyejeong flashes her a smile before turning to her best friend and sticking the tongue out at her.

Mina pouts and takes a sip of her Frappe using the straw.

"What about you, Yun-yun?" Mina sing-songs, poking the girl's nose. 

"What about what?" She tilts her head to the side, trying to think what does the other girl mean. 

"Boyfriend? Yes? No? Girlfriend then? Pets?" Mina asks all the questions in a row, making Yuna blink a few times before answering.

"No boyfriend, no girlfriend. I have a dog though."

"Oooh, a doggie! What's its name?" Hyejeong looks really excited at the mention of an animal, which makes Yuna giggle. 

"You are going to get mad at me."

"No, why?"

"Because its name is Donggie."

"No way!" Hyejeong covers as she begins to laugh, followed closely by Yuna, who covers as well.

"Back to the topic, why don't you have a boyfriend? You are super cute and a lot of people here have a huge crush on you."

"I told her that just earlier. She doesn't seem to believe it, though" Hyejeong complains, pouting slightly. 

"Yuna is a perfect cinnamon roll. No wonder why she doesn't get that a lot of people have a crush on her."

"Cinnamon roll?" Yuna repeats, tilting her head to the side once again. Hyejeong wonders if Donggie and her owner look alike, because the girl looks like a confused puppy most of the time. 

"Too good for this world" Mina mutters before drinking another sip. "Why don't you go on a date with someone?"

"I'm not interested on that. I just-" She stops for a second to think a good comparation or a way to say what it's inside her mind. "I just go with the flow."

"That's cool" Hyejeong nods her head and leans her chin on the palm of her hand as she stares at Yuna. "That way you won't be waiting till someone knocks on your door. You will just happen to be walking by."

"I'm sorry, literature assistant teacher, but I don't get your metaphor" Mina complains as she raises her hand, like a student asking a question. As an answer at her teasing, Hyejeong hits her head, not really hard but enough for Mina to know that she had caused the effect she wanted.

Yuna simply smiles at the girls antics and she finishes her coffe.

When walking down the street, she finds a sign hanging on the wall. "AOA Black is looking for band members!" She stops on her tracks and she reads it. It's quite simply designed - just a white paper with black letters on it.

"AOA (Ace Of Angels) Black is looking for band members! Bassist, drummer and keyboardist needed. Please contact any of the the numbers bellow if interested!"

She takes out her phone and she adds the two numbers to her contacts - someone called Choa and some other called Jimin. She guesses the two of them are girls, but she doesn't want to jump into conclusions. She promises herself she will call them as soon as she gets home. 

Yuna has played the piano ever since she was a kid, so she knew the keyboard would be no problem. She has a KAWAII keyboard back at her appartment. She has to play it with her headphones on because Donggie has quite sensitive ears and she likes to play the instrument aloud. She thinks that playing with a band will help her relieve some stress from her classes. She's not really that stressed, but she likes to find ways to not think about work 24/7. 

'A band' She smiles to herself as she holds the phone close to herself. 'That sounds like fun.'

As soon as she gets home, she calls the first number - Choa's. After having no answer, she dials the other phone number. 

"Hi?" A girl with husky voice answers at the other end of the phone.

"Hello? Is this Jimin?"

"Yes, that's me. Who is calling?"

She has always had trouble introducing herself, because Yuna herself doesn't really know who Yuna is - how she could tell someone who she was in such a short period of time.

"My name is Yuna. I saw that AOA Black was looking for bandmates? I play the keyboard."

"Oh, that's super cool! Thanks for calling, Yuna! I'm Jimin, I play the guitar. I also rap. We are holding a rehearsal this saturday. We are meeting at that Elvis Coffee Shop in Hongdae. Are you in?"

"Totally!" She chuckles at the eager tone she has just used.

"Cool!" Jimin giggles as well. "At the Elvis Coffee Shop at 5PM. Bring your keyboard!" 


"See you there, Yuna!" 

"See you!" She hangs up the phone and she has a smile on her face. She loves the idea of playing with a band, but also the idea of meeting her bandmates at her favourite coffee shop in Hongdae.

