
Hug Me

  6​:00 AM

    Amber's POV
    It was 6:00 AM when her manager handed the flight attendant their tickets as they boarded the plane for Beijing,China. Amber had only got one hour of sleep last night before she had to wake up at 5:00 AM which was a normal thing for her. She sat at the window seat and looked out at the sky as she put on her headphones , trying her best to get at least a little more sleep before they arrived at their destination.  She watched the clouds as she looked out of the window when her thoughts suddenly shifted to Kris. 'Would he be there? No, he's an actor remember... why would he be there? ...... Wait, what if he sung for an OST or something? He never really got the chance to show how amazing he was at singing in EXO. I miss him. Ah I need to stop.' Amber sighed as she started to drift off to sleep.
  Kris' POV       8:00 P.M
    It was 8:00 and Kris was getting ready in his changing room. He would be the first to go on stage that day. He sighed as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was dressed in a classy black suit with the front open and his jordans, since fancy shoes are "not his style." He sat down again as he pulled out a picture from his wallet. It was a polaroid picture of him and amber. He always kept it with him. QDhyKhX.jpg
    Seeing how big his hands were compared to Amber's always made him smile when he looked at it. He could clearly remember that day. It was two months after their breakup. Amber suggested for them to take a break since she knew how busy EXO was. He could tell how hard this was for Amber to say. Kris didn't want to break up. He said that it was okay and that it didn't matter how busy they were, but no matter what he said, she wouldn't listen to him. She thought she would be in his way.
    "Why don't you two take a picture together?" Victoria suggested as they were preparing for the SM Christmas Wonderland concert.  Amber and Kris continued to be friends but inside, it was hard for them to be apart.
    They looked at each other and agreed. "Aigoo... your height difference is too big. I can't fit you two in the camera."
    "Haha. Miahne." Kris replied. Amber blushed as Kris bent down against the wall to her height. When he was next to her face he whispered "Ha. Shorty."  
    ' I miss you' he whispered to the picture of Amber. "Get ready Kris. You're going to be on in 5." 
   Kris nodded as he got up and headed backstage.
Amber's POV​
 " The first person performing today is a gorgeous former kpop idol who is now an actor here in China." My heart stopped as I heard those words come out of the MC's mouth. ​
  "Hmm.... Ah! Could it be Wu Yi Fan?" the other MC continued.
  "Indeed it is!" I froze in place. Unable to move or breath. "Here is Wu Yi Fan singing 'I can hear your voice' , the OST to the movie 'Somewhere Only We Know' which he stars in." The crowd cheered loudly as the one person I had longed for for so long started making his way to the center of the stage. He looked stunning as always in his classy yet edgy, layed back way. His hair was brown and soft. I could almost imagine myself running my fingers throughout his hair like I had done many times two years ago.
    That is when he started singing. All I could do is sit and stare as I heard his beautiful voice that I missed so much. It sent shivers down my spine. "Amber, are you okay?" my manager asked me.
    "Huh? Yeah of course. Why?"
    " You're crying right now..."  I quickly looked away, noticing the tears I felt on my cheeks.  I wiped them away and looked back up at him.
     " Ah... I'm not. Just.... um... allergies." I said awkwardly trying  to cover it up. 
      " Oh... okay. If you say so..."
      Eight performances had passed and I couldn't get him out of my mind. I was sitting in my dressing room, trying to calm myself down. It was about to be my turn and I didn't know how I could go up there. Just knowing he would be watching me made my heart pound. " The next performance is by someone who recently made a solo debut!"
      "Oh, who could that be? Why don't you give us some more hints?"
      " Well, she is another kpop idol and she looks like a certain animal."
      " Oh my... Could it be Amber the llama queen?!"
      "You are correct! She will start off by singing 'Beautiful'."
      " Wah... that song made me cry when I heard it. Can't wait to hear it live."
      "Let's all welcome the beautiful Amber!"
       I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror one more time.
       Then I stepped on stage.
A/N: I'm so sorry I have taken so long to update everyone! I've just been really busy with school starting up again. Hopefully you are all still interested in my story. Sorry this is kind of a short update, but it seemed like a good place to stop. I will make sure to update on Friday. Please let me know if you like long or short updates. I will try my best to update every week from now on. Thank you for the sweet comments! c:
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Chapter 2: When are you going to update???
Leonicograce #2
Chapter 3: Good job, autornim! Cant wait the next chapter...
Mich517 #3
Chapter 3: Aigoooo~ this is so adorable >3<
Chapter 3: They've finally talked again! Yes!!! Please update again soon! Krisber is just too cute!
sucafraliex #5
Chapter 3: Its soooo cute
kpcruz5232 #6
Chapter 3: this update is too cute for words <3 I love how Yifan is so loving and proud of our dear llama, it's just so adorable imagining it :3 and I think his reaction here would be the same too in real life if ever he gets to watch her sing in person~~ ;)
kpcruz5232 #7
Chapter 2: I felt so emotional reading this ;~; the feels are overflowing I just can't contain them any longer *tears* I miss KrisBer so so much </3 thanks for the lovely update! ^^
Chapter 2: Krisber!! Such a cliffhanger! Can't wait for them to actually see each other!
llama1023 #9
Chapter 2: krisber ftw, please add fluff on the next chapter authornim XD thx for this update :)))
kpcruz5232 #10
how come I only found this now??? this story looks so interesting I had to sub immediately! haha xD I like how it's connected to that Krisber "some" theory ^=^ really can't wait for the next update/s :D pls post them soon, authornim! xx