Days Before The Battle

Thunder at Hearts (Eunhyuk and Gyuri)

Day 1
Gyuri and Eunhyuk, unexpectedly met each other on the way to locker room. She’s straightaway turned around and took off.

‘Aiishh what did I do? She’s just avoiding me again….’ Eunhyuk muttered.


Day 2
In paddock, Gyuri’s looking at warmly way to Eunhyuk, unnoticed by him. Caught by Nicole who thought in confuse, ‘…ehh?? What’s that?’


Day 4
At afternoon, in garage….Eunhyuk’s staring at Gyuri, unnoticed by her. It was secretly caught by Donghae, who smirked and said to himself, ‘Whoaa, the story will start? Or, …continued?’


Day 5
In meeting room before Gyuri sat down, she and Eunhyuk, met for an instant eyes….

Again.…in the middle of Jung Min’s presentation about the race prediction.

Once more, when Eunhyuk’s explaining the contour of LF2 --Gyuri’s car-- and the differences of each gear-box.

These were on and on until the meeting finished.

Seeing this, Nicole and Donghae looked at each other….feeling flustered.


Day 7
Vacantly stare of Eunhyuk, mused, ‘The cars are ready. Need to pre-practice at the evening. Ahh…..where’s she?’ Being not to see her in two days, does make him disturbed. He then walked to the gym room for exercising.

Busy Gyuri, prepared for the big day, ‘Focus girl, you just need to be more focus! You’ve got to relax & stable…… win the battle! Ahh can’t be more patient than this!’ Being not able to see him in two days, indeed made the Nemesis unstable. She went to the gym room afterwards, thirty-seven minutes after Eunhyuk left.


Day 8
Having instructed by the Leader, the six of them –Jung Min, Gyuri, Chansung, Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Nicole— gathered in the meeting room, then to the garage for discuss about technical things. Jung Min actually sensed something ungainly in the atmosphere but he troubled in finding emotionally aspects among the members.


Day 9
“Ehm….our mechanic here had been a good friend with Gyuri since junior high --despite he’s 2 years above her— and the incident to the Principal’s car was when they’re in same senior high,“ Donghae started, talking to Nicole. “Rumors also said, it’s happened….hmm….oh, as he’s just entered few months of the third year, ‘rite Hyukk-ah?”

Eunhyuk didn’t give any answer, straightaway leaving the garage, mumbled something about discussion with one of the mechanic crew.


Donghae pulled breathe a bit and said, “That time, a new kid in their school has just been friends with him. He’s one year below Hyukk-shi. That boy loves cars and racing stuffs too, just like him you know…..” He pointed his thumb to the door where Eunhyuk’s just left.


He gazed upward and continued, “It’s a bad thing ‘thou, people at their school mislead to wrong person of that incident. Dunno……(Donghae shrugged), maybe they need someone to get blamed of? Last thing I knew, Gyuri and him were kindof dating….”

“Who’s dating with Gyuri-shi? Eunhyuk-shi? And, kind…..of…?” Nicole tilted her head, glaring at him.

“Nope. ….uhukk…,” Donghae cough at a sudden. “She’s with the new kid……ehm…there’s another gal involved. But for the truth, ‘Nic, that’s all I can share. Others are boy talks only. It’s confidential, secret. Have to be hidden off, especially to gals like you.”

“Haa you just can’t share it ‘becoz you don’t want getting scolded by Eunhyuk-shi….bwee…,” Nicole stuck her tongue out.

Donghae’s only grinned at her.


Although was being talked by Nicole and Donghae, Eunhyuk still acted plain. He’s just moving around, here and there ….continued installing and setting right tools for the two cars, saying no words.


Later on, to cut off –reducing-- their oftenly chats (& also, ‘cause he can’t stand it anymore), he requested Donghae for searching data about the new racer of Emerald Kingdom. Rumors spread that he’s from East Island and as long as Eunhyuk know, East Island’s famous with their tremendous stock of talented racers. “Maybe because something’s in the water there…,” he used to say it, an enviously silly words from him.


Gyuri was done for having lunch in cafetaria when Eunhyuk passed by, she thought he looks skinner in these 4 days. She was drinking a glass of orange juice as a man figure caught in her corner sight. Without seeing the person, she knew it's him.


"You should eat more Gyuri-shi, the car still can carry you," laugh tone was in the man’s calm voice.

"I'm full, thank you. Withal....I'm not too sure about the car's strength." She furrowed her eyes, glancing at him.

