
I'll Stop the World and Melt With You

A small shop sits in the middle of the student center with big white letters depicting the words, “Absolute Zero”, in fancy loopy font along with a bright pink caption below: “The chillest place on campus!” During the heat of summer and spring, it’s the most popular place for the students of the university to take a needed escape from their studies by treating themselves to a delicious, frozen treat.



However, it’s a cold autumn day and the parlor is quiet right now with the exception of one patron on her laptop sitting in at one of the table near the wall. The sound of her fingers tapping against the keyboard fills the small shop as she quietly hums to herself, occasionally scooping a bit of her patbingsoo* and then letting it melt in while she contemplates what to type next.



Another young woman is currently running the shop in her baby pink long-sleeved polo and golden name tag engraved with “Park Chorong”.


Chorong is wiping the table next to the girl as she counts down the minutes to the end of her shift. She finds it peculiar that this girl would rather type an essay in an ice cream parlor when there are numerous other places that would be more appropriate -- warmer and cozy and not an ice cream shop.


“You know if you wanted a nice quiet place to study there’s a cafe two blocks down from here.”


Chorong breaks the silence in the shop but it doesn’t distract the girl one bit from her work. She doesn’t really want to judge the girl because frankly she does need the money but really she never understood why people would want eat something so cold when the weather was already cold enough.


The girl hums a bit in contemplation before responding, “Yeah but coffee is bitter. I like sweet things.”


Chorong pauses in her work and looks at the concentrated girl still typing on her laptop. Sensing the extra attention on her, the girl raises her head and gives Chorong a polite smile.


It’s blinding.


Chorong’s lips lift up in a shy smile.


She likes sweet things too.




"Do you have a map?"


Chorong looks up from her book to meet the eyes of the same girl that’s been sitting at the same spot in the ice cream parlor for the past couple of days. The shop is slow again which gives Chorong time to catch up on some school work. But really, deciphering Shakespeare’s old plays is such a bore; she’s happy with any distraction she could get.


"I'm sorry. What?"


The girl is looking at her with a gleeful smile. It’s a little breathtaking how joyous the girl is despite the gloomy autumn weather outside.


"Do you have a map? I've lost my way to your heart."


The girl’s delivery is so greasy; it strikes Chorong speechless. Bomi speaks again before Chorong’s brain has a chance to process the pick up line.


"I'm sorry. I just wanted to break the ice since this essay is still killing me. I'm Yoon Bomi. 1st year.”


Bomi laughs and Chorong finds herself joining along. This girl is very unexpected. Chorong has to admit she likes it.


"Park Chorong. 3rd year."


Bomi does a quick bow or what’s close enough to one that she can manage from her chair.


"It's nice to formally meet you, Unnie!"


Chorong giggles and bows her head slightly in acknowledgement. Bomi’s enthusiasm is very contagious.


It's nice to have new company during these boring shifts.




The sun has long sunken behind the horizon when Chorong is walking home after her late shift at the parlor. For some odd reason, the students picked the coldest day of the month to indulge in ice cream. To put it bluntly, she’s exhausted and extremely hungry.


She’s debating on whether she should treat herself to a nice bowl of something warm like soup or ramen from a nearby shop when she see two figures approaching her direction on the illuminated sidewalk. One is a familiar face but in unfamiliar clothes while the other looks like a stumbling frat boy that just left a party.


Bomi, donned in a huge hoodie with their university’s logo on it, has a sports bag hanging from her shoulder as she waves at Chorong from across the street.


Chorong raises her hand to return the wave when the frat boy stumbles towards her. He seems very intoxicated as he clumsily puts a hand on her shoulder. Stabilizing himself slightly he slurs out, “Hey cutie, how about you and I go back to my place tonight?”


Bomi, seeing the whole scene, yells out at his actions and dashes to their side of the street.


With a disgusted look on her face at his touch and his rancid breath, Chorong effortlessly flips the guy on his back. She brushes off where his offending limb had touched her shoulder while Bomi stops a few feet before the scene and stares wide-eyed in utter shock.


“Get up and go home, ert.” Chorong’s voice is colder than the crisp air around them.


The guy, scared out of his wits, hurriedly scrambles up and takes off down the street as best as his drunk senses could allow him.


“How did you do that?” Bomi quietly asks when it’s just the two of them alone on the sidewalk.


