Staying back after school for detention.

It's not anyways nice to be teacher's pet.

I woke up late, “…” I cursed and rushed out of the house. “Why did I wake up late today?” I thought feeling angry with myself. I ride my bicycle as fast as possible towards school and the gate is closing. “Wait up!” I yelled. However, it is shut right in front of my eyes.

I press the breaks of the bicycle as hard as possible and it stops at the right time otherwise my face will slam against the metal bars for sure. I huffed and puffed, trying to gain my breath back.

“I am sorry, name and reasons please.” Junhyung requested and I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Can’t you just let me go this once?” I begged and he shook his head. “It’s just once.” I emphasized.

Junhyung’s eyebrows furrowed too. “Name and reasons.” He demanded sternly. “Don’t delay our time, it is history class now. Mr. Park is waiting.” He added firmly and I told him the particulars he needed.

After parking my bicycle, I stomped into the classroom with Junhyung behind me. “Mind your attitude.” He reminded me and I sighed.

“Control your temper.” I thought, trying to calm myself. I opened the door, “Good Morning Mr. Park, I am sorry I am late for class.” I bowed and process to my seat with Junhyung sitting behind Yoseob and I again.

“As I was mentioning previously, the first half of the lesson for today will base on completing the last chapter we have stopped and the second half will be on clearing the doubts of your questions. Mr. Yong and I will be walking around the class answering the doubts you have for any part of the chapters.” Mr. Park repeated and carry on with class.

I am still furious with what happened in the morning, “how can Junhyung not help me in the morning? Furthermore, he saw me dashing towards the gate but he just slammed the gate right in front of my face!” I thought in frustration.

Then, “_______-si, do you have any questions that you like to ask me?” Junhyung popped out, standing beside me and I just look at him blankly.

“Sorry Sir, I have.” Yoseob raised his hand and Junhyung turned giving his attention to him.

Chorong moves her chair backwards, “it was a good chance just now! You should have asks him some questions.” Chorong said. However, I do not want to talk to him. Junhyung irritates me a lot today.

“Chorong-si, may I assist you in the questions you have?” Junhyung smiles and Chorong nodded.

I glittered my teeth, “he really annoyed me.” I thought.

After school, Chorong and Bomi invited me for high tea at the cafe in SonJeong shopping mall. Unfortunately, I was unable to join them because I have detention. Slowly, dragging my feet towards the room, I saw Yong Junhyung inside reading a book.

“Welcome, take a seat. _____-si, attendance will be marked at the end of the detention.” He informed me. But, I just kept quiet.

I took a seat near the end of the classroom and beside a window. I watched boys playing basketball and girls doing cheerleading. “How I wish I was there rather than here.” I thought feeling envy.

“______-si, it is better for you to do your homework now so that you will have extra time to practice or revise your work for your upcoming history test.” Junhyung reminds and I rolled my eyes. “I believed you have lots of questions to consult me right? I saw that you have a list of it.” He pointed out with a smile and I was surprised.

“No. I don’t.” I lied. “I did have lots of questions that I want to consult the teacher. History is one of my weakest subject.” I thought in regret afterwards.

“Alright.” Junhyung smiled in delight and it even make me angrier.

After that one by one students left and it was only Junhyung and I left in the room. “20 minutes to go.” I thought, hoping the time will speed up soon.

Suddenly, Junhyung shut the door and walk towards my direction. Now, he is sitting in front of me. I, on the other hand, was shocked by the sudden move. “Are you mad at me?” He asks in a softer tone.

“No...No…” I stuttered and blushed at the same time.

“I am sorry that I can’t let you off in the morning.” Junhyung started the topic. “If I let you this once, isn't it unfair to others that I have already wrote down their name and requested them to attend the detention today after school?” He stated and I am out of words and embarrassed.

He took a glance at his watch, “you still have 15 minutes to go. Do you want to consult me the list of questions you have?” Junhyung asks and I was embarrassed. He took the paper and take a look at it. “Due to time the limitation of time, we will go through one first. The rest of it do approach me when you are free or I am free okay?” He said and I nodded.

In the night, we went home together and Junhyung brought me chocolate ice-cream to cheer me up. I laid down on my bed, staring at the empty ceiling, “sorry.” I mumbled. “For acting like a spoil brat.” I continued.


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KissMeFanny #1
Chapter 3: Woooooooooooohoooooooooo i'm so curious what's gonna happen????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Chapter 3: Wah yoseob's pic really something tho ㅋㅋㅋ
Can't wait to know what will happen next :D
Chapter 1: It's very interesting.
I am waiting, maybe is a nightmare? ;)
threekingdomsrp #4
Interesting omfg