Never Give up

Falling For You Again

Three days have passed since Tiffany encountered Linda.

Everyday Taeyeon would make her play for hours non-stop and she would obediantly follow. And each and every single day there would be at least one girl standing outside the door spying on them.

"So have you decided on which song you want to play yet?" Taeyeon asked

"I was thinking of something not too hard. But knowing Linda's skills...." Tiffany trailed off

She started losing hope of ever beating Linda.

"If you feel like giving up you should leave now." Taeyeon said bluntly

"No no. I don't want to give up. I'm just not sure if I can beat her" Tiffany sighed

"Why do you want to win so badly? Aren't you guys friends or something?"

"We had a bet... kinda" Tiffany lied

"If I lose I'll have to give up something important to me" Tiffany smiled

"Nice friendship that is" Taeyeon made a disgusted look

"Haha. I guess" Tiffany lied

"Is that something really important to you?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

"... I guess it is" Tiffany didn't want to tell Taeyeon about what she was going to lose

Taeyeon sighed and patted Tiffany's head

"Araso. So what song?"

"I'm not sure. I'm not that good with the piano yet" Tiffany sighed

"To me it doesn't matter. It's just a matter of whether you can make the audience like it. Flashy fast songs are meaningless to me" Taeyeon shrugged

"So which song do you suggest?" 

"How about we compose a song. I can get one for you by tomorrow if you'd like" Taeyeon gave a little stretch

"Really?! You'd do that?!" Tiffany exclaimed excitedly

"Sure. But on one condition. No music sheets of the song are to be kept after the competition." 

"Why not?"

"It'll be easier in the future for me" Taeyeon shrugged

Tiffany sighed


"Great. Now keep playing. You need to control both hands sperately" Taeyeon got up and took a few music sheets and started writing

Tiffany smiled

"Thanks Taeyeon"

Taeyeon shivered

"Please.... don't" 

Tiffany laughed

Meanwhile Yuri and the others were outside the music room's door

"Why doesn't she write songs for us?" Yoona whispered

Yuri shrugged

"The plan worked but I still don't understand why their still not getting any closer" Yuri bit her lip

"Well I regret helping you guys. Tiffany is STILL mad at me. I swear she was about to grab a knife and stab me" Jessica complained

Yuri and Yoona gave a nervous laugh

"You're just lucky you didn't have Taeyeon." Yoona commented



"Yuri... Yoona" Taeyeon growled

"Ahhh.... Hey Taeyeon. Listen sorry about the thing yesterday. We just got caught up in a few things and...." Yuri backed away and Yoona just waved her hands defensively

"I know what you were doing. Knew it from the moment I saw her. What I don't know is why you're doing it" Taeyeon took a step closer to them

"We just wanted you guys to bond a little, you know." Yoona tried to give an innocent smile as she took another step back

"Listen we're sorry about that. The cold didn't affect you though. Nothing bad happened" Yuri tried to reason

Taeyeon smirked

"Besides having to deal with another 3 hours more that night and having to carry her all the way back explaining to Sunny what was going on, yeah sure it didn't affect me" Taeyeon growled

Yuri and Yoona swallowed hard

"We'll take any punishment. Just don't rip our throats please" Yoona begged

"Any punishment?" Taeyeon took a step forward

"Any!" Yuri agreed

"Alright then. Take the couch over there and lift it. Don't put it down until I say. Carrying Tiffany home was such a drag" Taeyeon rolled her shoulders

Yuri and Yoona immediately grabbed each side of the couch and lifted it. Yuri raised her eyebrow wondering what type of punishment it was

"Comfortable?" Taeyeon asked the two

The two nodded

"Good" Taeyeon gave an evil smirk

She then jumped onto the couch with her ipad and layed down on it

"Don't drop it until I say so remember" Taeyeon called out 

Yuri and Yoona groaned. They knew that Taeyeon wasn't going to let them off anytime soon


-End Flashback-

Yuri and Yoona groaned at the memory

"I swear I couldn't move my arms at all. My body is too old for this" Yuri complained

"You and me both" Yoona added

Jessica and SeoHyun looked at them curiously

A thought popped into Yuri's head

"Did you know there was a competition of some sort?" Yuri asked Jessica

Jessica just shook her head along with SeoHyun

"Wasn't Linda the one who Taeyeon saved you from on the first day of college?" Yoona asked

Jessica thought for a while

"... The stuck up president... yeah I think that was her" 

