
Falling For You Again


“So I’ll bring Yuri to the store. There I will distract her with the few stalls and that’s when you bring Jessica. Make sure you’re there within ten minutes of the agreed time. I think Yuri will get suspicious if I insist on staying in that one area.” Yoona explained as she pointed to the map she recently got regarding the festival that was coming up.

“So I’ll walk through this gate with Jessica. Let her take in the view for a while, and then usher her to where you are?” SeoHyun reconfirmed.

Yoona gave an excited nod. SeoHyun frowned as she bit her lower lip and stared at the map. Just then Yoona’s phone rang.

“Hello?” Yoona answered in a monotone voice.

“Yoona, it’s Yuri… Where are you at the moment?” Yuri responded through the phone.

“I’m with a friend at the moment. If there’s something you need I can get it on my way back later”

“No I don’t need anything. I just need to know WHERE you are. Taeyeon and I are going to have to talk to you.”

“Talk to me? Why is there something wrong?”

“Kind of… Listen just tell me where you are. I don’t think Taeyeon is in a decent mood today…”

Yoona let out a long sigh.

“I’m at the café two blocks from Leeteuk’s restaurant. I’ll wait here for you guys”

“No need” the phone then cut off.

Yoona pulled her phone from her ears and stared at the screen to see that Yuri had hung up on her.

“Yoona!” Yuri’s voice then called from behind.

Yoona turned around to see Yuri entering the café with Taeyeon behind her with a displeased look on her face.

“Yuri. Taeyeon.” Yoona smiled as she waved.

SeoHyun looked up at Yuri and Taeyeon. She got up from her seat and gave a bow of greeting. Yuri smiled back nervously while Taeyeon just gave a short nod in acknowledgement. Taeyeon then looked at Yoona seriously as she gestured her head towards the counter and walked there slowly.

Yuri mimicked Taeyeon’s actions, telling Yoona to follow Taeyeon.

Yoona rolled her eyes as she slid her chair out and walked to where Taeyeon was.

“Mind if I take over to Yoona for a while?” Yuri chuckled as she took Yoona’s seat in front of SeoHyun.

SeoHyun just gave an innocent smile as she took the festival’s map and shoved it under the table quickly.

“Of course you can. I’m in no position to oppose it” SeoHyun answered innocently.

Yuri just chuckled as she gave an awkward scan around the café. SeoHyun bowed her head low as she peeked from the top of her eyes to look at Yuri.

“I’m s-sorry…” SeoHyun suddenly apologized quietly.

“Hm?” Yuri responded, still looking elsewhere.

“I’m sorry… For that day…” SeoHyun said a little louder.

Yuri turned her head this time to face SeoHyun with a confused look on her face.

“I thought ill of Taeyeon and offended you and Yoona… I now know I shouldn’t have done that and… I’m sorry for the way I acted…”

A smile grew on Yuri’s face as she reached her hand over to pat SeoHyun’s head.

“I really do wish we could switch maknaes” Yuri remarked.

SeoHyun lifted her head up and gave Yuri a curious look.

“Apology accepted. On one condition though” Yuri added. “No more formal talk. Reminds me too much of the old days” Yuri chuckled.

SeoHyun giggled along as she nodded her head slightly.

“So. What is it that you and Yoona plan on doing?” Yuri raised one of her eyebrows and gave a mischievous smirk.

SeoHyun tilted her head to the side in response.

“I saw you hide… whatever that was. Are you and Yoona secretly dating without telling us?” Yuri winked.

SeoHyun’s face blushed red as she shook her head furiously.

“It’s not like that…” she defended.

“Oh? Then why are you blushing such a deep red?” Yuri continued.

SeoHyun brought her hands up to cover her face with embarrassment.

“Aww. Come on. Share with me. I’m not going to tease or anything. I’m just curious as to why Yoona seems to be spending less time with me” Yuri tilted her head and stuck her tongue out cheerfully.

“Yuri. What are you doing to SeoHyun?” Taeyeon’s cold blunt voice interrupted.

Yuri and SeoHyun turned towards the source of the voice to see Taeyeon holding onto Yoona’s left ear. Taeyeon had an annoyed expression on her face while Yoona was desperately trying hard to not get her ear ripped off.