“Hapkido. My dad put me in it and I managed to get a black belt before coming to study at university.” Chorong’s voice is soft and warm now, completely unlike her previously cold tone.


“Oh cool!” Bomi exclaims in excitement after the shock passes over. “I help train the little kids in Tae Kwon Do at the local gym in town for some spare change. Especially since I need to fund my newfound addiction to patbingsoo.”


Bomi gives her signature giggle and Chorong rolls her eyes. This girl is shameless but she has to admit it’s somewhat endearing. A light breeze has Chorong rubbing her hands together. She’s curious as to why Bomi is out this late in the middle of the week.


“So where are you off to so late?”


“My apartment! I just finished helping the gym close up for the night. Now, I have a date with a warm cup of ramen that I’ve been looking forward to all evening.” Bomi sighs contently at the thought of the delicious chili powder soup.


Oh yes food. Chorong’s stomach growls at the reminder that she hasn’t eaten a proper meal in over 5 hours.


“How about a nice big bowl of ramen instead? I know this one place nearby that’s delicious and affordable. Every university student’s dream come true.”


Bomi is hesitant as she rubs the strap of her bag between two fingers.


“I insist. C’mon, Let Unnie treat you.”


It doesn’t take much more to convince Bomi to accept the invitation.


“Thanks Unnie! I’ll repay you somehow!”


Bomi bows deeply while Chorong shakes her head fondly.


She admires Bomi’s manners but really she doesn’t mind splurging a bit if it’s for a pretty girl.




It’s been almost a month since meeting Bomi and Chorong has to admit that she misses the other girl when she’s not around, like today.


It’s another quiet day at the shop so Chorong takes this opportunity to catch up on her reading assignments. Biology is seriously ruining her GPA. Everyday she questions why general education requirements exist. Who cares about well-roundedness; she just wants to act on a stage. Why didn’t she take this class during her 1st year. Why tuition is so expensive. And why financial aid doesn’t seem to exist and --


A sharp cringe-inducing sound breaks her rambling as her hands shoot up to cover her ears.


It was like a guitar got into a fight with a grizzly bear and it’s obviously losing. Badly.


Another piercing sound cuts through the air. Chorong checks her ears to make sure they’re not bleeding before grabbing a broom and going out to investigate. She’s going to beat the hell out of this failed wannabe musician and then she’s gonna hang their broken guitar in her living room for all to see of her conquest.


No one disturbs Park Cho-




The sound of the bell chiming and her name being called causes the said girl to turn around.


Chorong stops in her tracks, a little stunned at the scene before her. Bomi’s standing outside the shop by one of the nearby trees with a bright pink guitar hanging from her neck, supporting it with her hands.


The hand placement is awkward, as if Bomi didn’t quite know how to hold a guitar. With another strum of the guitar, Chorong was sure: Bomi really doesn’t know how to work a guitar.


Bomi starts to sing on the next harsh resonating chord.


“I love you Unnie!”


Only one thought goes through Chorong’s head: oh my god.


“I ain’t never gonna stop loving you Unnie!”


Chorong’s not sure which is was more off pitch: Bomi’s voice or the guitar. But she’s sure of one thing, her ears are actually gonna bleed if Bomi keeps this up.


They’re getting weird looks and Chorong thinks about abandoning Bomi in the cold.


Thankfully, Bomi finishes “her song” quickly after. She plays an intense guitar solo, strumming in the strings in a way that can only be described as violent assault, and ends with a flourish. She gives a wink to Chorong which she can only describe as one word: greasy.


She gives shameless bows and voices her gratitude to the small crowd that gathered around to watch and waves at them as they disperse.


Chorong sighs in relief over the fact that the song was finally over. She’s a little ashamed at how mean that seems but she’s also grateful that her ears are only slightly ringing.


Bomi removes the strap from her neck and walks over to Chorong who’s still a bit stupefied from it all. Giving her a smile, Bomi nudges the frozen girl.


“My performance was so good that you’re speechless, huh?”


Chorong is broken from her stupor but her mind still can’t begin to formulate her thoughts.




Bomi stops her with an exaggerated wave of her hand, holding a finger to Chorong’s lips.


“Shhh, speak no more. I know I have that effect on girls. I’m just so…”


She takes a dramatic pause and flips her hair.




