Cold Shoulder

Falling For You Again

"Ughhh" Tiffany groaned as she got up from her bed

A throbbing pain was coming from her head

Tiffany blinked a few times as she saw the towel drop into her lap.

She checked the time. 8:15am

"Woah I'm late!" Tiffany quickly ran to get ready


As Tiffany ran into the classroom she could see everyone groaning

"Too much alcohol Yoona" Yuri complained

Yoona just nodded groggily

Tiffany scanned the room to see Taeyeon totally fine

She sat in from of Taeyeon again and saw Taeyeon shoot her a glare

"Page 226, 311 and 363." Taeyeon said bluntly

Tiffany raised her eyebrow at Taeyeon's sudden coldness

Nevertheless she opened the text books and did what she was told

Yuri and Yoona were still whispering to each other as they peeked at Taeyeon and Tiffany

"Did something happen?" Yoona nudged

"I don't know. But I can see we're in for it" Yuri nodded her head to Taeyeon

Taeyeon caught sight of YoonYul and gave them the coldest glare she could.

Yuri and Yoona swallowed down hard

"Psst, get back to tutoring hurry" Yuri fumbled with the books and went to tutor Jessica.

Jessica was half asleep on the table

"I thought it was only Tiffany drinking" Jessica groaned

Yuri laughed

"Never drink alone I guess" Yuri shrugged

"I'm just glad Tiffany doesn't remember anything." Jessica sighed as she slowly opened her texts books.

Yoona was whining to SeoHyun about her headache

"Seo~~" Yoona whined

SeoHyun just patted Yoona's head

"How come you're completely fine?" Yoona raised her head up

"I don't drink..." SeoHyun smiled

Yoona just sighed heavily as she started writing down some notes.


*Something's not right* Tiffany thought

She slowly peeked through her bangs to take a peak at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon had her arms and legs crossed as she stared out the window.

*You should ask her something* Tiffany thought to herself.

Tiffany then remembered the note that Taeyeon gave her.

"Taeyeon-ah~ Remember the note you gave me?" Tiffany said in a cheerful tone

Taeyeon just stared at the note before she frowned

"I think you got enough last night" Taeyeon muttered as she went back to staring out the window

*Last night?* Tiffany tilted her head to the left 

Her head then throbbed

"Aishh" Tiffany complained as she grabbed her head in pain.

Taeyeon just sat there as though nothing was happening.

Yuri peaked at Taeyeon's desk and started poundering.

"Jessica did Tiffany give any hints of happened last night?" Yuri whispered

Jessica just slowly lifted her head up and shook it slowly.

"Don't remember anything after they left the house" Jessica yawned

Yuri bit her lower lip.

She then saw SeoHyun writing down notes while Yoona was complaining.

Yuri got up and went to talk to SeoHyun

"SeoHyun, did you hear Tiffany say anything about what happened last night?" Yuri asked quietly

SeoHyun stopped writing and thought for a while.

"She was asleep by the time we got home." SeoHyun answered innocently

Yuri gave a defeated sigh

"But..." SeoHyun suddenly said

Yuri and Yoona leaned their heads in closer to listen to SeoHyun

"She was mumbling a few things in her sleep. She said something like 'I've found you~ Soft cheeks~ Comfortable back'" SeoHyun listed

Yuri and Yoona gave each other weird looks

"What was the most interesting though was when she said 'TaeTae Express~ Kissu~"' SeoHyun pouted

Yoona dropped her pen while Yuri stuttered back a few steps.

"TaeTae Express?" Yuri accidently said too loudly

She then felt something hard hit the back of her head. Yuri turned around to see a pen on the floor and Taeyeon glaring at her.

"Uh oh...." Yoona swallowed

"We're dead..." Yuri added as she slowly turned around and made her way back to Jessica

"Listen Jessica. I enjoyed my time with you really. Today's the last day we'll ever meet. Hope you live a happy life" Yuri then pretended to cry

Jessica just stared at Yuri before she returned to her studies.

A piece of scrunched up paper then landed on Yuri's table. She slowly opened it to see a note written on it

"Do you know what this is?" 

Yuri turned the paper around to see the pyramid of Giza and another note under it.

"Get your building tools ready" 

Yuri dropped her hands and slammed her head onto the table

"I'm going to die~" Yoona complained

Yuri looked over to see Yoona holding a similar piece of paper

*At least I won't die alone* Yuri thought optimistically.



Tiffany was feeling a little awkward around Taeyeon's cold self again. She was starting to get annoyed with it too.

Tiffany slammed her hands against the table and let out a frustrated cry

"Mwo?!" Taeyeon jumped from her seat

"Why are you suddenly cold to me?" Tiffany stared directly into Taeyeon's eyes

"That's none of your concern" Taeyeon mumbled as she shifted her seat back

"Did I do something wrong?" 

Taeyeon remained silent.

"You were fine when we were at the party. Why are you like this now?" Tiffany started raising her voice

"Lower your voice!" Taeyeon growled

"No." Tiffany crossed her arms

Taeyeon sighed

"Just calm down already. I don't think you want to remember it anyways" 

"Remember what?" 

"What happened after you got totally trashed" Taeyeon gave a sarcastic smile

"This isn't getting anywhere" Tiffany muttered

"And it never will. Now go back to your studies. You got question 6 wrong" Taeyeon pointed to the paper.