She changes into comfortable clothes and she pets her dog.

At night, she goes for a walk with her dog. At the same time, as usual, she meets this girl who also walks her dog at the same hour. Her name is Seolhyun and she lives in the block in front of her appartment. They usually chat a little and today is not an exception.

"Hi there, Yuna!" The younger greets her as she waves her hand at her. Yuna walks up to her and she pulls the girl into a short hug. 

"How are you doing, sweetie?" She asks in a worried tone. Last time they talked Seolhyun had some problems with a crush she had because that person had rejected her.

"I'm better" She shrugs and she stays with open for a little bit. Yuna likes that about Seolhyun. She tends to get hanging open for no reason. She likes how white her teeth are.

"I'm glad to hear that. You deserve nothing but the best" She nods her head as she says that, which makes Seolhyun chuckle.

"You can be really cheesy sometimes, you know?"

"I know" She agrees and they both giggle. She gets on her knees and she caresses her friend's pet, a labrador retriever. She talks sweetly to him and the four of them play for a while.

They stay quiet for a couple of seconds while their dogs sniff something that seems quite interesting on the grass.

"My crush told me she's crushing on someone else."

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry" Yuna furrows her eyebrows with worry as she places her hand on the girl's forearm.

"Hey, no problem. At least now I know she swings the same way I do."

"The same way we do" She corrects, smirking as she says so. It's really comfortable to have someone to talk openly to. Seolhyun is the only girl she has told she was gay. Who could blame her, though? Everyone had told her ever since she was young that she would be a nice wife someday. But no matter how they put it, she couldn't imagine herself as a wife. Ever since she was a kid and she watched films she imagined herself as Troy and not as Gabriella.

When she met Seolhyun, she felt a great relief because she finally knew that there was nothing wrong with loving someone of her the same gender.

On Friday, Chanmi knocks on her door and enters her office once again. Yuna notices that her bangs are really long now comparing it to when they first met. It almost covers that beautiful eyes she has.

Yuna usually appreciates the best out of everyone. When she says it aloud, it may sound like she's flirting, but that's totally not her intention.

"Chanmi! It's nice to see you again" She smiles at her and she points at the seat in front of her. "The exam is in a week, how are you feeling?"

"I'm not sure I'm going to pass it, Yuna unnie" She sits in front of her and pouts. "I'm trying my best to study, but I keep getting distracted."

"Hey, don't worry so much. Take it easy" She reassures her. It's just a couple of simple words but it's enough to make Chanmi let out a sigh of relief.

"How do you do that?" She asks. Yuna tilts her head with confusion.

"Do what?"

"Be so charming, yet so real."

They both stay silent as Yuna tries to process that she has just been complimented and Chanmi just starts to blush madly.

"I-I should go!"

She stands up and runs out, leaving Yuna astonished. She stands up as well and reaches out to the door. She looks out of her room, but Chanmi is nowhere to be seen. When she looks back at her table she notices that the girl has left a paper there. She doesn't think much about it and she thinks about handing it to her on Monday.

However, she ends up opening it and she gasps as soon as she reads it.

'Yuna unnie,

If I pass the exam,

will you go out on a date with me?'

At the same time as everyday, Hyejeong knocks on the door and pops the head into the room.

"It's just you and me today. Mina left earlier because she has a rehearsal on Saturday."

"Rehearsal?" Yuna asked out of curiousity.

"Yeah. She found a sign on the street when we were back home the other day. She's going to play the bass in a group."

"I see! That's funny, because I'm having a rehearsal on Saturday too."

"AOA Black?"

"Yes!" Yuna exclaims, nodding her head eagerly. "I'm going to that rehearsal as well as the keyboardist."

"What a small world." Hyejeong smiles as she fully enters the office. "Do you want to head home first then?"

"No, well, yeah" She laughs softly and she rubs the back of her neck. "Uh, maybe- You don't have to say yes if you don't want to, but, would you like to come home with me? That way you can meet Donggie. We can drink some tea and hm, talk about things."