"Can I join you?" Without any objection gesture from her, Eunhyuk pulled out a chair and sat on it, facing directly to Gyuri.

"I want to know if there's any complaint from our....main Racer here."

Gyuri chinned, saying, "No. Not yet. I think it's impossible to have any complaints to our....main Mechanic here. He's impressive. So far." A smile shadowed in her eyes.


For a while, the two were looking each other's eyes but at sudden, can't figured out why, Gyuri shifted her sight down onto the table.....awared not only of sharp and full laugh in Eunhyuk's eyes, but something else....


"You look thinner, Gyuri-shi. Don't get sick, would you?" his voice sounded serious.

Gyul raised her head, smiling sheepishly at him, "I will Eunhyk-shi. Can't make our team and my brother mad, can we?"

"Gyuri....ehm….Gyul, can we just push aside this formality craps calling? I mean, if we're in casual situation like this.... Just calling me 'oppa' like you used to?" Eunhyuk's with determined eyes, looking at Gyuri who's stopped smiling.

Her cheeks began to blush. She wanted to reply but then ---.


"Oups, sorry…." He took out his cellphone and talked to someone, then hung up, saying, "Forgive me, one of the mechanic crew wants me to checking the propeller parts," he exhaled a little and continued, "…, Gyul....please cal me 'oppa', ok? If it's out of the office matter.....or, when we're alone..."

"I'm not sure if I wanna be alone with you, Eunhyuk-shi. Wou--- "

Eunhyuk grabbed Gyuri's hand delicately, wrapping her palms with his and put them to his chest. He looked at Gyuri, straight to her eyes, "That time, I don’t want to ruin our friendship and then….he came… I must be very stupid! A damn coward, gave up on you for him so easily. But now, I brace my self heart, to you.”

He sighed and continued, “Yes, I want……I need you..….to be with me, Gyul. It doesn’t need to be answered now. Just take your time. I'll be patient...."

Along with those words, Eunhyuk went off....leaving Gyuri in hush, startled.


In her restless sleep that night, Gyuri dreamed she’s standing in a camellia field whereas the sun was in its strangest color –purple--. In the sky, she saw Eunhyuk flying with his blue wings….facing the sun & holding an orchid, calling out somebody’s name.

Hustled, Gyuri woke up, throbbing....


Day 10
Eunhyuk was lying on a wooden slider, fixing the equipments under the LF1 (Jung Min’s car), in the garage when Nicole brake in rush. She bent down, noticed who’s under the car, calling, “Hyukk-oppa, where’s Donghae-oppa? You two must listen this.”

“Wots up, Nic?” Donghae toddledly came, carrying a big box then put it down on the floor.


“Well, it’s about Kingdom’s new racer…..I have the infos. Aiisshh…oppa, you failed collecting the infos, huh?” Nicole rolled her eyes and smiled sneaky.

“…uhmm….I was very busy helping that person you know,” he nodded down to Eunhyuk.

Laughed, Eunhyuk slided off out from below the car, got up and took a rag for cleaning his hands, “I have to ‘Bro, they said it’s dangerous to let people do nothing but talk and talk….heheheee. Gomawoo!” He threw the rag to Donghae whose eyes bulged in answer.


“Yeah…we –girls—have our own way to find secrets and information,” Nicole blinked her right eye and continued, “People’re wrong! The new racer is not from East, …..but South Island. Raised in an orphanage --‘though that time his parents are still alive-- and has 1 younger sister. Fortunately, their existences are unknown. Spent his times as a teenage in Westside State. ….hmm….Nil record of race performance and achievement…..aand….ahh, he’s from the same senior high school as you Hyukk-oppa!”

“Don...don’t say his name is …Kyuhyun?”

“Ehhh how’d you know it, Hae-oppa?” Nicole’s eyes opened wide.

Donghae turned his head to Eunhyuk who raised his one eyebrow, whispering, “Finally, he come back…..” Eunhyuk exhaled and folded his arms.

“So….it’s true…. Rumors I’ve heard?” unexpectedly Gyuri joined their conversation while she acrossed the room with her brother.

“Tsskk….it makes more and more exciting guys... Let’s getting well prepared then!” Jung Min’s in flare and added, “….that prince probably has a hidden agenda. He dares to bring along such a racer with no-records. Ow, it’s interesting!”


Gyuri pointed her eyes to Eunhyuk, who’s still in nestled arms. He leaned against the walls, blankly looking down to the floor.

She recalled incident at canteen ….and her dream, night before.


