
Falling For You Again


The next morning, the three girls were meeting up with the Elites for another class.

Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun were slowly falling asleep as Yuri, Taeyeon and Yoona were trying to teach them.

“SeoHyun? Wei” Yoona shook SeoHyun’s arms gently, trying to wake her up.

“Hm?” SeoHyun whipped her head up, her eyes heavily drooping down.

“Did you not sleep last night?” Yoona smiled

“Err. No. I had too much to think about” SeoHyun gave a quick stretch.

“Araso. You can go back to sleep if you want. I'm sure it’s fine if you miss a class.” She patted SeoHyun’s back.

“But what if I can't catch up on time?” SeoHyun worried.

“Don’t worry. I'll be sure to make sure you learn the things you need to know for the exams.”

*I’ve been here for 90 years, I think I should remember what’s going to be in the exams* Yoona smiled to herself.


“You won't be able to study properly half asleep. And by the looks of it, neither will your unnies” Yoona laughed as she saw Tiffany and Jessica sleeping on their arms.

Yuri was trying to wake Jessica up but she slept like a log.

Taeyeon just sat there and started reading the text book. Not bothering to wake up Tiffany.

Taeyeon then slammed the book down on the table loudly. So loud that even Jessica jumped awake

“Class dismissed. Go take your rests. Don’t stay up late next time” Taeyeon ordered sternly.

Tiffany stared up at the girl in front of her.

*If she could learn to control her temper and smile a little more, I'm sure she’d be even more popular* Tiffany thought to herself tiredly.

She then began nodding off to sleep.

Taeyeon stared down at the limp body next to her.

She rubbed the side of her temples as she sighed.

Jessica and SeoHyun slowly trudged out of the classroom and back to their place to take a nap.

Yoona and Yuri gathered next to Taeyeon in front of Tiffany.

“Well aren’t you going to wake her up?” Yuri asked as she crossed her arms

Yoona took a pen next to Tiffany and started poking her cheeks.

“Omo~ Her cheeks are soft” Yoona exclaimed loudly

Even though Tiffany was poked and prodded she didn’t stir.

“You guys go on ahead. I'll look after her. She deserves the rest” Taeyeon pulled out a random text book from the shelf and took a seat in front of the classroom

Yoona kept poking Tiffany’s cheeks.

“Come now. Let’s play a game. Whoever can skip the longest without a mistake?” Yuri put her arm around Yoona

Yoona stopped poking Tiffany and quickly stood up clapping her hands.

“Yay! My best time was 6 hours last night” Yoona smiled

“Aish. Mine was 5 minutes off 6 hours. Let’s verse” Yuri quickly ran out the classroom.

“Haha” Yoona let out a playful laugh.

*There is only a certain amount of years before you two get bored of that game* Taeyeon thought to herself.

The classroom suddenly became quiet. Only the low breathing of Tiffany could be heard.

Taeyeon glanced at Tiffany to see Tiffany smiling.

She rolled her eyes as she saw Tiffany start giggling.

Taeyeon took out her necklace again and stared fiddling with it.

After about another ten minutes Tiffany let out a sneeze

Taeyeon jumped out of her seat at the sudden noise. She got up and fixed her hair as she rolled her eyes at Tiffany

“For someone like her, she sure knows how to sneeze like a man” Taeyeon stood up and brushed the dirt off herself.

Taeyeon walked over to Tiffany and felt her arm.

Her arm was freezing cold.

“She’s gunna catch a cold at this rate.” Taeyeon bit her lip.

She then took off her blazer and put it around Tiffany’s shoulders.

“Be grateful.” Taeyeon stuck her tongue out at Tiffany.

Taeyeon took her seat back up in the front again. Little did she know that the necklace was caught onto the blazer.

Three hours had passed and Taeyeon had managed to go through 5 books.

“How long does she intend to sleep?” Taeyeon let out a sigh.

She put her elbow onto the table and put her chin onto her hand.

Taeyeon stared at Tiffany’s sleeping face.

*Wish I could fall asleep again.* Taeyeon thought to herself

Taeyeon took out her necklace again and stared fiddling with it.

Then were was a sudden noise outside of girls cheering.

She quickly ran to the window to see Yuri and Yoona skipping on a skipping rope. There was a large crowd of girls around them cheering.

“Eugh.” Taeyeon face palmed herself.

*They shouldn’t skip for more than 2 hours when there are students around*

She then looked at Tiffany who was still sleeping soundly.

*Won't hurt if I leave her here. It’s the Elite’s classroom anyway.* Taeyeon thought to herself

She then went out the classroom and headed towards Yoona and Yuri.

As Taeyeon walked towards Yoona and Yuri in the courts, the girls started crowding around her

“Yahhh~! Kim Taeyeon! Kyahhh!” the crowd yelled with excitement.

They were surprised to see Taeyeon without her blazer on.

“Where’s Taeyeon’s blazer” One of the whispered

Taeyeon heard this and immediately thought of an excuse

“It’s hot today.” She answered bluntly

*As if we could get hot* Taeyeon rolled her eyes

The crowd let out a long ‘ohhh’ before they started cheering again.

As she got close to Yoona and Yuri, the crowd made a runway for Taeyeon to walk through.

She then saw Yuri and Yoona balancing random objects on themselves as they skipped.

Taeyeon crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at how ridiculous they looked

She walked up close to Yoona and Yuri’s skipping ropes and raised one of her eyebrows at the two.

 Yuri and Yoona saw Taeyeon and immediately swallowed hard.

They knew what Taeyeon was going to do if they didn’t stop. But they couldn’t. if they were to stop the things they were balancing would collapse on them

“Err… another hour?” Yoona asked innocently

The crowd’s jaw dropped.