'Why am I so nervous about expending time with her alone?'

Hyejeong smiles widely and nods her head.

"That would make me happy."

She opens the door to her appartment with Hyejeong following closely behind and they are both greeted by small and cute Donggie. Hyejeong doesn't think it twice before she gets on her knees and begins to play with the dog. Yuna leaves her bag on the counter and she gives them an amused look as she enjoys the baby voice Hyejeong uses to talk to the dog.

Hyejeong realizes that she has been talking to the dog and saying embarrassing things for a couple of minutes when she looks up at Yuna and the girl is smiling at her. 

"Sorry. He's really cute."

"I know" Yuna chuckles. "Does green tea sound good to you?"

"Sure" Hyejeong nods her head and she follows Yuna into the kitchen. 

They sit next to each other on the kitchen table while the water is still warming inside the teapot. Yuna has placed the tea cups on top of the small plates and she's waiting for the water to boil. Hyejeong plays with the dog with her bare feet, since she has taken off her shoes at the entrance. The two of them stay in silence, but it's not uncomfortable however.

Yuna considers Hyejeong as one of her best friends. She's kind, fashionable - she wasn't impressed when she told her that she had been a cheerleader in her high school years. She feels happy whenever she is around her. However, she wouldn't tell her about her secret, not because she didn't trust her, but because she wouldn't tell anyone. When she confessed it to Seolhyun it was just because Seolhyun was worried about Yuna turning her back on her. 

She's unsure about telling her about the note she received from Chanmi, but she decides to do so as soon as the tea is served.

"May I have your opinion?" She asks while furrowing her eyebrows with worry. Hyejeong adds a little bit of sugar to her tea and glances up at Yuna's eyes. Their gazes lock for a couple of seconds before she nods her head. 

"Sure. What is it?"

"So, uh..." Yuna rubs the back of her neck as she thinks of the right way to say this. "Do you know this girl who comes at my tutoring hours almost everyday?"

"Oh, yeah. The one with the bangs?"

"Yeah, that one" She gets quiet as she tries to put her thoughts in order.

"What about her?" Hyejeong tilts her head to the side.

'Why is it difficult to ask you about this?' Yuna asks herself. 'It shouldn't be like this. I'm usually fine telling people these kind of things.'

But Hyejeong isn't like everyone else. Her charming eyes, the way she moves her lips to express herself. She admires her in so many ways. 'But that's that. It's just admiration, nothing else' Yuna likes to tell herself. Though she's lying.

"She handed me a note earlier today telling me that-" She pauses. She breathes in and she lets out a sigh. "She asked me if I would go on a date with her if she passed next week's exam."

Hyejeong blinks once, and then twice. Yuna gets the feeling that if she happened to be drinking tea at that moment, she would have spilt it. She uses the little spoon to stir the tea to dissolve the sugar. 

"And are you going to accept?" She asks, not being able to look at Yuna in the eyes.

"No, no!" She shakes her head and her hands, maybe more than necessary. "I'm just- I just don't know how to reject her. She's really sweet and young but- She's my student and even if she wasn't I still wouldn't feel anything for her."

Hyejeong takes a deep breath that makes Yuna shiver for some kind of reason.

"I'm glad. I know it's none of my business but I have been in your shoes and it's not an easy situation." She takes a small sip and Yuna can see that the drink has probably burnt her lips because of how quickly Hyejeong places the tea cup back on the table. 

"What did you do back then?" Yuna ask out of curiousity - or that's the reason she tells herself at least.

Hyejeong drops a pause before answering.

"I told him that there0s someone already taking that spot in my heart."

Yuna nods in understanding, but she doesn't understand why does that make her feel upset.

When Yuna walks her dog that night, she doesn't meet Seolhyun. The college student is out on a hangout with a foreign friend she met in her trip to Italy. Her friend Seolhyun is most probably one of the most social people she knows, Mina following closely behind.