Day 11
“Never cross in my mind that now you like cherry ice cream, Gyuri-shi…..& an egg toast too? Ah, many things’ve change since we’re in senior high…,” a slender and charming guy’s sitting next to Gyuri, in an almost empty café at middle town.


Realizing have to face him someday, Gyuri pulled her self together meeting him that afternoon.

“Not as much as you think, Kyuhyun-shi. I see you ordered a blueberry pancake? Nothing’s different than the past, eh?”

“Yup. I keep it that way…..nothing has changed…..,” Kyuhyun smiled, his teasing eyes beamed at her.

In pounded heart, Gyuri said, “You phoned me, said you have something to talk. So, here I’m. You do understand, we’re both under a race preparation…..& you’re a competitor, let’s just straight to the point, would you?”

“Aiishh….still same a firm girl, not mention your beauty’s more sparkling to me…,” he’s in charming smile, staring at her.

“…..hmpp…..,” Gyuri stood up, showing her unwillingness for further conversation.

“Heyy…ok…ok…,” Kyuhyun persuaded her, “Ok. First of all, ‘thanks’ for coming here… meeting me.”


Gyuri’s not feel like, sit down in hesitate.

“I asked you ‘cause I want to see you… to apologize, and sorry for…well, you know that’s hard times for both of us,” he sighed, “I also want to share that I joined Emerald Kingdom because I want to show the world who I’m….a racer, just like you, Gyuri-shi. Besides, I have to turn a favor to Prince Nickhun. And ….oh yeah, congratulation too on your new team. A solid one, eh?” he smiled.

Gyuri raised her left eyebrow in respond.

“Then, it means we’re becoming rivals. But I promise, Gyuri-shi….it’ll be fair, sportive acts. There…I won’t disturb you any longer.”

Gyuri looked down to her dish and thought, ‘You? …. promise?’


Afterwards, on her lowest tone, she asked, “…’s your sister, Seungyeon?”

“She’s fine, thanks. Turned out, she lived with one of our aunt in a small town that time.”

“I see…... Great to hear it.”






Times run like waves striking the beach, the icy atmosphere which impossibly formed if they’re met years ago.


“Ok then, if that’s all you want to tell me……..,” Gyuri rise a hand for calling the waitress. After paying her bills, she got up, taking the roses and walked to the cafe front door.

“Waiiitt…Gyuri-shi…ngg… don’t you ever miss me?”


Stupefied, she turned her head, gave him a sharp glance and a bit smile, replied, “What would do you like? O…by the way Kyuhyun-shi, thank you for these beautiful roses.”

Then she’s off, whispering to herself,“….he doesn’t asked me, forgive him or not….or, explain why he……?”

As the door’s closed behind her, she sighed deeply.


Day 12
“Tell me ‘bro…. Does it or, doesn’t it she knows you before?”

“Whatt…who?? …hessshh, move aside! You block the light here….”

“Hyukk-ah, come’on…. (Donghae indolently moved aside, leaning against the wall)…just tell me it. I won’t tell anyone!”

“ ….what do you mean?” Eunhyuk ignored him. He’s just keeping sort the tools on the table.

“That girl, 2nd racer of Southern Ice –Goo Hara--…. When we’re in paddock arena along with other teams…why she always steals a glance at you? Have you known her, perhaps years before….dating her a couple times maybe? Or, she’s an ex of you in high school?? ‘Cause I’m not in the same school with you –if you’d noticed it— ,” Donghae pouted and started throwing cigarette stubs out of the ashtray to Eunhyuk.

“Heyyy stop it…. (Eunhyuk warded off the stubs). I hate its smell. No, Donghae….I assure you. Well, her face kinda familiar …but no…. I haven’t seen her before, ‘till we all come here for the race. And surely she’s not my ex. Why….are you jealous?? You have a feeling for her….ehh...ehhh??” Laughing, Eunhyuk closed to Donghae and shoveled his right elbow to him.

“ ….nggg…..” Donghae stuttered and bowed his head down, embarrassed….

“Well….take her then. I believe she’s available,” Eunhyuk smirked ridiculously at him, teasing his best buddy.

“How can I? Every time I look at her, she’s always put her eyes on you. Ohh, unlucky Donghae….’though I have more handsome looks than you… aaiiiishh….” He shook his head, acting remorse.

“You brattt…>*&%[=^#....!!” Eunhyuk playfully tried to hit Donghae, who laughed & ran quickly outside.
“Ah that kid….sometimes making me wanna slap him!” But he’s saying it by a warm smile on his lips.

