Against me 2

Gwi x Hye Ryung stories
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Summary: Second part of Against Me. Gwi's apology.


She was upset, he knew that when he visited her again the next night. Not teasing her this time, he simply announced he was coming in and pulled the doors open. 

He knew the King was away, trying to hunt down Kim Sung Yeol, so Gwi knew he would not be disturbed tonight. 

Hye Ryung simply looked up at him from her seat, gave a nod and continued reading the book in her hands. 

She was definitely more agitated than he expected, Gwi gave a bitter laugh as he sat down across from her. 

“Are you still angry?” Asking the obvious, Gwi still tried his luck, studying her face. 

Her brows furrowed a bit but she said nothing. Gwi glanced around the desk, eyeing a pot of tea and cups at the side. She was either really upset or seriously rebelling against him if she cared not to pour him some tea. 

“Choi Hye Ryung. How long are you going to ignore me? It seems you are too comfortable as the new Queen that you also became a rude child.” There was no malice in voice, but he was just desperate for some sort of reaction from her. 

Setting aside her book, Hye Ryung gave a frown and started to prepare him a cup of tea. Gwi smirked and reached out for the book she had set aside. Reading the first few lines, he casually flipped through the pages. The corners of his lips curled up in amusement, it was a romance novel, one of her favourite genres. He remembered when she was little, she used to pester him to purchase more romance novels to fill up his library instead of the biographies and mystery novels he was more inclined to read.

It seemed his actions annoyed her further as she set his cup down a little too loudly. “You are disturbing my reading time, and making me waste valuable time finding the page where I left off,” she huffed. 

With a sneer, Gwi threw the book back onto the table, now fully closed. 

“Then you can start reading new ones,” he remarked, he moved to his side picking up a parcel wrapped in black cloth which he had hid amongst his robes earlier. He set the parcel on the table and with a smirk, he took a drink from his cup as he watched her confused expression. 

With a wave of his hand, he instructed her to open the parcel. Untying the knots revealed two boxes on the top and three books underneath. As expected of a book lover, Hye Ryung’s hands went towards the books first. Gwi chuckled in amusement as her eyes lit up when she recognised the author of the books. 

“While you were busy being the Queen, I’m guessing you could not go out to bookstores anymore. Or had the time to keep updated with your reading. During this time your favourite author released some new romance novels. These are his latest works.” 

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Seshiria18 #1
Chapter 10: 2019 anyone? This story is so warm
Seshiria18 #2
Chapter 10: 2019 anyone? This story is so warm
doughnutca #3
Chapter 1: this is so great! i Just finished the drama and thought it was such a shame to not see more happen between gwi and hye roung! thanks for writing this
annaline #4
Chapter 10: Awwww love's 2017 and i'm still waiting for the next chapter...
Sweet2113 #5
Chapter 10: I love this fic so much! Please give them a happy ending. I'm totally gwi-ryung shipper!
Sweet2113 #6
Chapter 10: I love this fic so much! Please give them a happy ending. I'm totally gwi-ryung shipper!
kpop4everinmylife #7
Chapter 10: Awww~ I love it so much! Fighting!!!
tivee26 #8
Chapter 10: nwaw. i love this so much. are you going to be following the drama storyline?
if so, im gonna cry so much. give them a happy ending, pleeaseee
awesome-raji #9
Chapter 10: Amazing update..
Loved the part where he apologised!!!
Where he rest his head on HR...and held her!!
Teally enjoyed it!! Thank u for the update. .and yes update soon!!!
awesome-raji #10
Chapter 9: You know I also think that , gwi wants that cloth so he could be king ..because HR wants to be king's wife (totall gwi-ryung shipper's mind)
Love this chapter. .and waiting for the next!!!
Thank you for the update