Key to the Locket

Falling For You Again


On Saturday morning SeoHyun and Tiffany were already up watching the Saturday cartoons. Jessica was still asleep in her room and Sunny had gone out to meet her friend.

"You're close to Yoona a lot now aren't you?" Tiffany suddenly asked

"I guess" SeoHyun started blushing

"Hahaha. You can't lie to your unnie now. Tell me what do you think of her?" Tiffany fixed her attention towards the younger girl

SeoHyun hesitated

"Aww come on SeoHyun. I'll support you with whatever, you know that" Tiffany pouted

"... I just envy Yoona for her outgoing personality that's all." SeoHyun avoided Tiffany's eye contact

"I guess it is something to envy. She is the most open person I've met." Tiffany thought for a while

"It's just that I never have the guts or anything to be who I really am or say what I really want. But Yoona is able to speak her mind. I envy her for that" SeoHyun gave out a long sigh

"You don't know for sure. I mean everything has their own weaknesses that they hide. Their true self eventually comes out" Tiffany patted SeoHyun's back

Just as they finished talking the Saturday cartoons had ended. Tiffany stretched on the couch as SeoHyun got up from her seat.

"Where you off to?" Tiffany asked

"Yoona asked me to meet her today." SeoHyun replied bluntly

Tiffany's jaw dropped

"Well aren't we close now?" Tiffany smirked

"It's nothing big" SeoHyun started blushing again.

"Haha. Just make sure you smile naturally and you'll be fine." Tiffany yawned

"Okay~" With that SeoHyun went off into her bedroom to get ready.

Tiffany sat on the couch and lifted her wrist up. The locket was glistening in the morning sunlight which was leaking through the curtains.

"I still have to find the key" Tiffany sighed, thinking of how many keys there were out there.

*Maybe I should look again at that shop. I also need to find new music sheets to practise* Tiffany stared at the box at the end of the room.

"Okay!" Tiffany yelled as she got up and went to her bedroom.

She changed out of her pink PJ's and wore some jeans and a top. She then put a coat around ehr and took her scarf off the rack. Tiffany picked up the cardboard box of music sheets and walked out of the house

Tiffany started to walk to the bus stop and to her luck, there was a bus ready and waiting to take her.

As Tiffany walked down the bus aisle there were a few boys sitting on the sides staring at her. As she passed one of them they gave out a loud wolf whistle

"Damn" Tiffany heard him mutter

Tiffany quickly made her way to the back which was isolated from everyone in the bus. The boys and even an elderly man kept staring at her. Tiffany trembled in her seat. She never really liked men.

When she was little her father had always abused her mother. Her mother would warn her that men were beasts. Her mother was then mudered by a burglar on the roads. Tiffany was only 10 when that happened. 

"Never trust men" her mother's words rang in her head again.

Tiffany let out a long sigh to try and calm herself down.

After 15 minutes one of the boys decided to approach her. As he got closer and closer Tiffany got even more uncomfortable.

When he was right in front of Tiffany, she decided to get off the stop. She quickly got her box of music sheets and walk pass the boy.

Tiffany sighed with relief as she got off the stop. Her heart still beating fast.

She then took a deep breath to calm herself down. Tiffany looked down at the street. She recognised this place. The piano shop wasn't too far away.

"I guess it'll give me some exercise" Tiffany muttered to herself as she began setting down the street.



Meanwhile at the piano shop Taeyeon was looking around.

She trailed her fingers along the wall, picking up dust as her finger ran across it.

Taeyeon then walked over to the piano. She looked on the side where the word MiYoung was inscribed.

"No matter what I do, I'll never be able to see you again" Taeyeon whispered to herself

She could feel her eyes water.

"This will be the last time I'll play this song..." Taeyeon started playing a tune on the piano.

It was the song that Taeyeon had composed.

(song i had in mind: Can you haer me - Taeyeon [piano cover])

Memories started coming back to her.

Memories of her past lover MiYoung... the times that they spent together... the images kept replaying in Taeyeon's mind.

They kept playing along with the piano's tune. Their first meeting, their first date, the time they spent together playing the piano.

Then the very last day they spent together.

The day MiYoung was supposed to be an immortal. The day where the two had put everything they had on the small chance they had.

Taeyeon suddenly slammed the keyboard and stopped palying the song.

Tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Shouldn't have let her go ahead." Taeyeon sobbed.

For about 5 minutes Taeyeon tried to forget about the last day. She took the key from her necklace.

She walked over to the shelf and took her necklace off.

"There is no point in just keeping a key that doesn't open anything" Taeyeon muttered.

Slowly Taeyeon put the necklace down on the shelf and left the piano store, hoping that it would take away all the bad memories she had of her past.


Not long after Tiffany had reached the piano shop. The door wasn't locked as usual and she walked into it.

She put the box down on an empty spot on the floor and proceeded into the piano at the back.

Tiffany started hitting one of the keys as she sighed. She was starting to lose her hope in finding the key.

As she sat down on the piano chair she rested her elbows on the keys.

Tiffany closed her eyes for a while. Then something caught her eye.

There was a bright light shining towards her eye. The light was coming off the reflection of something.

At the other side of the room there was something reflecting the light coming through one of the broken windows. Tiffany found this familiar.

It was how she found the locket and music box.

Tiffany got off her seat and walked over to the source of light. As Tiffany got closer she realised that it was a key on a chain.

*Isn't this Taeyeon's?* Tiffany thought as she held the chain up

The key twirled and the light reflected off its sides.

At the same time the locket was also relfecting off some light.

Tiffany bit her lower lip. She took a quick look around the store, making sure that Taeyeon wasn't going to scold her any time soon.

As soon as the coast was clear Tiffany took the necklace off her wrist. Slowly Tiffany held the key and put it into the lock.

The key seemed to fit perfectly into the key hole of the locket.

*Calm down now Tiffany* Tiffany re-assured herself.

She was starting to feel nervous.

Slowly she turned the key.

The locket opened

Tiffany couldn't believe what was happening.

After years of searching she had finally found a key that would open the locket

She felt a sense of accomplishment run through her.

Tiffany's knees gave way and she fell to the floor.

After a few minutes or so Tiffany finally came back to reality

*Wait it still has to open the music box* Tiffany quickly got up onto her feet.

She had brought along her music box just in case Sunny would chuck it away. Tiffany ran to the cardboard box and took out a rusty old music box.

She flipped the box around a few times to find the key hole.

Tiffany finally found it and stopped.

*What do I do if it is the key?* Tiffany suddenly thought

Tiffany held the key up. She was sure that it was Taeyeon's

*Why would she leave it like this if she didn't let me touch it* Tiffany wondered

She then quickly shook her thoughts and continued to open the music box.

As she opened the box it started playing a tune.

(Yepp again :D)

It was sad but loving.

Tiffany could feel the feelings inside the tune.

She sat there for a few minutes listening to the tune.

Her heart felt warm and she started to hum along towards it.

After the tune had slowly ended Tiffany sat there in confusion.

Now that she had found the key she didnt know what to do.

*The note said to love the person in their place... how am i suppose to love the person that I don't even know. I'm not even sure if it's Taeyeon's key* Tiffany started to wonder

She sat there wondering about what to do next.

*I'll keep these things for later. I'll figure things out when I'm ready* Tiffany decided

With that she put the locket and key into her pocket. She then put the music box back into the cardboard box and went home.


Taeyeon however had decided to come back to the piano shop.

She couldn't leave the key that was so precious to her like that, so she decided to go back and take it.

As Taeyeon went to find it she realised that it was missing

"Where is it?!" Taeyeon exclaimed searching the whole shop to find it.

After 2 hours of searching she had finally given up.

*Stupid Taeyeon! Why did you leave it?!* she scolded herself.

Taeyeon decided to text Yuri and Yoona.

To: Yuri; Yoona

Guys I can't find my key necklace!
What do I do?!

From: Taeyeon



To: Taeyeon

Maybe it's a sign to let go of it.
I mean it is really old.

From: Yoona



To: Taeyeon

Taeyeon, I think you should forget about it.
You should focus on the present. You can't change the past.
I'll still help you look for it though.


From: Yuri




"Their no help!" Taeyeon muttered to herself

As she left the store in rage she started to feel hot tears come from her eyes.

*MiYoung, I'm sorry I lost the only thing you left for me* Taeyeon mentally apologised

Taeyeon regretted leaving the key there.

She had wished that she had never done that in the first place.

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1120 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)