Chorong shakes her head hoping the ringing in her ears would go away soon. Bomi could be too much sometimes.


“Bomi, what are you doing?” Chorong asks, trying her best to not sound as exasperated as she feels.


“Serenading you, obviously.”


Chorong shakes her head at Bomi’s tone, as if she had just asked if two plus two was four and Bomi was offended at such a simple question. Chorong tries again.


“Okay besides that. What are you doing?”


Bomi’s pout disappears and her captivating smile is in full force.


“I’m trying to woo you so that you’ll agree to go on a date with me!”


“A… date?” Chorong tries to suppress the surprise in her voice but she can’t help the joy that slips out.


“Yes a date! I planned it all out perfectly. Please say yes, Unnie!”


With Bomi looking at her with such eager, shining eyes, Chorong feels like it’s impossible to give her anything else but a yes.


“Great, I’ll pick you up after your shift tomorrow. You get off earlier, right?”


Chorong nods in confirmation and Bomi’s excitement increases tenfold.


“Sweet! Okay, dress casually. Bye!”


Bomi grabs her guitar and runs away before Chorong could really process the last few minutes that just occurred. She can’t dawdle in her thoughts for too long before a patron walks past her into the store and she hurriedly follows behind.


She can’t afford to treat Bomi to a repayment-date if she’s unemployed.




Chorong is sitting at a table in the ice cream shop waiting for Bomi to arrive. She tugs at the end of her white dress and swings her feet. She hopes that Bomi remembers that she had the morning shifts on Saturdays.


“Unnie, lift up your feet.”


Chorong lifts her feet so that her coworker, Jung Eunji, could sweep around her table. Eunji sweeps a few broad , cleaning up any debris brought in by the dirty shoes of the customers, before moving on to another area.


“So which lucky girl has been keeping you waiting here for the past...” Eunji asks, checking her watch, “fifteen minutes?”


“Bomi. Yoon Bomi,” Chorong says softly, enjoying the way her lips shape around the name.


“Oh I know that kid. She’s in my Intro to Writing class. Why don’t you just text her, Unnie?”


Chorong eyes widen as she stutters in an attempt to form a response. Eunji looks at Chorong’s flushed face and shakes her head slightly in a mock scolding.


“You don’t have her number, huh, Unnie?” Eunji gives a loud whistle as she walks to the other side of the store to sweep.


“Only Yoon Bomi would manage to get a date without first getting a phone number. And give it to Park Chorong to be too flustered to give her phone number first. Unnie, you two are perfect for each other. Dumb and dumber.”


She pauses from her work and stands with her chin resting on top of her hands holding on the broom’s handle, dramatically shaking her head and clicks her tongue in disapproval.


Chorong’s face is burning red with embarrassment now. Eunji is too comfortable with her nowadays. Where was her respectful dongsaeng from Busan that she personally trained in the ways of making patbingsoo herself.


She doesn’t have the chance to reinstate her dominance and demand respect from Eunji when the door swings open and a panting Bomi walks in.


“Hi sorry! I had to run to the bank and then prepare a few things. Then, I had to help an old lady with her groceries and then-”


“Yah Yoon Bomi, why are you late?!” Eunji, who was standing at the other side of the cafe, yells as she comes up from behind and smacks Bomi sharply on the head with her broom effectively shutting the rambling girl up.


Bomi turns around while clutching her head, a pout evident on her lips.


“Ow! Jung Eunji, are you deaf?! I was just telling the story before you attempted to murder me before my date with a pretty girl!”


The two girls banter while Chorong watches from her seat amused at the spectacle.


Bomi almost has Eunji in a headlock when the girl gives up.


“Alright, alright. Stop it you’re messing up my uniform. Just take Unnie out and leave already, you idiot.”


Bomi lets her go and realizes that right, she was here to take Chorong out -- not to kill Eunji. She can do that another day.


Sheepishly, she recomposes herself while Eunji picks up her fallen broom. Bomi rubs the back of her next as she turns to Chorong. “Ready?”


Chorong rolls her eyes and grabs Bomi’s hand, dragging her out of the shop.


“Come on, you overgrown 6 year old. Let’s go. Take care Eunji. Work hard.”


Eunji waves after them.


“Bye Unnie, try not to kill the idiot!”




“You can’t cook huh?” Chorong asks as she observes Bomi awkwardly cutting the tomato into very large slices.