Yuri bit her lower lip

"I don't think Tiffany would be friends with her... I have a feeling this isn't a friendly competition either..." Yuri thought

"Let's go investigate" Yoona tapped on Yuri's shoulder

Yuri nodded as she made her way to find Linda. Jessica and SeoHyun followed but Yuri stopped them

"They'll think that Tiffany told you guysif you came along. I think Tiffany kept this a secret for a reason" Yuri gave them a stern look

Jessica and SeoHyun nodded

"Come Yoona. She's in class 2A"

"Stalker-ish much?" Yoona teased

"Well what else is there to read besides the school's administration book" Yuri shrugged

Yoona laughed


As they knocked onto the door they opened it.

Everyone in the room gasped with suprise

"Sorry to disturb your lecture but we're here to see Linda Choi" Yuri said calmly

The teacher groaned

"Linda" the teacher called out

Linda excitedly jumped out of her seat and ran to Yuri and Yoona

Yuri moved away from the excited girl

"Do I get to join your gang?" Linda blurted out

Yuri and Yoona rolled their eyes

"Yoona if you please?" Yuri smiled at Yoona

Yoona nodded and stared at Linda. Her split personality was starting to come out

"I'm going to ask this once. What is this competition you're having with Tiffany?" Yoona asked coldly

Linda was a little surprised with Yoona's cold attitude but nevertheless answered

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Tiffany's been practising piano lately. We over heard her saying she needed to win over you in a competition. She said it was a friendly competition but I myself don't believe it" Yoona glared

Linda took a step back

"It's just friendly competition" Linda defended

Just then the bell rang

"Why would you of all people suddenly be friends with Tiffany?" Yuri ignored the bell

"I guess we connected" Linda lied

Just then Tiffany was running up to them

"Yuri? Yoona?" Tiffany stopped in her tracks

She saw Yuri and Yoona leaning over Linda

"What's going on?" Tiffany asked

"We;re not completely convinced that the competition is 'friendly'" Yoona shot another glare at Linda and Linda flinched

"Oh that. It's 100% friendly. I just wanted to see how I play under pressure that's all" Tiffany lied

Yuri and Yoona gave a wary glance

"What Tiffany said" Linda added

Yuri and Yoona stared at Linda and she immediately backed down, not saying a word.

"You don't have to worry. Taeyeon wanted to see you by the way" Tiffany pointed down the hall

Yuri and Yoona didn't move

"Tiffany don't lie" Yuri said sternly

Tiffany stared at Yuri's stern look

"I'm not" Tiffany lied

She didn't want the Elites to be interferring with her own problems

"Taeyeon said something about a couch" Tiffany added

Yuri and Yoona immediately dropped their stern look as their eyes popped open

Tiffany pointed down the hallway again

"If there's anything you need remember to talk to us. Yuri hurry, Taeyeon's gunna punish us again" Yoona quickly made a dash to find Taeyeon with Yuri behind her tracks

Tiffany gave a sigh of relief and stared at Linda

"You've been practising hard? Just so you know if you lose you..."

"I won't be able to see the Elites again. I figured" Tiffany interrupted

"I'm glad we understand each other. What was it that you wanted?" Linda crossed her arms

"I'm just here to confirm the time" 

"2pm sharp. Just so you know, the judges will have no connections to the Elites so you won't be able to use them to your advantage" Linda smirked

"I didn't plan to" Tiffany smirked back


"That little..."


SeoHyun covered Jessica's mouth

"We don't want her to find out we're here" Seohyun reminded

Jessica rolled her eyes

"Jessica, SeoHyun?" Tiffany had caught them

"Ahhh. Unnie~ We were wondering where you were" SeoHyun smiled

Jessica bit her tongue, knowing that they were in a lot of trouble

"You guys heard?"

Jessica and SeoHyun hesitantly nodded

Tiffany sighed

"Just don't tell anyone. This is my problem and I'll fix it" with that Tiffany left them

Jessica and SeoHyun exchanged worried looks

"We'll see how it goes for now" Jessica patted SeoHyun's back

SeoHyun nodded

*I'm sure I'll win* Tiffany gave a determined fist pump

Taeyeon caught glimpse of this and smiled

*Cute* Taeyeon thought





a VERY rushed chapter

sorry D:

I'm going to skip to the competition preparations in next chapter

There plan 'Yuri' will be discussed between the crew

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1124 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)