
Falling For You Again


“So are you in or not?” Sunny crossed her arms around her chest and narrowed her eyes at Leeteuk. Leeteuk lowered his head slightly and let out a long hum, thinking about the consequences of accepting. Gi Kwang stood beside Sunny with his back towards Leeteuk and his eyes tracing the interior around the room, not once looking in the direction which Leeteuk was standing in.

“Well… If it involves Taeyeon’s safety, of course I am willing to help. However, one thing I don’t get about the agreement is Sooyoung. How am I going to explain to her what’s happening? Over the past decade or so, aside from Taeyeon, she was the one who was surer than anyone else that Miyoung was never going to move anymore in this world. If I suddenly call her up and tell her that she has Taeyeon in her grasp, what do you think she will do?” Leeteuk challenged.

“Whether she chooses to believe it or not, is up to her.” Sunny responded with a slight shrug. Just as Sunny had finished talking Gi Kwang’s phone went off. Leeteuk and Sunny turned their heads to look at him whilst he was pulling the phone out of his pocket. The room fell silent as they all waited for the message to open.

‘From: Evil Witch [Miyoung]
When are you able to book tickets back to Japan?
I need two tickets as soon as possible. You have to come back too. Taeyeon has decided to pass on the leadership role.’

“Sunny?” Gi Kwang called out slowly.

“Yes?” Sunny answered back cautiously. Gi Kwang stiffly turned around and faced both Sunny and Leeteuk with a stiff expression. He then lifted his hand up slowly and passed the message onto Sunny. As Sunny was reading it, Leeteuk came up behind her and read from her shoulder. The atmosphere of the room dropped immensely, only the distinctive low growl was heard from Leeteuk’s neck.

“How is she getting Taeyeon to revisit the Legion so quickly? With Taeyeon’s stubborn attitude it would take at least a week!” Gi Kwang yelled, throwing his hands in the air with frustration. Sunny crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows in thought and turned over to Leeteuk to see his expression to be even duller than before.

“So Miyoung is back…” he sighed slowly. Leeteuk then shook his head slowly, letting out a soft sarcastic chuckle. Gi Kwang raised his eyebrow up at Leeteuk and narrowed his eyes as he wondered why he was chuckling at a time like this. Leeteuk looked up back at Gi Kwang and let out a small smile.

“That dork… She’s always been blinded by her past that she never sees what is happening right before her. Now that Miyoung is back, Taeyeon would not care for anything. Her senses would dull down and if Miyoung does anything out of the ordinary, she would just accept it. If Miyoung were to ask Taeyeon for the world, she would get it…” Leeteuk raised his hand up to ruffle the back of his hair slightly with annoyance.

“Taeyeon… just doesn’t want to get hurt again. Because Miyoung is back, Taeyeon doesn’t feel like the world has betrayed her. There is nothing worse than the feeling of the world against you.” Gi Kwang sighed.

“There might still be hope.” Sunny suddenly interrupted. The two males turned around to face Sunny curiously. Sunny lifted up her hand up to her nose and tapped it twice.

“Taeyeon seemed to have a weakness for Tiffany. The fact that she allowed Tiffany to find out about her immortality and not leave the country after it is very surprising. It was no coincidence that I happened to bump into Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun.” Sunny continued as her voice gained more confidence with each sentence.

“When the afterlife sent me to bring Miyoung back to the afterlife I knew that her other half of her soul, or her reincarnation, would be in this world too. Just so happens that I bumped into Tiffany whilst she was looking for a place to stay whilst she studied. Jessica and SeoHyun happened to be with her too but it really didn’t matter to me. I was determined to look after Tiffany and reform her personality into one that is different to Miyoung’s in hopes that it may help in the future of catching Miyoung.” Sunny then beamed a bright smile towards the two standing before her.

“If Taeyeon decides to go back to the Legion, then let her. However, we must find Tiffany and her other friends before Taeyeon passes over the leadership to Miyoung. If we bring her friends to her, she may be able to wake up from the past and see what’s in the present.” Sunny concluded with a wink. Gi Kwang lowered his gaze onto the floor and stared at it for a while as he began to think about Sunny’s logic.

