Sooyeon and Yuri, Sunny and Tiffany

Falling For You Again


“S-Sooyeon… K-Kim Sooyeon…”” Yuri kept on whispering over and over those two names. Was the girl in front of her, looking at her curiously, Jessica or Sooyeon? Yuri didn’t know anymore. It was impossible for it to be Sooyeon… It was also impossible for the girl to know about Taeyeon’s sister and get such an accurate guess.

“Are you okay?” Jessica/Sooyeon asked as she laid a hand on Yuri’s shoulder. Yuri jerked up immediately and backed away from her hand, alarmed and scared. The girl just stood there, staring blankly at Yuri with her dull eyes.

“Y-You’re not Jessica…” Yuri said sternly. She couldn’t be Jessica; her eyes were just too dull and hollow to be from a living person. Yuri was now, for one of the first times in her life, scared of the unknown.

“Of course I’m not. How many times do I have to say that I’m Sooyeon?” the girl said with annoyance. Before she could say anything else she fell to the floor, grasping her head in pain. Yuri stood there, stiff and unmoving as she saw ‘Sooyeon’ fall to the floor and shake her head furiously.

“Arhhh… Stop!” Sooyeon yelled as she kept shaking her head as though someone was playing loud music into her ears that it hurt. Suddenly, it stopped. Yuri backed up a few steps as she watched Sooyeon’s shoulders drop down low as she seemed to be breathing heavily. Slowly, Sooyeon stood up, her arms still hanging low beside her body.
An uncomfortable pain was then felt in Yuri’s stomach as Sooyeon lifted her head up. Her eyes were now no longer dull, but pitch black. Clumsily, Sooyeon started reaching her hand out for Yuri, aiming for her neck.

*Take her away* A stern voice rang through Sooyeon’s mind.

Yuri backed away slowly from Sooyeon’s arms, confused and worried. After five steps Yuri reached the wall, stopping her from going anywhere further as Sooyeon was approaching her. She panicked as she tried to find a way out. She looked forward; no escape. She looked to her side; blocked. Finally she looked behind to see a window. Before Yuri could even make her decision, Sooyeon lunged towards her, smashing her straight through the window with her hands around Yuri’s neck.

The two came falling down from the third floor with the bits of glass accompanying them. When they finally hit the floor Yuri could hear a loud snap on her back as her spine smashed against the impact of the floor. She let out a piercing scream but was mangled when Sooyeon’s hands tightened around her neck.

*Don’t kill her…* the voice rang again through Sooyeon’s head. As Yuri grabbed onto both of Sooyeon’s hands she threw her body off her. She couldn’t move her legs as her spinal cord was well and truly broken and it would take at least five minutes before she would be able to move it. As Sooyeon was thrown off Yuri she landed perfectly on her feet, crouched over on all fours as she slid across the grass.

Yuri used her arms to pull herself up as she started dragging herself into a sitting position and searched around desperately for her phone. When Yuri couldn’t find the phone she looked around the grass area to see if it dropped. As her eyes scanned across she saw a pair of feet.

“Looking for this?” a cold voice chuckled. Yuri’s eyes traced up the legs and towards the face of the owner. Her eyes widened with panic as she saw Sooyeon holding her phone in the palm of her hand with a smirk on her face. Then, within just a moment, the phone was crushed in the palm of Sooyeon’s hands, reducing it to nothing but bits of old metal and plastic.

“What are you?” Yuri asked accusingly as she glared at Sooyeon. Sooyeon’s smirk just grew as she walked up to Yuri again.

“I’m Taeyeon’s past. What are you?” Sooyeon answered and asked coyly. Before Yuri could even reply she was slapped right across the face.

“It seems that she doesn’t want to get rid of you yet. Instead she wants you to go meet your human friends. I see you can’t walk yet, so let me help you” Sooyeon’s dark voice let out a low chuckle. Yuri’s vision started to blur as she saw Sooyeon lower her face up to hers.

“This will only hurt for a while.” Sooyeon murmured before kneeing Yuri in the stomach, causing her to fall unconscious.