“Erm…” Yuri furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at Yoona.

“I won’t do it again! I promise!” Yoona pleaded loudly as she used her hand to try and pry Taeyeon’s hand away.

SeoHyun giggled at Yoona whilst Yuri just shook her head disappointedly.

“What did you do now Yoona?” Yuri sighed as she stood up and walked behind them.

“Don’t think about helping her Yuri. It will be your ear next” Taeyeon interrupted as Yuri lifted her hand up to help Yoona.

Yuri slowly treated her hand back down as bit her lower lip nervously.

“I was just helping Taeyeon out that’s all. No harm was done.” Yoona explained in a strained voice.

“No one asked you to” Taeyeon interjected as she pulled Yoona’s ear and let her go towards the chair.

Yoona fell onto the chair and held her hand over her ear as she pouted.

“If I hadn’t you probably would have been flocked by them by now” Yoona whined as she nodded her head towards the group of people behind them.

Yuri looked behind to see a group of young teenagers gathered around talking quietly towards each other. SeoHyun raised her eyebrow, wondering what Yoona could have possibly done to make Taeyeon mad at her.

“They didn’t have any intentions Yoona. Even if they did you didn’t have to pull off the whole act and throw yourself onto me shamelessly. You still have an image to uphold, whether it be on campus or off” Taeyeon lectured as she flicked Yoona’s forehead.

Yuri burst out into laughter as soon as Taeyeon had finished her sentence.

“Yoona. Did you call Taeyeon ‘Honey, darling, cutie and seobang’? You know Taeyeon hates it when you’re like that” Yuri strained through her laughs.

“Well… I didn’t want Taeyeon to go off with some teenagers and leaving us behind. I saw the looks they gave Taeyeon. I knew what they were thinking” Yoona stuck her tongue out towards Yuri.

Yuri leaned on Taeyeon as her laughs continued.

“That’s not even the least of it” Taeyeon growled as she crossed her arms.

“I don’t see what’s wrong with just giving a peck on the cheek and a little hug” Yoona defended as she finally let her hand which was covering her ear go.

SeoHyun and Yuri laughed together this time as they saw the comical duo argue with each other.

“Omo…” Yuri suddenly stopped laughing as she spotted something outside the café window.

SeoHyun, Yoona and Taeyeon followed her gaze as they saw Jessica and Sunny outside talking to each other.

“I wonder what Sunny is asking Jessica” SeoHyun mumbled as she moved to get a better look.

As the four of them watched they saw Sunny hand Jessica a note and a small book. Jessica rolled her eyes as she put the two items into her bag. Sunny gave her another small lecture before walking off again. Jessica then gave an annoyed expression as she mimicked Sunny. She then turned around and entered the café.

“Yuri… come” Taeyeon said urgently as she started to make her way to the door.

Yuri didn’t hesitate. She swiftly followed Taeyeon, making sure that she avoided Jessica as they passed.

Yoona and SeoHyun sat there dumbfounded, wondering where the two could have gone.

“They honestly… I’m never involved with anything” Yoona complained as she leaned her head against the table.

“I’m sure they didn’t want to bother you” SeoHyun reassured as she patted Yoona’s back.

“SeoHyun?” Jessica’s voice interrupted.

“Oh. Jessica” SeoHyun smiled.

Yoona looked up with a blunt expression as Jessica stared at her intensely.

“I think I better be going…” Yoona muttered quietly as she slowly slid sideways and away from the table.

SeoHyun bit her lower lip as Jessica’s gaze was averted to her.

“Seo? Why was she here?” Jessica asked bluntly.

“She was… I was… We just…” SeoHyun stuttered.

“I know you can’t lie. Seo, Tell me now.” Jessica demanded.

SeoHyun let out a long sigh.

“We just met here coincidently and decided to talk” SeoHyun lied thoroughly.

Jessica just nodded as she took Yoona’s seat.

“I wonder what Tiffany is up to” Jessica sighed as she stared at the table.

“I’m sure she’s having fun with her friend” SeoHyun smiled, relieved that Jessica had believed her lie.