“Also, I have a feeling that Taeyeon might be willing to stay for at least a day. I’ll see if I can get her to come here and I’ll see if I can delay the rush.” Leeteuk nodded. Gi Kwang then snapped up from his thoughts and looked back at Sunny.

“We don’t have time to waste. We have to find the others before Miyoung begins to rush things.” Gi Kwang said sternly. Sunny nodded sternly as the two started heading out again. Gi Kwang turned back to Leeteuk and bowed his head slightly.

“Thank you for helping us save Taeyeon…” Gi Kwang thanked in a strained voice. Leeteuk raised his eyebrow up surprisingly at him and smiled widely.

“It’s my pleasure. Now go on and find the others. I’ll call Sooyoung.” Leeteuk waved his hand at Gi Kwang to motion him out the door. Gi Kwang stood up straight again and turned around to follow Sunny out. As the door closed Leeteuk pulled out his phone and dialled Sooyoung’s number.

“Hello this is Sooyoung speaking.” Sooyoung answered through the phone.
“It’s me, Teukkie. Listen Sooyoung where are you right now?” Leeteuk asked casually.
“Oh hi Leeteuk. I’m at SM College preparing a few things for the lectures tomorrow. Something up?” Sooyoung answered back.
“I don’t think you will have time for all that. First off, I would recommend you find someone to fill in for you. You’re going to busy this next week, or maybe even this next month.” He bit his lower lip with anticipation.
“Sounds serious.” Sooyoung mused.
“It is. As soon as you find a replacement come to my restaurant as soon as possible.” Leeteuk turned to check the time on the clock, knowing that it didn’t matter what time Sooyoung came anyway.
“Okay I’ll be there soon” Sooyoung answered back with confusion.
“See you soon then. Bye” Leeteuk ended.
“Bye…” Sooyoung added as the line cut off.


“Excuse me, could you please tell me, where is this place?” Yuri asked a woman on the streets. The woman gave a once over Yuri’s dirty clothes and scoffed in Yuri’s face.

“Drunk idiot” Yuri heard her mutter as she walked straight pass her. Yuri looked down at her clothes to see it dirtied and ripped in areas. She chuckled slightly at the irony that her clothes didn’t last as long as her body.

“Well… That’s one thing I haven’t been called before.” Yuri mused optimistically. She then turned down the street she was walking and continued to walk. To her misfortune, it was getting rather late and there were not many people walking on the streets during that time that she could ask directions from. She then saw a bench up ahead and decided to take a small rest for she didn’t know where in the world she was.

“I should really spend my nights exploring Korea more.” She sighed as she sat down onto the bench. Yuri then rested her elbows against her thighs and leaned her chin against it, giving off a loud huff of frustration.

“Yuri?” A voice called out suddenly. Yuri looked up from the floor towards the voice that called her name. As she rose her head up she saw a silver car in front of her with the windows rolled down. Inside the car was a woman with large glasses over her eyes and seemed to be looking back at Yuri. To Yuri’s knowledge, there weren’t many people who would call her by her name. There was only Leeteuk, Taeyeon, Yoona and Sooyoung.

“What are you doing all the way out here? And why are your clothes so battered up?” the woman said as she lowered her large glasses. Relief washed over Yuri as she saw the familiar features of Sooyoung inside the car.

“Did Taeyeon punish you or something?” Sooyoung continued to question. Yuri responded by quickly getting up and running over to Sooyoung’s car.

“Soo. Can you please do me a big favour? Bring me Leeteuk’s place. I need to talk to Leeteuk and you together. It’s urgent.” Yuri rushed. Sooyoung raised her left eyebrow up at Yuri curiously.

“Funny. I was on my way there now. Leeteuk said he needed to tell me something too, and that I was going to be busy for a while.” Sooyoung then reached over to open the other door and welcomed Yuri in. Yuri gratefully jumped into the car and buckled her seatbelt quickly.