*Make sure no one sees you* the voice commanded Sooyeon. Sooyeon obediently obliged as she lowered herself and picked Yuri up over her shoulder. She then started dragging her body away from the school grounds, leaving nothing but the crushed phone and bits of broken glass behind.




“Tae~ Wait for me~” Tiffany whined as she hurriedly tried to catch up to Taeyeon. Taeyeon just completely ignored her as she kept walking, not bothering to look back at the poor girl who was almost dying behind her.

“You said you wanted to take a walk and added that we can go anywhere I liked.” Taeyeon called back bluntly as she gave a stretch of her arms and paused. Tiffany, almost seeing the afterlife ahead of her, finally caught up. She leaned her arm against Taeyeon’s as she breathed in heavily.

“I know. I said WALK. You’re just running past everything.” Tiffany huffed as her body finally managed to catch a break. Taeyeon just stared at the arm on her shoulder sceptically. She the swiftly moved from underneath the arm and let Tiffany stumble forward a few steps from the disappearing arm rest.

“That’s Taeyeon to you.” Taeyeon added coldly as she brushed off her shoulder. Tiffany just turned around cheekily and stuck her tongue out as she scratched the back of her head.

“Okay, okay, Taeyeon it is” Tiffany finally agreed as she gave a stretch, allowing her feet to regain their energy. Taeyeon let out a long tired sigh as she rubbed her temples.

“Why didn’t you bring your iPad today… I would have had at least some fun deducting points.” Taeyeon said barely audibly. Tiffany just shrugged carelessly.

“Well that’s a good thing for me then isn’t it?” she giggled. Taeyeon just scoffed as she rolled her eyes and walked pass Tiffany again, resuming their ‘walk’.

“Tae… yeon~” Tiffany quickly added the other half of Taeyeon’s name. Taeyeon however did not react to her name as she continued to walk. Tiffany pouted slightly as she followed Taeyeon with her eyes. She then was only faced with Taeyeon’s back as it started moving further and further away. An idea popped into her head as a wide grin grew on her face.
Taking a few steps back, she took a deep breath as she bounced on the balls of her feet slightly.

“Taeyeon!!!!” Tiffany yelled loudly as she bolted down the street at full speed, her arms outstretched as she approached Taeyeon with her eyes closed. As she caught up to Taeyeon she launched herself towards Taeyeon’s back, wanting a piggy-back ride.
To her surprise, Taeyeon turned around to face her with an annoyed expression. Tiffany immediately stopped in her tracks, freezing midway in between her leaps and standing on one leg unsteadily.

“Errr….” Tiffany hummed awkwardly as she still balanced on one leg. Taeyeon just scanned Tiffany’s body from head to two with a curious expression. Tiffany felt uncomfortable with the position she was in so quickly stood up straight. Feeling a little amused, she moved towards Tiffany and stood on her toes to lean her face against hers.

“Tiffany…” Taeyeon hummed lowly. Tiffany stared into Taeyeon’s onyx orbs as she swallowed down hard. A smirk grew on Taeyeon’s face as she lowered her head close to Tiffany’s lips. Tiffany could feel her breathing starting to get uneven as she leaned even closer.
Finally, Taeyeon blew onto Tiffany’s face quickly, causing Tiffany to close her eyes with surprise and start to fall backwards. As Tiffany landed on her backside she shot Taeyeon an accusing glare. Taeyeon just retorted back with a smile before turning around promptly and walking off again.

“Tsk.” Tiffany exclaimed as she got up and brushed the dirt off her clothes.





“Let us out of here!! Who do you think you are!!!?” Jessica yelled as she slammed against the poles that imprisoned her.

“Leave it Jessica… They won’t listen…” a hoarse voice murmured in the corner. Jessica let out a frustrated yell as she walked over to the corner as sat next to her only companion.

“Who does she think she is anyway? Just taking us off the streets and dumping us here. THERE’S A THING CALLED ILLEGAL ABDUCTION YOU KNOW!” Jessica yelled at the top, hoping that the person outside would be able to hear them.

“Leave it Jessica…” the person next to her repeated as they moved their head towards the light, revealing Tiffany’s facial features



“Sunny! Are you done yet?!” Tiffany yelled from below.

