Change of Heart

Falling For You Again

AFTER THE ENTRANCE CEREMONY, everyone set off to leave the massive hall to take a tour around campus. As the trio was on their way out, they spotted a horde of girls awaiting in front of a door. Tiffany, Jessica and Seohyun decided to go up and take a look at what the fuss was about. As they got closer, they heard the door creak and the crowd mechanically began shouting and squealing at the top of their lungs.


“Taeyeon! Yuri! Yoona!” the fan girls screamed when the Elites emerged from the door. Jessica rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as she walked away from the annoying group.


“Jessica, try to be nicer,” reprimanded Tiffany and dragged Jessica back by the arm. She received a scary glare in return.


“Hey, look! Seohyun~ Tiffany~ Jessica~,” an adorable voice called out to them.


The ruckus mellowed down at the sound of the voice. They figured it came from the one and only Yoona because she was waving frantically to the three girls from behind the crowd. Taeyeon nudged Yoona and sauntered to the other side. Yuri then pulled on Yoona’s ear, dragging her away from the girls swarming them.


Hushed whispers were heard from the crowd as each of them turned around and glowered at the estranged bunch. A girl who was wearing a hairband with the faces of the three Elites printed on top stepped forward. She folded her arms over her chest haughtily and gave the three the elevator look.


“How did you know the Elites?” she pried, not bothering to introduce herself.


“Ermm…” Seohyun immediately fell back, hiding behind Tiffany.


“They helped us reach the hall,” said Tiffany truthfully.


“Did you get permission from us before you talked to them?” the girl asked again.


“Erm…. No?” Tiffany answered tentatively, confused about what she meant.


“Here are the rules, newbie. No one gets within five metres from the Elites. No one talks to the Elites unless given the consent. No one—”


“No one has the right to tell us what to do,” Jessica interjected, frustrated by the lecture her friends was receiving but did not deserve.


“Unnie.” Seohyun tugged on Jessica’s arm, telling her to stop.


Jessica yanked her arm out of Seohyun’s grip and bravely took a step forward. “I’m sorry but we are not self-absorbed fans of the Elites like you guys are. You really need to find a better life than grovelling at the stuck up Elites’ feet.” She glared daggers at the crowd. Everyone was silent for a whole minute.


Tiffany stood in front of Jessica and waved her hands furiously. “Hahaha sorry. Jessica doesn’t mean it. She’s just… straightforward. Please don’t take what she said seriously,” she apologised on behalf of her friend. Not a second later, the girl who somewhat became the representative of the crowd shoved her aside.


“You dare speak to me like that? Do you know who I am?” Said girl shifted closer to Jessica, sizing her up as she looked down at her.


However, Jessica remained unfazed by the bold attempt to intimidate her. If anything, it only intensified her vexation and stubbornness, making her more audacious than she already was. She refused to end their squabble.


“Let me guess… the president of the Elites fans club?” Jessica sneered. The girl was taken aback by her perfect guess.


“Yes, I am Linda Choi. President of the Elites fans club,” Linda informed as she snapped her fingers. In response, the crowd advanced and surrounded the three until they were cornered in the middle. “And you have no idea about what we can do to you if you go against us.” She laughed wickedly.


“Oh I’m so scared,” Jessica cried out in mock fear. Tiffany instantly shielded her with her own body when Linda raised an arm aimed at her.


Seohyun clutched Jessica’s arm. “Unnie, I think you should stop,” she pleaded as she apprehensively eyed the girls who were glaring at them.


“Why should I? I’m not doing anything wrong.” Jessica simply shrugged her shoulders.


“Girls!” Linda yelled with authority.


Shortly, the horde of female students moved Tiffany and Seohyun out of the way and singled out Jessica. After they all surrounded her, they seized her hair and arms, leaving her vulnerable to the president. Linda stood in front of her, positioning her hand high, ready to slap Jessica.


“Anything to say?” she told Jessica.


“I dare you to,” challenged Jessica with a scowl. Tiffany tried to get through the crowd which was creating a barrier around her friend but failed as there were too many of them.


“Suit yourself.” Linda smirked as her hand started to swing towards Jessica’s cheek.


Jessica anticipated the sharp pain to hit her yet she felt nothing. She slowly opened her eyes to understand what was happening. Right in front of her was Kim Taeyeon with her hand outstretched as though she was protecting her. She scanned the area and found Linda on the floor holding her arm. It was sore from something that seemed like a hand print.


“Do you girls have nothing better to do than to gang up on one helpless girl?” Taeyeon reproached the mob sternly. They backed off at once as Linda stood up to refute her accusation.


“Ah, Elite Kim. We were just getting acquainted with Jessica here,” Linda lied through her teeth. Just then, Yuri and Yoona joined the group.


“What’s going on here?” Yoona inquired, focusing on the tense crowd.


“Yuri, suspend student Choi Linda for two weeks. Bullying is not acceptable in SM College,” Taeyeon ordered Yuri. Yuri nodded as she fished out her phone and made note. Taeyeon then turned her attention to Jessica. She extracted a comb from her pocket and began fixing Jessica’s hair into place.


