
Undergraduate Offender

#03 | In Which Jae Beom And Soo Youn Solve A Case—Together



December 22, 2009


Gangnam Gu, South Korea


JAE Beom stands stiff next to Min Jun who sat on his living room couch with Soo Youn adjacent from him. “I was hoping the two of you could listen to something I have to say. It’s important.” Jae knew, since she picked up the phone from him at the station—and it didn’t get any better when her brother showed randomly—that there was something wrong with Soo Youn’s behavior.


“What is it? Did something happen?” Min Jun’s immediate response is.


Soo Youn only sighs as she shifts her gaze towards Jae, “Can you sit? It might be a lot to handle.” He nods and makes a large gap between him and Min Jun when he sits. The two men stare expectantly as her as she runs a hand through her hair. “That girl—the picture you saw of her Oppa—the one with the murder. Her name is Soo Jung, she’s sixteen, she looks like…” Soo Youn trails off as a sudden pang of panic rises in , just as it clicks in Min Jun’s brain.


“She looks like your sister?”


“Yeah.” She confirms.


Jae stares at the pair of them wide eyed, “Your sister was killed when she was two. What the hell do you mean she looks like your sister?” He asks while jutting a finger between the two of them.


Soo Youn sighs and bites her lip. “She the right age, and she looks just like my mom. I swear to God it’s her. I could recognize her anywhere.”


“That doesn’t make since. You buried her in nineteen ninety five with your parents. There’s a death certificate, and there would be no way that the cops would lie about a little girl being dead. That’s ing crazy.” Jae responds his voice rising in anger. “You shouldn’t have been involved in this. Because of what you saw—that’s what’s making you think this. You feel bad that she’s stuck with a murder for a father. Right? Right?”


Soo Youn shakes her head, “If I could just talk to her—”


“And what tell her about your cursed family, and how she’s your dead sister, the two year old who died but apparently is alive? Are you going to share your feelings and talk about how you’ve felt for the last fourteen years without her?” Jae pauses to chuckle cynically at the thought processing through his brain. “What about her, hunh? Do you think she’s going to see you and fall to her knees crying that you’re her sister? Stop ing dreaming. This isn’t some stupid drama, this is real life. Her dad’s a murder and she knows it.”


Soo Youn refuses to cry at his yelling and fit of anger, but it doesn’t stop Min Jun from screaming back at him. “Don’t ing talk to my sister that way!”


Jae stops dead from making anymore remarks and instead shuts his mouth and listens to her brother. “She’s not joking when she says that girl looks just like her mother. The similarity is uncanny, and you know what maybe that girl does know about Soo Youn but maybe—like Soo Youn—thinks her sister is dead. Maybe the burial was fake. Maybe it’s all a ing conspiracy.”


“Conspiracy? Who the would want to lie about a two year old being dead?” Jae adds in while cracking his knuckles to keep his frustration and anger steady and at bay.


Min Jun shrugs, “Her father worked for the ing NIS. So you tell me.”


Jae freezes, refusing to crack his knuckles to get rid of his frustration and anger. NIS. The National Intelligence Service. Her father, her dead father, worked for the chief intelligence agency of Korea? “You’re dead dad worked for the NIS?” The two nod their heads. No wonder they think it’s a conspiracy. Anything with the NIS is a cause to think so. Anything.


Soo Youn moves forward on her seat as if she’s talking about a giant secret to the two of them. “I would really like to talk to her. Could you make that happen? If she is my sister maybe she can tell me about what’s going on with the murder.”


Jae shakes his head, “No, that’s crazy.”


“Jae, please.” She beginning to beg now and he knows it. But he can’t do anything about it. He’s not putting Soo Youn in harms away again, not to mention it’s crazy to think that’s her sister—her dead sister.


He shakes his head against as he cracks his knuckles, “Look, the best I can do is ask her when I talk to her tomorrow. Right down all the questions you would like me to ask. I’ll ask anyone of them I think is suitable. Okay?”


Soo Youn sighs but nods her head anyways, knowing full well that’s the best she’ll get in this situation. “Oppa, are you going to stay for a while?” Her concentration moves from Jae to her brother who sat next to him with his hands curled together in fists and his eyes focusing solely on the ground.


“I can’t. My Psychology midterm is tomorrow since I couldn’t make it last Monday.” There’s nothing more in the world that he wants to do besides be there with his sister and make sure she’ll be okay. “I’ll be back by Christmas Eve though. I promise.”


Soo Youn can only nod her head dimly as she shifts her attention towards Jae, “How long do I have to stay here with you?”


She was not happy to find out that her best friend’s stalker actually might be crazy, and that with Soon Kyu staying with Taec Yeon for the time being—her stalker might go off on her for being friends with Soon Kyu and the stalker might think she actually knows where Soon Kyu is, so apparently it’s better if she stays with Jae Beom for the time being.


“Two weeks at the most.” He responds as Min Jun gathers his coat, and bag together in his arms. The conversation turns quiet from there as Min Jun leaves. Before doing so, he makes sure to hug his sister so tightly that she feels like exploding from the love thrown onto her, he also awkwardly waves at Jae whom—after being punched in the arm by Soo Youn—waves back.