The girls are in Bomi’s apartment preparing sandwiches and snacks for the picnic date Bomi planned. They had previously gone shopping together which consisted of Bomi attempting to buy the entire snack aisle while Chorong scolded her. Bomi argued that this was her date and that she was paying for the groceries anyways, resulting in a snackful of carts and ingredients for making sandwiches.


Chorong finds it weird that she actually had fun doing something as plain as shopping but she guesses that’s the magic of having Yoon Bomi as company. Even the most mundane things like shopping or working seem fun as long as Bomi was there to make her laugh.


Bomi smiles sheepishly as she puts down the knife. Shyly, she says, “Not really. I try but as you can see I’m not very skilled.”


Taking pity on the girl and admitting that yeah, Bomi’s being very cute, Chorong nudges the other girl out of the way and takes the knife.


“Here, let Unnie do it. Go mix the tuna.”


Bomi perks up at the suggestion and proudly explains, “That I can do!”


After they finish making the sandwiches and packing the picnic basket, the two girls leave the apartment and proceed to walk to the nearby park right outside of campus. Chorong goes there a few times a month to relax after a long week of memorizing plays and serving shaved ice.


The girls spend the rest of the late afternoon just chatting and enjoying each other’s company.


Chorong hasn’t felt this relaxed in a very long time and she owes it all to Yoon Bomi.




Bomi is lying on her side while playing with a piece of grass she picked when she notices Chorong staring at her.


“Is there something on my face?” Bomi asks as she drops the blade of grass to wipe .


Chorong’s eyes crinkle as she smiles.


“Nothing it’s just,” she pauses enjoying Bomi’s look of confusion, “I can’t believe you made me work on our first date. Don’t you know how to treat a girl?”


Bomi sits up in panic, frantically stumbling over her words to try to apologize. She’s so flustered but Chorong finds it to be endearing. Chorong gently grabs Bomi’s hand, effectively shutting the girl up, as she continues.


“It’s okay Unnie will show you how it’s done on our second date.”


Bomi’s eyes are glued to the warm hand enclosing hers as she processes what Chorong said.


“Second date? You’re asking me out on a date?”


Chorong laughs at the younger girl’s eagerness.


Bomi may be an idiot but at least she’s a cute one.




Weeks have passed before both of them had time to schedule another date. Chorong is forever grateful that Eunji is covering for the evening.


“That Yoon Bomi is late again, Unnie. You cancel and hide in the back. I’ll leave her out to freeze in the cold.”


“It’s okay, Eunji. No need for such drastic measures.


“You should text her, Unnie.”


“You still don’t have her number huh?”


“I was distracted by the kiss, okay!”


Eunji drops the bottle of window cleaner as she turns to Chorong.


“Kiss?! On the first date?” Eunji nods, impressed by Bomi’s achievement, as she bends down to pick up the bottle, “Wow, that Yoon Bomi is really accomplished when she has a set goal.”


Chorong stammers, heat painting her cheeks red. “It was on the cheek!”


When Bomi walks in, Chorong has Eunji in a headlock while Eunji is dying of laughter. She clears to make her presence known which causes Chorong to release Eunji’s head, who almost falls over because of the sudden action. Seeing Bomi’s confused expression causes her to double over in laughter again which then results in Chorong smacking her head.


Bomi doesn’t get an explanation when Chorong stomps over and drags her out of the shop, away from Eunji who is puckering her lips and making obnoxious kissing noises at the two.


“What was that about?” Bomi finally asks when they’re down the block and on the way to a restaurant Chorong picked for tonight’s date.


Chorong’s hand tenses as she blushes at the thought of Eunji’s teasing and Bomi subconsciously rubs her thumb over the back of Chorong’s hand, causing Chorong to blush even more. She’s gonna die from an alarmingly high body temperature before the night even starts and Bomi still has no idea what affect she has on her.


“Don’t worry about it,” she mumbles and continues to lead the way to their destination.




They’re strolling side by side after a nice dinner that Chorong insisted on paying for. The night air is cold but tolerable, or maybe it’s the warmth she feels whenever she’s around Bomi. There’s a comfortable silence between them as they bask in post-dinner bliss.


Chorong is awoken from her thoughts when Bomi suddenly detaches from her side and disappears into a tiny mini mart. Chorong follows her wondering what caused the sudden action. Perhaps, Bomi had to use the restroom. A terrible thought follows after: what if Bomi got food poisoning?