“I’m coming wait up.” Sunny called back as she came down the stairs. Tiffany lazily looked up to Sunny to see her wearing darker clothing and a cape.

“It’s a little early for Halloween you know…” Tiffany said bluntly as she rolled her eyes. Sunny did not care for Tiffany’s comment as she grabbed Tiffany’s arm and walked out of the house.

“No time to waste. Come.” Sunny said urgently as the two of them were now heading for Sunny’s car. Tiffany was groaning lazily as she would have rather be somewhere else, most preferably with Taeyeon.

As they approached Sunny’s car, Tiffany noticed another person inside the car in the passenger seat. She lowered her head to take a closer look as the windows winded down.

“Good afternoon Tiffany-shi. I’m sure we’ve met before” a male voice greeted politely as Tiffany gasped.

“Quit it Gi Kwang. We don’t have time.” Sunny said urgently as she opened the door for Tiffany. Tiffany hesitated as she stared at the open door. Sunny, having no patience left, pushed Tiffany in and closed the door. Gi Kwang locked the door as he winded down the driver’s window.

“What are you doing?!” Tiffany panicked as she tried to pry open the lock. Both parties ignored Tiffany as Sunny gripped onto the top of the car and swung her body through the window and into the driver’s seat perfectly.

“Woah…” Tiffany gawked. Before she could do anything else Sunny shoved her keys into the car and stepped onto the gas pedal as hard as she could. Tiffany was thrown back into her seat as the car shot forward.

“Hold on.” Gi Kwang chuckled as he saw Tiffany in the mirror. Tiffany shot him a sarcastic smile as she gripped onto the chair.

“Would someone please tell me what is going on here?!” Tiffany finally yelled as the car swerved left again.

“We’re giving you a holiday. Aren’t we generous?” Gi Kwang chuckled as he showed Tiffany her passport and tickets. Tiffany stared at the contents in Gi Kwang’s hands, confused and dazed.

“What for?” Tiffany asked hesitantly. Sunny then made a right turn and made Tiffany slide to the left side of the backseat, hitting her head against the window.

“No questions.” Sunny said sternly before the car made an abrupt stop. Tiffany’s body followed forward and hit the back of Gi Kwang’s seat. She let out a groan of pain as she rubbed her injured areas. As she was brushing her clothes off again the door behind her opened. She started falling backwards but was quickly caught by Gi Kwang with a proud smug smile on his face.

“Careful Princess” Gi Kwang chuckled. Tiffany felt disgust run through her as she got off of Gi Kwang’s arms and stood firmly in front of him.

“Don’t touch me or call me princess ever again” Tiffany growled as she pointed to Gi Kwang. Gi Kwang just chuckled as he gave a salute. Once again Sunny intruded by pulling on Tiffany’s arm and into the airport as Gi Kwang stood there and waved at Tiffany. Tiffany was stumbling backwards, trying not to trip over her own feet as Sunny seemed to whizz past everyone around them. She then finally managed to turn her body around so that she was not stumbling backwards anymore as they reached the check-in.

“Sunny… what’s this about? Why a sudden holiday?” Tiffany asked curiously as she looked up at the check-in board to see the plane going to France. Sunny just remained silent as she seemed to communicate with the attendant at the desk secretly.

“Sunny…. Sunny!” Tiffany clapped her hands to catch Sunny’s attention. Sunny just shot Tiffany a silencing glare before continuing her conversation. Tiffany let out a sigh as she leaned against the check-in desk lazily.

“Okay. Thank you” Sunny finally finished off as the attendant printed off Tiffany’s boarding passes. Sunny took the passes firmly and handed them to Tiffany before she started dragging her off again. Tiffany was starting to get tired of being dragged around and yanked her arm back quickly, stopping Sunny from getting up the escalator.

“Sunny if this is a joke it’s not funny. Why France? Why now? Why only me?” Tiffany asked sternly as she folded her arms and furrowed her eyebrows at Sunny. Sunny just gave a long tired sigh as she shook her head tiredly.