As she stops by a small field of grass, she wonders who is that person Hyejeong likes. She knows the girl is single because Mina is always trying to hook her up with some of her boyfriend's friends. She felt relieved whenever she didn't accept any of the dates but she never understood why. However, Hyejeong is always silent about her romantic life, which made Yuna even more curious to know.

She walks by another sign of AOA Black and all her worries seem to fade a little as she thinks about the rehearsal she will have the next day. 

And since she may spend time with Mina alone, she can ask her about Hyejeong's crush.

She arrived at the coffee shop in Hongdae earlier than she expected. The previous night she got added to a group chat on kakaotalk with both Choa and Jimin, along with Mina and a girl who played the drums called Youkyung. Jimin had sent her a picture of herself and her friend Choa so she could recognize them at the cafeteria. Jimin had a blue-greenish ombrè-hair while Choa was absolutely blonde. It surprised her that it looked natural on her. The two of them look like rock stars in that picture, but Yuna has the feeling that they are both sweet and kind. 

She didn't expect all the band members to be female and the former AOA Black members were surprised as well.

She sees an orange haired girl walking by with two drum sticks on her hands so she walks up to her, waving her hand at her. The girl got her headphones off and she smiled at her.

"Hey! Are you here for AOA Black's rehearsal?" She asks, offering her hand for a handshake as soon as she sees her nodding her head. "You must be Youkyung then. Nice to meet you!"

"Seo Yuna, right?" Youkyung asks to make sure as she shakes the girl's hand. Yuna nods her head. "It's nice to meet you too."

"I like your t-shirt!" Yuna comments as she points at the girl's t-shirt. Youkyung looks at her own t-shirt and gives her a sheepish smile. 

"Do you? Thank you" She rubs the back of her head shyly. Yuna couldn't help but mouth the word 'cute'.

"I like your fashion sense. Your hair looks really beautiful with the orange colour" Yuna nods her head to herself. A slight blush begins to appear on the girl's cheeks. 

"Your brown hair is really cool as well. It really suits you."

"Really? Thank you" She gives her a bright smile. 


Yuna turns around to look at Mina who waves her hand at her. The girl looks even tinier while carrying her bass on her back. "Hey there, Mina!" She pulls the shorter into a quick hug before turning back to Youkyung. "This is Mina. We happen to be coworkers. We are both assistant teachers at the same college."

"That's really cool" Youkyung comments, probably because she doesn't know what else to say. Mina shakes hands with her rather eagerly and then begins to ramble with Yuna about how much she has rehearsed. 

"I have been doing some research as well!" Mina exclaims all by a sudden, her loud voice making Youkyung jump a little. "AOA Black is a band that was previously called AOA, but since some members left they called it AOA Black. They made really cool music back then! I'm really looking forward to playing with them. I even learnt some of the bass rifts."

Yuna smiles amusedly at how Mina attempts to play the air bass to show them the part she has learnt. 

"They are really popular in Hongdae! I asked some people around here and all of them knew them. I can't believe I'm going to play with them! Even if it's just for today, I'm really excited!" Mina is literally jumping up and down, which totally shows her excitement.

"Seems like everyone is here already" The voice startles everyone, but once they see who they are the three of them smile and bow. "Introduction time! I'm Jimin" She points at herself and then to the shorter girl next to her "and this is my friend Choa." 

"Nice to meet you there!" The blonde girl waves. 

Just as they are introducing themselves and shaking hands, Yuna knows that this is going to end well.

When tutoring hours arrive on Monday, Yuna finds herself playing an imaginary keyboard on her office's table. Today Chanmi hasn't come by but she isn't surprised. She has seen her in class today and she had her head lowered for all the lesson.

At the same hour as every day, Hyejeong knocks on her door and she opens the door after Yuna tells her to get in. The brown haired girl smiles at her as she always does and that makes Yuna smile as well.

"Coffee time, lady" She gives her a sassy smirk and Yuna stands up immediately. "Mina told me about your rehearsal. I didn't know you were such an awesome singer."

"Mina is probably exaggerating."

"She showed me a recording, Yuna. You shouldn't be so harsh on yourself. You are really awesome."