Chorong makes her way into the tiny shop with purpose and concern, only to see Bomi politely bow and thank the cashier while walking over to Chorong with a plastic bag in hand. Bomi grabs Chorong’s hand as she brings them back outside. She removes the plastic bag and puts it in her coat pocket, revealing her purchase.




Bomi holds out the frozen treat with a smile that Chorong really can’t refuse. She tries anyways.


“Really? At this temperature? Bomi, I can’t feel my toes.”


Bomi is unwavered as she playfully waves it in front of Chorong.


“I work at an ice cream shop and you bought me a popsicle,” Chorong says in fond disbelief.


“Hey you know twin popsicles are really cute,” Bomi says as she releases her hand in order to break the treat into two halves. “The story goes that they were invented so two kids could share a sweet treat for a few coins.”


She finishes the story with a bright smile while offering one of the popsicles.


Chorong takes it happily.




They’re walking slowly to Chorong’s apartment complex, trying to prolong the date; neither girl wanting to say goodbye just yet. Their sweet treats are long gone, leaving behind only the wooden sticks. They pass by a waste pin and Chorong tosses her stick in.


Bomi’s cuts off her story mid sentence after seeing the horrendous crime Chorong just committed.


“Unnie, what are you doing?!”


Bomi’s sudden outburst startles Chorong, who turns to look at her with wide eyes after dropping the wooden popsicle stick into the trash bin.


“Not littering?” Chorong asks, confused by Bomi’s sudden increase in volume.


“You don’t read the jokes? What type of monster are you?” Bomi asks in honest disbelief.


“Uhh - An adult?” Chorong says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.


Bomi has stopped walking now. It’s obviously a very important matter. Chorong, who had kept walking, turns and looks back at her. Bomi is standing by the bin with her arms crossed over her chest while sulking like a child. She looks so offended right now Chorong is caught between amusement and concern.


Chorong walks back over to her and pries at her crossed arms so she can grab onto one of Bomi’s hand. Grasping it firm, Chorong starts to pull Bomi along, who begrudgingly drags her feet.


“Come on, you oversized three year old. What’s your joke say?”


Bomi perks up at the question. Immediately, her mood does a 180 and she starts swinging their intertwined hands in glee.


“Okay so Unnie, what does one icicle say to the other icicle before leaving?”


Chorong pretends to contemplate the question, jokingly scratching at her temple with her free hand.


“Hmm. What?”


Her ignorance seems to fuel Bomi’s excitement as she shouts out the punchline, “Bicycle!”


“Get it? Bye-cycle?”


Bomi laughs loudly at the joke while Chorong giggles in amusement beside her.


Bomi really is one of a kind.




The girls arrive in front of Chorong’s building when she suddenly remembers about her exchange with Eunji earlier.


“Oh Bom-ah! May I have your number?”


“No.” The answer is instant and Chorong is caught off-guard.




Chorong is confused. And if she admits it to herself, a little hurt as well.


Okay, a lot of hurt.


Realizing how she sounded, Bomi starts to panic as she tries to amend the situation.


“I mean not that I don’t want to give it to you! It’s just-”


She stumbles with her words before taking a deep breathe to recompose herself.


“Just wait for it. It’s a surprise!”


With Bomi this flustered, Chorong couldn’t find it in herself to be mad or sad. She nods slowly while looking into Bomi’s pleading eyes.


“Okay. A surprise.”


Bomi nods so enthusiastically that Chorong fears that her neck might break.


“Yes, a surprise! Just wait a little bit, okay?”


Chorong catches Bomi off guard with a strong hug that knocks the air right out of Bomi. Bomi wraps her own arms around Chorong’s waist and melts into the embrace. They stand there in each others arms outside of Chorong’s apartment under the pale light from the building’s lanterns.


A strong breeze causes the couple to break apart with Chorong’s hands lingering on Bomi’s shoulders. Chorong gives a tight-lipped smile and then leans in for a tender peck on Bomi’s cheek. Softly, she whispers a goodnight against Bomi’s skin before pulling back. She departs with another small smile, stepping away and into the building.


Bomi stands there frozen in place with a hand sheltering the spot Chorong’s lips brushed from the cold -- hiding it from the world. She closes her eyes to commit this precious moment to memory.


