Cigarettes and Smiles


Look! It's another chapter! This is the last of the prewritten content, anything after this will be freshly written. Once I've finished this story I will go back and edit, so if you notice typos or ty grammar it will be corrected (eventually). Thank you for reading!


What does Daemonium mean?” Sehun asked, eyeing the three boys who were in thought.

It's an old term for a Chaos Demon, Luhan's been dead a lot longer than the three of us, so him and a few other seniors use that term instead of Chaos Demons.” Minseok explained, “How did he know you were a Chaos Demon?”
“I was asking him for directions to the camp, he started freaking out, I don't know why.”

Maybe because humans can't see Guardian Angels, and this particular Angel has been misbehaving recently.”

. I ed up, didn't I?”

Just a bit.” Chanyeol snickered, eyeing Sehun's panicked expression.

Oooh so it's true!” a familiar voice cooed, the four boys turned to see a slender man that Sehun knew as,

Zitao? What are you doing here?”

The good boy turned bad! I was waiting for this – Although I'm hardly surprised, especially after meeting his eye-candy of a human.” he carried on, ignoring Sehun's question.

Shut up Zitao.” Minseok snapped, “What are you here for?”

Sehun and I have this close bond, so Kyungsoo said I can help him out with his first assignment.” Zitao grinned, “It's part of my new job, seeing as I was demoted, unlike someone.”

Hey, I didn't kill the guy. That was on you.” Baekhyun shrugged, “Kyungsoo gave me a warning, it was only my first time breaking the rules.”

I hope it's the only time.” Minseok growled, “Since when did you know Sehun? He came straight to us after his briefing.”


Do you have to follow Yifan around everywhere? It's kinda stalkery.” Chanyeol questioned, causing Zitao to glare at him,

I don't really thing you're one to talk, following Baekhyun around like a puppy.”

The difference is I'm dating Baekhyun-”

Yifan's shy, he doesn't want-”
“Shy? Yifan's far from shy.” Chanyeol scoffed, triggering a full blown row between the cat and dog.

Shut up!” Minseok hollerred, “I have no idea what Kyungsoo was thinking putting you within 100 miles of Chanyeol, but whatever. I'm not even sure why you're overseeing to be honest, as I'm his mentor.”

Conflict of interest.” Zitao shrugged, “That's how Kyungsoo put it, but he really meant that he knew you wouldn't be able to handle this without your rocky relationship with our doll-faced bad boy becoming dragged into the crossfire.”

Can we backtrack?” Sehun piped up, causing everyone to realise he was still there, “So... what do we do now?”

Well, bumping into Luhan wasn't really part of the plan.” Baekhyun scratched his head, eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Oh have you met him already?” Zitao asked, sitting on one of the folding chairs that Baekhyun had been throwing at Chanyeol earlier.

“Does he know why your here?” Minseok pressed, “Did you mention anything about what you were doing?”

Yeah, I just spilled my whole Chaos Demon life story to a druggy I met in the middle of the forest that I assumed was a human until maybe three minutes ago.” Sehun quipped, “I'm not an idiot.”

Just directionally challenged.” he heard Baekhyun snicker, causing him to glare slightly.

How am I supposed to go near his human if he knows what I am?” Sehun began, “He heard me talking to Minseok-hyung.”

For s sake.” Minseok groaned, “This is gonna be trouble.”

We're just on a break from assignments, as far as he is concerned at least.” Zitao shrugged,

“Enough stressing already, all we have to do is make sure the guy meets his trigger, right? Then bring Luhan in for questioning.” Zitao interrupted, “It's only his first offence so he'll be fine.”

That's not how it works on their side, you know that.” Minseok's eyebrows were furrowed.

Don't worry too much, Luhan's been a up for so long it's not surprising he cracked.” Zitao

Can we go down to see who's performing? We look so weird just sat here talking when everyone is over by the stages and rides.” Baekhyun whined, tugging on Chanyeol's arm, “Come on Chanyeol!”

