First Christmas

Falling For You Again

Note: This is a chapter of the past :]

MiYoung and Taeyeon's first xmas

Sorry I had to put this but I couldnt make a TaeNy special without rushing everything else :]












"Atchoo" MiYoung let out a cute sneeze

The town clock then struck 6pm.

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding

The sound of the loud clock ran throughout the small town

MiYoung looked to the left and right, trying to see if she could see a figure that would look familiar.

Then just down the road there was a lost looking girl, searching left and right.

"TaeTae!" MiYoung cried out, waving her hands furiously

"MiYoung!" The lost girl's face immediately lit up

MiYoung just smiled as the girl ran up and hugged her

"Sorry I'm late. I still don't know this town very well" Taeyeon apologised

"Hence why I'm taking you out today" MiYoung flashed her signature eye smile

Taeyeon smiled dorkily as MiYoung started dragging her to the first destination.

The night was cold but the two girls were happily walking through the street. MiYoung was cuddled up close to Taeyeon's warmth.

"My own personal heater" MiYoung smiled as she pulled Taeyeon closer to her

Taeyeon just laughed. Being an immortal did have its own benefits afterall.

MiYoung stopped dragging Taeyeon as soon as they reached the town hall where the clock had rung just minutes before.

"Come" MiYoung smiled as she pulled Taeyeon into the hall and up the flight of stairs that stod in front of them

"Araso Araso" Taeyeon chuckled at her impatient girlfriend

As soon as the two of them reached the top MiYoung had to stop to catch her breath

"Really MiYoung. You don't need to match my pace" Taeyeon frowned

MiYoung let out a tired laugh as she slowly walked to the balcony

"I just get really excited everytime I come here." MiYoung stuck her tongue out as she scratched her head

Taeyeon just chuckled as she patted MiYoung's head as she pulled her to the balcony

The sun had now started to set

"The sun sets early during winter doesn't it" Taeyeon sighed as she closed her eyes

"Guess what? It's a full moon today" MiYoung cupped her hands on Taeyeon's cheek

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow as she check the sky.

Indeed there was a full moon appearing. Taeyeon then closed her eyes shut

"TaeTae~ You don't have to hide them" MiYoung giggled

Taeyeon slowly opened one eye to see MiYoung waiting for her. As the moon started to take it's full appearance Taeyeon's eyes slowly started to change colors

Taeyeon quickly shut them again.

"TaeTae?" MiYoung tilted her head to the side wondering why Taeyeon was being so shy

"I just don't want to scare you" Taeyeon stuttered

MiYoung laughed

"Last time it caught me by surprise that's all. I think your shade of blue is pretty" MiYoung pulled her face closer to Taeyeon's

"Really?" Taeyeon opened one eye

As her eyelid pulled over her eye the bright blue shade finally showed itself. Taeyeon waited for MiYoung's reaction but to her surprise she saw her smiling.

Taeyeon then finally opened both eyes to take a better look at MiYoung

"Pretty" MiYoung exclaimed as she traced her thumb under her eyes.

Then she pouted and sighed

"What is it?" Taeyeon asked curiosly, her blue eyes glancing over at MiYoung

"It would've been better if it was a shade of pink" MiYoung sighed

Taeyeon let out a loud chuckle before she took her into a hug

As they broke the hug they stared out into the balcony again

"Remember when I confessed to you here?" MiYoung suddenly said

"Ah yes. They same day I rejected you" Taeyeon teased

MiYoung frowned as she pushed Taeyeon's shoulder playfully

"But I kept to my word once you rejected me. I said I would make you change your mind" MiYoung sighed at the happy memory

"A lot of grief you gave me for it too" Taeyeon muttered

MiYoung just smiled

"Oh" Taeyeon suddenly exclaimed as she dug into her pockets to find something

"A little Christmas present" Taeyeon smiled as she held out two necklaces

One with a locket and one with a key

"Turn around" Taeyeon whispered

MiYoung just nodded as she turned her back towards Taeyeon.

Taeyeon moved away any strands of hair in the way as she put the locket onto MiYoung. MiYoung fiddled with the locket before she returned the favour and put the key onto Taeyeon.

"Merry Christmas" Taeyeon smiled

"Tae... Their beautiful" MiYoung murmured before she pulled Taeyeon into a hug

Taeyeon just patted MiYoung's back.

The platform they were standing on then started to shake as the clock struck 7pm.

"Let's get out of here" Taeyeon laughed as she pulled MiYoung onto her back

MiYoung let out a hearty laughter as the two desperately escaped the hall, not wanting to be around for when the bells rang.

After they had safely exited the hall they headed to a deserted area where there stood one lonesome oak tree.

As they started laughing and teasing each other Taeyeon tripped over her own feet and landed flat on her stomach right into a pile of snow

"Ooof" Taeyeon felt the air get knocked straight out from her lungs as MiYoung landed right on top of her

"Omo. TaeTae. Are you okay?" MiYoung quickly got up and pulled Taeyeon along with her.

"I think you broke my back" Taeyeon whined

"Omo. Really?!" MiYoung instantly started checking Taeyeon's back

"No not really" Taeyeon smirked before she made a dash for the oak tree.

MiYoung chased after her but didn't have enough stamina to catch up. She quickly bent down and gathered up a handful of snow and patted it into a ball. For a human she had pretty amazing aim.

As Taeyeon was still running away from her, unaware of the dangerous snowball in MiYoung's hand, she aimed carefully for the back of her head. MiYoung closed one of her eyes as she threw the snowball towards Taeyeon.

