
Chapter One - Loser
Jimin had never expected his life to turn out like this. When he was younger, life was all sunshine and rainbows but now, as an adult, life is nothing but gloom and doom.
Jimin has good memories, ones from highschool with taehyung and yoongi and the times they'd go travel all across the place, searching for new coffee shops to try. 
One of their favourites had been the emerald city cafe, the name of the city from the wizard of oz, because it had the nicest hot chocolate in the world. 
Ironically, two years after discovering the cafe, jimin found himself working there, alongside the new owner seokjin and it wasn't what he had hoped for in life but it was better than some.
A loud clang of metal on metal snaps jimin out of his thoughts of the past and his thoughts for the future, his eyes flicker upwards to meet seokjin, a prominent frown eched onto his face.
"Are you alright jimin?" He asks, placing down the metal container and large spoon, that he had used to garner jimins attention.
Jimin shrugs, "I'm not entirely sure". 
Seokjin sighs and flings an arm around jimin's shoulders, a weak smile on his lips, "it's time to close up, instead of going back to your apartment, come eat out with me and then come back to mine and jungkook's place" 
Seokjin always knew what to do when it came to jimin and never had jimin ever been more thankful for a human being born that in the last year and a half he had known Seokjin.
The centre of jimin's depression is his two best friends, well ex best friends. 
About five months ago, jimin had confessed his love for min yoongi to him, only to get shot down by a soft pat to his shoulder and the classic, "I'm not into dudes"
About a month later, jimin almost broke in half at the sight of yoongi, his first love and taehyung, his best friend locking lips passionately.
Jimin had always been a calm person, always going out of his way to assure others happiness over his own but when he saw them, a surg of pure anger had taken control of him and it wasn't pleasant.
Jimin had punched taehyung a good five times before moving on to yoongi. But when he looked down at yoongi's face, all the anger had dispersed from his body and his feelings took control again. 
Jimin physically couldn't harm yoongi, the boy he had been in love with since forever. 
Hearing all the ruckus, Seokjin, had run through the open dorm room and just stared down at a bleeding taehyung and a pathetic looking yoongi before gripping Jimin's arm tightly, too tightly and escorting him to the door.
But before they left, Seokjin turned around, "I thought both of you were better than this. After everything he's done for you, everything" 
Seokjin' voice had cracked, pain evident in his words, "yoongi, taehyung, Remeber this day as the day you ruined Jimin's trust in people. In love" 
And with that Seokjin had pulled him out the door and slammed it, hard.
After all that, Jimin forgave them. Eventually, yoongi, taehyung and Jimin had all moved in together, and things were like how it was in the good old days.
Apart from the fact that yoongi and Taehyung are engaged and plan to be married in September this year.
So in precisely, four months.
And the thought of never being able to be with yoongi, never being able to call yoongi his, hurt. It hurt so damn much that Jimin felt as though something was tearing at him from the inside, working itself to the surface.
Seokjin knew all this and when Jimin had his bad days, today being one of those, he would offer jimin a nice meal and to sleep over at his very luxurious apartment, that he shared with his cousin, jungkook.
Once again, Seokjin hit the metal tray, snapping jimin from his trance.
"I asked where you wanted to go" he sighs, grabbing his keys from the side.
"It's your choice tonight" 
Seokjin nods, walking before jimin, only stopping before the door and turning around.
"You coming Jimin?" Seokjin smiles, teasingly.
The dinner they had, at McDonalds, was a nice change from all the fancy ones Jimin had chosen the weeks before. 
Turning his keys in the lock, Seokjin grumbles at Jungkook and how lazy he is as he pushes open the door and slings his backpack onto the floor.
Jimin shuts the door behind him and glances around the place. He'd only stayed here a few times, usually chickening out when Seokjin suggested staying at his house because the whole idea made him feel incredibly uncomfortable.