“I wonder if she has a boyfriend…” Jessica wondered.

“I doubt it” SeoHyun shook her head.

Jessica chuckled.

“Right. Her fear. She said she was going to get rid of that but by going to an all-girls college, I highly doubt it.”

SeoHyun just shrugged in response.

“Oh I saw Sunny earlier. Can you call her for me? Sunny needed to see her about something” Jessica asked tiredly.

“Sunny wanted to see Tiffany?” SeoHyun raised her eyebrow.

Jessica nodded as she turned to her bag and pulled out a book.

“Also can you give this to her as well. I really don’t feel like explaining to Tiffany.”

SeoHyun took the book into her hands and looked at it.

“What’s this for?” SeoHyun asked curiously.

“I don’t know. Sunny just said ‘Give this to Tiffany and make sure she’s at home tonight’” Jessica mimicked in a higher pitch tone.

SeoHyun let out a giggle as she put the book into her pocket.

“Oh right. Are you free tonight?” Jessica suddenly asked.

SeoHyun looked up from her pocket and up at Jessica curiously.

“Yeah I think I am. Is there something you needed?” SeoHyun asked back innocently.

“Great. Can you come with me to pick up some shoes I ordered from a shop nearby? I would’ve asked Tiffany to come with me, but she doesn’t seem to like shopping with me” Jessica explained.

“Sure. I’d love to come” SeoHyun smiled.

Jessica let out a high pitched squeal as she hugged SeoHyun gratefully.




“What are we doing now Taeyeon?” Yuri whined as they stood close to an alley wall.

“There’s something up with Sunny… I’m going to find out what it is.” Taeyeon whispered as she peered to the side of the wall.

Not too far from them, Sunny was standing on the side of the street, waiting for the light to turn green before crossing the road. Taeyeon and Yuri swiftly followed behind, hiding behind people and objects to make sure they weren’t seen. Sunny turned around a few times, sensing something following her, but each time she did she saw nothing suspicious.

Finally they reached the outskirts of the city and onto an open field. Sunny jumped over the fence and walked towards the middle of the field and stood there, waiting. Taeyeon and Yuri were not too far away behind the fence and bush. They kneeled down low so that they were out of sight.

“What’s she doing here?” Taeyeon whispered.

Yuri just grabbed a stick nearby and started digging a small hole in the ground out of boredom.

“What’s so special about Sunny? Isn’t she just someone who looks after Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun?” Yuri complained.

Taeyeon scoffed.

“Apparently, she’s not a plain old human. She’s also known Sooyoung for a while… Something doesn’t add up though.” Taeyeon explained.

Yuri just huffed as her stick snapped in half.

“Is everything done yet?” a voice suddenly asked from the field.

Taeyeon whipped her head up and peered over the bush to see who it was.

“Of course it is. Who do you think I am Gi Kwang?” Sunny chuckled.

Yuri’s eyes popped open as she turned around and leaned behind Taeyeon to take a look. Taeyeon clenched her hand into fists as the figure in the cloak took off his hood. It was none other than Gi Kwang with a proud smile on his face.

“It’s not long till you get what you want now isn’t it? I can finally relax after all this is done” Gi Kwang chuckled as he gave a stretch.

Sunny gave him a sharp slap across the back of the head.

“Don’t slack of now. Not until all this is over.” Sunny scolded.

Gi Kwang cowered from the attack and muttered a curse under his breath.

“What?!” Yuri exclaimed.

Taeyeon quickly used her hand to cover Yuri’s mouth and shot her a deadly glare.

“Shhh” Taeyeon hushed.

Yuri gave a quick apologetic look with her eyes. They then heard a twig snap from behind them and the shuffling of feet. Yuri closed her eyes tightly as Taeyeon held her breath.

“What is it?” Gi Kwang called from behind.

The shuffling of the feet stopped for a moment.

“I heard something…” Sunny muttered.

Gi Kwang peered over to where Sunny was looking. He could see a pair of feet towards the side of the bush and smirked as he walked towards them. Taeyeon clenched her teeth tightly as Yuri started to shake.