She opens her eyes and begins to walk down the street to her own dorm. It doesn’t take long for the butterflies in her stomach to cause her to jump in happiness, exclaiming her glee at the night sky. Angry shouts from students trying to study in their dorms doesn’t hinder her joy as she skips the rest of the way home. She doesn’t care because tonight she learned something important.


Park Chorong is full of surprises too.



It’s a surprisingly quiet day at the shop. The weather is getting slightly warmer and the students have been in and out of the shop for a energy boost as they study for their exams. Maybe today they’re taking a break at the beach.


Chorong sighs into her notebook as she thinks about the beach. She hasn’t been there in a long time but she’s only a poor college student and the nice beaches are at least three hours away -- valuable time she could spend making money.


But the shop isn’t so bad with Bomi across the table of her, typing away on her laptop.


Maybe she’ll go there one day with Bomi. She finds it funny how that seems to be a common thing now. Adding “with Bomi” to the things she envisions herself doing in the future.


Chorong is awoken from her thoughts when Bomi reaches for her notebook. Chorong wants to swat at her hand and close the book but Bomi’s soft eyes silently asking her for permission has her doing the complete opposite as she surrenders the notebook, handing it to Bomi’s outstretched hand.


Bomi takes a look at the page, scanning through the lines before she asks, "Are these lyrics?"


Chorong, left with nothing to hold, plays with her pencil as she watches Bomi read.


"Yes, but they're just a hobby. Nothing too serious."


Bomi hums in acknowledgement as she finishes reading. Chorong can actually see the gears turning in the other girl’s head as Bomi rereads a few lines.


"These are really good. Very poetic with a good meter. Have you thought of a melody yet?"


"I'm not much of a composer. Like I said, just a hobby."


Bomi stares at the page again for a moment before it looks like she made up her mind.


"Hmm. Okay, I'll be back. I need to go get something from my apartment."


Chorong is slightly confused and curious as to Bomi’s sudden decision but she has learned to accept Bomi’s spontaneity now. She retrieves her notebook from Bomi’s side of the table as Bomi packs her things into her bag.


"Okay, I'll be here. Contemplating my life choices and dying from boredom."


"Don't miss me too much!" Bomi gives that one final farewell before disappearing out the door and down the street, leaving Chorong alone with her overdue reading and the occasional customer.


Chorong is sitting at the same table when Bomi returns an hour later with a bag in one hand and something strapped to her back. It looks like a-


Oh no, Chorong thinks to herself. It's the guitar.


Chorong feels a little part of her die inside. Today was such a good day. Why did it have to end this way?


Bomi settles her things and sits down with the guitar in her lap.


"Can I see the lyrics?"


Chorong tries to hide her reluctance as she hands the notebook to Bomi. The girl has an intense look of concentration and Chorong can't help herself from admiring how pretty Bomi looks when she's serious. Really though, if she's being honest with herself, Bomi is always pretty.


Chorong is pulled from her thoughts when Bomi starts humming softly and then begins plucking the guitar strings. The humming turns into gentle singing and wow.


Bomi has a pretty voice too.


She's actually really good.


Like really, really good.


What the heck happened in a month.


"You're looking at me weird. Is something on my face?"


Chorong snaps up at Bomi’s comment, not realizing that she was staring.


"No no! It's just -- that was wow. Just wow. You're really good at this. Have you thought of being a music major?"


Bomi gives an embarrassed laugh while shyly rubbing the back of her neck.


"Composing is fun but it's more of a hobby. I don't know what I really wanna do yet."


Chorong nods in understanding. It took a while for her to pick between her passions too.


"It's okay. You have a lot of time to think about it."


Bomi gives a soft “Yeah, I know” as she lightly plucks at her guitar strings again. There’s a moment of silence between the two as Chorong hums the melody Bomi just sang. Bomi abruptly stops playing causing Chorong to look up at her.


"Hey, maybe we can be a duo! You’ll write the lyrics and I’ll compose. We'll get filthy rich and you’ll never have to pour artificially sweet syrup on ice ever again!" Bomi suggests.


"That would be nice. What would our name be?” Chorong pauses to think before suggesting, “Chomi?"


Bomi makes a disgusted face. "That sounds like a grossly sweet ice cream flavor."


