Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

The tide was fairly high that night, when Wonwoo dangled his bare feet off the edge of the dock they could actually skim the water. That wasn’t something he could do very often, he liked the change. The water was calm, the air quiet and the only sounds were Wonwoo's breathing with the company of his love's soft breaths. Mingyu was only Wonwoo’s best friend, not his lover or anything but Wonwoo has loved him since even before he found out what the beating in his chest and the fluttering in his stomach meant. Of course Mingyu didn't know this and Wonwoo would never tell him: he liked girls and Wonwoo was born with a few of the wrong parts. But Wonwoo was okay with it, even when the other asked him for advice with relationship troubles. Wonwoo tried his best to help him even though he was inexperienced. As long as Wonwoo could still sit out on the docks of Mingyu's family cabin with him- the person he adored most in the world- then he would be alright. Everything would be alright.


"Hey Wonwoo..." Mingyu's sweet sugary voice broke the silence. For a second Wonwoo's heart sang out like it always does when his name rolls off the boy's tongue.

"Yeah?" Wonwoo asked, his eyes staying on the calm waters. He was fully aware when Mingyu moved closer to him; his senses heightened as Mingyu's head rested on his shoulder. Sure they were close and this wasn't odd for them, but it made Wonwoo's face flush red every time, Mingyu luckly never noticed, or at least never said anything. He  was silent for an extended moment before his voice softly broke it.

"Can I ask you something?" His voice held a tone that Wonwoo couldn’t recognize, and he could feel the atmosphere shift. He didn’t know what Mingyu was aiming for; Wonwoo became nervous as well as scared to say the least.

"Uh... well you just asked one." Wonwoo mumbled quietly with a nervous chuckle in attempt to lighten the heavy mood. It didn’t budge. Mingyu didn't say anything to that and instead sat up and gripped Wonwoo's shoulders, turning the older boy to look at him.

"I am being serious here." Mingyu finally responded, his voice was cool but his eyes were burning. There was something in his eyes that Wonwoo had never seen before; and it made him afraid for a split second. He smoothed it out, this was Mingyu, what could be wrong?
In an instant different problems ran through his head

"What... what's wrong?" Wonwoo asked, his heart beating loudly in his chest. He tore his eyes from Mingyu's, unable to look at them anymore, and stared at his lips instead. He sat waiting for Mingyu to explain himself.

"What is it like to... kiss a boy?" Mingyu's question jolted Wonwoo, forcing himself to make eye contact again. Of course Mingyu knew Wonwoo was gay, he was the first one Wonwoo came out too. But he never asked about that part of Wonwoo, it made him uncomfortable to talk about. He wouldn't even sit in the same room as Wonwoo when his boyfriend of the time was around. Wonwoo just suspected he was homophobic but tried to put up with it for Wonwoo's sake.

"Well... no different than kissing a girl I suppose, why do you ask?" Wonwoo asked lightly  even though his throat was practically closed up. His imagination was running wild but he tried to squash it out, not wanting to jump to the wrong conclusions and get disappointed.
That was hard to do when his best friend's lips were pressed against his. He wasn't sure if Mingyu initiated it or if he did but he wasn't complaining much.


At first Mingyu's lips were soft as they moulded against his, then they got harder, slightly more desperate. Wonwoo's heart got stuck in his throat as his arms slide around the taller boy's neck. Mingyu's arms found their way around his slim waist and they kissed passionately until they ran out of breath which is when Wonwoo broke the kiss, though he was already light headed.

"Wonwoo..." Mingyu mumbled, Wonwoo's cheek with his finger tips.

"Yeah?' Wonwoo breathed, his head swimming as he tried concentrating on the other's words.

"I love you." It was only three words but they met the world to Wonwoo. He never thought he would ever hear those words.

"I love you too." He kissed his love again, this time is was more sweet than the desperate one  before. Mingyu's hands were soft and caressed Wonwoo's sides in a way that drove the boy crazy.


That was the moment Wonwoo woke up from his dream. He was alone in his dark room. His bed, a king sized but he was laying on one side, the other still looked like it was made. Wonwoo sighed and sat up, running his hands through his hair. This was the third week he had that dream. That same memory just kept repeating it's self behind Wonwoo's closed eyelids. It was getting ridiculous. The time on the bedside table read two thirty five in the morning. The next thing Wonwoo did was look at his phone, no texts from Mingyu, like always. He knew there wouldn't be but he had gotten into the habit of checking after all these years. Even though it was so so early, Wonwoo had to go see Mingyu. He was sure Mingyu wouldn't mind, he loved Wonwoo deeply even if he couldn't show it anymore.  Wonwoo quickly got dressed and grabbed his car key before leaving the house.


He had to make sure Mingyu wouldn't be angry that he interrupted him so late into the night, so Wonwoo stopped to grab a bouquet of fresh roses. As he put the flowers in the passenger seat he picked up his phone and called Mingyu's phone. No response. Of course. Wonwoo sighed and started driving to his boyfriend's place. The driveway to it was long and winding, ugly trees adorned the sides of it and Wonwoo turned his nose up in disgust. He hated those trees. He wished someone would change them.


Finally, Wonwoo made it  to the end of the driveway and parked his car, pulling out the bouquet of flowers as he left his vehicle, Wonwoo entered the place. It took a moment to get to Mingyu but Wonwoo knew exactly where he would be. They always knew exactly where to find each other, even before they started dating. That was how attuned to each other they were, but again, this was a different case.

"Hey Mingyu~ Sorry to bother you so late... I brought you flowers! I hope you aren't mad..." Wonwoo said, forcing himself to sound cheerful. He sat down in front of the rock and placed the flowers down in front of it. The flowers he brought last time had already been removed, they disappeared a lot. Wonwoo brought a hand up to trace the carving of Mingyu's name as a tear fell down his cheek.

"I keep having that dream I told you about before. The one at the cabin? That is when we had our first kiss. It was sweet. I miss your lips. I miss your arms." Wonwoo paused and hung his head, tears stained his pants with small, dark circles and he wiped his eyes.

"Sorry, You told me not to cry for you. But it's hard... But I'll try harder just for you. Because I love you.  I have for a while. Before we dated you know. That's one thing I never told you; I have loved you since we were both young. I think that's why I keep having this dream, it's my subconscious trying to give me a chance to tell you after three years of our relationship. That's a funny thing with the mind, it tells you what you want in the most painful way possible. But maybe I can stop having it now. Not that I don't like it but.." Wonwoo stopped talking and frowned. He had nothing left to say, generally he could talk for hours but he couldn't today. He moved back slightly so he could lay down, his head on the cold ground. That's where Wonwoo fell asleep. It was a blissful, dreamless sleep on the grave of Wonwoo's first and only love.

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Chapter 1: Omg no... Wait how did gyu died
thatxxx_ #3
exosbangtanbae #4
Chapter 1: Oh my..
I got teary during the end. And now my heart hurts TT~~~~TT
Meanie </3
Chapter 1: Well I would say you did your job. My heart is broken. This here, I don't think I'll be able to forget this story. I'm not one for angst but this is beautiful.
Chapter 1: I'm crying.. Huhu TT it's so sad~ ican't..... You did a great job
obviouslynotme #8
Chapter 1: i cried so fite mi now
Chapter 1: This soo sad T.T but sooo good !
adorkablexo #10
Chapter 1: The ending made me cry buckets of tears. I wasn't expecting that AT ALL!! This was my first meanie fanfic that I've ever tried to read, and it'll definitely stay as a deep memory.
Please keep writing, your story is wonderful!