Yuna doesn't know if it is the fact that Hyejeong slips her hand easily into hers and entwins their fingers or the way the girl has just complimented her, but she feels her cheeks begining to burn. Hyejeong notices and chuckles, poking it slightly.

"And cute."

Yuna pouts playfully which makes Hyejeong laugh again. She pulls the girl by the hand and she leads her out.

"Let's go."

By Wednesday night, when Yuna is walking her dog with Seolhyun, AOA Black's chat group on Kakaotalk has become an absolute chaos.

From Jimin: Girls you don't have to accept. Our first rehearsal was just this Saturday and we have a lot of things to fix, but it would be really cool if we could perform at the bands festival in Hongdae this weekend.

From Choa: If you can rehearse from now on I think we would be able to have at least three songs ready. That's all we need.

From Mina: I'M IN! TOTALLY IN!

From Jimin: Lol, as expected from you, Mina.

From Youkyung: When is it?

From Yuna: That's what I was going to ask

From Choa: Saturday

From Jimin: Sat. 9PM

From Choa: We can play acoustic if you guys are busy. We are used to it ever since the others left...

From Youkyung: I don't have any plans for this week so far so you can count me in.

From Yuna: At what time do you plan to rehearse?

From Jimin: Yay

From Jimin: Around 5PM or so?

From Mina: That's the time our tutoring hours end! Yuna!!!!!!

From Yuna: I guess it's okay then. Count on me!

From Jimin: Yay!!!

"Why do you look so disappointed?" Seolhyun asks. The younger girl could read her like an open book. Yuna is really oblivious to how expressive she really is in fact.

"I don't know. I should be happy about being able to rehearse with AOA Black for the festival this weekend, but there is something that saddens about it."

Seolhyun is about to reply to that, but Yuna's phone begins to vibrate on her hand and the two of them look at the screen to read the new message.

From Mina: Hyejeong says she's going to be in the first row with a sign for you, Yuna!!!!

"Awww, that must be it!" Seolhyun realizes as she nudges the girl.

"What is it?" Yuna asks, her eyes wide.

"Hyejeong, your coworker! You smiled as soon as Mina mentioned her and you got disappointed as soon as you realized that you wouldn't be expending time with her this week."

"That's not- I mean-" Yuna finds herself unable to say anything else. 

The phone rescues her from saying anything else as soon as it vibrates again.

From Jimin: Uuuh, who is that Hyejeong gurl? 

From Mina: She's my bff! She's totally in love with Yuna

From Mina: 's voice! I mean, Yuna's voice! I accidentally pressed send! I swear!!!

From Jimin: I think we should give her more singing lines then, don't you think Choa?

From Choa: Agreed!

"Weird" Seolhyun mutters.

"What's weird?" Yuna asks, oblivious as she is. 

"Nothing" Seolhyun smirks to herself as she places her hands inside her pockets. "Should we go back home? It's getting darker."

"Sure!" Yuna smiles as she nods her head.

"Oh Yuna, you're too good for this world" Seolhyun mutters under her breath.

Friday comes and after the exam Yuna is approached by a shy Chanmi as she is about to leave to her office. The younger girl holds to her shirt's sleeve to stop her from walking.

"May I talk to you?"

Yuna nods her head and leads the girl to her office. The way to her office has never seemed this long before. It's probably because she sometimes made a stop on the cafeteria where she got some coffee and usually walked by Hyejeong.

And just as she thinks about her, the girl appears. Yuna feels nervous because of being seen with Chanmi because it could be misunderstood. However when Hyejeong walks by them, she gives Yuna a knowing wink. Yuna smiles to herself while Chanmi looks back at the other assistant teacher, furrowing her eyebrows.

They arrive at her office and they take their usual seats, which seems awkward because they both know that what they are going to talk about is not an academical issue. After all the weeks sitting in front of each other this is the first time Yuna feels uncomfortable sitting on the teacher position.

