Members since... 4 DAYS AGO.


Author-Chan Okay, it's been ages since I have updated Arashi's 'Facebook'... Hontou Gomenasai Minna-san... I'M SO SORRYYY T_T

Like · Comment · about 9hours ago ·

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Satoshi Ohno You are more irresponsible than the laziest leader of them all! (aka me)

9hours ago · Like · 

Kazunari Ninomiya I am still surprised your subscribers stood by you... YOU EVEN GAINED SOME.

9hours ago · Like · 

Aiba Masaki You last updated on my birthday... WHICH WAS LAST YEAR. Oh no Oh no... Author-san, you have some serious explaining to do.

9hours ago · Like · 

Matsumoto Jun I CANNOT believe you didn't update the Arashians on Arashi's well-being on Facebook! *does a diva hair-flip* I deserve the attention to be updated on Facebook, you know!?!

9hours ago · Like · 

Sho Sakurai AND WHAT DO I SEE ON YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN?!?!?! COUNTLESS OF TEEN TOP VIDEOS! That Korean boy group who are all at such tender ages of below 20 and whose weight are like what... 51kg?!?! *nags on and on and on*

9hours ago · Like · 

Author-Chan CHOTTO CHOTTO CHOTTO MATE!!! Wait... I created all of your Facebook updates and now, all of you are hating on me!?! FINE BE THAT WAY I WOULD JUST DELETE YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT AND INACTIVATE THEM. HAH!

9hours ago · Like · 

Sho Sakurai are now no longer on Facebook.

Matsumoto Jun are now no longer on Facebook.

Aiba Masaki are now no longer on Facebook.

Kazunari Ninomiya are now no longer on Facebook.

Satoshi Ohno are now no longer on Facebook.


Author-Chan SEE THE POWER OF MEEEHHHH~! *goes crazy on her own* W-Wait... hello? Is there anyone here?! ARE THE READERS STILL HERE?!?! NOOOOO I'M ALONE:( Sorry... everyone please come back! I know I haven't been updating for what seems like forever, but you guys know that I still love you all so so so much! I can't remember which person I stopped replying to their comments, so keep the comments coming and I will reply to them alright? Fine fine... You all just wanna hear Arashi so... here they are again.

Like · Comment · about 7hours ago ·

@cheesydizzy 12-23-2011 18:33:10 says:
Happy birthday Aiba! He's already 29 years old already!~ :)
My bias is Junnie and Nino!~
Sorry couldn't choose which one...HAHA!

Kazunari Ninomiya Arigatou Gozaimasu~!<3 Choose me as your main bias! That Jun has so many fans already! I promise I will shower all my love on you<3


Kazunari Ninomiya Weren't we over... about 5 years ago?


Kazunari Ninomiya Oh-chan, your zip is open again...

Satoshi Ohno Ooops... Heh Heh Heh....


@spriggan_d 12-23-2011 21:02:13 says:
kyaaaa!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIBA-KUN!!!! lol had to do that. here's a birthday cake from me to u!
hope u enjoy!! ^.^ and Nino-kun u need to get out more instead of playing video games so much! u'll hurt ur eyes like that from staring too long.

Aiba Masaki Ahh Thank You! Itaidaikimasu! *goes on eating the cake from a year ago due to an irresponsible Author-chan without anyone's business*

Kazunari Ninomiya Alright, instead of staring at the game console, I shall stare at Ohno's open zip!

Satoshi Ohno .... YOU ERT! *zips up but the zip got stuck* Oh no...

Aiba Masaki *pops out of nowhere* Hehehehe you just said your own name.

Kazunari Ninomiya Leaving the conversation~


@arashisgirl2013  on 12-23-2011 22:07:09 says:
well, technically where i am, it's 12:07 in tokyo right now so.....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIBA CHAN~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my lovely ichiban! the one with the best smile! the one who NEEDS TO TAKE CARE OF HIS HEALTH AND NOT FEEL GUILTY FOR BEING SICK! (that was kinda mean, but it's true...) and the one that cracks me up with stupid remarks everytime i need a pick-me-up.
i'm not celebrating Christmas eve. i'm celebrating Aiba's birthday xD
お誕生日おめでとぅ 相葉ちゃん!!!!!!!!

author-san, update soon~!!!!!!


Aiba Masaki Arigatou Gozaimasu! Ah... Thank you!^~^ /grins widely/ Yes, I am taking care of my health so well now!!! And I shall take the stupid remarks as a complim-

Kazunari Ninomiya Yeah yeah... taking care of your health? Dude, you just ate a one-year-old cake!

Aiba Masaki *ignores* -continues- compliment and yay yay my birthday is celebrated worldwide!<3


@Hiwatarii  on 12-23-2011 22:09:26 says:
Yes! Ninomiya-kun is awesome! :o Arigatou gozaimasu *bow* Here is my present for you~ .

MatsuJun, you are making me spazz like a mad woman >////< aaaaah~ let's join our birthday parties ne. It would be so much fun. We can go shopping :D

-To Author-san: aaaaaaaahhh!!! I think I'm going crazy xD I always want to like their coments~

P.S - Arashi-san I didn't forget about you~ Merri Kurisumasu! And Ma-kun, otanjoubi omedetou >.< Take care of yourself and take it easy, we love you like that ;) yaaaaaay~


Sho Sakurai Because of that lazy Author-Chan, she didn't add in the option to really like our witty and awesome comments...

Author-Chan Watch it Sakurai... Don't make me delete you again!

Matsumoto Jun Yes, I have that power!<3 Neh~! We can hang out, go shopping and eat cake together! I'm a genius!

