The truth revealed

My fairy... in disguise

"wait... so you are telling me that. You are a fairy?" kyuhyun laughed. I nodded my head slowly. 

"hah. Even a person like me who plays that much computer games wont believe you." He rolled his eyes.

"The wings are real kyuhyun." I said seriously. Humans are all the same. They never believe in us. Only the younger humans do.

"Oh reeeally?" He smirked. I was getting pretty fed up. 

"Its alright if you dont believe me. But im not here for fun. Your friend, Lee sungmin is in danger, and im here to protect him ok?" I shouted angrily. A few feathers from my wings dropped onto the ground as I put my jacket back on to hide them.When  I turned my back on him and was about to head to the door, I heard him say "Fine. I believe you. Tell me about Sungmin."

(Kyuhyun's Pov)

"Its alright is you dont believe me. But im not here for fun. Your friend, Lee Sungmin is in danger and im here to protect him ok?" 

What? Sungmin is in danger? What does she mean? She put her jacket back on and a few feathers from her wings dropped onto the ground. I bent down and picked up the feathers, they glowed like magic in my hands. 

"Fine I believe you. Tell me about Sungmin." I said.

(Yoon Hee's Pov)

I turned around to face him. 

"Theres a fairy after him. He is going to take over Sungmin's body for revenge." I sighed. Kyuhyun gave me that what-the-hell look on his face.

"Aish. Long story short, The queen ordered me here to the human world to stop him. But i need your help to keep this a secret ok? YOu are the first human to know this." I said.

"First Human?" He raised an eye brow.

"Well, this book knows it too." She shrugged and showed me a book. The book flipped open and words start forming on it.

Hello Kyuhyun.

"Gaaah!!" he backed away. "How does it know my name?!! Is it some kind of haunted book or something?!!" he gasped.

"relax... Its just a magic book." I laughed. He frowned at me.

"Ok. I will keep this a secret. You being a fairy and your whatever mission you are on." He frowned. 

"May I know whats going on here?" a voice sounded from the door. I gasped when I saw the wide opened door with almost all of super junior outside. well, except sungmin.

"H-hyung..." Kyuhyun stammered when he saw 11 figures standing outside the door.

"Something about Yoon Hee being a... what? Fairy?" Heechul was confused.

"Mission?" Shindong raised an eyebrow.

"OhMYGosh fairies ARE REAL!!!" Donghae exclaimed and eunhyuk covered hae's mouth to muffle his screams of excitement. 

"Come out. Both of you. NOW." Leeteuk said sternly. 

"Great, we are sooo dead now." Kyuhyun whispered to me. I gulped, this is so NOT good.


"Great. YOu guys dont believe me huh?" I was all fed up explaining these things to 11 humans.

"Umm... you said you were a fairy from neverland?" Yesung scratched his head. 

"Oh! I know! She must be a U-Kiss fan! YOu heard their new song 'Neverland'?" Ryeowook pointed out.

"NO!! Im not a fan or whatever." I buried my face in my hands.

"If you wanna continue staying here, you have to stop this fairy act of yours. We can be nice and friendly but you got to know your limits when you pull pranks on us like this." Leeteuk was really serious. 

"Argh... This is NOT a prank!!! Im a FAIRY and Sungmin is in danger!! I have to protect him!!" I shouted in frustration. I cant afford to get kicked out like that.

"Show them your wings yoon hee." Kyuhyun said.

"What?! Now you are saying that she has WINGS?!!" Heechul screamed. This fairy thing was too much for him to handle.

"Cool! Show us your wings!" Donghae said happily. I think Donghae is the only one excited bout this whole issue. 

I sighed and removed my jacket and shirt, revealing me only wearing a tube. The pair of huge feather wings appeared right before their eyes.

"A-are those things real?" Hangeng stammered. 

"yes. they are REAL. These things are ATTACHED to my body." I explained. Everyone was speechless when they saw the wings. 

"Sungmin musnt know about this." I said seriously.

"H-he is a-at the Super market buying g-groceries..." Kibum couldnt speak properly. 

"What. The. Hell." Heechul gawked at me. 

"They are BEAUTIFUL!" Donghae was... well... amazed? He stepped forward and pick up a feather that dropped onto the ground.

"Look hyung! Its sparkles and glows!" Donghae smiled as he wave the glowing feather at the members.

"Ok. I am officially freaked Out." Kangin's mouth hung open as he said. 

"Ok. enough of this. So you guys believe her now right?" Kyuhyun waved his hands infront of them to catch their attention.

The dorm was quiet.

"yeah. Of cause! I always knew fairies exist!" Donghae giggled.

"OK. I meant Besides Donghae." Kyuhyun said.

"Um... sure i guess..." Ryeowook shrugged.