“We don’t have time to lose.” Yuri said sternly. Sooyoung nodded hesitantly and turned around to start driving again.

‘I wonder what could be so urgent’ Sooyoung thought to herself curiously. Yuri beside her took two deep breaths as the car started moving again. Determination burned within her eyes as she gripped onto the side of the seat tightly.

“Oh by the way Sooyoung?” Yuri suddenly turned to face Sooyoung. Sooyoung turned her head slightly towards Yuri to gesture for Yuri to continue.

“Where are we?” Yuri asked curiously. Sooyoung turned to give Yuri a puzzled look and let out a small laugh.

“Honestly you and the other Elite members don’t have any sense of direction whatsoever” Sooyoung chuckled as she pointed to a building outside the window. Yuri followed Sooyoung’s finger to see that SM College was right outside the window. Yuri’s jaw dropped slightly as she looked back at to where she had come from.

“Ohh…” She cooed dumbly, feeling a little embarrassed for not knowing where she was. Yuri then closed tightly as a thought ran across her.

‘Why did Sooyeon drop me off here where I would be able to find my way back easily?’ Yuri thought quietly, finding it rather puzzling.


“Three, two… one!” A loud bang then echoed through the small cell. Yoona was holding onto one side of the bed whilst Jessica and Tiffany were on the other side and SeoHyun at the back. The four of them had tried to open the cell doors by slamming the bed against the bars but the only outcome they came up with was a dented bedframe.  Jessica let out a frustrated cry and let go of the bed. Tiffany toppled over with the sudden weight and let go of the bed. Yoona was unaffected but still gently let the bed down anyway.

“What is that thing made of?!” Jessica stomped around on the spot and pointed at the metal bars accusingly. Yoona let out a long sigh and inspected the damage on the bed.

“It’s not the metal bars. The bed frame is just too weak.” Yoona explained calmly, running her fingers across the dent marks made. Tiffany walked up to the lock on the metal bars and stared at it. She then jumped up quickly as an idea popped into her head.

“Yoona! Do you know how to pick a lock?” Tiffany suddenly called out. Yoona looked back at Tiffany and paused as she tried to remember.

“I think I’ve read the book twenty times.” Yoona answered back hesitantly.

“Good that’s all we need.” Tiffany beamed proudly as she reached for the back of her head and pulled out a hairpin. Yoona’s smile slowly grew as she stood up and took the pin away from Tiffany. Tiffany then nodded her head towards the lock on the door as Jessica and SeoHyun sat back onto the bed and watched.

“It was quite a while back that I read that book though… So it might take some time” Yoona quickly added. Jessica let out a small scoff at Yoona.

“It’s not like we’re going anywhere while we’re waiting.” Jessica said sarcastically. Yoona rolled her eyes at Jessica’s comment and reached her hand out for the lock, putting the hairpin into the keyhole and trying to feel around for a familiar bump. Tiffany stood beside her, leaning over with anticipation and waiting.

“Wait” Yoona suddenly said as she felt the hairpin hit the familiar bump. She then carefully turned it and applied some pressure against it. Tiffany, SeoHyun and Jessica all held their breaths nervously, leaning in closer and closer towards Yoona. Yoona continued to turn the pin as only the sound of the hairpin scratching against the metal could be heard. Then there was a loud sound echoing through the cell. Jessica and SeoHyun stood up from their seats and took a step forward. Yoona and Tiffany froze as they slowly turned to see the lock.
The mood then became even duller as Yoona pulled the hairpin away from the still fully closed lock. She held up the hairpin and showed to everyone that it had snapped into two pieces.

“We’re doomed” Yoona sighed dejectedly. She then slumped down the metal bars and sat on the cold hard floor again. Jessica and SeoHyun slumped back onto their positions on the bed and sighed with heavy hearts. Tiffany stared at the two pieces of her hairpin on the floor accusingly.

