My first conversation with Yang Yoseob.

It's not anyways nice to be teacher's pet.

History class was long after Junhyung entered the classroom, I can feel my back aching. I do not even dare to move because I know that he will be staring at me. Then, the holy bell saved me. “Please do well for the upcoming class test and I will see every one of you next lesson.” Mr. Park bowed and us too.

I turned around and Junhyung was already gone. “That’s quick.” I thought in amuse.

During lunch time, “what did Mr. Yong whispered into your ears?” Chorong asks in curious.

I let out a weak smile, “he just told me not to sleep in the class.” I replied and they laughed out loud.

Lunch time finished quickly and we make our way for gym lesson. “What game do you think we will be playing today?” Bomi asks and I shrugged.

“I hope we play badminton because I love it!” Chorong answered in delight and Bomi nodded in excitement.

I walked out the changing room and a shadow towered me. I looked up and it’s Yang Yoseob. I moved away, not wanting to block his way. However, he stands in front of me again. "Are you a member of the radio club?” He glared down at me and I nodded. After that, Yoseob strolled into the gents.

In the end, we did not play badminton during gym lesson and Chorong was upset. Mr. Lee, our gym teacher, ordered us to run around the tracks as fitness test is coming around the corner.

I ran, stuck in the middle portion of the class. At the corner, I glanced around my surroundings and Junhyung is standing at the window in the staffroom. He is looking towards this direction. Awed, I stepped on my shoelaces and tripped.

All out of the nowhere, a hand grabbed me and I was breathing so hard. Fear took over me. “You alright?” Yoseob questions and I nodded.

“Thank you.” I said feeling a little embarrassed. Without saying anything, he continues running at the tracks. “I wonder when he became so vocal”, I thought feeling weird.

After school, I take my time to walk out of the entrance. “I am exhausted” I thought feeling tried. “With Junhyung here in school is weird.”

I was about to pluck my earpiece into my ear until, “see you tomorrow in school.” Yoseob bids goodbye and I was in awed.

“Did he just say goodbye to me? After being two years of classmates, this is the first time I have talked so much with Yang Yoseob-si. Today sure is a unique day.” I thought feeling uncomfortable at all.

At home, the lights were not on and a note was pasted on top of the switches. “Dad and I have went out for a wedding dinner, your older brother, Kikwang, has club activities after school. Please settle your own dinner, the money is placed on the dining table.” Mum wrote.

I showered and changing into my pajamas. I cooked a packet of instant noodle and an egg. I carried that bowl of noodles up into my room, I ate it while watching “Running man” via laptop. After cleaning up, I was about to draw my curtains until our eyes met.

Junhyung didn’t not say anything, only letting out a smirk and he draws his curtain. Feeling irritated, me too. “Stupid.” I cursed him in my mind.


Hello everyone, thank you for all of your supports!

Hopefully, we are about to hear your views soon. However, it is great that we have supports from you! :)

The both of us hopes that you guys have a wonderful weekend. Thank you! <3

@SallyMolly & @Dreamage.

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KissMeFanny #1
Chapter 3: Woooooooooooohoooooooooo i'm so curious what's gonna happen????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Chapter 3: Wah yoseob's pic really something tho ㅋㅋㅋ
Can't wait to know what will happen next :D
Chapter 1: It's very interesting.
I am waiting, maybe is a nightmare? ;)
threekingdomsrp #4
Interesting omfg