The Night

Falling For You Again


“We should probably let them cool down…” Taeyeon commented as she tried to put the macaroon back on top before it slid down the cream again.

Tiffany just nodded slowly as she put back the macaroon and spoon down. Taeyeon just gave up with saving the two macaroons that were already ruined beyond repair. Tiffany then looked up at the clock to see that it was still rather early. It was only a few minutes pass ten and she was already starting to feel a little dazed. Deciding that it was time to freshen up, Tiffany decided to make a cup of coffee.

“Already?” Taeyeon chuckled as she raised her eyebrow.

Tiffany just nodded slowly as a yawn escaped . She was worn out from all the extra exercise she had done that day and was starting to feel it slowly slow her down. As she was adding sugar and water into her coffee, Taeyeon had walked back to the couch and resume her movie watching on her iPad. The dull and quiet atmosphere wasn’t helping Tiffany’s tiredness at all. Usually she would be up until late because either Jessica or SeoHyun was keeping her up, now it was just a silent house with no one but the company of Taeyeon.

*This is going to be a long night* Tiffany thought to herself as she took the mug and walked over to Taeyeon.

“Want some?” Tiffany offered as she held the cup up at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon just shook her head as her eyes remained focused on the screen. Tiffany then just shrugged as she took a sip and sat beside Taeyeon, leaning over to take a peek at the movie. Taeyeon saved her the trouble by moving it over so that it was between them.
Tiffany gave a content smile as she could feel her body radiate with heat.

*Feels like we’re already a couple* Tiffany thought deliriously.

Sensing that they were getting too close, Taeyeon put the iPad onto Tiffany’s lap and walked off.

“Just going to check on Bubz” Taeyeon lied as she walked over to her room where Bubz was sleeping soundly on the bed.

Tiffany sat on the couch dejectedly as she continued to watch the movie. Taking a sip of her coffee every few minutes. Not long after Taeyeon walked out of the room again and sat on the couch opposite Tiffany with a book.
Nothing but the sound of the iPad’s speakers filled the whole room. Even with the coffee she felt even more tiring than counting sheep.

As time ticked by, Tiffany had finished her coffee and Taeyeon had amazingly finished her book.

“I think it’s cool enough” Taeyeon’s voice resounded through the house, breaking the stillness in the air.

“Yeah I think it is” Tiffany answered all too quickly.

Taeyeon just nodded awkwardly as she put the book down on the side of the bench top and took out the cream and berries from the fridge again. Tiffany paused the movie on the iPad and carefully put it onto the couch, not wanting to damage anything accidently, before hurriedly scurrying over to Taeyeon’s side.

The macaroons were now cool and they were able to put the cream on without it melting away like a while creamy river. Taeyeon skilfully put the cream onto the bottom macaroon and decorated it with a few berries before topping it off with another macaroon piece.
Tiffany was trying to imitate Taeyeon’s skills by following very precisely Taeyeon’s actions, but she would always end up with one being lopsided, too tall, overflowing with cream or just plain unstable.

Once she put her ‘master pieces’ against Taeyeon’s, she felt disappointed in the difference between the two. Feeling jealously flow through her, she decided to make it seem a little less taunting by tipping Taeyeon’s perfect macaroon with her finger.
She watched it tip over ever so slightly before collapsing against the plate. A smile grew on Tiffany’s face as she saw the falling dessert.

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes at Tiffany’s childishness and ignored Tiffany destroying her dessert. Instead she just started to make another and put it against Tiffany to emphasise the difference between the two’s skills again.
Tiffany just remained stubborn as she tipped over Taeyeon’s one over again. Sticking her tongue out mockingly towards the fallen dessert as though they would be able to see her.

Taeyeon just then attacked back by picking up some cream with her finger and putting it against Tiffany’s cheek.

“Stop killing my minions” Taeyeon retorted as she gave Tiffany a stern look.

Tiffany just giggled as she wiped away the cream on her face, missing a spot completely.

Taeyeon just chuckled as she used her thumb to wipe away the remains.

“You and your aim” Taeyeon commented before she off the cream on her thumb.