We probably should make our way down too, I saw Luhan's human around the rides with some of his friends.” Zitao added, getting up and walking off towards the direction the two idiots had gone off in. Sehun nodded meekly, following behind him.



As they arrived at the main area, the sun was beginning to set.

Did we really take that long to sort out the whole Luhan situation?” Baekhyun sighed, looking around at the many different arena's and stalls.

It's because Sehun has no idea how to tell left from right.” Chanyeol deadpanned,

I tried, come on, cut me some slack.”

Someone has to be with Sehun at all times.” Minseok announced, “I'm not dealing with a two hour phone call with him when he's lost ever again.”

I'll stick with him for today if you guys wanna go and see what's on.” Zitao suggested, “We need to go find our little human and find out how to get him to meet his trigger.”

Don't cause any trouble Zitao, if Luhan catches on, then it's game over.” Minseok reminded, “And try not to sleep with him.”
“I am faithful to Yifan, thank you very much.” Zitao grinned, “I can appreciate the goods without actually buying them.”

That's a person you're talking about.”

I know.” Zitao grabbed Sehun's arm, “Come on, let's go snoop around.”



Turns out, Zitao was more interested in the rides they had than finding Luhan's human.

Let's line up for this one!” Zitao excitedly dragged Sehun along to the queue for a ride that looked particularly dizzying. Sehun rolled his eyes as he looked around to see if Luhan was nearby;

If Luhan's near, so is his human.” Sehun heard Zitao's voice ring from inside his head, he looked at him in confusion. “Telepathy, a cute perk of Chaos Demon status.”

I'd hardly call that cute.” Sehun replied, his face scrunched, It's more like creepy.

Hey! I heard that.”

Just talk like a normal human being, this is creepy.”

It's only creepy 'cause you're not used to it.”

It's creepy either way.”

Ah, isn't that our bad boy up ahead in the queue?” Zitao nodded up the queue to a group of four boys, three of them were chatting about something while a familiar blonde simply looked on at the three boys.

Which one is Luhan's?” Sehun whispered, scanning the three boys. They were all pretty good looking, one stood out to Sehun though; he recognised him as the guy from the coffee shop, once again, Sehun was stunned by the strangers beauty. Sehun swallowed hard as he tore his gaze away from the gorgeous boy,

The one with the black hair.”

.” Sehun breathed, dragging his hand through his hair. “This is gonna be hard.”

I can see it already is.” Zitao chuckled, revealing his bright white teeth, “You're like a schoolboy who's seen his crush in the school yard.”

my life.”

So that's your type, Sehunnie.” Zitao was thoroughly enjoying Sehun's predicament as they moved forward in the queue due to some people giving up on the wait for the ride. Sehun and Zitao now found themselves right behind the three boys (and the suspicious guardian angel who was eyeing the two of them). After a few minutes of Zitao teasing Sehun not-so-discreetly, he was saved by the others barging straight into the line – to the loud protests of others.

Hey guys, did you find-” Chanyeol was interrupted by Zitao's voice,

Sehun's lighter?” Zitao continued in Chanyeol's stead, a sour expression on the beagle's face, “Yeah we did.”

I was in my pocket the whole time.” Sehun laughed awkwardly, patting his pocket. “Wha-”

Excuse me? Do you smoke?” A new voice entered the conversation, triggering everyone to look over to see the black haired hunk that they had been talking about previously. Behind him, Luhan's face was alarmed as he analysed Sehun.

Yeah, why?”

I've run out, do you think you could spare a cigarette?” he smiled apologetically,

Sure, I think I left my cigarettes back at my tent though.” Sehun said, patting his pockets, “I'll run back and get them after we get off the ride.”

Thank you! I've been meaning to buy some more but I'm just unbelievably lazy.”

