The Three Rules [That Should Never Be Broken]


Hey there! So this will be my first fanfic after a long time, and let's hope that I have enough inspiration in me to continue this fanfic after a chapter or 2 lmao

I decided that I will make this fanfic kind of related to a book I read. It will not be completely like the book, but it will have some of the themes in it.


So yeah anywho, I hope you enjoy it!


"Always be careful, and never let yourself lose your temper"


"Don't let anyone ever touch the hands of your clock"


"And most importantly, don't ever...and I mean EVER...fall in love."

"I won' can I fall in love if I don't even know what love is?"


Those were the three rules that Taehyung always had to remember, because if he were to break them...bad things would happen.


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