The rest of that night consisted of Soo Youn hovering over Jae Beom as he tried to put pieces together for the case. He would yell at her to leave him alone, and she would shout back saying that it’s technically her case too since she found more information than he did. Then he sulked, and she felt bad so she made him some egg and rice—since it was the only edible food in his fridge. The two passed out in the living room not long after. Jae had his head on the left head rest his feet thrown out along the couch, and Soo Youn had her head on the right head rest with her feet lying comfortable on the table across from them.





Jae woke up first. His mind rattled with the thoughts of what will happen today. He had agreed with the woman at the school, to not inform anyone about the interview, and to just go about their business. He’ll come in around nine, second period, and the teacher will the girl to an empty classroom where equipment—such as cameras, recorders, and microphones—will be set up in case of need. What’s really driving him crazy is the aspect of finally getting this guy. Pinning him down for all the murders—justice for the victims.


He didn’t mind seeing Soo Youn plastered against the couch with him, the only thing that bothered him was the puddle of drool on the head rest near . That’s just disgusting.


He somehow manages to get off the couch, without disturbing her, and lifts her legs off of the coffee table to place them on the couch instead. He watches silently as she nuzzles her body into the side of the couch, and her pale fingers grab a hold of the brown blanket they were sharing earlier.


He didn’t really have the heart to wake her up after that. He’d feel awful about waking her up and having her cranky with him all day. Although, when it came to the both of them—they’re always cranky with each other. Bickering back and forth, yelling, and ultimately forgiving each other left and right. Her forgiving him more since he does more stupid things then she does on a given day.


Breakfast for him consisted of pitch black coffee and a two year old breakfast bar the one that crumbles in your hand the minute you grab for it. He drank his coffee, and at the breakfast bar quickly before grabbing the list of questions Soo Youn had jotted down, and left without another word.


If she needed something, she’d text him.


It wasn’t until around seven thirty that he received a message from Soo Youn. He couldn’t tell her emotions from the text. Of course, what was he expecting? A nice ‘babe, where are you?’ It’s not like their dating. Or maybe more along the lines of ‘you left me alone? How could you?’ Though that doesn’t fit Soo Youn at all, since she can take care of herself for the most part. No, she sent a message along the lines of.


Cursed One [sent at 7:31am]: Morning


He honestly felt conflicted with the message. He was hoping maybe she would send a text asking how he is, or why he didn’t wake her up in the morning. Though this is Soo Youn were talking about, and he’s pretty sure she doesn’t seem him in the light of day where she’d actually ask him those questions willingly. Though it didn’t stop his hopes from rising when she sent him another text, this time she’d finally ask.


Cursed One [sent at 7:32am]: We’re out of milk.


It’s only natural to expect this. There are only four things in this world Soo Youn is worried about: her brother, Soon Kyu, whether or not her sister is alive, and the needed growth in her bones—hence the milk.


The King of Douchebaggery [sent at 7:33am]: Go buy some then. Lazy.


He slams his phone down on the table, catching the attention of Taec Yeon and Jin Young who merely glance between themselves before looking at Jae and then back to installing the cameras. “It must be that time of the month.” Taec Yeon jokes while nudging Jin Young in the side. The older officer replies with a frown as he continues to do his work.


“It’s woman troubles centered around Soo Youn,” Jin Young begins to explain as he clears the casing off of the copper wire to connect to the other copper wire hanging from the wall. “It must be hard for the both of them to live together when they hate each other so much.”


Taec Yeon nods, “That explains everything.”


Setting up the rest of the cameras took one more hour to do. And by then school had started and almost everyone was settled into their first—nearing second—period. And it was at this time that Soo Youn began to call Jae like no tomorrow.


“Is she there yet? Did you see her? Does she look like my mom?”


Jae groans in annoyance as Soon Youn asks him a million words per minutes, “Jesus Christ Soo Youn, shut up for a second.” He mutters while taking his right hand up to his head to massage his temples.


“I’m just anxious is all.” She responds while sitting Indian style on his couch, the brown blanket from earlier wrapped around her shoulders nonchalantly, a cup of coffee with milk in front of her and the TV on local news. “But, you will ask her some of the questions…right?”


He sighs and runs the same hand down his face, “I did promise.”


She smiles and immediately her shoulders perk up in happiness. Maybe, just maybe she’ll get the answers she wants and needs to hear. Whether or not that girl is sister. Once she knows, she can finally either get on with her life—burying her past in the past—or discover the truth about her family.


“But what the are half of these questions?” He blunders through her thoughts like an arrow as his eyes dance around the note sheet she had written late the night before. “Did you watch Barney as a kid? What’s your favorite color? What did your mom smell like? Have you ever broken a bone?”


She only laughs as a smile graces her face, “If she’s my sister she’ll know the exact answers I’m looking for. Never, yellow, and mint leaves. The last one is just something that I feel I should know.”


“I’m not asking them.”


Soo Youn pouts as she rifles a hand through her hair, “Jae Beom! You have to ask the one about my mom. If she knows what our mom smells like then that means were sisters.” She smiles proudly at her ‘genius’ idea.


“Or maybe we can get a DNA test done, to double check it. Idiot.” He mumbles across the line as he props his feet up on the desk. “Don’t you think that’s more reliable then a stupid question?”