“You okay?” Taeyeon asked once she was done with Jessica’s hair. Tiffany and Seohyun managed to break through the crowd and dashed towards Jessica. Without warning, Tiffany tackled Jessica to the floor.


“Oh my god! You’re okay.” Tiffany heaved a sigh of relief.


“Naww. Let me join in the hug,” Yoona remarked and opened her arms to embrace the two on the ground. Seohyun and Yuri simply watched from the side as they smiled at the scene.


“You okay?” Taeyeon repeated, her arm extended towards Jessica.


Jessica was nonplussed. “Yeah…” Jessica mumbled. She took Taeyeon’s waiting hand and she was pulled up.


The girls around them gasped with jealousy. Taeyeon straightened Jessica’s creased clothes after she stood up. Tiffany settled behind Jessica as she observed Taeyeon.


“I’m glad you’re okay then,” Taeyeon uttered flatly.


Both Tiffany’s and Jessica’s heart skipped a beat when Taeyeon spoke. Her voice was dull and stern yet it made their ears ring. Unexpectedly, her perfect white sets of teeth emerged as her plump lips curled around them into a smile.


After a moment, Yuri tapped on Taeyeon’s shoulder and whispered something in her ear.


“Okay. Yoona, let’s go.” Taeyeon’s grin disappeared as fast as it came and she returned to her usual indifferent self.


“But I want to play with them longer!” whined Yoona. Seohyun giggled at her childish attitude.


“Come on, Yoona. Taeyeon doesn’t like repeating herself,” Yuri urged calmly. Yoona could only sigh as she dragged her feet to follow Taeyeon. She suddenly stopped in her tracks and hurried back to Seohyun.


“Seohyun, come to the rooftop during lunch break. Invite your friends, too. The password of the door is 2543,” Yoona said and shook Seohyun’s hands.


Tiffany, Seohyun and Jessica only stared at her as she skipped towards Taeyeon’s side fast. They saw Taeyeon roll her eyes and Yuri knock her head lightly.


Jessica suddenly felt her face flush. Seohyun and Tiffany went up to see how she was doing and to their surprise, Jessica was as red as a tomato.


“Jessica?” Tiffany put her hand over Jessica’s forehead, feeling for her temperature.


“Unnie… you’re burning up. Are you okay?” Seohyun asked as she held Jessica’s sleeve.


“Huh? Errr yeah…” Jessica shook her head briefly. She looked ahead and found Taeyeon gazing at them from a distance. She started blushing yet again. She raked her brain for any explanation as to why she was reacting this way to Taeyeon but to no avail. She didn’t understand what was going on.



“Unnie, during lunch, Yoona told me to bring you guys up to the rooftop. The password is 2543. But I don’t think we’ll go. Jessica unnie doesn’t like the other unnies.” Seohyun sighed dejectedly.


Jessica snapped her head up and looked at Seohyun as she sternly said, “We’re going.”


Tiffany’s jaw dropped at Jessica’s revelation. “Yah! I thought they were full of themselves? Why the sudden change in attitude?” Tiffany questioned as she grabbed her arm. However, Jessica took no heed of her probing.


After Tiffany got over her shock, she said to her friends, “I believe we have no choice then. It’s rude to not turn up after that. We should thank them for helping us this morning and just now.” She crossed her arms as she nodded. Seohyun clapped her hands in delight and vigorously bobbed her head up and down. Jessica mindlessly agreed with another nod as she was preoccupied, wondering why she was feeling jittery at the thought of seeing the Elites again.


“Well… I guess they’re not all that bad,” Jessica admitted.


Tiffany’s eyes widened at her statement but she quickly regained her composure. She merely laughed to mask her surprise as she slapped Jessica’s back. “That Taeyeon is cute when she smiles. She should just drop her stiff and hostile attitude. Doesn’t suit her at all,” she mused.


“So I’m guessing you’re about to do just that?” Jessica said sarcastically, knowing her friend very well when it came to such matter.


“Maybe. With the help of you and Seohyun here.” Tiffany pulled Seohyun closer to them.


“Unnie. Remember, we’re not allowed to socialise with the Elites,” Seohyun reminded them. Jessica and Tiffany halted their planning, taking into consideration the rule mentioned during the entrance ceremony.


Tiffany deliberated awhile. “We’ll thank them for today first. Let’s take one step at a time.” Tiffany nodded to herself. Seohyun and Jessica just looked at her with curiosity.


“Let’s go explore campus for now.” Tiffany sprang to her feet and ran while she dragged the two girls behind her.


“Slow down,” complained Jessica.


“Unnie!” whined Seohyun.


“First day of college here we come!” Tiffany yelled as she let go of Jessica’s and Seohyun’s hands.


“Unnie…” Seohyun shook her head.


“Such an embarrassment knowing her,” Jessica remarked as she heaved a long and tired sigh.

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1132 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)