“Hey! You like grossly sweet things!” Chorong yells in mock defense.


“Maybe that’s why I like you,” Bomi replies with an exaggerated wink. Chorong hits Bomi as their laughter fills up the shop.


It’s moments like this that remind Chorong of why she likes Bomi too.




Chorong is on her lunch break, strolling around the campus’ town center while enjoying a popsicle Bomi had delivered earlier. She recalls the moment and smiles to herself at the weird exchange.


Bomi had burst into the shop while Chorong was preparing an order for a customer. The days are getting warmer so the shop’s getting busier and busier as students celebrate after their final exams. Chorong could barely get out a hi when Bomi drops a plastic bag on the counter and shouted a “See you later!” before rushing out the door again.


She finds a bench in the shade to rest her legs. She finishes the treat and turns the stick over to read the joke; a habit she’s picked up from the one and only Yoon Bomi.


She almost drops the stick. To her bewilderment, there isn’t a joke at all.


Instead, on the stick is a question: Will Chorong be Bomi’s girlfriend?


The other end holds a phone number.


Chorong scoffs at it. Taking out her phone, she enters the number and sends out a text.


To: Babomi* [1:16 PM]

The joke wasn’t funny. The punchline doesn’t even make sense


From: Babomi [1:16 PM]

New phone who dis?


Sometimes, Bomi’s antics made Chorong want to punch the other girl.


To: Babomi [1:17 PM]

Your girlfriend, babo


To: Babomi [1:17 PM]

Also, this joke wasn’t funny either


Her phone vibrates in succession as she receives an onslaught of text messages.


From: Babomi [1:18 PM]



From: Babomi [1:18 PM]



To: Babomi [1:19 PM]

What do you think?


From: Babomi [1:19 PM]



Her ringtone goes off as her screen flashes indicating an incoming call. Chorong picks up as casually as possible.


“Hi, how did you even manage to get a custom popsicle?”


Bomi’s voice sounds a little fuzzy over the connection, reminding Chorong of the feeling she has in her stomach.


“I have my methods. Did you find it romantic?”


Chorong laughs lightly at the comment as she looks up at the tree above her. The gaps between the branches allow little rays of sunlight to seep through, creating a radiant sight as yellow danced amongst green.


Today is a good day.


“You’re such a tryhard.”


Bomi’s laugh is heard from the speaker as she says casually, “Anything to make you smile.”


Little did the other girl on the line know that all Park Chorong needs to smile is Yoon Bomi.




Bomi’s sitting on a bench in the park, bobbing her head along to the song coming from her earphones.




Bomi looks up at the familiar voice at an unexpectedly loud volume. Looking around she spots Chorong walking up to her with her hands behind her back.


Instantly, her mood is lifted at Chorong’s carefree smile. She takes out her earphones and pats the spot besides her, inviting Chorong to take a seat.


Chorong happily accepts. She holds up the item in her hand allowing Bomi to see the rectangular white package.




Chorong opens the packet and gestures for Bomi to take one of the sticks. Bomi holds on with her left hand and together they break apart the twin popsicles.


Using her free hand, Bomi interlaces their hands and Chorong scoots in closer.


They both quietly enjoy the beginning of spring.


*Patbingsoo: Korean shaved ice dessert with sweet toppings

*Babomi: a combination of babo (korean word for idiot) and Bomi

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Chapter 1: squeee!!!! This is SO GOOD omg I must have completely forgotten like everything and yet why I recognise all the bits and pieces! This is a fantastic sweet piece and I love every scene about it, every thought Chorong has, every little bit into university study life and all the sweet simple moments of going on dates. This is absolutely adorable and the popsicle the POPSICLE, how did Bomi really manage that?? And it's all thanks to the habit she's come to train in Chorong, it's the best thing ever. Thank you so much for writing this, I'm in bliss <3
Chapter 1: this is so cute!!!! 🥰
Chapter 1: Haha sweet!
Lubov17 #4
Chapter 1: OH THE SWEETNESS! Adorable. Lovely. I'm glad you wrote this.
Allystae #5
This is one of the best chomi stories I've read here, lovely!!
_sally_ #7
jen_shipper #8
Chapter 1: This is incredibly cute, i never once imagine that a popsicles stick can be used into a romantic confession. And that joke makes me cringe, lol. Hope u can write more of chomi. Thanks for writing this authornim.