Soo Youn sighs, “Fact checking—loser.”


All Jae can do is try and hide his infectious smile behind his hand and away from his on looking colleagues who stare at him in slight confusion. A majority of them are pretty sure they’ve never seem him act this way at work. The ones who know him—Jin Young, and Taec Yeon—know full well he doesn’t.


“She’s about to arrive here, I’ll call you when it’s over.” Before she can even reply with a ‘when will that be?’ he hangs up the phone and shoves it into his pocket as quick as possible.


Only a few minutes after hanging up the phone did the young girl get escorted into the room they had just set up. Jae noticed it the minute she had walked in. The similarity where their dark brown eyes sat, her nose slim and sleek like Soo Youn, and the same frown with her teeth showing just a little and her nose flaring just like Soo Youn.


“Who are you?” She draws out as her painted black nails catch the top of the metal chair and drag it backwards for her to sit on. “And why am I here?”


Jae gathers his papers, and pushes his shoulders back to sit up straight. “My name is Park Jae Beom, I’m a detective at the Gangnam police station and I just have a few questions that I need you to answer. I’m sure that you’re rights were read by the officer outside of this room, but just to reinforce it—if you want you may have your attorney present, if you can’t afford one we’ll get one for you. But this isn’t an interview that will—in anyway—harm you.”


She only sighs while rolling her eyes, “Whatever, can we get to it? I’ve got class to get to after this.”


“Where were you yesterday around two o’clock in the afternoon?” Jae asks almost immediately.


She doesn’t answer right away but instead lets her eyes gaze down at the folder sitting in front of him. It’s not that she doesn’t know what it’s about, but she can’t tell if it seriously is about him. She pulls her attention back toward him and scowls at the man with her lip curling on the right side. “I’m not sure, school probably.”


Jae keeps quiet but internally cusses. Of course the girl is smart enough to not reveal anything. So, what would be the point in asking any questions about her so called ‘father’ and instead go toward the questions he’s dreading to ask?


“Um…” He trails off and runs a hand through his stiff hair. It’s at this moment Soo Jung’s lip turns up into a smile—thinking she caught him. And then he continues. “What did your mother smell like?”


She blinks.


And blinks.


And blinks.


“Excuse me?” She responds as she drags her fingernails along her jeans. Jae notes that similar habit that Soo Youn has as well. “I’m not sure. She died when I was young.” The two keep quiet as Soo Jung begins to think about to those days with her mother. Those very few days with her mother. “I guess…I guess she smelled like mint.”


Jae cracks his knuckles in anticipation, “It says in your file that your sister died when you were two. Do you mind me asking how old she was?” The file’s only information listed her parents and sisters death date, but never listed the age of any of the three.


Her eyes narrow, “She was six.”


“And her name was Soo Youn.” Jae doesn’t ask, he states the question with crossed arms. Soo Jung only nods her head as she keeps her eyes narrowed on him. “Your parents died as well, they were in their thirties. You were on the way to your dad’s friend’s house when you got hit by an oncoming truck. The result was you only making it out alive.”


Soo Jung nods, “For the most part, that is what I know.”


Jae repeatedly nods his head as he glances in the direction of the camera. On the other side—watching and listening—is Jin Young and Taec Yeon. They’re seeing and hearing what he’s seeing and hearing; which means they must believe what he believes.


“Thank you for this interview, and cooperating.” He begins and the girl’s eyebrows furrow together. “I’ll be back here with some information pretty soon.” He says while pushing over a piece of paper to which she takes into her hands. “Signing this, means you agree to see me at any point in time whether it’s at school, or not.”


The girl sighs as he passes her a pen to sign this, “As long as you don’t bug me every hour of the day and it’s permitted by the school if you’re to come here. And please, do not bother me at my house. That’s my personal business and not your place to invade on. Understand?”




She signs the paper quickly and sets it down on the desk in front of the both of them. “May I go now?” She asks as she slides a hand down her skirt. Jae only nods his head and stands up to shake her hand. But, she only scoffs and leaves—not even bothering to shake it.





SOO Youn paces the small carpeted hallway of Jae’s apartment. Back and forth. Back and forth. Only one questions running through her head. Is she my sister? She’s becoming impatient, and sweating like crazy. It’s like impending doom is about to hit her. It’s been like this for the past hour and half; ever since Jae hung up on her.


“Hey, I’m back—I brought food.”


Soo Youn stopped dead in her tracks to twist her body around. Jae stood in front of her with his leather jacket hanging off the side of his shoulder, and a bag of food from the nearest liquor store in his left hand. “Whoa, you look like a ghost. You okay?” He asks while placing the bag down on the coffee table.


“Is she my sister?” She asks immediately as she makes her way to him to where their standing right in front of each other.


“I’m not sure. We’re doing DNA testing but that’s going to take a few days before it will be confirmed.” He doesn’t say much more but instead drags her to the couch to sit down. “Look, from what it seems—the story you’ve told about everyone dying is the same story as her except in her story she lives and you die. I’m not quite sure what’s going on or what the hell is actually going on. But now I’m pretty sure it involves your parents and your dad’s job.”


