Moving From Korea

Falling For You Again


“Yoona, aren’t you tired?” SeoHyun mumbled from her seat. Yoona turned back around to see Jessica sleeping on Tiffany’s shoulder and Tiffany slowly nodded off to sleep with her head bobbing up and down once in a while. SeoHyun was beside Jessica with eyes just barely open and a questionable expression on her face.

“I’m fine. You guys rest up. We’ll be there soon” Yoona smiled reassuringly. SeoHyun nodded tiredly and leaned her head against the window of the car and closed her eyes to catch on some much needed sleep. Yoona looked back at the rear view mirror and caught a glimpse of Tiffany still staying up.

“Tiffany? Why don’t you rest up? We’re going to need our energy for the events coming up.” Yoona whispered so that she wouldn’t wake up Jessica or SeoHyun. Tiffany shook her head slowly and kept her eyes focused on the scenery outside.

“I can’t… Sooyeon begged us to help save Taeyeon… that must mean she’s in really big danger” Tiffany’s voice slowly trailed off. Yoona fixed the mirror with her right hand so that she could clearly see Tiffany in the mirror.

“You won’t have to worry. We’re going to pick up Yuri and we’ll figure out a way to get her back. Taeyeon wouldn’t just leave us without saying anything.” Yoona reassured. Tiffany bit her lower lip and leaned her head against the chair tiredly.

“But what if we don’t make it in time? Each second counts right now.” Tiffany worried. Yoona chuckled slightly at Tiffany’s worries.

“What ever happened to the girl who pursued Taeyeon even after she turned you down coldly? The girl who stood up against the leader of the Elites? The girl who always thought optimistically and never gave up?” Yoona challenged. Tiffany looked up into the mirror to see Yoona smiling at her.

“Taeyeon is the strongest out of everyone in the Elites. You forget that we’re different, Tiffany. It will take a lot more than a knife to bring us down” Yoona reminded. Tiffany smiled slightly at Yoona and nodded.

“Thanks Yoona.” Tiffany sighed. She then returned her gaze to the outside scenery again, watching as a few trees would pass by every now and then.

‘I wonder who this Miyoung is…’ Tiffany thought curiously. From the distance she could see that it the sun was starting to rise as it started to bleach the sky with its bleached bright light, giving off life to all the things it touches once more. She leaned her head against the window and watched as the sun started to rise higher into the sky.

‘One more day passes. One less day to save Taeyeon…’


Miyoung and Taeyeon walked out of the theatre and were greeted with the sun blazing in their faces. Miyoung gave a full body stretch, lifting her hands above her head and bending slightly back. Taeyeon walked up behind her and poked her back playfully, causing her to shrink back and turn around with surprise.

“Really TaeTae. How do you keep your body so healthy? My bones are getting weak and rusty.” Miyoung complained as she linked her arms around with Taeyeon’s. Taeyeon smiled slightly and reached her hands into her pockets to pull out her keys and started walking towards the car park.

“Might be because I keep my body moving every day.” Taeyeon shrugged as she opened the car door for Miyoung. Miyoung gladly got into the car and sat down eagerly with Taeyeon’s arm still in hers. Taeyeon chuckled slightly and gestured at Miyoung's arm to tell her to let go. Miyoung refused and gripped onto her arm tighter.

“This is a rather awkward position Miyoung-ah. Come on let my arm free.” Taeyeon lifted up her free arm and patted Miyoung’s head slowly.

“Where are we going now Tae?” Miyoung asked innocently as she slowly let go of Taeyeon’s arm.

“I’m going back to the college. I’m still an Elite of SM College and I want to see if Yuri and Yoona are back yet.” Taeyeon answer back calmly as she walked over to the driver’s seat. Miyoung froze for a moment as Taeyeon hopped into the seat next to her.

“Taeyeon, how about we go out to the amusement park or something today instead? You know, enjoy your last moments of Korea?” Miyoung suggested. Taeyeon readjusted the car seat and turned to face Miyoung with a thoughtful look.