“I’ll take a look for you” Gi Kwang offered as her quickly jumped across and stood in front of both Taeyeon and Yuri.

He glowered down at them, pretending to be looking for something.

Taeyeon shot him a murderous look as she flared her teeth.

“Just a few field mice. Nothing to be worried about” Gi Kwang suddenly announced with a proud smile.

Yuri opened her eyes and stared at him curiously, while Taeyeon’s jaw dropped.

“Dirty rodents. Now come we have to finish off out plan” Sunny said bluntly.

Gi Kwang just gave a shrug as he walked pass them and back towards Sunny.

Taeyeon finally let go of Yuri’s mouth, leaving a noticeable handprint over her jaw as she peered over.

There was nothing but the leaves blowing in the wind.

She let out a relieved sigh as Yuri was rubbing her sore jaw.

“So she is part of the Legion…” Taeyeon grumbled.

“How come you didn’t know she was? I’m pretty sure you knew most of the Legion right?” Yuri asked.

Taeyeon just gave a short nod as she focused on a rock on the floor.

“I haven’t seen Sunny before… and Gi Kwang never mentioned anything about new recruits. The only new person he mentioned was… the new leader…” Taeyeon’s voice slowly railed off.

“So… are you suggesting that…”

Taeyeon gave a quick nod as Yuri trailed off.

“Oh my god…” Yuri murmured.

“Let’s go” Taeyeon announced as she abruptly got up.

“Where?” Yuri asked as she looked up.

“The Legion are known to especially hate humans. They all bear grudges against the human world. If Sunny is part of the Legion… the humans won’t be safe.” Taeyeon explained.

“By humans you mean…”

“Jessica, SeoHyun and Tiffany…” Taeyeon interrupted.

Yuri’s shoulders dropped.

“Hang on… didn’t they say they had a plan?” Yuri suddenly realised.

Taeyeon turned to Yuri and raised her eyebrow.

“They said that it wasn’t long before Sunny got what she wanted… and that Gi Kwang could relax after all this was done… not only that but Sunny was with Jessica before this…” Yuri said slowly.

Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows as things slowly sank in.

“Yuri! Call Yoona!” Taeyeon growled.

Yuri didn’t waste any time. She quickly got out her phone and dialled Yoona’s number.

“Hello~” Yoona’s voice chimed through the phone’s earpiece.

Taeyeon quickly took the phone into her hand.

“Yoona. Are you still with SeoHyun?!” Taeyeon said urgently.

“Oh. Hello Taeyeon. Ermm… I’m not with her at the moment. Jessica’s there with her…” Yoona answered innocently.

Taeyeon let out a groan.

“Could you arrange for them to come over your place tonight? Or Yuri’s doesn’t matter.”

“I can try. Is there something going on? You sound worried.”

“Don’t worry about that now. Make sure they are at your house as soon as possible. Yuri and I still have some issues to figure out. Do not leave those three alone. Okay?” Taeyeon growled through the phone.

Yuri sat there in front of Taeyeon as she poked at the ground with another stick.

“Taeyeon you’re starting to worry me. Is there something I should know?” Yoona pondered.

Taeyeon let out a sigh.

“I’ll explain later. Can you just… do what I’ve asked you to do?” Taeyeon used her hand to pinch the bridge of her nose.

“I uhmm…”

“Please…” Taeyeon muttered.

Yuri looked up at Taeyeon with surprise and Yoona froze on the other side of the phone.

“O-Okay…” Yoona stuttered.

“Thanks…” Taeyeon then hung up the phone.

“Wow” Yuri whispered.

“What?” Taeyeon growled.

“I thought you were the one who said, stay away from humans.” Yuri gave a cheeky grin.

Taeyeon turned her back towards Yuri.


“Just wondering about the change in attitude… that’s all” Yuri smiled.

Taeyeon turned her head to the side to look at Yuri.

“We were once human too. If the Legion is planning on hurting any of them… I can’t allow it to happen.”

Yuri just nodded as she got up from the ground.

“Well… I have to say, I agree with you on this one. Even if the three aren’t involved, it’s better to be safe than sorry”

Taeyeon just faced forward again and nodded.

“Let’s go.”

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1124 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)