Soo Youn keeps quiet as she drags her nails along her jeans. “So, I’m right. She is my sister.” Jae can’t really nod his head but he also can’t disagree with it as well. From what he’s heard and what he’s seen—Soo Jung actually seems like Soo Youn’s sister. “So, then, the question is why are we alive and thinking that we’re both dead? Why did the police lie? And what actually happened that night?”


“I don’t know but I’ll figure it out,” He places a hand over hers and squeeze’s it lightly. “I promise.”


She takes a deep breath and nods her head, “I’m not quite sure how I feel now.” She laughs—not amused in any sorts. “For some reason I thought I’d be okay with realizing that she’s my sister—I hoped that she’d be my sister…but, now? I’m not sure I actually want her to be her.”


She pauses to let out a shaky breath and drop her head down toward her chest, “She’s been raised by a murder, Jae. A murder that’s killed more people than any other serial killer in the world. And what if she’s like him. What if she’s been raised to be like him? To be a killer. What if she’s already killed someone?”


“Hey,” He whispers while bringing his other hand up to her hair. “Calm down. It’ll be okay, I’ll be right here through everything—and so will your brother, and Taec Yeon, and Ju Hyun, and Jin Young. We’ll all be here.”


Both of them pause to realize where they are, and what situation there in. They’re so close—in such an intimate position. This is the closest they’ve ever been. His hand on hers, his thumb rubbing against the roof of it, his other hand her hair, their knees are brushing up against each other, and their faces nearing so close they could equally feel each other breathing.


His hand, the one her hair, moves downward to her cheek and with his thumb he lightly it. The two of them feel weird—not in the sense of fluttering butterflies, or a need to be near each other. More in the sense of wanting; without even realizing they want each other.


And suddenly he forgot everything. The fact that she had never kissed someone, or been with someone. The fact that the only reason she’s here with him is because her best friend has a stalker and she needs a place to stay. The fact that her supposed to be dead sister is actually alive and now a daughter of a serial killer. The fact that they can barely stand each other.


He didn’t have internal conflict with himself, and neither did she because she forgot everything as well especially because he’s Park Jae Beom—someone she thinks is immensely hot, yet at the same time immensely annoying—and she’s Jung Soo Youn—someone he thinks is immensely beautiful, yet at the same time immensely annoying—and that’s why they can never be around each other for long periods of time.


Jae realized it then. When he stared at her with intensity, and saw her lightly pink tinted lips and wondering eyes. It made him realize how much he likes her. He likes her. Maybe now isn’t a good way to realize that, and for sure isn’t the greatest timing—but he realized it nonetheless.


Soo Youn on the other hand, still has yet to even see Jae Beom in another light other than a police detective and a slightly annoying man. But she certainly feels something.


And when he leans closer—closer to where his lips almost brush hers—she takes the initiative—because of whatever the hell her feelings are—and kisses him first. She had never kissed before, not in her entire life, which is why the split second after she pressed her lips to his, he took over. His hand grasping the back of her head—not tightly—his fingers gracing through her hair and the whole time loving the way it felt.


His other hand separated from hers and found its way to her waist, where he held onto her—his hand not daring to move underneath the shirt but still there never mind the place. His lips stayed right on hers, moving slow as possible. He’s not going to rush her.


Her hands rested on her lap, and for some reason that didn’t feel right to her. So, she scooted closer to him, to where the leg that sat on the couch slightly brushed up against his, and soon enough she was able to grasp the sides of Jae’s jacket.


His lips slowly moved away from hers, and pressed against her skin instead before leaving a trail of kisses down her neck until landing onto her collar bone. Her head falls against his neck as he keeps his lips there. After a while his lips move away from there, and he pulls her head back to place them back on her lips in frenzy of need.


All the while her collar bone pulsed from the spot he was previously nipping at. And she knew that there, right there on her, is hickey he had given her. She can’t describe the feeling of being with him, as the kiss gets more heated and his hand on her waist begins to travel up and down her side.


Is it heaven? Is it hell?


All she knows is that it feels good, and she’s sure that it won’t stop any time soon.





JAE woke up first once again. And this time he was bothered when he found himself in the position he is. His body pressed against Soo Youn—both of them stripped of their clothing—his arms wrapped around her waist and her back pressed up against him. All over the side of her shoulder, and her collar bones are the hickeys from the hours before.


He had actually done it. Gotten involved with something other than his case and that just had to be Soo Youn. He fell for Soo You. He kissed Soo Youn. He had with Soo Youn. Most of all he took all her firsts.


He tries not to curse but lets out a slight “.” Before letting go of the girl—without waking her up—and grabs a hold of his boxers, shifting them on quickly. He stood up and watched as Soo Youn nestled her body into the blanket and didn’t even make a movement to wake up. And he’s glad for that because he’s sure it would be awkward.


He knows how he feels, but what about her? What if she doesn’t feel the same way? What if they just had because she was lonely, and upset?


It’s nearing nine o’clock at night, and he’s sure that they won’t be able to talk until the morning—when she wakes up. But Min Jun arrives tomorrow, and things will be awkward. Her brother hates him, and she might not like him anymore because of what happened.