“Yeah, I should probably call the two to tell them about this and maybe they could join us. I’ll introduce you to them proper-” Taeyeon reached her hand into her pocket to find her cell phone but was stopped in mid-sentence when she noticed that her pockets were empty. She checked her other pockets and was surprised to find that it was also empty.

“What is it Tae?” Miyoung asked curiously. Taeyeon started reaching for the back of her car and searched around to find her phone.

“I think I lost my phone.” Taeyeon called back as she continued to search for it. Miyoung pouted slightly and opened the compartment in front of her and started looking around to see whether it was anywhere inside.

“Did you drop it somewhere? It’s nowhere here.” Miyoung closed the compartment again and tapped on Taeyeon’s shoulder. Taeyeon turned around and slumped back into her seat, narrowing her eyes onto the steering wheel as she began to think.

“I think I dropped it at that cliff area…” Taeyeon whispered trying to recall her steps. Miyoung let out a small disappointed sigh and leaned against her chair.

“How about we go look for it? I’m sure your friends won’t mind if you’re away for a day. Once we find your phone we can send them a message.” Miyoung suggested. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows and pursed her lips together as she began to think.

“I think I’ll just go to the college and wait for them there. It’s likely that they’ll be there soon.” Taeyeon nodded to herself proudly. She then put on her seatbelt and turned the key sideways to start up the car.

“B-But Tae. What about enjoying the last week in Korea?” Miyoung quickly interrupted. Taeyeon continued with getting the car to move and shifted gears, pulling the car out of the car park.

“I’ll enjoy it once I find Yuri and Yoona. I don’t think I’ll be looking after them anymore so I at least should tell them.” Taeyeon answered back with a shrug. Miyoung bit her lower lip and started thinking of new distractions. Taeyeon remained calm and continued driving towards the college.

It wasn’t long until they reached the college’s car park. Taeyeon drove deep into the car park where the reserved bays for the Elites were. She approached the bays and noticed that no one’s car was there, including Sooyoung’s in the teachers’ area. Taeyeon gripped onto the steering wheel slightly tighter when she parked her car in the lonesome bays.

“Those two need to know their responsibilities.” Taeyeon mumbled to herself before turning off the car’s engine and getting out. Miyoung took a deep breath and sighed in relief before getting out of the car and following Taeyeon. She walked over to the waiting Taeyeon and started heading towards the buildings. As they were approaching the buildings, Taeyeon’s usual fan group came up to Taeyeon. They stopped in their tracks when they saw a girl who looked exactly like Tiffany walking besides Taeyeon and holding her hand. What shocked them even more was that Taeyeon was comfortable with the contact.

“Don’t worry about them.” Taeyeon turned her head and whispered to Miyoung. Miyoung giggled slightly and nodded.

“I’m not. Because I know that they can’t do anything.” Miyoung whispered back cheekily. Taeyeon smiled at Miyoung’s remark and nodded. The group of girls around Taeyeon fell dead silent. Not even their breathing could be heard as they all held their breaths in shock. The two then easily walked pass the frozen crowd with ease, moving a few of them slightly to get the way clear, and started heading towards the Elite’s classroom.

As they approached the classroom Taeyeon slowly moved her hand away from Miyoung’s and put it into her pocket. Miyoung was rather startled that Taeyeon moved away from her and looked up at her, asking for an explanation. Taeyeon however, didn’t seem to notice and continued walking with her hands in her pocket. When they were at the Elite’s classroom, Taeyeon moved her hands out of her pocket and opened the door and walked in. Miyoung followed in awkwardly behind as Taeyeon took her usual seat. Miyoung was about to sit back down in Tiffany’s usual seat but Taeyeon quickly stopped her.

“Ah. That’s a student’s seat. You can sit here.” Taeyeon smiled apologetically and tapped onto the seat next to her. Miyoung smiled back innocently and sat beside Taeyeon, turning her head away slightly to hide her expression away from Taeyeon. The two sat in silence with only the clock in the room ticking as time went by. Taeyeon gave a small stretch and reached over to a bookshelf nearby to pull out a book. Miyoung started getting irritated by the silence and started tapping her hands together impatiently.