“Yoona, Yuri, you have three seconds. One….. two….” Taeyeon began counting

“We can't stop.” Yuri exclaimed


Taeyeon took a step forward and stopped the skipping rope with her bare hands. She then quickly tied the two ropes together in multiple knots.

She then held up the large knot up at Yuri and Yoona.

“You know what to do” Taeyeon smiled evilly

Yuri and Yoona’s objects started crashing down but Taeyeon quickly caught them.

She then stood in between them

“2 hour was the limit, was it not? As punishment you will have to untie this knot. You remember how hard it was last time? Well it’s 3 times harder.” Taeyeon dropped the skipping ropes in front of them

“You know what to do” Taeyeon said coldly as she turned her back and headed back to the college classrooms.

The crowd cheered as Taeyeon walked pass

“Kyahhh! She’s so cool. Leader Kim Taeyeon. AHHHH!” they cheered

Yuri and Yoona looked at the impossible knot in front of them

They groaned

“Well at least we have something to do tonight” Yoona tried to lighten up the mood as she lifted the knot

“I don’t know how she managed tie a killer knot in a matter of seconds” Yuri poked at the knot

“Wanna get started now? We might have to if we want to be able to enjoy tomorrow” Yoona sighed

“That Taeyeon is deadly I tell you. Deadly” Yuri stuck her tongue out but did not let the crowd see.




Meanwhile Tiffany was still in the classroom. She began to stir from her sleep and slowly open her eyes.

From outside the window she could see that it was afternoon already. She stretched her arms and was surprised to see a blazer drop onto the floor.

“I wonder whose this is” Tiffany rubbed her eyes before she bent over to pick up the blazer

She gave the blazer a quick brush as her finger ran across the badge on the arm.

Tiffany took a closer look at the badge.

“Elites. Leader Taeyeon” she read aloud

Tiffany’s eyes opened wide

*Taeyeon was… I fell asleep after class was dismissed… I guess she looked after me* Tiffany started to make sense of things.

She stood up with the blazer when she suddenly heard a metal chain fall to the floor. Tiffany looked down to see what she had dropped. To her surprise it wasn’t something of hers. It was a necklace with a key on it.

Tiffany bent down to pick up the necklace. She held it up and started examining it.

“I wonder if this belonged to Taeyeon.” Tiffany mumbled to herself.

She fiddled with the necklace for a while.

“I wonder…” Tiffany slowly started unravelling something on her wrist

It was a necklace that she had made into a bracelet. It had a locket on it.

As Tiffany slowly started to put the key closer to the locket’s key hole she was interrupted

“What do you think you're doing?” a cold voice ran through the classroom.

Tiffany quickly whipped her head up to see Taeyeon standing at the door.

“Oh I just found this and was wondering… if by chance it…”

Taeyeon didn’t let her finish. She walked up to Tiffany and yanked the key away from her.

“Never touch things that aren’t yours” Taeyeon shot a cold glare towards Tiffany.

Tiffany took a step back, scared of the cold glare that she received

“Th-Thank you… for lending me your blazer” Tiffany stuttered as she held the blazer up to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon grabbed her blazer and quickly put it on her. She then attached the chain around her neck.

“Class was dismissed long ago. Go home and don’t stay up late” with that Taeyeon left the classroom abruptly

Tiffany fell back into her chair

*And here I thought she was nice* Tiffany let out a disappointed sigh.

She then stared at the locket on the table

“Nahh it couldn’t be” Tiffany laughed off the crazy idea she had.

She re-attached the necklace to her wrist again and held her wrist up.

“Still I can't forget what that note told me to do” Tiffany murmured

Tiffany started remembering how she got the necklace



Tiffany was walking through the rain. Her father had just finished beating her up. She felt the side of her cheeks throb where her father hit her.

“Stupid men.” She mumbled

Tiffany then walked across a dark old shop. She peered inside the window door. To her surprise the door opened

“Hello?” Tiffany called out through the shop.

There was no answer. She then began walking through the shop; examining the things around her.

Suddenly something caught her eye. At the end of the shop was a piano which was gleaming in the dim moonlight.

Tiffany stepped up towards the piano.

“Woah.” She gasped in awe.

Tiffany sat down on the piano and started pressing the keys on the piano. She then started to play a tune on the piano which she learnt during her high school years.

“It really is a beautiful piano” Tiffany complimented the piano.

She then let out a sneeze.

As she slowly opened her eyes she saw something that caught her attention.

It was a small music box.

Tiffany walked up to the music box. It was rusty and seemed to be over a hundred years old. There was a pile of dust a centimetre thick on the top of it. Tiffany blew the dust off it and slowly opened it.

Although the hinges were rusty she managed to get it open. Inside there was a necklace and a note.

To: Whoever may find this

Here lies a rusty music box and an old locket.
It is my wish that I have my last request fulfilled.
Here is a locket in which is very dear to me. There is a key which fits with this locket.
They key is also the key in which would make this music box play again.
To whoever is reading this note, please find the key for this locket.
May you love the person who owns the key in my place.
This is my last request and I hope that it may be fulfilled.
Only those who are fated to be with the owner of the key will be able to find this note.
Please do not disregard this message.



The note is burnt at the bottom, cutting off the sender’s name.

Tiffany held up the locket.

“Woah. It’s pretty” Tiffany touched the locket.

She noticed a small key hole in the middle of it. Tiffany then re-read the note.

She could tell that the sender really wanted to have the locket find the key.

*I accept* Tiffany said in her mind as she put the music box in her pocket and attached the necklace to her wrist

*At least it will give me a purpose in life* Tiffany smiled at the small hope she had.


End flashback



*I won't let you down* Tiffany gave a small air fist pump, determined to find the key of the locket and music box.

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1132 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)