He runs a hand down his face and lets out a deep breath. He doesn’t want to scare her when she wakes up in the morning, so with the little dignity that he has, he makes his way back to the couch and lies back down next to her. His arms wrapping back around her waist, pulling her back against him.


Morning came quickly, and Jae dreaded it; the fact that she might wake up and tell him that she hates him for what happen, and never wants to see her again.


“Jae Beom-ah.” She whines quietly as she rolls her body around in his arms to face her. He stares down at her, nervous but not showing so. She watches him with an emotionless face before she burst into a smile, “Good morning.”


Relief doesn’t wash over him; mainly because she’s not giving him any emotion whatsoever and that bothers him more than her yelling and screaming at him.


“Morning.” He responds in a low voice.


Her smile stays on her face, “We never ate the food you brought home last night.” She mumbles as she lifts her arm up to point behind him toward the coffee table where the bag of food sat. “I’m kind of hungry, aren’t you?”


“Yeah, I’ll heat it up.” He whispers.


She nods as he releases her waist and gets up, picking up the bag, before heading to the kitchen. She keeps quiet after that—and it worries him. He glances her way a few times to see her painfully slip on her bra, then her shirt, her underwear, and finally her pants.


She’s in pain and he knows it. “Soo Youn, just stay there—I’ll bring the food over.” He says a strain of guilt in his voice.


She nods her head and throws a smile over her shoulder. He hates that. He knows that smile isn’t genuine and he still can’t figure out what’s going through her head and he hates that even more.


Once heating up and making the bowls of ramen he makes his way back over to Soo Youn and sets one bowl in front of her and the other in front of the place where he’ll be sitting. “Are you…are you okay?” He asks worriedly.


She nods her head and smiles once more, “I’m fine. You?”


He cracks his knuckles, “Don’t lie Soo Youn,” He mumbles—his voice angry but nowhere near yelling. “If you’re upset, angry, or sad tell me. I know you’re not okay so just tell me how you feel. Don’t hold it inside.” He practically begs her.


She only keeps quiet with her hands nestled into her lap. It made him even angrier. “If you regret what happen just say so. I know that you wanted to be in love when it all happened. So just tell me what’s going through your head.”


“It’s not that I regret it,” She stops talking and drags her hand along her leg like usually does in nervousness. “And it’s not that you pressured me—because I wanted it to happen too, but I was just confused and I hoped either I would stop or you would. But that didn’t happen and I understand why. I just, I hope that we could maybe—”


Jae Beom interrupts her with a wave of her hand, “You want us to just forget what happened—go back to our lives before yesterday.”


She nods, “I think it would be better that way.”


His heart didn’t pang in hurt when she confirmed it, but his hands did start to sweat and he began to feel a sensation that says he might actually hate going back to his life where they’re barely friends…barely.


“Yeah, that’s fine.”


They ate their food silence after that—not making eye contact at all and avoiding the aspect of talking. And they made sure—extra sure—that none of their body parts touched in any way; because that would make things more awkward and harder for both of them.


“I’m heading to the station, and you should stay here to wait for your brother. He should be here at any time.” Soo Youn only nods her head and allows Jae Beom to leave the room to get dressed and ultimately leave the apartment as well. They didn’t mutter any goodbyes, nor did they look at each other.


The minute he got to the station Jae Beom began his fit of anger mostly pointed toward anyone in sight. “Ju Hyun, why the is there random papers on my desk, and why the hell is my coffee cold?”


Jin Young grabs a hold of Ju Hyun’s arm before she can even reach Jae Beom’s desk. “Don’t, he’s pissed off for some reason. So, just stay here.” Ju Hyun nods and takes a seat on a chair nearby. “Taec Yeon—talk to him will you?” Jin Young asks while chucking his thumb toward Jae Beom.


Taec Yeon nods and gets up to retake a seat next to Jae Beom. “What the hell dude? Yelling at Ju Hyun is a no—you know that.”


Jae Beom takes a deep breath as he rakes a hand through his hair before running a hand down his face. “I like Soo Youn.” Taec Yeon stares at him his face wide eyed, and mouth agape which just causes Jae Beom to go on. “ happened last night. We ended up kissing, and then our clothing was going off, and you get the picture.”


“You took her first kiss, and ity?” Taec Yeon asks as he shakes his head.


Jae Beom stares at him surprised, “How the hell did you know she hasn’t lost her…well you know.” He tries not to blush but he ends up doing so anyways.


“Soon Kyu and I have been talking—it slipped on accident and she got pissed because she hates revealing secrets.” He muses as a small smile finds its way to his lip. “Anyways, what happened after that?’


Jae Beom sighs, “She just wants to go back to normal…”


“Like it didn’t happen?” Taec Yeon asks and Jae Beom concurs with a nod. “That blows, and I’m sorry. But dude, this isn’t high school—you’re not some idiot teenager. You know not to push your feelings onto others, and especially not Ju Hyun. If you’re going to deal with this—then it’s either talk it out with Soo Youn or get over it.” Taec Yeon pats Jae Beom on the shoulder before retreating back to his desk where he hands a nod over to Jin Young.


Ju Hyun pops out of her seat and smiles, “The DNA test is back.”


“And?” Jae Beom responds.


“Ninety nine point nine percent match.”