Don't worry about it, I'm always happy to help a fellow smoker.” Sehun chuckled, “I believe we met at the coffee shop, I never caught your name.”

Oh yeah! Sehun, right? I'm Jongin, nice to meet you.” the boy, now know as Jongin, smiled breathtakingly, “These are my mates, Jongdae and Junmyeon.” The two boys behind him nodded in acknowledgement,

I'm Baekhyun, this is Chanyeol.” Baekhyun chirped, catching the groups attention.

Zitao, nice to meet you lot.”

What Uni do you guys attend, we're from Seoul National.” Jongdae asked, gesturing to Junmyeon and Jongin. “Jongin's about to go into his first year though.”

We go to SNU too,” Chanyeol replied,

How weird, I've never really seen you guys.” Junmyeon mused, analysing Sehun.
“Those two go, I manage a coffee place and Sehun here is looking to enroll, he just moved to the area.” Minseok explained,

What about you, Zitao?” Junmyeon questioned,

I just happened to see these guys here, Sehun here is an old friend.” Zitao shrugged, “What brings you to this K-fest then?”

We've been meaning to go since high school, but never had the time or money, but we finally managed to save up.” Jongin explained, smiling sheepishly. “You guys?”

We decided to celebrate Sehun's moving in with us by going to K-fest.” Baekhyun casually lied, “We've known each other since high school too, but we're a bit older than him, so we finally get to go out partying as a group.” Sehun looked at Baekhyun, impressed by his ability to lie while making it sound like it was the holy truth. The line started moving and the eight boys filed onto the ride, Jongin was next to Sehun.

Cool coincidence, huh?” Jongin grinned, “So you're the same age as me?”

I guess, you're 20, right?”

Yeah, I studied so hard to get into SNU, Jongdae and Junmyeon would've killed me if I didn't get in, they're like my brothers really.”
“Same, I worked my off to get the grades.” Sehun half-lied, he did study hard to get into university, just not SNU. The ride began to spin, and the two boys talked and laughed the whole way through the ride. Sehun couldn't believe that this guy was going to die – he seemed so full of life. Luhan watched Sehun from afar, suspicion twisting his face, it was clear that Luhan didn't know if they were here for him, or if it was just an ill-fated coincidence.



Thanks, I'll return the favour next time we bump into each other.” Jongin grinned, grabbing a cigarette from the box. Sehun smiled kindly in response,

Take my number, so we can meet up again.” Jongin nodded, handing him his phone, after a quick moment, Sehun handed it back.

I'll see you guys again!” Jongin grinned, waving as he walked off.

He was cute.” Chanyeol mused, Baekhyun shot a look at him. “In a pet kind of way.”
“Sehun certainly thinks so.” Zitao chuckled, teasing the junior Chaos Demon.

What do you want from him?” everyone turned to face the person to see a familiar blonde Guardian Angel.

Luhan.” Minseok breathed, his voice surprisingly steady.


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Seenaa #1
Chapter 6: Lol he lost his way again X
Chapter 6: Hi, new reader here, I like your story line and can't wait to read more about Sekai and the rest.
thank u and look forward to your next update
Chapter 4: i'm glad that you're back!! i love the soft humor in this fic ngl it made me giggle to myself a couple of times;; anticipating the confrontation with luhan! eue
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 3: Please update soon more
Sapphire_Archer #5
Chapter 3: Luhan has a boyfriend but he fell on love with a human?! What about Minseok, Luhan?!
Chapter 3: This really good! The concept itself is interesting enough to make me read it, but this is also well-written. It's pretty humorous too. I'd totally love to read more. See you next time!
Sapphire_Archer #7
Chapter 2: this story is so cool and hilarious! hahaha!
Chapter 2: Woah! Cool plot! I was dying when Sehun started to cry about dying as a , really made me laugh! haha!
PS~ Update soon. :)
Chapter 1: Lmao sehun mourning the thought of him dying as a is really crack me up XD
ilovesa #10
update soon