“This can’t be all…” Tiffany whispered to herself, picking up the pieces of the broken pin on the floor.

“Face it Tiffany. There is no way we can get out of here.” Jessica said bluntly. Just as the room fell silent again, the heavy door which led to the outside world opened. Yoona turned her head towards the door to see Sooyeon walking down calmly. She quickly reacted by getting up and pushing Tiffany over to where Jessica and SeoHyun were as she stood protectively over them.

“You. Come with me.” Sooyeon’s cold blunt voice echoed off the walls as she pointed to Jessica who was sitting on the bed. Yoona took a step back to cover the three humans behind her as a low growl escaped .

“Where is Yuri?” Yoona asked sternly. Sooyeon dully looked at Yoona and completely ignored her as she looked over her shoulder at Jessica.

“Jessica. Come with me.” Sooyeon repeated. Jessica shot an ice cold glare at Sooyeon and remained seated.

“Don’t make me ask again. Where is Yuri?” Yoona also repeated. Tiffany and SeoHyun got shivers down their spine as they heard Yoona’s voice.

“Your friend has been set free as according to plan. Now I am to set each one of you free as well.” Sooyeon’s eyes flickered over to Tiffany before turning back to Yoona. Yoona’s hands were now clenched into fists whilst her teeth were clenched tightly.

“According to plan… does that mean Taeyeon is with you?” Yoona’s voice came out unsteady and uneven. A smirk grew on the side of Sooyeon’s face at Yoona’s question. She then responded with a small nod of the head and watched as Yoona’s eyes burned bright red.

“Yoona, calm down.” SeoHyun tried to ease Yoona up by shaking her shoulder slightly. Tiffany and Jessica quickly stopped her from turning Yoona around whilst her eyes were still burning red. Yoona then took three bold steps towards Sooyeon and stared straight into her eyes.

“I know Taeyeon treated you well when you were still growing up. She still treats us well even though she has her colder exterior. We know that Taeyeon was very different in the past but her heart remains the same. I wonder what she would feel when she knows that her beloved younger sister is betraying her right behind her back. I’m sure if Taeyeon was in your place, she would rather put herself at danger than risk anyone else’s.” Yoona narrowed her eyes at Sooyeon accusingly. Sooyeon’s eyes then flashed a shade of brown again as Yoona’s words began to sink in. Yoona, however, had not noticed the change because of her anger consuming her.

“You think that I don’t know that?” Sooyeon’s voice trembled slightly.

“Blood runs thicker than water. We always bonded by the blood that runs through our veins. Do you know that it hurts me every time she is hurt too? But I don’t have a choice. I was happy where I was in the afterlife but I just had to be brought back here and betray my own sister. If I were not to do this someone else would have taken my place and could have hurt Taeyeon even more. I am trying to limit the damage as much as possible, but SHE keeps demanding more. After I have finished my role I shall punish myself and return to the afterlife again.” Sooyeon then quickly opened her eyes wide open and took a step back after realising that she had revealed too many things. Yoona’s eyes softened slightly but there was still an undertone of red underneath her irises.

“She? Who’s she?” Yoona asked back hesitantly. Sooyeon shook her head with a horrified face, knowing that the horrible pain was coming back. Then, right on cue, Sooyeon’s head started throbbing in pain. Her head felt as though there were millions of knives ripping through the insides of her head as a voice seemed to be the source of all the pain.

‘Sooyeon!’ the voice reprimanded. Sooyeon writhed at the pain in her head and stumbled backwards to the wall behind her. Yoona, SeoHyun, Tiffany and Jessica watched in horror as Sooyeon seemed to be slowly dying a painful death for no apparent reason. Heavy gasps escaped Sooyeon’s lips as she tried to control her breathing whilst dealing with the pain.

‘Do what you need to and report back to me as soon as possible. I may grant you the wish of returning to the afterlife’ the voice then let out a low chuckle and slowly faded along with the unbearable pain. Sooyeon was left there in the now comforting silence, taking deep breaths and grasping onto her head tightly as the last of the pain faded away.