That sixteen year old, Soo Jung, the one raised by a murder is Soo Youn’s sister. Soo Youn’s supposed dead sister. “I should go tell Soo Youn.” Jae Beom mumbles while grabbing his jacket and bag. “I’ll see you tonight for dinner.” He responds over his shoulder as he heads for his car.





JAE found Min Jun drinking a jug of milk while sitting on the counter, and Soo Youn sitting on a bar stool next to him telling him everything that’s happened over the day—except for what happened between him and her. The two turn toward him the minute the door slams. “Jae, your back earlier.” She says.


“The DNA test results came back.” He says he drops his bag to the floor.


Min Jun and Soo Youn exchange glances and almost immediately Min Jun grabs a hold of her hand for support. “She’s your sister. It’s confirmed.”


She stared at him with a blank face before tears began to roll down her face and a sob wrack her body. Jae wanted to hold her and protect her but Min Jun beat him to the chance. He grabbed his sister and wrapped her in a tight hold, allowing her to cry on his shoulder and all Jae can do is watch.


And that’s when it hurts. His heart beats faster, and his palms begin to sweat. His intestines swarm with so much confusion he feels dizzy. All he wants to do is hug her—make sure she’s okay. But he can’t and he won’t; because they’re barely even friends.


“When can I see her?” Soo Youn asks her voice stuttering and a sob getting stuck in the middle of her sentence. “I need to see her soon. I need to get her away from that evil man.”


Jae shakes his head, “We’re bringing her father in tonight—you can meet her at the station then. Min Jun, you should stay with her for the time being.”


The two nod, “You’ll call when we can come to the station…right?” The begging in her voice makes him cringe and makes him feel nothing but sadness because all he wants is happiness for the both of them.


“Of course.”





THE man Soo Jung calls ‘appa’ is anything but a good man. The way he sits in the interview room, a smirk on his face and the stillness in his eyes is enough to confirm that he’s crazy and Jae Beom is sure the reporters will have a field day with this guy.


Soo Jung sat out in the area near the cubicles with Jin Young, and Taec Yeon watching her as she cries into her hands. Soo Youn stands outside the station with Min Jun holding onto her shoulders to comfort her.


The police chief finally came over to the station with about a million of his minions watching over the area of the station. A few reporters had made their way over to the precinct to watch in anticipation—despite knowing about what. And even Taec Yeon had dragged Soon Kyu here to watch.


Jae Beom excited the viewing room and made his way to Soo Jung. She sat with her eyes watering and her head practically in her hands. “Miss Jung?” Jae Beom asks as he takes a seat in front of her. She doesn’t look up, nor does she say anything. “This must be a lot for you, and I’m sorry for that. But there’s more you need to know.”


“What is it now?” She cries while bringing her head up to glare. “What else in my life do you want to ruin? You’re taking away my appa, when he’s the last person in my life.” She continues to cry and Jae Beom sighs in sympathy.


“You’re sisters alive.”


Soo Jung’s world froze the minute the words slipped Jae Beom’s mouth. “What the are you on?” She wails while bringing her fists up to smash them into his chest. “My sister is dead; she’s been dead!”


“There’s a woman I know named Soo Youn, she has a similar story of how your parents died except in her version her two year old sister dies. And in your version your six year old sister dies. I took the liberty upon myself to do a DNA test, and the results came out positive with you two being a match for sisters.”


He grabs the results off of his desk and slips it onto her lap. “Check for yourself.”


She rummages through the papers, more tears forming in her eyes. “I don’t understand. Where is she? Where’s my sister?” She screams while grabbing a hold of Jae Beom’s collar. “If she’s alive I need to see her.”


Jae Beom nods and removes her hands from his collar, “I’ll get her.”


The girl doesn’t respond as Jae Beom gets up and leaves for the outside of the station. He finds her huddled up against Min Jun in the pouring rain. “She wants to see you.” He says as he offers his hand to her.


“It’ll be okay. I’ll be right here.” Min Jun whispers and kisses the side of her head in support. “If you need me just call me.” Soo Youn nods as she slips his hand into Jae Beom and allows him to lead her into the station.


It didn’t take any time for either of the sisters to identify each other. And Soo Youn can’t believe she never realize that the girl she saw that day in the hospital is her sister because they look so much alike and she looks just like her mother.


“Soo Youn?”


“Soo Jung?”


The two nod at each other as tears spring to their eyes and in no time there wrapped into each other’s arms. “I can’t believe you’re alive.” Soo Youn whispers into her younger sister’s hair.


“I can’t believe you’re alive either.” Soo Jung whispers back as she practically wets Soo Youn’s shoulder. All Soo Youn does is hold her tight as possible, not daring to let her go because she’s afraid she’ll disappear and she’ll never be able to see her again.


Soo Jung pulls back to stare at her sister, her lower lip quivering. “Let’s sit down and talk.” The older one says as she drags Soo Jung to sit down at the desk, Jae Beom sitting across from them keeping his eyes narrowed at the youngest.


“Your father, he’s a murder isn’t he?” Soo Youn asks.


Soo Jung lip continues to quiver as tears fall down her cheek, “How can you ask that so bluntly?” Soo Youn sighs and grabs her hand to keep it in hers.