“It’s for your own good. You and Taeyeon are getting way to close for comfort. This is for you Tiffany.” Sunny explained briefly before looking up at Tiffany. Tiffany raised her eyebrow curiously at Sunny, wondering what she could possibly be talking about. Just as she was about to ask another question her whole body was suddenly lifted up and thrown sideways as Gi Kwang came from behind and carried her over his shoulder.

“Off to Paris you go” Gi Kwang beamed as he got onto the escalator with Sunny following behind. Tiffany, who was on Gi Kwang’s shoulders, started kicking around and hitting on Gi Kwang’s back, demanding him to let her go.

“What do you think you’re doing?! Let me go! SECURITY!!” Tiffany screamed at the top of her lungs as she kept kicking and thrashing around.

“Good evening officer” Gi Kwang greeted a security officer as he just walked past. Tiffany’s jaw dropped as she saw the security guard just completely ignoring the fact that she was taken away by a male.

“Let me go! Wait till Taeyeon hears about this! She’s not going to forgive you!” Tiffany threatened as she threw another blow to Gi Kwang’s back. Sunny just let out a snort at Tiffany’s threat as Gi Kwang readjusted Tiffany’s weight.

“We’ll see what Taeyeon does.” He chuckled as they continued.

“There are things you don’t know about Taeyeon Tiffany. Once you know you can never go back to your normal life. This is for your own good, Taeyeon and the Elites aren’t people you want to be around.” Sunny said grimly as she looked straight into Tiffany’s eyes. Tiffany clenched her teeth at Sunny’s statement as her anger started to build up in her.

“I’ll send Jessica and SeoHyun with you in two days. Yoona and Yuri aren’t that dangerous.” Sunny added as Gi Kwang set Tiffany down, keeping his hand on her shoulders to stop her escaping. Tiffany stood there firmly on the ground as she glared at Sunny.

“It’s for your own good Tiffany… Taeyeon… Is not part of your league” Sunny said with full of concern as she stared straight into Tiffany’s eyes. Tiffany let out a long sigh as she knew what Sunny was hinting at.

“I know already…” Tiffany muttered as she crouched over tiredly. Sunny and Gi Kwang raised their eyebrows at Tiffany curiously at her response.

“I know what the Elites and Gi Kwang are Sunny… You don’t need to hide it.” Tiffany added as she shot Sunny a glare. Sunny’s expression grew dark as her eyebrows furrowed. Gi Kwang’s expression remained unmoved but it was most probably due to the shock.

“But still!” Tiffany suddenly huffed as she stood up again, outraged at their attitudes.

“Taeyeon isn’t dangerous. The others aren’t either! You don’t know anything about them and you’re already judging them. What about Gi Kwang here? Isn’t he supposed to be dangerous too?” Tiffany exclaimed as she pointed her finger accusingly at Gi Kwang. Sunny followed Tiffany’s finger as she stared at Gi Kwang.

“I don’t care what you two say. I’m not going on that plane” Tiffany concluded as she shrugged Gi Kwang’s hand off of her shoulder and walked off. She was stopped however when Sunny suddenly appeared in front of her.

“I’m not quite sure we’re on the same page here Tiffany. If you don’t get on that plane something bad WILL happen. If you stay close to Taeyeon the bad won’t happen. But the worse will.” Sunny emphasized as she started pushing Tiffany back. Tiffany shot Sunny a glare as she refused to move. Gi Kwang, once again, intervened as he started pulling Tiffany back by the arm, forcing Tiffany to sit back down on one of the seats.

“You don’t know anything.” Tiffany growled under her breath as she turned her head away from Sunny. Sunny let out a long sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose. She then suddenly walked up to Tiffany and held her firm by her shoulders and stared right into her eyes.

“Look carefully Tiffany.” Sunny ordered as Tiffany stared into Sunny’s eyes. She noticed that Sunny’s eyes seemed a little different. There was a murky look towards her eyes as it seemed to be filled with liquid. Before Tiffany knew it she was suddenly drawn into Sunny’s eyes as they slowly turned into a red tone. She held her breath as she kept looking deeper into Sunny’s eyes. They then slowly turned blue, gradually getting lighter and lighter. Tiffany gasped as she remembered the tone of Taeyeon’s eyes the first time she saw them.
Before Tiffany could think of anything more, the blue eyes changed once again. This time it wasn’t the colour. But rather its content.