"I believe her." Yesung added.

"I need some time to think about that." Heechul message his temples and headed back to his room.

" Maybe. Just needs some time to register that theres a fictional... THING. in the dorm." Kangin sat on the couch.

"I am in a confused state of mind right now." Kibum looked down.

"I really need to go to church later. I need some advice." Siwon shook his head.

"Does this happen often in Korea?" Hangeng asked.

"just do your job ok? I dont really wish to be involve in your mission thingy." Shindong walked away when he finished.

"Dont worry. me and donghae will help you if you need help." Eunhyuk smiled slowly. although i could see an uncertain look on his face.

"Leeteuk Hyung?" Kyuhyun look at his leader.

I gulped. He's the leader of the group. He decides wheter I get kicked out or not.

" This is crazy but you said that Sungmin is in danger. Whatever it is, i dont want him hurt. YOu may stay but dont let other people other than us know this ok? This will be Super JUnior's secret." he announced and headed back into his room. I sighed. This is gonna be a long day.


(Back in Neverland)

(No one's Pov)

"JoonHyun oppa. The fairy has reached the human world. She's going to ruin our plans!" A female fairy flew into the cave.

"Its alright Minzy... She's weak and hopeless, we can get rid of her easily." JoonHyun stepped down from his chair. 

"Its that YoonHee fairy right?" He smirked.

"yes oppa. YOu know her?" Minzy was surprised.

"yes. I killed her father." he smiled.

"Oh, That stupid queen's helper we killed was her father?" Minzy laughed.

"Yes. She has no parents now. Like us. The queen killed our parents, minzy. We cant fail this time." Joonhyun muttered.

"We wont fail. Definitely. We will control those stupid humans first and use it as a chance to take over the queen's position. Oh yeah, who is that human you said you wanna take over first?" Minzy said.

"Sungmin. Lee Sungmin. I have already entered on of his dreams. I told him that Yoon Hee is dangerous. Human can be fooled easily. Especially by these things." He smirked.

"So brother, when do we start our plan?" 

"Not so soon my sister... we will have a surprise attack." 


(Sungmin's Pov)

I came back from the grocery store. Yoon Hee was cleaning up the place and I saw the rest doing their own things. But the weird thing is that the dorm is awkwardly quiet. No one said a word, everyone is just doing their things quietly. That is not what usually happens here. The last time it was this quiet was when Kyuhyun was in the hospital. It has been a long time since no one said a word in the dorm on a weekend. 

"Umm... guys? Im home!" I shouted awkwardly, breaking the silence.

"Oh... umm... hi Sungmin. let me help you with those groceries." Yoonhee rushed towards me immediately and took the plastic bags from my hands and brought them to the kitchen. 

Well, I have something to confess. I saw this girl before. Yes, Yoon hee. I saw her in my dreams once. That dream was reeeally weird. I was standing in a cave or something, and weird looking man walked towards me. He has dark eyeliner surrounding his eyes and there was dried blood on his back as if something was ripped off him. He told me something. something very weird.

"Stay away from this girl..." he whispered. and an image of Yoon Hee appeared beside him...

Stay away? Why? She seems like a nice person... I watch her cut the fruits carefully.


I ran to the kitchen and saw that she has cut herself. 

"Omo! are you ok?" I asked as i held her hand to observe the cut. When i touched her hand, my heart skipped a beat. Her hand was abnormally smooth and soft. I was even more shock when i saw the blood coming out of her cut. It was slightly pinkish with a mixture of dark red.

"No... its alright!!" She said immediately and pulled her hand away from mine. She grabbed a tissues and wrapped it around her cut.


(NO one's pov)

Yoonhee ran into her room. 

oh no... did he see the blood? Fairy blood is different from human blood. Fairies' blood are slightly pink. 

she almost jumped out from her bed when the door swing open.

"Oh... Kyuhyun! You scared me!!" Yoon hee sighed as she continued pressing the tissue on her wound.

"Omo. did you hurt your self?" Kyuhyun said with a concern look on his face.

"yeah... sort of." she said as he sat down and unwrapped the tissue from her hand.

"I got the cut when i was cutting fruits... I seldom cut myself though." She explained

But kyuhyun wasnt listening, he held her hand in his and used the tissue to wipe the blood slowly off her fingers. 

"its just a small cut. Dont worry." he said softly as he blew on it gently. They didnt noticed the figure standing at the door.

"She allowed kyuhyun to help her but she didnt allow me to even come near." he whispered to himself,


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Amber_ #1
Not gonna care bout English at the moment xD
chiangcll #2
Bit fail on the tenses. I think Ms wong will faint if she reads this O.O <br />
-Christine :D
This is interesting...Keep it up! I'm starting to like the story...!