“I was there, when you were cleaning up the mess at the hospital. I heard him slap you, and I watched as you cleaned up the blood stain. I saw how he treated you—he’s not a good man Soo Jung.”


The younger shakes her head, “You just don’t know him. He was mad at me because I didn’t finish my homework earlier, and I wouldn’t be able to fix the mess with him quickly and that resulted in him being really upset. He’s not usually like that with me.”


“Soo Jung-ah, I need to ask you something and you need to be honest. Okay?” Soo Jung nods her head as she wipes away some of the tears rolling down her face. “Did you ever help that man with his murders?”


Soo Jung slowly but surely nods her head, “Only a couple times, and I had to. They were bad women—like our mother.”




Soo Youn stares appalled at her sister as she lets go of her hand pushes herself back a little. Soo Jung stares at her confused. “Don’t you know? That man is our real father and mother tried to take us away from him which is why she forced that man—the one we use to call father—to take us away from Korea and as far away from our real father.”


“What are you talking about?” Soo Youn cries.


Soo Jung blinks, “Unnie, our dad is alive. He’s been arrested for murder.”


Soo Youn stands up and Soo Jung watches as the older one makes her way to Jae Beom as he stands up. “What’s wrong?” He asks as she falls into his arms exasperated and tired.


“She’s killed with that man, she’s killed.” She mumbles and pushes her head against his chest. “She says he’s our father. She says that they kill bad women, bad women like our mother. She says our mother tried to take us away from that man who’s supposedly our father.”


Jae Beom takes a deep breath in as he runs his hands up and down her back. “That man he’s told Soo Jung lies. It’s not true. He’s not your father, your DNA’s on file—your real father is dead.”


“If my sister was supposed to be dead and the file says so—what makes you think that my DNA is the same as my dead dad?” She asks while glancing up at him with hard eyes and a not so good mind at hand.


Jae sighs, “Do you want me to do a DNA test with the killer and yours? Will that put you at ease?” Soo Youn nods her head slowly. Jae Beom nods his head in confirmation; before he can even stop himself he kisses the top of her head and escorts her over to Taec Yeon. “Keep an eye on her—don’t let Soo Jung near her. And have an officer watch Soo Jung.”


Taec Yeon nods as Jae Beom retreats into the interview room—to come face to face with the man he’s been hunting for years. He grins at Jae Beom, “Detective Park, it’s great to finally meet you in person.” He rumbles in a deep and husky voice.


“Who are you to Soo Jung?” He asks immediately.


The man laughs, “I’m her father.”


“Did you kill her mother and her real father?” He asks bluntly.


The man adjusts himself in his seat—one leg over the other—before he nods, “I didn’t mean to. I was just angry that she took my daughters away from me.” The man pauses to once again adjusting his position his other leg over the other one. “I don’t care that she and that fake father died—but Soo Youn, I didn’t mean to kill her. She’s my daughter I never meant to hurt her or Soo Jung.”


“You caused the car accident?”


“Do I have to do all your work?” The man laughs.


Jae Beom slams his hands on the table, “Answer the ing question.”


“I had been threatening that fake father for months and I guess he thought that it was a problem with ‘national security’ since he worked for the NIS and all. It resulted in putting him and his family in protective custody. But I kept watch the girls—I always kept watch on the girls—and knew where they had put the family. When they were moving them to another safe house and I saw that kiss him, and him kiss my children—I decided to attack and I accidentally caused the car accident. I’ve never forgiven myself for killing Soo Youn.”


The man didn’t sound nearly as sorry as his words did, so Jae Beom calls bull on it. “And the rest of the women—you killed them too?”


The man nods, “Yes, I did. Anything else?”


“Your daughter helped you with some of them, correct?” He asks and the man merely nods his head. “Did she ever kill?” He asks and the man nods his head again. “How many?”


He shrugs, “Five maybe eight. My math is off.”


Jae Beom stands up—knowing full well he got all his information—and no, he doesn’t find it strange he gave him all his information; because, one the man has nowhere to go from this, and two his murders have been less and less clean which means he’s practically done with killing. This means he wants’ to be arrested.


“By the way, Soo Youn never died.”


Jae knows he had the man the minute he left the room. He could hear the banging of the table and the loud screams from him—but that can’t be heard over the bustling of the station.


Before Jae can stop Jin Young, Jin Young is arresting Soo Jung. Screams are heard everywhere—and no one’s stopping anyone. Soo Youn is crying, Min Jun holding her in his arms. Soon Kyu watches her best friend in tears with Taec Yeon wrapping her in a hug. His chief is congratulating him for solving a case involving a serial killer that’s as crazy as Jack the Ripper—maybe the worst serial killer in history. And other police officers are holding back reporters because somehow they figured it all out. And all Jae Beom wants to do is push everyone away from him, grab Soo Youn, and run.



December 3rd, 2015


Gangnam Gu, Seoul


SOO Youn moved away after that—Min Jun and Soon Kyu being the only people knowing where she is. It was too much for her. Her sister being arrested, that man might being her father. Too much. Way too much.