"About the note..." Chanmi mutters as she plays with her own fingers. She moves her lips, as mouthing something, but no sound come out. She rubs her temple and she looks up at her finally. "It was wrong. I shouldn't have put you in such a situation. You are my teacher and I'm your student and we are not even that close. I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay, Chanmi" Yuna flashes her a reassuring smile, but it doesn't make the situation better. "I'm sorry for you, but the and all... I don't know. I don't feel the same way about you. I see you like my little sister. You are mature though - a little clumpsy, but mature." She doesn't know if pointing the good things about her will make her feel better, but it's the least she can do instead of staying in an awkward silence. "You could have whatever girl like you like!"

"But not you, I guess" She gives her a small smile, but Yuna can see how hurt she really is. 

"I'm sorry, Chanmi..."

"It's okay."

No matter how much either of them say it, the situation still doesn't seem okay at all. Yuna knows that she can't do anything to make it better, bur she knows that Chanmi will eventually get over her.

After a lot of rehearsals in a row, Saturday finally arrives. AOA Black members have been rehearsing since the morning and they finally seem to be okay with the five songs they will be playing at the band festival in Hongdae. Yuna is nervous because Choa has given her a lot of her lines and she isn't sure if she's going to be able to sing in front of the crowd, specially knowing that Hyejeong is going to be there. She was still oblivious to how the girl made her feel.

The five of them are waiting in the backstage and Choa and Yuna are helping each other to warm up the voice. Mina is helping Jimin with the rap by simply supporting her. Youkyung is playing School Idol Festival on her phone as a warm up. It was something unexpected for all the band members, but Youkyung really liked Love Live! School Idol Project and a lot of kinds of cute animes. 

A man tells them that they are the next ones and they start to get even more nervous. 

"I'm proud of all of you, girls! No matter how the show goes, I'm glad I found you and I know the blonde princess here thinks the same way I do" Jimin says, as the leader she is, as to make everyone feel more motivated. "We love you guys and I know we can rock this festival. Let's show them what the Ace of Angels looks like!" 

She places her hand on the center and everyone follows, placing it on top of hers. Yuna's hand lands on the top and she somehow finds it reassuring.

"AOA Black-"


Just when they do that, the previous band come to the backstage and AOA Black members leave to the stage.

After placing all their instruments and checking the sound once again, Jimin takes a step forward to reach her microphone.

"Good evening, everyone! We are AOA Black. We are going to sing a few songs for you."

"Please listen to our first song, MOYA!" Mina exclaims. Since she is really cheerful, Jimin thought that it would be a nice idea to have her as the MC introducing the songs.

Youkyung hits her drumsticks together four times before the five of them start playing. 

Yuna knows that this is the most important song because the piano plays an important role in the song, but she tries her best to not let the nervousness affect her. With all the lights she doesn't see the anyone in the audience, but she knows that Seolhyun and most importantly Hyejeong is watching her. However, she hasn't messed up so far.

When they reach the bridge the lightning changes and now Yuna can see the audience. Her eyes widen a little when she sees Hyejeong in the first line, holding what seems a piece of cardboard with her name and a heart drawn on it. She loses the beat a little but she gets it back just before Jimin's rap, which makes her sigh with relief.

The song that follows after that one is Short Hair. The lightning has gone back to the one before, but Yuna still manages to see Hyejeong's sign and that makes her heart beat faster even if it seems impossible to her. She keeps a smile on her face for all the song.

When they finish that song, they have a small MC corner again.

"That was Short Hair! Thank you so much!" Mina exclaims before she bows at the audience. The lightning changes to the one they had during the bridge of Moya and Yuna laughs out loud as she sees how Hyejeong has turned into a total fangirl.

"Well, as you may know, after AOA changed its members, we changed the name to AOA Black" Jimin explains. She's kind out of breath so Choa takes it as a sign to keep the MC part by herself.

"Thank you so much for supporting us along the way because it's thank to you that we never gave up and we finally found these amazing members who will now be a part of our family. Please, let me introduce them to you. On the bass, Kwon Mina!" The short girl bows at the audience once again and then makes a reverence with her short skirt. "On the drums, Y!" Choa uses the girl's artistic name and the orange haired girl stands up to bow at the audience. "And on the keyboard and precious vocals, Seo Yuna!" 

