3rd Take

Double Take

Irene’s first class already ended. She waited for Mino at the cafeteria as she played ‘candy crush’ on her phone to keep away the boredom.

“Hi” Irene looked up and automatically smiled when she heard his deep voice beside her, he stood there with a grin on his face.

Mino pulled the chair beside her and slumped in it. “sorry, there was a traffic”

“no. it’s okay. I’m here just a minute before you” she lied. Irene was sitting there from an hour, but she didn’t want Mino to feel bad about it.


“have you ordered?”

Irene shook her head. “what do you want? My treat!” Mino said cheerfully.

“Strawberry Milkshake?”

He chuckled at her, “Isn’t this coffee place? They have great coffees here, you have to try”

“uhm, I don’t drink coffee” she smiled as she shrugged her shoulders.

“Oh? Okay then, wait here”.


Irene stayed on her chair while Mino went to order drinks for them. He came back with 1 cup of Strawberry Milkshake and 2 cups of Ice Americano.

Irene laughed as Mino took a seat across her. Mino raised his brows and handed her drink.

“what’s so funny, cabbage?”

“I didn’t know you like Ice Americano that much”


“2 cups, really?” She made a face and chuckled.

“oh” Mino slightly laughed, he blushed a little as he rubbed his nape. “this one is for Seulgi, she’s on the way here”.


Little did she knew, she changed her facial expression after she heard her name. She wasn’t jealous or whatever, but she just realized that she almost forgot one of his precious things, his bestfriend since childhood. They must be really really close, she thought.

“You okay?” Mino stared at her with a big question mark on his face.

“Sorry” She sighed and smiled at him, “thanks God, I thought you’re a crazy fan of Ice Americano”.

They laughed at her last statement. Irene and Mino talked about their high school’s life while they were waiting for Seulgi.


“Baechu, can you do me a favor?” his pleading eyes made her heart a bit racing.

“Sure. As long as I can do it, then yeah why not”

Mino hesitated. He actually didn’t know how to say it to her but, he had to. Hoped Irene would do it for him and for them.

“I’m not ready yet to tell everyone about us. I mean, our marriage next year and about you, Irene. Seulgi knows that my parents already arranged our marriage since we’re kids. She knows about Irene, but not Bae Joohyun” Mino lowered his face as he runs his fingers through his hair.

“I mean, can you keep this as secret? I promise I’ll tell everyone including Seulgi about this when I’m—“

Irene spread her arms on the table, “give me your hands” she demanded and Mino obeyed though he was confused. She held his hands and squeezed them gently.

“I understand. Bae Joohyun or Baechu is me now, right? You shall not forget about it. Don’t call me Irene, kay?” Irene smiled, both her voice and her hands are so soft that Mino thought he was in heaven and the person in front of him was an actual Angel.

She let go of his hands abruptly, Irene mouthed “she’s here” to Mino when she saw Seulgi entered the café. Irene waved her hand in the air so that Seulgi could easily find where they are sitting, Seulgi approached them excitedly and got to sit beside Irene.




So many things happened that day. Irene felt exhausted and just wanted to throw herself onto the bed then sleep until tomorrow. Sadly, she couldn’t. Irene was walking in the corridor, didn’t know where to go. Class just ended earlier than it supposed to be. She texted Mino to go home with Seulgi later and not to wait for her. Mino thought it wasn’t a good idea and he asked Irene to wait a little more so they could go back home together, but Irene said that Seulgi will be suspicious if they do so. Mino actually felt sorry about it, but he just sent a simply agreed text to her. Who wasn’t smiling while reading his agreement? She was no other than Irene herself.

She actually wanted to go back home safely with Mino, but she wasn’t sure either how if Seulgi will also join them on their way home? Plus, Seulgi’s home was just block away from Mino’s. It will ruin their plan to not tell Seulgi about ‘Irene’ and their marriage next year.

Didn’t he want to keep it as secret? Keep “Irene” as secret to be exact.


As she walked past by an open door, she heard her favorite music was playing. Due to her curiousness, she stepped back and peeked to see what room was that.

There were mirrors on 3 sides of the wall, one of them was wider than the others. She walked in and looked around, but there’s no sign of anyone in the room.

“hello~ anybody here?”

No answers. Irene didn’t have the idea why the music was still playing even though there’s no one in the practice room. She thought about a ghost just left that room after it danced to the song, well she didn’t care about it.


Irene loved dancing. She loved to dance and of course she could dance. She never learned about it through dance or ballet classes. It just naturally became her thing.

Now that her favorite music was playing, she couldn’t help but dance. Irene danced to release her stress, to distract herself from overthinking about something she shouldn’t have. She would dance like a pro though she never thought about herself being a pro dancer.

Without her realize, someone was watching her from afar. He stopped right in front of the door when he saw a girl was dancing in that room.


He analyzed her every moves and expressions, beautiful. He thought.

The song stopped, so did Irene. She was panting hard, breathless, her hair was a mess, and she fell on her knees.

Someone was worried and quickly approached her to give a drink and handkerchief.

Irene got a bit shocked when someone handed her a bottle of water, she stared at him and blinked rapidly. She politely accepted it after all and thanked him with her typical soft voice and sweet smile. Irene made herself comfortable sitting on the floor while she straightened both her legs.


“who are you?”

“huh?” she looked up again, but he sat down beside her to make it more comfortable for them to talk.

“I’m sorry.. We’ve never met before, you’re not from the dance course right?”

“uhm.. yeah, I took drama class as my subject. I’m also a new student. Sorry, I shouldn’t be here right?”