Taeyeon felt something cold and hard smash the back of her head. She stumbled forward and fell face first into the snow again. From behind she could hear a girl laughing as she clapped her hands loudly

Taeyeon grumbled as she got up on her feet. A pair of hands instantly started brushing off the excess snow in her hair and clothes

"Mianhe" MiYoung said cutely as she stuck her tongue out to the side

*How could you stay mad at that?* Taeyeon thought as she pulled MiYoung into a hug.

"Nice and warm" MiYoung commented at Taeyeon's body temperature

Taeyeon laughed as she slowly pulled away from the hug. As MiYoung pulled away she was suddenly captivated by Taeyeon's bright blue luminous eyes.

Taeyeon tilted her head to the side as she blink a few times

"I could stare into those eyes forever" MiYoung smiled

Taeyeon let out a small smile

"Too bad it only happens during a full moon" Taeyeon pouted

MiYoung pouted. She then bent down and suddenly stood up

"Hm?" Taeyeon looked at her weirdly

MiYoung gave a quick smirk as she raised both her hands above Taeyeon. She then released her hands as a heap of snow fell on top of Taeyeon

Taeyeon's mouth fell open as she snow kept piling on top of her

"Yah! MiYoung! Who do you think you are?" Taeyeon growled as she chased after MiYoung who was already making her getaway

MiYoung then started climbing the lonesome oak tree to try and get away from Taeyeon with a few snowballs ready to defend herself

"Halt! Who dares pass these premesis" MiYoung put on a deep voice

"Kim Taeyeon! Seeking revenge on MiYoung" Taeyeon saluted

"Access denied" MiYoung laughed as she threw a snowball towards Taeyeon

Taeyeon swiftly dodged as the two started a snowball fight. She was careful to make sure that MiYoung didn't fall off the branch, but it seemed sturdy enough.

Soon MiYoung ran out of ammo and surrendered

"I give up!" MiYoung cried out

Taeyeon tossed the snowball in her hand up and down a few times, threatening MiYoung. But she decided not to and dropped the snowball

"MiYoung-ah! Come down. You might hurt yourself" Taeyeon yelled up to the tree

"Wait!" MiYoung held up a finger to stop Taeyeon.

"I have a confession!!" MiYoung yelled out on the top of her lungs

"You can confess later! You're going to fall!" Taeyeon yelled back 

"My confession is!!!!!............. That I, Lee MiYoung loves Kim Taeyeon!!!!!! Whether she be human or not I don't care!!! I will love Kim Taeyeon for as long as I shall live!!!" MiYoung screamed at the top of her voice

Taeyeon on ground floor was smiling widely at MiYoung's confession.

MiYoung on the branch gave a wide smile

Just then there was a cracking noise. MiYoung looked down to see the branch starting to break off

"Uh oh" she exclaimed

As the branch snapped off MiYoung started falling to the floor. Instead of landing on hard cold snow she landed on something rather warm and soft.

"Huh?" MiYoung looked down to see herself sitting on top of a body

"Yep. Definately broke my back that time" Taeyeon whined

"TaeTae?" MiYoung quickly got off and examined Taeyeon's back

Taeyeon let out a small laugh as she slowly got up

"What did I tell you?" Taeyeon flicked MiYoung's forehead

MiYoung stuttered back a little before she returned to checking the damage

"Gwenchana." Taeyeon re-assured

"Mianhe" MiYoung pouted

"It's okay" Taeyeon laughed

MiYoung just kept her head down low

Taeyeon frowned at little before she got an idea.

She made a dash for the tree and climbed up to the nearest branch

"I Kim Taeyeon loves Lee MiYoung. I promise to love her for....ooof" Taeyeon felt a snowball hit her face

*No Tae.... don't promise....* MiYoung thought to herself as she tried to pull a smile

"Yah!" Taeyeon yelled from the branch

MiYoung just pulled an innocent look

"I will love Lee.... ack" another snowball interrupted Taeyeon's confession

Taeyeon shook the snow off herself and saw MiYoung prepare another snowball

"You're going to get it MiYoung!" Taeyeon yelled before she hopped off the tree and chased her

MiYoung smiled at her success











"MiYoung... Why didn't you let me ever promise to you?" Taeyeon sighed 

Bubz came slowly up to Taeyeon and her hand

Taeyeon scratched the bottom of its chin and gave a sympathetic smile

"I'm not as strong as people think I am Bubz. I'm just a coward" Taeyeon scoffed

Bubz whined as it climbed onto Taeyeon's lap.

"Taeyeon.... Saranghae" a really faint voice called out.

Taeyeon looked over to where she heard the voice

Bubz gave a loud bark as a faint image appeared in front of the piano.

It was MiYoung

"MiYoung?" Taeyeon got up

"Taeyeon-ah. I love you. I said I would love you for the rest of my life. But TaeTae... you have to move on..." MiYoung gave a sad smile

"Why MiYoung?  Don't leave" Taeyeon uttered

"I left my stuff there for a reason Tae. I wouldn't let just anyone find it. You have to move on Taeyeon-ah. I have" MiYoung nodded her head towards the music box.

Her image then slowly started to fade away

"MiYoung-ah....." Taeyeon whispered












Tiffany layed in her bed as she tossed and turned in her sleep.

"Please help Taeyeon" a voice faintly whispered to Tifafny

Tiffany got up and quickly scanned the room

"Who..." Tiffany pulled the covers over herself

"Please... help Taeyeon....." the voice slowly faded away

Tiffany pulled her knees up to her chest

"I wish I could" Tiffany mumbled to herself




"We clear?" Yuri pointed to the paper

Jessica and SeoHyun nodded sleepily while Yoona gave Yuri an enthusiastic thumbs up

"We'll start this plan as soon as things settle down. For now, the YoonYul squad will take a vacation" Yuri smiled

Jessica slammed her head to the table before she started dozing off

SeoHyun just nodded off to sleep.

Yuri and Yoona looked at each other and shrugged

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1125 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)