Tiffany looked at the paper and raised her eyebrow.

All she had written was a formula.

She then finally sighed and gave up arguing with Taeyeon.


After the classes were done Yuri and Yoona stood in the corner far from Taeyeon

"What's up with you two?" Tiffany asked

"Taeyeon's going to punish us" Yoona whined

Yuri pretended to sob

"For?" Tiffany raised her eyebrow

"We don't know" Yuri answered

Tiffany titled her head to the side

"Tiffany do you remember anything about last night? Maybe a TaeTae Express?" Yuri asked hopefully

Tiffany bit her lip trying to remember what happened last night

"TaeTae Express?" Tiffany had no clue about what that was

Yuri and Yoona whined

Just then they saw Taeyeon walking up to them. Yuri and Yoona swallowed down hard.

Taeyeon walked straight pass Tiffany and reached for YoonYul's ears. She grabbed onto them and pulled them out of the classroom.

Tiffany stood there dumbfounded when she was joined by Jessica and SeoHyun

"For some reason I feel scared for them" Jessica commented

Tiffany and SeoHyun just nodded slowly



"Ow ow ow ow Taeyeon ease up a little" Yoona complained

"I'm not a crab. I won't be able to re-grow my ear once you pull it off" Yuri whined

Taeyeon just ignored them and headed to the rooftop. She quikcly punched in the numbers and dragged YoonYul up

She them let go of their ears and crossed her arms.

Yuri and Yoona were rubbing on their ears in pain.

"Lucky for you we're not allowed to knock down the pyramid." Taeyeon said coldly

Yuri and Yoona just looked at each other worriedly.

Taeyeon then walked over to a table where there were scissors and razor blades.

"How'd you like a haircut?" Taeyeon smiled evilly.

Yuri and Yoona then made a run for the door but was stopped when Taeyeon tugged on their collars.

"Anything but a haircut Please" Yoona yelled

Yuri just tried to make Taeyeon let go of her.

"You have no idea what happened last night." Taeyeon growled

"Well we ain't taking punishment for something we know nothing about" Yuri yelled as she waved her legs in the air.

Yoona saw a little hope in this comment and joined in

"We didn't do anything wrong. Tiffany didn't do anything bad anyway!" Yoona started kicking her legs.

They then saw Taeyeon's face slowly change. Taeyeon was remembering the incidents that happened and was starting to get even more annoyed

"At least tell us what we're getting punished for" Yuri managed to break from and keep a distance from her and Taeyeon.

Taeyeon let go of Yoona and grabbed Yuri's collar.

"Do you WANT to know what happened? I had to endure hours worth of torture! Carrying a drunken girl on my back as she played with my cheeks, made ridiculous comments and even managed to steal a kiss!" Taeyeon growled

Yuri's and Yoona's eyes popped open.

"... Steal... a... kiss?" Yuri raised her eyebrow

Taeyeon growled and showed her teeth aggressively

Yuri and Yoona gave each other a quick glance before they burst out into laughter.

Taeyeon just sighed before she dragged Yuri and Yoona over the table

"Wait Taeyeon!" Yuri stopped laughing and started struggling again

Taeyeon ignroed them

Yoona then got an idea

"TAETAE EXPRESS!" Yoona cried out

Taeyeon stopped and glared at Yoona

Yoona smiled evilly

"TaeTae Express~ Softie~ Kissu~" Yuri quoted Tiffany's lines.

Taeyeon clenched her teeth.

"Let's make an agreement. No punishment then no teasing" Yuri smirked

Taeyeon glared at Yuri

"Fine. I guess I can put up with wearing a cap for a few months. TaeTae Express" Yoona sneered

Yoona and Yuri gave each other a sneeky smirk before they turned to Taeyeon again.

Taeyeon had her hands clenched up in a fist and her eyes had a fiery look to it.

"Fine" Taeyeon said in between her clenched teeth

Yuri and Yoona gave each other hi five before they started laughing again.

"Wow... Tiffany actually kissed you" Yuri laughed

Taeyeon swung a blow to Yuri's stomach but stopped just in front of it

Yuri gasped before she fell back.

Yoona laughed so hard she fell to the floor too

Yuri took a few deep breaths.

"So that's why you've been so cold to Tiffany today?" Yuri managed to calm herself down

Taeyeon just sat down silently

Yoona smirked before she pulled Yuri to the side to talk privately

"What do we do now? Taeyeon's pissed at Tiffany" Yoona whispered

"I'm sure she'll forget it soon enough" Yuri shrugged

"Let's hope so" Yoona bit her lip


Meanwhile Tiffany was in the cafeteria playing with her locket.

*I'll bring the note and everything tomorrow. Maybe then she won't be mad at me anymore* Tiffany thought

Meanwhile Jessica was thinking about some things that were bothering her.

*Yuri's so close to Tae. Why does she always worry about Taeyeon? Why am I asking these things?* Jessica shook her head


"Atchoo" Yuri sneezed

"Woah. I didn't know we could catch colds" Yoona patted Yuri's back

"Me neither" Yuri rubbed her nose

Taeyeon scoffed and then resumed playing with her iPad

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1125 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)