Yuna bows at the audience and she laughs once again as she hears Hyejeong shouting loudly, much louder than she did when Mina was announced. 

"Okay, three songs to go! The next one is a big classic - GET OUT!" Mina announces.

That song goes quite well too, though Mina messes up a little bit her bass rift. However, nobody in the audience seems to have noticed. They play the next song right after that, Miniskirt. This time Yuna messes up with her lines because the lights have once again changed during the chorus and she can clearly see Hyejeong dancing to the y beat of the song though some of her movements come out a little bit awkward intentionaly.

"This is our last song!" Jimin announces right after they are done with the song. 

"This is a song Yuna would like to sing for a certain special person! Let's go with Heart attack!" Mina exclaims and, though Yuna can't see it, she winks at Hyejeong. Yuna looks like a lost puppy for a couple of seconds. She comes back to herself when Youkyung hits the drumsticks together four times. 

As Mina sings the begining of the song Yuna realizes that she really does relate to the feelings described in the song. She does seem to get a heart attack whenever she sees Hyejeong.

When her lines come she smiles confidently at the audience, specially at where Hyejeong is.

And she doesn't know, but that smile is probably what makes Hyejeong feel like she's just got a heart attact.

After the short concert is over Yuna feels exhausted. It has been like an emotional rollercoaster but she's sure that she wants to repeat it soon. With the keyboard bag hanging from her shoulder she walks out of the backstage to place all the instruments back in Jimin's truck. 

"That was an awesome concert girls" Jimin congratulates her band mates once they are done. "Let's go back and enjoy the rest of performances!"

They all agree and Mina links her arm with Yuna, eager to lead her to where Hyejeong is. As soon as they get in the concert area they get greeted by some random fans. After snapping some selfies with them, Mina leads Yuna without previous warning to wher Hyejeong is. They meet halfway, since Hyejeong seemed to be looking for them as well.

"Hey!" She exclaims, trying to make her voice louder than the music. "That was a great concert! I'm totally your fan now!" 

"And even more than that if you are lucky enough" Mina smirks, taking the chance that neither of them could hear her. "I'm going to greet a friend over there! See you later girls!" 

Before any of them can say anything, the shortest turns around.

"Can we go somewhere where I don't need to scream to talk to you?!" Hyejeong suggests and Yuna nods her head in agreement.

Hyejeong once again slips her hand into Yuna's easily and that makes her smile.

Once they are a little far away from the crowd, the two girls seem to be in her own bubble. Their bodies are naturaly close although it's a warm night.

"That last song was amazing."

"I know, right? Heart Attack is a really nice song."

"Who was that special someone you wanted to sing it for?" Hyejeong dares to ask, though Mina has make it clear that it was for her.

"Don't you know? It was obviously for Chanmi" Yuna jokes, just to tease Hyejeong a little bit. The girl pouts and for a second, she even questions if Yuna is joking. "It's obviously for you, silly. Look, you are giving me a heart attack right now."

Yuna placed Hyejeong's hand on her chest so the girl can feel her heartbeat and Hyejeong laughs with relief.

"Oh my god" She covers and some tears appear on the corners of her eyes. "I can't believe this is real."

"I can't believe it either."

"I really like you, Yuna. I always did."

"I really like you too. I'm sorry for denying it to myself for so long" She pouts sligthly. "I hope it was worth the wait."

Hyejeong simply nods her head and she leans closer, leaning her forehead on Yuna's.

"It was."

And Hyejeong can feel Yuna's smile on top of her lips.

Mina, Jimin and Choa watch the scene in the distance.

"Cinnamon roll" Mina comments. "Totally cinnamon rolls."


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Chapter 1: totally cinnamon rolls i kennat XD so much feelsssssssssss! the feel trip~ thanks so much for writing this :D school idol festivial omg im playing that game now XD and watching the anime~ thanks for writing this fic!!!<333
Chapter 1: This is such a sweeeeeeet story since I'm a big shipper of YuJeong <3333 please write more!!!