“Je-Jessica… I need to take you away now. I will set the others free as well. I have to set you out one at a time.” Sooyeon explained briefly, stumbling towards the key in her pocket and opening it. Jessica slowly stood up and walked hesitantly towards the door which Sooyeon was struggling to open. The lock finally opened and Sooyeon opened the door to allow Jessica to come out. The two faced each other face to face as if looking into a mirror with the exceptions of the eyes. Sooyeon then averted her gaze to the rest within in the cell.

“Family comes first…” Jessica whispered into Sooyeon’s ear.

“If you are really are the past me, you should feel the same way I do. I would never allow my own family member to suffer let alone help the one that is inflicting the damage.” Jessica continued. Sooyeon’s grip on the lock of the door tightened.

“Well then past me? Do you feel the same way I do? Or am I a better version of you?” Jessica challenged.

“As long as I do what she wants, Taeyeon would remain safe…” Sooyeon whispered back, still looking inside the cell.

“But what if we could make Taeyeon safe AND happy? Wouldn’t that be better?” Tiffany suddenly stood up and took a step forward. Sooyeon looked into Tiffany’s sincere eyes and began to hesitate. Her hand began shaking against the lock as thoughts rushed into her head.

“Everyone should have the chance to be safe and happy with their life. If you can give someone that chance, would you not do it?” Tiffany continued with a soft tone. Sooyeon let out a small laugh and lowered her head.

“You two are so similar yet so different…” Sooyeon whispered slightly. She then slowly closed the door behind Jessica with an anguished expression and placed the lock into place.

“If I were to accidently give someone that chance… it would still count… wouldn’t it?” Sooyeon asked with pleading eyes towards Tiffany. Yoona, SeoHyun and Tiffany raised their eyebrows, wondering what Sooyeon meant. Sooyeon then turned around and started escorting Jessica out of the room, turning back once to give Yoona a small nod.

“If she were to accidently give that chance…” SeoHyun said slowly. Tiffany looked over at SeoHyun to see her thinking hard about Sooyeon’s words. Just was Tiffany was about to take a seat beside her, SeoHyun jumped up from her seat with a bright expression.

“To accidently give that chance…” SeoHyun repeated with awe. She then rushed over to the metal bars with the lock and smiled brightly when she confirmed her prediction.

“What is it SeoHyun?” Yoona asked slowly. SeoHyun responded by reaching for the lock and turning it slowly to reveal that it was unlocked. Tiffany and Yoona immediately dashed over to SeoHyun’s side and examined the lock to see that it had been left open.

“She was hinting that she would accidently leave the lock open… or purposely… or…” SeoHyun got confused with her own words. Yoona and Tiffany didn’t mind. They just gently touched the frame of the cell and the door fell open easily. All three remained inside the cell and stared at the opening as if they were too scared to leave the cell. Tiffany then shook her head sternly and took a step outside the cell, feeling the sense of freedom rush through her once she was out of the four barriers.

“Come on. We don’t have time to waste.” Tiffany suddenly said urgently, gently pulling on SeoHyun’s hand and out. Yoona took one step out of the cell and had the familiar rush as Tiffany did. Feeling less claustrophobic and being able to breathe again. She then turned around to see Tiffany and SeoHyun already halfway towards the door and immediately dashed to their side.







The update marathon is starting :DDD

It will onyl go for 3 days since i really dont think i can manage 5 or 7 o_o


By updating marathon i mean there will be two updates within 24 hours.... it doesnt mean i post 2 chapters at once.... xDD

Makes u more anticipated doesnt it? The fact that the next update will be posted within 24 horus of the one u just read :)



I'm sure you've seen that link before. It's a chatroom where SONEs and anyone else can come and talk. It was originally for Taeny authors alone, then it changed to taeny readers getting a chance to know the authors.... but now its just a random fun chatroom :)

I am admin of that room so everyone is allowed to join ^^

Hope to catch u guys there sometime? :)



Bubbles out~


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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1131 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)