“Keep looking Tiffany.” Sunny urged as she blinked once. Tiffany started to see black shapes inside the iris of Sunny’s eye as they slowly started moving around. Gi Kwang who was beside them decided to look away from Sunny’s eyes. He couldn’t take looking at them for too long.

Tiffany slowly started to see figures inside Sunny’s eyes as it started playing like a power-point. She felt nothing as Sunny’s eyes seemed to numb her from any reaction, instead she continued to watch. There seemed to be a dark lair, surrounded by flames and rock with the occasional black shadows of what looked like people passing by. The image in Sunny’s eyes then suddenly re-focused on a certain area. An area with a group of huddled people standing in a circle.

“Do you see them Tiffany?” Sunny asked. Tiffany just barely nodded as she was still watching Sunny’s eyes.

The group of people in Sunny’s eyes then all of a sudden, turned around as if they had caught Tiffany spying on them. Her body then finally had a reaction. She let out a sharp gasp as she saw the familiar blue eyes of Taeyeon’s that seemed to glow against the red fiery background. Sunny immediately dropped her gaze as she closed her eyes and shook away the vision.

“Those people… They will come after you soon Tiffany. We’re sending you to the plane for your safety.” Sunny explained as she rubbed her eyes. Gi Kwang took a glance sideways to see Tiffany’s frozen expression.

“C-Can all… Immortals do that?” Tiffany stuttered as she stared up at Sunny. Sunny just gave Gi Kwang a worried glance before looking back at Tiffany.

“Immortals cannot do that Tiffany. I’m neither immortal nor human.” Sunny said bluntly before she turned to the boarding area. Tiffany remained there, frozen stiff as she remembered those eyes staring back at her.

“You okay?” Gi Kwang asked slowly as he clicked his fingers in front of Tiffany. Tiffany just nodded slowly as she looked up at Gi Kwang.

“Neither human nor immortal…. What other things are out there?” Tiffany asked hesitantly. Gi Kwang just pursed his lips together as he turned around and put his hands into his pockets.

“More than you would think.” Gi Kwang gave a vague answer. Tiffany just remained unmoved as she tried to comprehend everything all over again. Even if she knew that the world wasn’t normal anymore, it still was a lot to take in.

“All I can say is… She’s one of the devil’s helpers.” Gi Kwang added before walking over to Sunny’s side. Tiffany stared at the backs of Gi Kwang and Sunny helplessly as the last two words repeated themselves in her head.

‘Devil’s helpers’

She looked down at her hands to see her passport and boarding card lying there. They seemed to pulse as they beckoned Tiffany to react.

‘Devil’s helpers….’

Tiffany lifted her sleeve up slightly to reveal the lock necklace that had started all this, the lock which had influenced Tiffany’s life and now, creating a big impact on her whole understanding of life on Earth.

Tiffany finally took one last look at the ‘devil’s helper’ and the immortal beside her.

*No devil is going to get in my way!* Tiffany thought to herself determinedly as she ripped up her boarding pass and made a run for the exit, not wasting any time to look back behind her where the other two stood there with disappointed looks on their faces.

*Their just making sure I don’t get close to Taeyeon. They’re just judging Taeyeon. How can I trust them? I mean Sunny’s the DEVIL’S helper. What is there to trust from her?* Tiffany kept telling herself as she caught a taxi and got in immediately.

“Drive please” Tiffany beckoned towards the driver. The driver just gave a stiff nod as he started moving the car down the street.

Tiffany finally looked towards the back of the car to make sure the other two weren’t following. Relief flooded her when she saw no one behind her.

As the driver drove further and further away from the airport, Tiffany had more and more thoughts about Sunny. Why hadn’t they noticed Sunny before? Why did Sunny wait until now to act? What was her reason behind all of this?

No matter how much Tiffany thought, nothing made sense to her.