“wow, an actress! No wonder..”


“nothing, by the way it’s okay. Since you’re a new student.. how did you get here? Are you lost?”

“Nah. I was passing by, then I heard my favorite song was playing too so yeah..” Irene chuckled as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

“damn she is effortlessly beautiful” he cursed in his mind when he clearly saw those blushed cheeks despite her fair skin.

“ah I see. Hey! You were such a great dancer. You danced so well!”

Irene didn’t know how to react since this person in front of her was a stranger, but she couldn’t deny it. She always loved it when people praised her dancing skills, even though she also knew her family will never support her in all things related to dance.

“really? Was I that great?”

“yeah, and beautiful” he smiled at her as he rubbed his nape.


Irene’s face became as red as tomato, she was so flustered. She didn’t know who was that person, why was he so bold yet she still finds it cute.

“don’t say that” she turned away and tried to hide her reddish cheeks.

“why? I’m being honest here”

“I gotta go” Irene took her belongings with her and walked out right away after saying “thank you” to the person she met in that practice room without looking at his eyes.

Before she was getting too from that room, he ran towards the door just to scream so she could turn around at him and luckily she did.


Irene laughed before she answered him, “JOOHYUN!” then she turned away and faded.

“See you again, Joohyun..”’






Mino and Seulgi walked home together, they didn’t take the bus although they knew it will rain soon. Their steps were so in sync and it looked like they’re shadows to each other. The atmosphere was so chill, Seulgi didn’t talk much that day. Mino was busy with his mind, that moment reminded him a lot about their elementary school memories.  He missed it so much that his heart was aching to think about it when he’s abroad. It was the second day they took a walk together, but Mino still didn’t know what to do when he finally could walk home together with Seulgi again. He always loved that feelings, when he’s being dumb, nervous, fluttered and excited at the same time.


They walked pass an abandoned building, Mino remembered something and stopped immediately. Seulgi didn’t realize that Mino wasn’t there beside her anymore as she kept walking, so Mino had to call her name repeatedly to awake her. Seulgi looked around and found Mino was lagging behind, she sighed as she glared at him confusedly.

“what are you doing there?”

Mino’s face was really bright, brighter than his future because he couldn’t contain his feels when he saw the building in front of him. He excitedly pointing at it and made Seulgi looked at what he tried to show her.

“oh my god.. it’s still here? I didn’t know it. How? I stay and live in Korea in my whole life but?”

“nevermind!!! Let’s get inside!”

“I thought they demolished this building already?”

“you’re just too busy since you’re dating, I guess. C’mon let’s bring back the memories!”

“no.. no, Mino we have to get back home right now. Look at the sky! It’s gonna rain soon”

“if you’re scared we will get wet because of the rain, why did you not take the bus at the very first?”

“Mino please..”

“C’mon Ddeulgi~~” Mino did an aegyo shamelessly. Some people who were passing by laughed at him, but he didn’t care at all.

“Oh damn you Song Mino! Okay! Okaay! Let’s get inside!”

Mino jumped like a kid as they walked inside the abandoned building. It brings back many good memories since they often visited that place when they’re still kids.


There was nobody in that place, so Mino screamed like a crazy when they get inside. He screamed anything randomly. Seulgi just shook her head, she felt so done with Mino’s childish side. She always wondered how old is his bestfriend actually? He acted like a 10 years old boy. Why did he still love to play around like this? Unbelievable, but she couldn’t say that she hates it. No way, she loved everything he did around her.

Mino pulled Seulgi by her wrist to run with him. Seulgi couldn’t do anything other than join him and his craziness. It sure brought the beautiful memories back. They often played here together, Mino as the pirates and Seulgi as the Nation’s hero or Seulgi played a role as Crocodile while Mino being a dolphin. They two were weird kids that nobody wants to be friends with, that’s why it always the two of them playing together. They had no friends, but that didn’t matter because they already had each other to rely on.


Time sure went so fast as they forgot the real world when they were having fun under the rain, loving the throwback they had at the moment.





It almost took me 2 years to update this short chapter, i.

I want you guys to know that i am currently busy with my thesis, so please forgive me for being a slowpoke.

Please do enjoy and wait patiently for the next update!

I still can't see how the ending will be, tbh. LOL. i love y'all!

xoxo-; DG.

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HaniLovesWinner #1
Chapter 2: please update i love your story
healthcare #2
Chapter 2: aww..finally chap 2 here..yaaayy \^^/ i like minreve and minseul but since you started with minseul as friends and i find it so cute friendship,i prefer them as friends.lol..but you can supries us authornim..lol
looking forward your next chap..fighting^^
LKaiZeloMarkYerin #3
Chapter 2: When will Vrene/taerene appaer ?? So in tge story Irene will not be with Taehyung ??? Noooo.....
Chapter 2: plot twist: seulrene
Chapter 2: can i get a taehyung and seulgi instead lmao jk
YoonriYH #6
Chapter 1: I hope it's minrene, bcs I like how mino and seulgi being best buddy, it's too cliche if mino and seulgi become couple
Chapter 1: hoping for minseul ship since myungsoo disappeared lol
LKaiZeloMarkYerin #8
Chapter 1: Nice.... I hope youcan update sooner... :)
J0ie24 #9
Chapter 1: Ah I got a feeling it's a minseul ship? And hey there's some spelling errors if you realized~~ and just wonder why myungsoo dissapeared all of a sudden >< fighting!!
LKaiZeloMarkYerin #10
I need an update..... First chapter please...