Tiffany remained stiff as she could feel the heat slowly rising on her face. On the plus side she didn’t really feel tired after that event, she felt rather refreshed and flustered. That feeling was lost however when she saw Taeyeon’s face change dramatically.

“What is that?!” Taeyeon exclaimed as she held her tongue out in disgust.

Tiffany tilted her head to the side curiously, wondering what Taeyeon had meant.

“What is what?” Tiffany asked.

“That” Taeyeon said accusingly as she pointed to the bowl of cream.

Tiffany just looked at the bowl confusingly before dipping her finger in to taste a bit. The taste was beyond words. It was even saltier than the salt in the salt container and was the most horrid thing that Tiffany had ever tasted.

“Ewwww” Tiffany exclaimed as she held out her tongue and scrunched her forehead.

Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows as she walked over to the sugar they were supposed to put in the cream. It turned out to be completely sealed. She then slowly turned to the open bag nearby and turned it around to see the brand.

‘Uncle Brian’s Cooking Salt’

“…” Taeyeon couldn’t believe what she was reading on the label.

“Salt?” Tiffany exclaimed from behind as she read the label.

Taeyeon just let out a defeated sigh as she moved away from the bag of salt and towards the macaroons.
Disappointment was felt through Tiffany and Taeyeon. The macaroons were now ruined by the cream that was sandwiched between them.

“It was just an experiment I guess. I can’t cook and you don’t cook. Was to be expected” Tiffany chuckled nervously as she stared at the plate.

“Guess so” Taeyeon sighed disappointedly.

Tiffany just gave a short nod as she picked up the plate.

“I don’t think anyone would want to eat these anymore” Tiffany pouted as she started heading towards the bin.

Taeyeon stopped her abruptly and took the plate from her hands.

“I’ve got two volunteers” Taeyeon beamed as she stared evilly at the plate.

“Two volunteers?” Tiffany raised her eyebrow.

Taeyeon just nodded as she put the plate back down.

“I’ll give them some tomorrow” Taeyeon smirked as an evil thought ran through her head.

“Okay then…” Tiffany replied hesitantly.

“So what do we do now? We’ve still got around 11 hours left before this ends” said Taeyeon as she covered up the deadly macaroons.

“I’ve got some movies we could watch” Tiffany suggested as she walked over to her bag and pulled out a few DVDs.

“Okay. We’ll probably have enough time to watch them all.” Taeyeon shrugged as she walked over to the TV and prepared the DVD player.

Tiffany followed behind with the DVDs in her hands as she knelt down and spread the DVDs across the floor.

“Which one?” Tiffany asked as she pondered.

“Any is fine” Taeyeon answered indifferently as she opened the disc player.

“One of my favourites. White Chicks” Tiffany smiled as she picked up the middle cover. “Have you watched these before?” Tiffany asked as she put the disc into its rightful place.

Taeyeon just shook her head and pressed the close button.

“I really don’t like American movies… Or modern movies at that” Taeyeon admitted before standing up and heading for the couch.

“Aww” Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows disappointedly.

Realising that Taeyeon had just revealed information about her likes and dislikes, Tiffany decided to quickly get her iPad and type down what she had heard hurriedly.

Taeyeon just raised her eyebrow at Tiffany crouching over her iPad in the corner suspiciously but just shrugged it off once the movie had started.

Once she was finished with her notes Tiffany put it away and walked over to take a seat on one of the empty couches, the movie starting just in time.

Taeyeon leaned her elbow against the arm rest and leaned her head against it as she folded her legs up to the side. Tiffany slouched in the couch and rested her head against the armrest alone.

As the movie started Tiffany started to feel discouraged.

*Well this is entertaining* Tiffany thought sarcastically as gun shots were heard through the movie.

*Beats the other nights* Taeyeon thought to herself as she saw Tiffany watch the movie tiredly.

Tiffany was starting to feel the coffee wear off again as her eye lids slowly became heavier.

*Time for another coffee* Tiffany thought to herself as she pulled herself off the couch and made herself another cup.

“You know coffee isn’t good for you” Taeyeon informed as Tiffany sat back down.

Tiffany just nodded knowingly.