“I’ll call Taeye…” The taxi abruptly stopped as the tires screeched along the street. Before Tiffany could see what was going on the door opened and a pair of arms grabbed her out of the seat.

“Thank you for bringing our friend back” A voice said sweetly as an unidentified hand passed the driver a heap of money.

Tiffany struggled against the arms around her as she elbowed them. The person seemed to be unfazed as they still managed to keep their grip. Tiffany finally turned her head back to see Gi Kwang greet her with a smile. She quickly turned her head towards the other person to see Sunny standing there.

“Tiffany. This is for you OWN good” Sunny emphasized as they seemed to back against a wall. Gi Kwang let go of Tiffany as the two cornered her.

“Sunny? Tiffany?” a sudden high voice interrupted.

“Oh, Jessica” Sunny greeted as she turned around to see Jessica standing there, watching them suspiciously.

“Who’s he?” Jessica asked as she nudged her head towards Gi Kwang.

“Oh he’s Gi Kwang. Just a friend of mine.” Sunny explained quickly. Jessica just nodded slowly, not caring for her explanation. Jessica looked behind Sunny and Gi Kwang to see Tiffany still cowering away against the wall.

“Is… everything okay?” Jessica hesitantly as she moved towards Tiffany. Sunny and Gi Kwang exchanged glances of annoyance before turning and smiling towards Jessica.

“Yeah everything is fine. You two should probably get home now.” Sunny beamed. Gi Kwang rolled his eyes as he walked away from them, making Tiffany sigh with relief.

“Make sure you look after the house tonight… I’ve got another meeting with someone.” Sunny’s mood changed as she glared at Jessica. Jessica shot Sunny back a glance before turning her full attention to the shivering Tiffany.

“Are you okay? Why are you shivering?” Jessica asked worriedly as she tried to find something wrong with her. After a quick once-over Jessica found nothing apparent that would make Tiffany shiver.

“S-Sunny…” Tiffany started but slowly stopped once she saw Sunny’s gaze.

“Sunny wanted to see me urgently… so I forgot my jacket” Tiffany lied as she tried to pull off a smile. Sunny gave an approving nod towards Tiffany’s lie and smiled sweetly.

“You two run along now. We wouldn’t want something to happen to you two now do we?” Sunny smirked before walking off towards Gi Kwang’s direction.

“L-Let’s go” Tiffany stuttered as she pulled Jessica away.

“What did she talk to you about?” Jessica asked as her arm was pulled away forcefully. Tiffany just remained silent as she was focused on getting away from Sunny and Gi Kwang, pulling Jessica along behind her.

Tiffany occasionally would look behind her to check that they weren’t being followed before picking up her speed and walking even faster. Jessica was just trailing behind as Tiffany’s grip on her wrist started to cut off her blood circulation. Before she could complain Tiffany had already hailed a cab and pushed Jessica in.

“What the hell?!” Jessica yelled as she felt Tiffany join her in the cab and slam the door.

“Just drive please” Tiffany said urgently to the driver. The driver just gave a grunt as he lifted his foot off of the brakes and the car started moving.

“Tiffany. Seriously if this is a joke, it’s not funny” Jessica said bluntly as she crossed her arms. Tiffany just shook her head sternly as she gave Jessica a concerned look.

“Jessica… I think we might be in trouble” Tiffany said slowly. Jessica raised her eyebrow sceptically at Tiffany, thinking that she has gone totally mad.

“Heheh. You got that right.” A lot gruff voice chuckled. Tiffany and Jessica faced the front towards the driver who was now driving crazily down the street.

“I think it’s time you paid the Legion a visit” the driver said evilly as he made a sharp turn.

*We’re in serious trouble now…* Tiffany thought as she tried to pry open the doors whilst Jessica stayed beside her, petrified.

End Flashback.





Just to those you comment with just 'Update soon'

Please dont.......

It lowers my motivation down o_o

If you really dont have much to say plz dont say anything at all T_T

just the two words isnt going to make me update any faster and it really lowers down my excitement if im rushed/ordered what to do T_T

I'm not saying it's a bad thing but it doesn't really help any author update any faster :\


Bubbles out~


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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1124 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)