“Taeyeon, it looks like they’re not coming. How about we go do something else? It’s rather boring here.” Miyoung finally suggested. Taeyeon raised her eyebrow up and continued reading to the end of the page before facing Miyoung.

“But they haven’t told me what they’ve been doing yet. They never go anywhere without informing me, and even so, they would still have to keep up their Elites image and attend the college.” Taeyeon reasoned. She then sat up straight again and laid the book facing downwards where the page was.

“Tae… did you forget you don’t have your phone?” Miyoung reminded. Taeyeon’s jaw dropped slightly and paused.

“Right…” she said slowly.

“They might’ve sent you a message on your phone already.” Miyoung suggested. Taeyeon closed again and nodded slightly. She then turned her head to see that it was still only ten in the morning.

“I guess they won’t be coming. How about we enjoy the day then? We’ll find my phone tonight when everything closes.” Taeyeon suggested as she stood up. Miyoung nodded proudly and stood up with her. Taeyeon then started walking off by herself with her hands in her pocket again as Miyoung walked by herself again.

‘You really have changed…’ Miyoung thought dejectedly when she saw Taeyeon’s back facing her.

Whilst she was trailing behind Taeyeon, she was stopped by a few students in her tracks. She stopped walking for a moment and looked behind the students to see Taeyeon still walking off without her. Before she could say anything, a girl wrapped her hands around and prevented her from calling Taeyeon back. The girl in front of her then took a step forward and glared at her.

“Who do you think you are Hwang? Although the fan group doesn’t get jealous over you hanging out with the Elites, it doesn’t give you the right to start being all close to them, especially Leader Kim.” The girl growled. Miyoung struggled slightly with the girl behind her but two other girls stopped her. She then glared back at the girl in front of her and a low growl came from .
Miyoung then pulled against the girls holding her and caused them to fall towards the floor, allowing her free use of her limbs again. She then brought her hand up and pried the hand around away, gripping onto the wrist of the latter behind her tightly.

“For your information, Taeyeon is mine and always will be. If you think Taeyeon would even think of you in the same light, you must be dreaming. Taeyeon and I are way out of your league. And if you think that I’m like that Tiffany Hwang girl, then you’re wrong. Never mistake me for that human again.” Miyoung’s voice was low and deep as she glared at each and every other girl around her. The group around her were instantly paralysed when Miyoung’s gaze ran over them. Miyoung then threw the girl’s hand away harshly and started walking off. The girls instantly moved away from Miyoung’s way and allowed her to pass through.

When Miyoung was free from the crowd she noticed Taeyeon running back to her.

“Miyoung… Sorry, I didn’t know I lost you.” Taeyeon apologized quickly. Miyoung clenched her teeth together but pulled off a reassuring smile.

“It’s okay Tae. I was just admiring the buildings. I never really got to get a good look at this place.” Miyoung chuckled and waved her hands reassuringly. Taeyeon nodded and rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

“So how about we enjoy the day life of Korea then?” Miyoung smiled, taking Taeyeon’s hand into hers once more. Taeyeon nodded and started guiding her back to the car park.

While they were approaching the car, Miyoung noticed a car driving down the street and starting to turn into the car park. She quickly panicked upon seeing a face she didn’t want to see in the car and started hurrying Taeyeon. Taeyeon looked at her curiously, wondering why she was in such a rush.

“What’s wrong Miyoung?” Taeyeon asked once they reached the car. Miyoung just smiled widely and took the car keys away from Taeyeon’s hand.

“I want to drive.” Miyoung said quickly. Taeyeon blinked a few times at her and then finally reacted by raising her eyebrow up and opening her eyes wide.

