Drunk In Love

Drunk Love


Jimin and Jungkook hate each other. All their friends know this and practically the whole school does but their parents, oh no, they're completely clueless.

The always miss the glares they send to each other at the dinner table when their families have gathered together to have dinner. They always seem to miss the nudges and kicks they send each other.

Jimin's parents are going to be out of town on business and they absolutely will not let him stay in the house alone. So, Jungkook's parents being the pleasant, unaware people they are have insisted that jimin stay with them over the weekend.

So, here he stands awkwardly in Jungkook's living room, with his parents who are searching the sofa for their car keys.

"We're going to be out for dinner tonight Jimin, so make yourself at home" Jungkook's mother says, "Jungkook is in his bedroom but I can call him down if you want company" 

Jungkook's father fist pumps the air and he holds the car keys up victoriously. 

"That's alright, I'll be fine down here alone" jimin smiles.

Jungkook's mother walks over to Jimin and kisses him on the cheek, "if you insist, you'll be rooming with Jungkook, his rooms just up the stairs and the first one to the right" 

Jimin's cheeks are burning but he manages a stiff nod and they shortly leave after that, leaving Jimin alone in a large house with Jungkook.


Jimin's half way through an episode of supernatural that he stumbled upon on the TV when he hears footsteps pound down the stairs.

He stiffens because Jungkook's the only one other than Jimin who's in this house. But what if, Jimin thinks, it isn't Jungkook but a serial killer.

His thoughts always run wild when he watches supernatural. Slowly, Jimin rises from the sofa and glances around the dark room, looking for any traces of life form.

Jimin hears a floor board creak and jumps, hitting his back against something hard. Jimin screams and runs forward until he hits the wall.

A loud burst of laughter, cuts through the pounding in Jimin's heads due to hitting it against the wall and he knows that he's never going to out live this.

"What" Jungkook breathes through laughter, "the " he wheezes, "was that?" 

Jimin growls and rubs his head, "just forget that you ever saw that"

Jungkook laughs again, "never"

Jimin's stomach growls and he makes his way towards the kitchen. Jungkook follows behind him. 

"You know that you're sharing a room with me, right?" Jungkook asks, raising an eyebrow.

Jimin swings open the fridge and inspects its contents. 

"Yeah, I'm going to go up in a minute" he answers, grabbing himself the punnet of strawberries.

"We're you watching supernatural?" 

Jimin shuts the fridge, "yeah, why?" 

"I didn't peg you as a person who watches good TV shows" Jungkook answers.

Jimin rips open the plastic layer on the strawberry box and begins to make his way towards the stairs.

" you"


Jimin eats the strawberries in anger because Jungkook is pissing him the off.

"You're the size of a hobbit, you know that?" Jungkook comments.

Jimin is laying beside Jungkook's bed, on a blow up mattress, "So I've been told by your charming self"

Jimin's sneering as he turns to face the wall, pulling the covers Jungkook's mother had left for him, over his shoulders.

"Are you going to sleep?" 

Jimin groans and sits himself up, "are you ever going to shut up?"

Jungkook huffs, "it was just a question"

"You've been asking me too many questions" Jimin comments, "and yes, I'm going to sleep"

Jimin lies himself back down and closes his eyes.


Jimin's eyes snap open and he almost jumps out of his skin because Jungkook's face is too close to his.

"What?" He snaps, rubbing at his eyes.

"I wanted to-"

Jimin can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Since when did you start drinking?" 

Jungkook giggles, he actually ing giggles and it makes Jimin's stomach flutter.

"I was drinking before you've arrived" he hiccups, "for courage"

Jimin's reaches up and pushes Jungkook's face away from his.

"Courage for what?" Jimin asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"For you" 

"For me?"

"I like you" Jungkook sings, smiling so brightly that it blinds Jimin.

Jimin almost faints because never, did he ever, expect those three words to come from Jungkook's mouth.

"You're drunk"

"Drunk in love" Jungkook giggles again.

"Jungkook you do not love me"

The smile that once decorated Jungkook's face vanishes and his face looks deadly serious.

"I really do love you" Jungkook whispers.

Jimin freezes, "if you did, you'd never say half the things you said to me" 

"I'm not good with conveying my feelings"Jungkook laughs again but this time it's bitter.

"I like you" Jungkook sings again, moving his face so that it looms above Jimin's again.

"No, you don't"

"I really, really like you"

"No, you really, really don't"

"I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY DO" Jungkook yells/ giggles.


Now this, Jimin thinks, is more like the Jimin and Jungkook he knows.

Something warm touches Jimin's lips and it takes him a moment to register that it's Jungkook's lips on his.

Jimin softly pushes him off and he hears Jungkook whine, "that's enough of that" 

"Do you not like me back?" 

Jimin thinks about this, he really thinks. He's known Jungkook for a good two years and it's been about that long since this feud had began but truth be told, Jungkook is exactly the type of person Jimin would go after because he's perfect in every sense of the word.

Maybe he likes him a little. Or a lot. Maybe he didn't mind Jungkook's lips on his. Or the taste of his lips.

Jungkook leans down again and captures Jimin's lips yet again, this time, Jungkook pulls away.

"You took too long to answer back"

Jimin grins.

"Maybe a little" 

Jungkook grabs Jimin's arm, "come join me up here" 

Jimin doesn't argue and allows himself to be pulled up. 

"Can we snuggle" Jungkook hiccups , "please" 

Jimin sighs, "if we must"

Jungkook wraps his arms around Jimin's waist and rests his head on Jimin's chest.

It doesn't take long for Jimin to hear snores coming from the younger male.

Jimin sighs, readjusts himself, so that his head is resting comfortably against the head board of the bed and shuts his eyes.


When Jimin wakes up, Jungkook is looking down at him with surprise.

"Why am I hugging you?" Jungkook asks.

"Why did you kiss me twice last night? Oh, because you confessed that you are drunk in love with me" Jimin retorts.

Jungkook's face burns red, "really now?"

"Really, really" Jimin snorts, "but I like you too so it's all cool"

Jimin shuts his eyes again.

"So that means I can kiss you again?"

"If you must"

And Jungkook does.


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