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Girls...what kind of style do you prefer? (I mean outfits...not group or song)

  • SNSD - Gee (Cutesy)
  • 2NE1 - I Am The Best (Funky? XDDD)
  • 2NE1 - Ugly (Punk-ish)
  • SNSD - Paparazzi (classy)

Personal Message

Why think about the past when I can spend my time looking into the future?

About Me

I take long hiatuses and I usually don't finish my stories...in fact I have yet to finish a single story I've started, but I enjoy making up stories in my head so whenever I get a new idea I jot it down here in hopes of being able to finish it.

I have recently fallen out of the kpop scene but I do still enjoy the music on occasion. I no longer spazz, and if I had any karma left I'd probably change my username too.