Not to mention his charming cousin, Jungkook. It was clearly obvious from the first time they had locked eyes that they weren't going to get along. One reason, being that Jungkook was a complete to Jimin and the second being that, Jungkook would just stare at Jimin for long periods of time and people staring at him was something that was high on making him anxious list.
Seokjin manovers to the kitchen, opening the fridge and taking out two cans of Pepsi max. He chucks one at Jimin and he sucessfully catches.
"I still don't understand why you stay with them when all they do is hurt you" 
And there it was, the truth. No sugar coating, just the plan, cold, hard truth. 
"Because I love them" Jimin answers, flicking the cap up and hearing the fizz of the drink.
"But do they love you?" Seokjin questions, eyeing him over his Pepsi can as he takes a large gulp.
"Of course"
"If they loved you, then they wouldn't have done what they did" an all to familiar voice says from behind him.
Jimin turns around to face Jungkook, who is dressed down, in his teenage mutant ninja turtle Pajamas that he seemed to wear, everytime Jimin comes over to sleep.
"Your input wasn't asked for" Seokjin grumbles, putting his can on the kitchen side.
"Nobody asked you to start the convocation that's clearly making the loser uncomfortable" Jungkook retorts, glancing at Jimin quickly then looking down at his phone, that's in his hands.
Seokjin sighs and shoots an apologetic look at Jimin, "I brought you hear to get your mind of them and, I'm sorry, they just make me so angry" 
Jungkook snorts, "Hoseok told me that you beat the out of both of them and had to literally be peeled from yoongi by Namjoon. So I'd say that being angry, is an understatement." 
Seokjin shoots a look of pure fury at Junkook, his hand clasping tightly around his Pepsi can.
Jungkook puts his hands up, lowers them and walks to the sofa, plopping himself down to watch some TV.
"Right, you can take my bed again, I'll take the sofa" Seokjin mumbles, walking around Jimin and towards the sofa where Jungkook is sitting.
"I'm not taking your bed, this is your house, I'm a guest, I'll take the sofa" Jimin argues, tugging at his jumper sleeves.
"No your-"
"I've got an extra bed in my bedroom, it's yours if you want it Jimin" Jungkook pipes up, looking straight at him.
Jimin gulps and nods, "that would be nice, thanks"
Seokjin stares at Jungkook as though he's grown three heads because it was never like Jungkook to do something so
"Hoseok went through the same thing and I'm- just take it if you want it" Jungkook growls, getting up and storming to God knows where in this large house.
"Well that was something, it reminded me of that rare gold Pepe that poped up on my Instagram last week" Seokjin thinks aloud, rubbing his chin. 
"Enough about the gold Pepe Jin" Jimin whines, "I'm going to sleep" 
Seokjin looks at Jimin and nods, "me too" 
Jungkook's room was actually rather pleasant. It has serval posters of g-dragon on the walls and one of taeyang which Jimin also had hanging on his wall. 
The spare bed that Jungkook had offered to Jimin was really comfortable, more than his own one. But despite the comfyness, Jimin had spent over an hour trying to sleep. 
"If you move one more time, I will cut you" Jungkook growls, his voice dangerously low.
"Sorry" Jimin whispers, tugging the Dovey over his shoulders.
"Jimin" Jungkook whispers, the tone of voice sounding questioning.
"Don't let them two push you around, you deserve more than that, believe me"
And Jimin swore, he just bared witness to a miracle.
Instagram = @taetaesugasuga
TUMBLR - Taetaesugasuga 
Chapter one is up and I really hope you, the readers enjoy. This story is one that I'm writing from the top of my head, so be warned because I wrote this at 1:20am in the morning whilst watching the inbetweeners movie two. 
Now it's time to sleep and once again thank you for reading because it means a lot to me. I'll see you at chapter two. 
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Chapter 2: pls update soon ~
xlkltc_sbdkcs #2
Chapter 1: An awsome opening!! Pls update as soon as possible. (≧▽≦)
ineedmytherapy #3
Chapter 1: this was an amazing start :(
i cant wait for more jikook development!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Neliel3 #4
Ok... first of all...

This story is interesting. I am looking forward to reading more of this... Please keep writing and update soon :)))


Why is this fic in the "One Shot" category? It is chaptered, right? But why???

Ahahah ok ignore me please UPDATE SOON Ahahaha