


  • Getting image...


Should I just delete this story?

  • Yes! You don't update at all!!
  • No! Of course not! Just go on a long hiatus instead!
  • Well.... I don't really care about this fic anymore...

Personal Message

"Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart."

About Me

Hi my name is iluvreading!

As you can see from above I am a reviewer. I would be happy to review any of your stories but I do have some rules!

  1. The story cannot be [H] rated! (I'm not 18)
  2. I will try my best at reviewing your stories, so please no bad-mouthing!
  3. The most important thing I want you to do is appreciate it. You don't even have to comment or anything, but I just want you to truly appreciate my reviews being the kind-hearted people I know you are!

Aside from that I play the piano (I'm not a genius though!) and I love looking at nature! I listen to a variety of music like classic and Kpop and other types of music.

Some of my favorite quotes are:

"Don't let victories go to your head, or failures go to your heart."

"The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them."

To me nature is a powerful thing. It effects your and other's life a lot. It can be subtle or it can be obvious. It can make you stop and look at your surroundings for a moment or can change your life forever. Nature is beautiful.

자연은 여러 가지 방법으로 강력 

       Nature is powerful in many ways.


I hope you learned a bit about me and I encourage you to let me review your stories just to see! I will try to do my best!