“Do you know how to?” Taeyeon said seriously. Miyoung nodded eagerly and glanced towards the entrance of the car park to see the car moving closer. Taeyeon just shrugged and started moving towards the passenger, allowing Miyoung the chance to drive. Miyoung didn’t waste anytime as she quickly got into the car and started up its engine. Taeyeon slowly put on her seatbelt and Miyoung started reversing from the parking bay. Miyoung then quickly changed gears and started heading towards the exit. As they were heading to the exit they passed the silver car that was heading into the bay. Taeyeon whipped her head around instantly towards the car, thinking that she saw Yoona inside in the driver’s seat.

“Wait Yoona was in there” Taeyeon quickly pointed to the car. Miyoung ignored her and exited the carpark before stepping on the pedal and driving further away from the college.

“I don’t think it was Taeyeon” Miyoung said back at Taeyeon. Taeyeon turnbed back  aroundand frowned slightly, thinking whether her mind was playing tricks or not. Miyoung sighed with relief inside herself and continued driving down the street.

‘I could have sworn I saw Yoona in that car though…’ Taeyeon thought to herself.


“We’re at SM College now” Yoona called out quietly towards the back. Tiffany looked up at the window to see that it was now bright and they were now sitting on the street, waiting to drive into a building on the other side of the street. She instantly recognised the building as SM College and all her signs of tiredness were gone then she saw the students heading towards the building.

When there were no more cars coming, Yoona turned into the car park and started heading towards the bays allocated to the Elites. As Tiffany stared out of the window impatiently, a familiar car drove past theirs. Tiffany looked inside the car to see a girl in the driver’s seat. For a moment, she saw a mirror image. The person in the driver’s seat looked exactly like her. But she wasn’t able to confirm as she blinked and the car had already passed by the time she opened her eyes again.

‘Probably just tired’ Tiffany shook her head slightly and slapped her cheeks lightly to wake herself up. Tiffany’s movement started to wake Jessica up and also stir SeoHyun on the other side. Yoona was now parked in the allocated bays and had turned off the engine.

“We’ll start looking for Yuri here. I’m sure the girls would have noticed if Yuri came by here.” Yoona explained briefly. Jessica rubbed her eyes tiredly and nodded in agreement whilst SeoHyun was giving a small stretch in the corner of the car. Yoona laughed slightly at the two waking up, having not experienced that feeling for a hundred years.

“We’re coming.” Jessica gave a long yawn and started ushering Tiffany out the car lazily. Tiffany obliged tiredly as all three stumbled out of the car. Yoona smirked at the three trying to find their feet, holding onto the car for extra support.

Yoona then gave a quick stretch before locking the car and walking to the buildings. Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun were lazily trudging behind the fully awake Yoona and looking around tiredly to see any signs of Yuri. All four of them noticed that the fan girls around them were whispering towards each other and moving away from Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun as they walked past. Yoona found it rather odd that there was a clear path in front of her instead of swarms of people.

Tiffany then walked up to one of the girls and decided to ask for any clues. But as she walked up they cowered away from her and walked away in a quick speed walking motion. Tiffany tilted her head to the side in confusion but then turned to the next person. She received the same reaction as they walked away as well. Jessica blinked sleepily a few times but noticed that Tiffany was repelling all the girls away from her. She then decided to walk up to see what was going on.

“Tiffany. I think your morning breath is driving them away.” Jessica mocked. Tiffany turned around and raised her eyebrow. She then lifted her hand up and blew air and sniffed her breath.

“Oh wow.” Tiffany chuckled as she cringed. Jessica let out another tired yawn beside Tiffany and leaned in against her. Tiffany cringed away from Jessica and waved her hands in front of her nose, blowing the air away.

“I think we need to freshen up.” Tiffany admitted sheepishly.

“Come up to the Elite’s classroom. There’s new toothbrushes and stuff in there for you to freshen up. Even a personal bathroom.” Yoona nodded towards the building. SeoHyun walked up beside Yoona as they started walking towards the classrooms. Jessica and Tiffany leaned in against each other as they walked, their eyes feeling rather heavy from the lack of sleep over the past few days.