“But I’m not giving up that easily”

Taeyeon just nodded in response as she turned her attention to the movie again.

As time passed the movie had ended and Tiffany had finished two cups of coffee. The coffee didn’t seem to take effect on her anymore as they began to make her sleepier. She would even occasionally slap her cheeks to wake herself up when she was close to nodding off.

“Do you have anything else that might be interesting?” Taeyeon chuckled as she clicked her fingers in front of Tiffany.

Tiffany rubbed her eyes tiredly as her lower lip pouted.

“Most of the other things included Yuri and Yoona” Tiffany quietly mumbled through her sleepiness.

“Ohh” Taeyeon exclaimed. “We’ll watch another movie then”

Tiffany nodded childishly as Taeyeon went to change the DVD.

“Maybe that macaroon might wake me up” Tiffany whispered as she got up her couch a third time and headed for the plate on the bench top.

She lifted the cover and was faced with the innocent yet deadly looking macaroons. Bravely, she took one from the plate and covered it up again. Tiffany then held it in front of her face as she stared at it. Slowly and reluctantly, she opened her jaw slightly as she took a bite of it.

She was immediately faced with the strong salty taste of the cream burning her tongue.

“Oh god!” Tiffany exclaimed as she covered .

Taeyeon walked in with her arms crossed and her eyes staring weirdly at Tiffany.

“Did you just eat that?” Taeyeon asked as she pointed at the bitten macaroon.

Tiffany just nodded as she tried to swallow.

“I just needed something to wake me up” Tiffany tried to smile as the deadly cream ran down .

Taeyeon just nodded unsurely before she pointed at the clock.

“You still have ten hours” Taeyeon reminded.

Tiffany nodded knowingly.

“Just reminding” Taeyeon mused cheekily as she walked casually back to her seat and waited for the movie.

As soon as Taeyeon was out of the kitchen Tiffany dashed for the tap and grabbed the cup on the rack. She filled the cup with water and chugged it down like no tomorrow, trying to get rid of the taste in .

When half of the taste was gone Tiffany let out a relieved sigh. She could hear people conversing from the lounge and knew that the new movie was starting.
She stared down accusingly at the macaroons and sighed.

“I wanted her to at least taste something I made” Tiffany admitted.

Taeyeon from the lounge was wondering what was taking Tiffany so long so decided to take a look. She saw Tiffany have a solemn look on her face as she had a staring contest with the bitten deadly dessert.

“She’d never eat them” Taeyeon heard Tiffany sigh before she walked out into the lounge.

Taeyeon turned her head towards the TV and acted casually as Tiffany slumped onto the couch again.

This time the movie was a lot calmer and sadder than the last. It was also longer too. It was proving to be a difficult task for Tiffany to pay attention to the movie, she was starting to regret not picking action movies instead.

Taeyeon on the other hand was quite glad she had picked a tiring movie. It gave Taeyeon some entertainment as she watched Tiffany try to stay awake. She checked the clock nearby. It was almost three o’clock.

*She isn’t going to last much longer* Taeyeon mused to herself as she went to change the movie again.

This time Tiffany didn’t take the chance to refresh. Her body was already limp. She just had to make sure she was awake for another seven hours.

*You can do it* Tiffany thought tiredly as she pried her eyes open using her fingers.

Taeyeon started up another sad and tiring movie. She knew that Tiffany was going to fall asleep soon yet she couldn’t help but push Tiffany that little bit further.

Throughout the whole movie Taeyeon just watched Tiffany nod every few minutes before waking up temporarily.

Finally as she movie was nearing the end and the clock was slowly reaching four thirty, the low breathing could be heard from Tiffany as she drifted off to sleep.

Taeyeon just chuckled to herself as she went over to the sleeping Tiffany.

“Failed~” Taeyeon whispered as she poked Tiffany’s cheek.

Tiffany was in a much too deep sleep to feel anything.

Leaving her alone, Taeyeon returned to her seat and finished off the movie.

*Another lonesome night* Taeyeon thought sadly as she looked over at the sleeping Tiffany.