Jae Beom missed her every day. Taec Yeon, and Jin Young knew there was something off with him. Hell, even Ju Hyun knew it and she’s usually too busy cuddling up with Min Jun to notice everything. Despite being a police officer, Jae has still not figured out where the hell Soo Youn is, and that upsets him.


He misses her.


Min Jun sits on one of the desk chairs at the police station, Ju Hyun sitting on his lap with her hands tied around his neck. “Oppa,” She mumbles as she nuzzles her head in the crook of his neck. He hums back as if to ask ‘what’. “Soo Youn comes back today; do you think she’ll come talk to Jae Oppa?”


“She might, if she feels like it.”


Ju Hyun sighs and lifts her head up to stare her boyfriend in the eye, “Oppa, you have to make sure they talk. I think it’ll help the both of them. Promise me you’ll make them talk.” She sticks her pinky in his face, and with a smile he locks it with his pinky before pulling her closer and planting a kiss on the tip of her nose.


“I promise.”





SOO Youn found the airport stuffy, and gross. Just like how she found the station in Japan disgusting and stuffy. Everything about airports she hates. The last time she came to this airport was the time she was leaving her life behind and going off to get space. But it wasn’t until afterwards that she figured out how she really felt about her life.


How much she missed her brother, and Soon Kyu. How much she missed hearing Taec Yeon say stupid things, and the way Ju Hyun was always there to confide in. And even though she dislikes Jin Young for arresting her sister, she understands him and still sees him as a big teddy bear—a father figure. And most of all: she misses Detective Park Jae Beom.


Because despite not loving him at the time they had : she knows for sure she loves him now, and she hates not knowing how he’s felt for the past six years. Did he miss her? Did he ever look for her? God knows she’s missed him. But then she really thinks about it.


It’s been six years. Jae Beom is thirty five years old: he’s above the marrying age. Shouldn’t he at least have a girlfriend? Shouldn’t he have least moved in—if he was ever in like with her in the first place?


“Unnie!” The minute Soo Youn steps out of the airport she’s grabbled into a hug by her brother, and his ‘girlfriend’ Ju Hyun. “We’ve missed you so much!” The younger girl cries into her shoulder.


“I’ve missed you too.”


Min Jun latches his hand on hers and pulls her into a tight—individual—hug. “Come on.” He drags his two ‘girls’ into his car and drives as far away from the airport. Because he doesn’t want his sister anywhere near one again.


“You’ve gotten so old Oppa.” Soo Youn announces.


Min Jun laughs, “I’m twenty nine now—so of course.”


“You too Ju Hyun, you’ve grown to be very mature.” Noting that Ju Hyun is now twenty five years old. “Did you ever go to college?” She asks and the younger nods as she goes into great detail about how Min Jun helped her achieve her dreams of going into the Police Academy and helping her become a true police officer at the station in Gangnam despite her uncle’s protests about her being a lady and needing a job that a lady actually does.


Soo Youn smiles, “I’m glad you’re both happy.”


“Are you happy?”


Soo Youn doesn’t respond as her head dips toward her chest, and watches as the car arrives in front of the station she so dreaded to see again. “I think you will be if you go talk to Jae. He’s inside—he misses you.” Ju Hyun whispers while holding tightly onto Soo Youn’s hand.


Both Min Jun and Ju Hyun leave the car—heading inside the station without a care in the world. Soo Youn on the other hand takes her time. She barely even moves from the seat. She doesn’t want to move from the seat. She’s scared to move from the seat.


She’s not quite sure how long she sat there in the back of the van—but she knows it was for a while—but at some point she grabbed the courage to get out and walk into the station. She spotted her brother first. He sat in the back with Ju Hyun in his lap, cuddling each other. She then spotted Taec Yeon leaning up against a wall on the phone and from what it sounds like it’s with Soon Kyu. Jin Young is sat on a chair with his feet propped up on a desk, a smile on his face.


Jae Beom spotted her first. Files drop out of his hands and the frown falls from his face; because he’s not quite sure what expression is supposed to be on his face. “Soo Youn?” He mumbles as he comes to stand in front of her.


She nods, “Park Jae Beom, you’ve got old to.”


“Six years and that’s the first thing you say to me?” He asks as he arrives right in front of her face. He didn’t mind being in her personal space, because he missed out on so many years of being right next to her. And he’s not going to waste anymore time. “Shouldn’t you say you miss me or that I look more handsome then the last time you saw me.”


Soo Youn smiles, “I’ve missed you, and you look more handsome then the last time I saw you Officer Park.”


Jae smiles back, “I found out the results for the requested DNA test. The one you asked for the last time I saw you.” Soo Youn pauses and her hand clusters in her shirt. “He’s not your father. But I found out he dated your mother a few years before she had you and Soo Jung.”


“Six years, and that’s the second thing you say to me?” She voices back to him as she tries hard not to frown at the revelation of knowing a psychopath dated her mother. “Shouldn’t you say you miss me or that I look more beautiful than the last time you saw me.”


Jae places a hand on the side of her neck, his thumb brushing against her cheek. “I’ve missed you like crazy, and it’s no doubt you got more beautiful. But most of all, I still love you. But, the question is…do you love me?”


“I love you too.”


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사랑┊Finally updated the last part of the story! And now it's completed! Thank you all for the support and for reading!! ^^


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