“Why do you have toothbrushes and things here?” Jessica asked when Yoona passed her a new toothbrush. Yoona threw Tiffany one and SeoHyun one too before showing them outside the classroom and down the hall again.

“Sometimes Yuri, Taeyeon or even I stay back on college grounds. We end up sleeping over sometimes so we always have this stuff ready.” Yoona explained with a smile. The three girls responded to Yoona’s explanation with plain nods. They were then stopped when Yoona stood in front of a white door that had only an electronic lock. Yoona reached into her shirt and pulled out a key card that was attached to the chain around her neck. The then swiped the card down and the door opened immediately, revealing a big and clean bathroom inside, full with three sinks, three showers and even lockers.

“You guys freshen up first. I’ll check the lockers to see if any of them have been here.” Yoona said seriously, gesturing her hand towards the sinks. The three nodded in agreement and continued to their morning duties.

Yoona walked up to the lockers on the left of the room and opened her own locker. She took off her blazer and top and put it on the bench beside her. She then reached into her locker to pull out another brand new blazer and top from the lockers before quickly changing into them. She then pulled out a pair of jeans and slipped them on before dropping the skirt from her waist. She looked into the mirror beside her and furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

“Hmmm” Yoona hummed as she took the top of her shirt and undid the first three buttons. She then took the first button of the blazer and buttoned it up before reaching in and pulling out a wide belt. She put the belt around her waist and gave a once over in the mirror before giving a nod of approval and shutting the locker door. She then walked over to the left once and opened Yuri’s locker.

She scanned the locker to see if there was any indication of her staying or coming into there. To her dismay there was nothing. She then closed the locker door sadly before taking another side step and facing Taeyeon’s locker. She opened it slowly, not expecting to find anything. As soon as she opened the door, a note fell out. Yoona’s eyes opened wide when she saw a white envelope addressed to her and Yuri with Taeyeon’s hand writing on it. Yoona slowly bent over and picked up the envelope slowly, her hands shaking slightly, worried about what could be inside it.

She slowly opened the envelope slowly and started reading it.

‘Yuri, Yoona. Where have you guys been over the two days?! I haven’t got my phone with me right now but if you have got this message, I just want you to know that I’m not happy with your priorities. You are still Elites of SM College and you have to maintain an image if you are to live in harmony with the humans around you.’

Yoona smiled at Taeyeon’s note. She could hear Taeyeon’s voice scolding her now and was smiling to herself before she continued.

‘I just wanted to tell you that I may not be at SM for the next few days. I’ll be around Korea enjoying my last moments here. It seems that I will be moving from here soon. However the reason is different now. I’ll be moving to Japan once I have passed on my leadership role in the Legion. You guys really didn’t seem to like moving from Korea so I am not making you move with me.
This Saturday though, meet me at the lights festival. I still have a lot of things I need to scold you about but I really don’t feel like writing fifty pages right now since I’m in a rush.
Make sure you’re there because I will not be waiting for you.

-- Taeyeon’

Yoona’s hands froze. Although Taeyeon meant for the note to be seen in a joking matter, Yoona did not take it as a joke at all. She quickly grabbed the note and headed out to where the three girls were again.

“Everyone. There’s bad news… Taeyeon’s moving from Korea…” Yoona said urgently. Tiffany, who was still brushing her teeth, choked on her toothpaste and started coughing it all over the sink in shock. Jessica was wiping her face with a towel had now stopped completely as the towel dropped to the floor. SeoHyun was still brushing her hair and looking back and forth between everyone, still not understanding anything.

“Is Taeyeon unnie in trouble?” SeoHyun asked hesitantly. Yoona turned to SeoHyun with an alarmed expression and nodded grimly.

“We have until the lights festival to stop her…” Yoona said quietly, holding up the note that she had just found.







arghhh >~<


Sorry if the next update for today comes a little later

I'm trying my best to not have such short updates for you but im struggling a little. My writing spirit isnt with me at the moment,

I will try to post the next update within the next 4 hours >~<

If not then i am sorry ;~;


Bubbles out~

-Typing madly-

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1131 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)