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jadejade #1
@Emerald_Lee ; ooohh miannataa, I forgot abt u, my pal (r u senile already, jade2??!), so sorrryyy! So, i'd glad to give my warmest hugs for u too.....VERRYY GAMSAAA ^___^! i'm so excited u luv my story...<br />
<br />
to ALL my dearest ; Yeah, this story is ended......i dun like to make it into such a too long story, i got headache as a result! i also affraid to make u all boring which was initially expressed & complaint by a few of my friends who read it first......hikss......<br />
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@sskahino : many thanks! ok....the other story of them is under way..... YES YESS....the two are so luvly 2gether, aren't they? YES, plzzz updated urs!! ;-)))<br />
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@dilotcute : hehehee.... a bunch of thanx! i always think Gyuri is able to make 1st kiss to a guy, she's a goddess.....particularly to a guy like Hyukk....heheheee, my self also ggigles when imagining it!...HyukRi FTW!!<br />
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@HyunNi_Shin : she's cute, gorgeous & brave indeed! Hyukk's face all over must be RED REDD of embarrashment....heheheheee. Lots of thanx for u! i like a happy ending so..... =))))...<br />
<br />
@fickyz : if u miss it, u can print and read it repeatedly....again & again ....heheheee.... Yes, i'll write another story abt this my fav couple. Naaahhhhh, sure i'm not a great writer (yet.....=P), just tryin to let parts of inside my mind & soul outside....ohh, it's hard, u know! Fighting to u too ;-D))......
Aww it ended so soon :(<br />
But hey, it's so wonderful..<br />
Make more HyukRi fic, we need to show how good they were together XD<br />
HyukRi FTW!!!<br />
(Looks like i need to update on mine..keke XD)
owhhhh~!! its finish already~ no~! hehehe good job~!! gyuri attempt to kiss 1st and i like that kekeke....hope u will write more about this couple... :) thank you for this...HyukRi FTW~!!
HyunNi_Shin #4
omo!!! it's ends already!! love it!! gyul suddenly kiss hyuk is so cute!!! can't imagine how eunhyuk face look like at the time.. omo!!! love it!! such a happy ending ;)
fickyz #5
What a great ending, surely I will miss this story....Hope you will write some more about HyukRi. You're a great writer!!! Fighting!
jadejade #6
nah nahh finally my final chap. yeahhh, i feel so relieved, almost like a feeling after have finished an exam! guys, i hv no-plan to drag the ending of, forgive me if u feel that way....=S...<br />
<br />
so readers, viewers, subcribers, etc. i do hope u like and enjoy in reading it....=))) My never-ending thanks to all hyukrians all over the world..<br />
<br />
also to @fickyz, @dilotcute, @sskahino, @nisya_25, @HyunNi_Shin, @kiera88, @lilrockstar etc. etc. i'm giving u my warmest hugs for the words/comments... gomawooo and very3x gamsa... ;-D)))
fickyz #7
Still waiting for your update!!! Update soon...hope you will surprise us with your updates. Keep up the great work. Hwaiting!!!
Emerald_Lee #8
omg omg i love it update soon
jadejade #9
@sskahino ; eheheee....that's suju magnae!<br />
yesss me too, adores HyukRi! well, just wait for the next chapter 'ok... ...=))<br />
<br />
@fickyz ; GOMAWOOO @fickyz! Yes, it's him, instead of her...& like i said, just wait 4 the next epsd... Yeahh, i'm tryin to add some surprais factors' in my ff... it's my attempt so that readers wud not getting bored with the story....fighting 4 u 2 ^__^ <br />
<br />
@nisya_25 ; why....why....ehmm?? actually i want her to win the race too but..... the winner can't always win everything, rite?? qeqeqeee.... <br />
<br />
O.M.O....and for this, more than 1500 ppl viewing my I dreaming?? i remember when at first i thought my story's which it's reason why in a month only 50 people who view it. What's mean "view" anyway?? Is it mean just view....or, read?? heheheee..... well, very gamsa anyway to u all. To the subcribers too! Duhh i'm so thankful, i don't know how to thank u all.....still has time to read my ff. Of course, it can be fuel to me, for better development in creating stories/ff.... my best mmmuaacchhh to u all!
There goes the "Evil Maknae" of SuJu..keke..<br />
Will be waiting for her answer..wait was it Kyu that asked her that?<br />
I've read few Fics starring KyuHyun and Gyuri and i have to say I've gain a liking on them but surely I'm a HUGE HyukRi shipper XD