She had high hopes that Tiffany would’ve been able to make at least one of her nights different but she knew that it was high unlikely. The fact that she also had to walk to her house and to the market carrying a heavy bag and an injured ankle just made the chances decrease to almost impossible. Remembering about her injured leg, Taeyeon decided to check up on Tiffany’s ankle to see if it had gotten worse. She pulled up Tiffany’s pants as she examined the now red ankle.

Frowning at the result, Taeyeon went to grab some ice from the fridge and wrap it around Tiffany’s ankle carefully and kept it in place using some bandage she had. She was careful not to wake Tiffany up from her sleep as she knew Tiffany would go haywire for falling asleep.

Taeyeon then carefully put her arms behind Tiffany’s neck and knee as she slowly picked up Tiffany and carried her easily, making sure she didn’t wake up. She then proceeded to her room where the bed that was only used by Bubz was located. Carefully, Taeyeon set Tiffany down onto the bed before covering her with the blanket, making sure she didn’t disturb Bubz not too far from them.

Taeyeon then quietly walked out of her room and closed the door behind her before she walked to the kitchen. She saw the half eaten macaroon on the table and chuckled at Tiffany’s determination.

Curious, she decided to take the cover off and take one of Tiffany’s macaroons. Slowly and cautiously Taeyeon took a bite from the dessert, expecting the worst possible taste to fill . To her surprise it wasn’t as bad as she had thought. It was still salty but she could taste the sweetness inside the macaroons too. Deciding that she could bear the taste Taeyeon popped the rest of the poisonous dessert into and swallowed it wilfully.

Having nothing else to do, Taeyeon took her iPad again and decided to read this time.


Six books later, Taeyeon noticed that the sun was slowly starting to rise.

“Another night gone past” Taeyeon said indifferently as she got up and walked to the kitchen.

She noticed Tiffany’s stuff lying next to the bench and saw the iPad still outside her bag.

*Deduct 50 points* Taeyeon thought to herself as she picked up the iPad and unlocked it.

She then opened up the counting app and looked at the points Tiffany had.

30 points.

Taeyeon typed in the negative sign and the digit number five. She then paused.

*She did try her best…* Taeyeon thought to herself as her finger hovered over the 0.

As Taeyeon debated about how much she was going to take, she decided to backspace everything.

She then hit the addition key and added fifty points.

*I can take it away later* Taeyeon reasoned as she opened the reminders and decided to add a note for Tiffany to read.

‘Don’t expect me to be as nice next time’

Saving the reminder and locking that iPad again, she put the device back into Tiffany’s bag and walked to the cupboards where she some flour, eggs and vanilla essence.

She then began mixing the ingredients together and cooking it to make pancakes. She tasted each batch and would throw out any horrible tasting ones.

Deciding that it was probably better to follow a recipe Taeyeon decided to search up some pancake recipes on her iPad. As soon as she found a simple recipe she followed the instructions accordingly, making sure that this time she put the sugar in instead of the salt.

When she looked at the clock she could see that it was nearing ten o’clock.

Carefully, Taeyeon cooked the pancakes and laid them onto a plate perfectly before she went to the get the honey that she had bought the night before and drizzle it over the top.

She then got a pen and a piece of paper to write a note.

‘Eat this before you go. I have to go meet up with someone’

Closing the lid on her pen Taeyeon crept into the room carefully and went to her wardrobe where she pulled out a set of clothing. She quickly changed into her clothes before walking out and leaving Tiffany to continue sleeping in the room.

She grabbed her car keys near the kitchen cupboard and poured some food into Bubz’s bowl ready for him to eat when he wakes up.

By the time she was finished it was already ten past ten.

Deciding that she had already done enough, Taeyeon took her keys and exited the house, making sure it was locked as she left.

Tiffany in the meanwhile was still in a deep sleep, the comfortable bed and blanket lulled her to sleep and didn’t allow her to escape from the dreams she were having, completely oblivious to the fact that she had failed to stay awake the whole night.

“Tiffany… Hwaiting…” Tiffany murmured in her sleep.







Random fact #10

It is impossible to hum if your nose is plugged~


I see what you did there >_>

You plugged your nose to try it didn't you?






Bubbles out~


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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1132 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)