Jessica's Feelings

Falling For You Again

"Why do you always care about Taeyeon?!" Jessica yelled before she ran out

"Did I do something wrong?" Yuri asked Yoona

Yoona just shrugged

Yuri then noticed Taeyeon sighing

"What's wrong Taeyeon?" Yuri asked

Taeyeon shook her head

"This isn't good. We're getting too attatched as it is" Taeyeon growled

"Attatched?" Yuri gave Taeyeon a wary glance

"Yuri come with me." Taeyeon muttered as she went after Jessica

Yoona and Yuri stared at each other.

Yoona shrugged

"Taeyeon's mad..." Yuri whispered as she followed Taeyeon

As the two of them followed Jessica they noticed that she went to the back of the campus.

Taeyeon and Yuri stood behind her, careful so that she wouldn't see them

Jessica sat down on the grass and was holding her knees close to her chest

Yuri felt sorry for Jessica and was about to go comfort her when Taeyeon stopped her

"I don't think we should be tutoring them anymore" Taeyeon whispered

Yuri stared at Taeyeon's eyes

"Why not?" Yuri asked

Taeyeon nodded her head towards Jessica

"They're getting attatched. And so are you and Yoona" Taeyeon muttered

Yuri raised her eyebrow

"We're not getting attatched" Yuri defended

"Oh really? Well Jessica sure is." Taeyeon shot Jessica a glance

"What are you getting at?" Yuri whispered

"Come" Taeyeon said before she dragged Yuri in front of Jessica

Jessica slowly looked up to see Taeyeon and Yuri standing in front of her

"Oh Yuri... Taeyeon... I didn't mean what I said...." Jessica started explaining but was soon cut off

Taeyeon pulled Yuri down and kissed her

Jessica's jaw dropped

Yuri pushed Taeyeon away

"What do you think you're doing?!" Yuri yelled

Taeyeon just smirked as she wiped her lips

Jessica sat there. Her heart was aching

"Who was the person you thought of when I did that?" Taeyeon smirked

Yuri froze. The moment Taeyeon leaned in on her the first person who popped up was Jessica. 

Jessica started to cry as she got up and started running

Yuri gave Taeyeon a glare

"Just because your love life didn't go well you shouldn't take it out on us" Yuri growled

Taeyeon lost her smirk


"Can't belive you Taeyeon" Yuri finally said before she chased after Jessica

Taeyeon just gave a sarcastic laugh

"Leeteuk" Taeyeon muttered

Taeyeon then let out a long sigh before she walked off

Not too far away Tiffany was leaning against a tree, trying to hold back the tears pouring down her face



"Jessica!" Yuri called out while chasing her

Jessica didn't even turn around. She just kept running away from Yuri

*Pabo. Pabo. Pabo Yuri* Jessica kept saying through her head

Yuri then finally caught up with Jessica and held her shoulders

"Jessica. Please listen to me"  Yuri said sternly

Jessica just shook her head, refusing to look at her

"Jessica!" Yuri said again

Jessica slowly opened one of her eyes to see Yuri staring straight at her

"Why don't you go back to Taeyeon. All you ever wanted was to be with her that's why you told me what my feelings towards her were! You were just eliminating any threats!" Jessica yelled

With each accusation Yuri felt a knife stab her heart

"No Jessica that isn't it.." Yuri tried to soothe but Jessica refused to listen

"Taeyeon was just..." Yuri didn't know what to say

"Don't bother" Jessica whispered as she shrugged Yuri's hand away

Yuri stood there, not moving as Jessica walked away from her.

Her knees then finally gave way as she fell to the floor

*Pabo... You've fallen for the wrong person Jessica* Jessica told herself

"Ooof" Jessica bumped into someone and fell backwards

"Watch where you're going!" Jessica yelled as she got up

She was then embraced by a pair of arms


It was Tiffany. Her eyes were red and swollen as well from the crying that she did

Jessica patted her back as she started feeling her eyes water again



That night Jessica and Tiffany were in their room talking to each other

"Jessica...." Tiffany hugged onto her Totoro

Jessica just nodded slowly

"I... think... I like... Yuri..." Jessica finally confessed

Tiffany smiled as she slowly hugged Jessica

"It was ... Taeyeon who made the move... I'm sure Yuri will explain everything" Tiffany re-assured although it strained her to admit it was Taeyeon who kissed Yuri

Jessica sighed

"It's impossible anyway. They're way out of a league" Jessica sighed

Tiffany rubbed Jessica's arms

"Don't give up to easily. Besides you don't know if Yuri likes you back or not" Tifafny encouraged

Jessica just shook her head

"She only cares for Taeyeon..." Jessica dug her head into her knees

"She cares for Taeyeon but I'm sure she doesn't ONLY care for her. She ran after you didn't she?" Tiffany tried to cheer Jessica up 

"But she had nothing to say." Jessica wiped her eyes

Tiffany sighed

"I'm sure things will clear up tomorrow" Tiffany patted her back

Jessica just gave a sympathetic smile

"What about you Tiff? Why were you crying?" Jessica changed the subject

Tiffany froze, her hand still on Jessica's back

"Don't tell me..." Jessica started smiling at Tiffany

Tiffany averted her eyes away from Jessica

"You're crying caught onto mine" Tiffany quickly answered

Jessica didn't believe it and gave a sly smile

"Come on Tiffany. I confessed. Now it's your turn" Jessica tackled Tiffany down and started tickling her

"No hahaha. There's nothing to confess" Tiffany struggled

"Unnie?" SeoHyun popped through the door

"Oh SeoHyun-ah" Jessica got off of Tiffany and smiled at the maknae

"Dinner is ready" SeoHyun said politely before going out again

Tiffany gave a sigh of relief

"Tsk" Jessica shot Tiffany a glance

"What?" Tiffany said innocently

Jessica then sighed and gave up

"You'll admit it soon" Jessica muttered before disappearing

"Admit what?!" Tiffany yelled back chasing her

"Would you girls calm down?!" Sunny yelled at them

The house then echoed with screams, squeals and laughter as Tiffany and Jessica became chasing each other



"It's about time" Sooyoung smirked

Taeyeon shrugged

"Don't think that this makes us any closer" Taeyeon muttered

Sooyoung just smiled

"Of course not. But it's a start" 

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she left 

Sooyoung sat at her desk and chuckled

"You're eyes were red Taeyeon. If you're going to act tough at least erase evidence of crying"

Taeyeon was outside and walking to her car

"Mianhe Yoona, Yuri. It's for your own good" Taeyeon sighed as she got into the car

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1132 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)