Rest of Arashi and Author-Chan *blows a rasberry* Hmph, genius?! PUAAHAHAHAHA.


@Kazue-chan on 12-24-2011 06:06:15 says:
Hazel-chan,sumimasen,i'm really...really....really talkative.And your Facebook special puts me in my hyperecstatic mood :P This time i'll just make ONE comment :D
So first and foremost : OTANJOUBI OMEDETOU Aiba-chan!!!!YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYYYY I'm 7 hours behind JT so here is 1 AM,so your b-day started an hour ago.I'll make my Christmas cake special this year.For you <3
Second: Seriously,with that comment i thought i will provoke Nino butoh well *dissapointed*
Third : Matsujun......sugoi cough you had there,way too long,daijoubu desu ka? ROFL LMAO And don't get cocky...i could switch ichibans...i heard others did it before......OHHHH DAMMIT,no i won't,who the hell am i kidding???? :)) :))
Arashi-sama,Hazel-chan,minna,Merii Kurismasu!
P.S.(yabai,i did it again,forgot something),i just saw the CM for Lucky 7.I'm still trying to get my brain back from the "mush state" :)):))
Aiba-chan,again,on your special day HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!


Author-Chan MY DEAREST READER, I LOVE YOU AND YOUR LONG COMMENTS. I LOVE TALKATIVE PEOPLE. LET'S HUG! :') -sniffs- you are the only one who bothered to care about me and not just Arashi. Those dorks:( At least I am loved!!!

Kazunari Ninomiya Muahaha... you can never defeat or provoke me! I'm too nice.

Rest of Arashi and Author-Chan *pukes immediately* Hmph, nice?! PUAHAHAHAHHA

Matsumoto Jun Ah dearest... I know you will never change bias! I'm too AWESOME! ICHIBAN FOR LIFE<3 hehehehe^^


@darkmercuryplanet   on 5-5-2012 11:07:08 says:
ohh hahahahha I love this fic!!!! Is so funny hehee!!!! Great!!! My Bias is Aiba Masaki!!!Update soon!

Aiba Masaki I see that I am quite well-loved too! Thank you! Arashi is just so cute and funny, ne?^.^


Satoshi Ohno Ma-chan, quick! Evacuate the place! Take good care of the fans and the other members! I will handle this Author-san.



@qilahyukjae on 6-1-2012 04:19:46 says:
I'm rolling on the cold tile, laughing like hell!! I. Love. You. and. You. Fan-Fic.

Author-Chan Oh darling! I love you too<3 At least someone who loves me too!!! AIERU<3 Now lemme deal with that leader of age above 30... muahahaha...



A/N: Hey everyone! Yep as you can see from the context... this naughty Author hasn't been updating... but this fanfic takes a lot more work than the others cos' I have to think from each members perspectives, so bear with me! I LOVE YOU GUYS! MUAH! <3 SUBSCRIBE. COMMENT. ENJOY. :3 stay by me, dears! More updates coming soon! I have upcoming exams so... please do support me! Ganbatte!~^^


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Totiturtle #1
Chapter 4: This fic is just AWESOME.
Seriously, you made me laughing 'till my stomach hurt.
But anyway, continue to update coz I'll be waiting *peace*
toshiyuki26 #2
Chapter 3: Sugoi...
I really hope that there will be Ohmiya part there..
And Leader..I just love the way you talk..
to Author-san, otsukaresama... ^_^
Will wait for the next part. ^^
Chapter 1: I love these dorks. <3 they're my firts love before I went fangirling to kpop groups. I love them since 2005!! =)))
Chapter 3: LOL..i can imagine this what will gonna happen along their conversation. those dorky boys XDD
is it end already?
hurray for update!!! Ah! Aiba! don't eat the cake!! u'll get sick!! i'm glad that you like it but please don't eat it for my sake. i would feel guilty if you got sick on my account. -pokes hazel- hey hey! thx for the update but also please take care of your health as well. the weather is starting to turn cold now. in fact, Arashi~ please make sure you all dress warm and keep healthy and take it easy when you need to okay? Stay safe!

yay! an update!! i feel bad for aiba-chan now.. my heart now belongs to nino T.T aiba-chan, don't hate me!!!!! i love you too!!!
update soon!!!
qilahyukjae #7
I'm rolling on the cold tile, laughing like hell!! I. Love. You. and. You. Fan-Fic.
ohh hahahahha I love this fic!!!! Is so funny hehee!!!! Great!!! My Bias is Aiba Masaki!!!Update soon!
Hazel-chan,sumimasen,i'm really...really....really talkative.And your Facebook special puts me in my hyperecstatic mood :P This time i'll just make ONE comment :D <br />
So first and foremost : OTANJOUBI OMEDETOU Aiba-chan!!!!YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYYYY I'm 7 hours behind JT so here is 1 AM,so your b-day started an hour ago.I'll make my Christmas cake special this year.For you <3 <br />
Second: Seriously,with that comment i thought i will provoke Nino butoh well *dissapointed*<br />
Third : Matsujun......sugoi cough you had there,way too long,daijoubu desu ka? ROFL LMAO And don't get cocky...i could switch ichibans...i heard others did it before......OHHHH DAMMIT,no i won't,who the hell am i kidding???? :)) :))<br />
Arashi-sama,Hazel-chan,minna,Merii Kurismasu!<br />
P.S.(yabai,i did it again,forgot something),i just saw the CM for Lucky 7.I'm still trying to get my brain back from the "mush state" :)):)) <br />
Aiba-chan,again,on your special day HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!