About Me

▬▬greetings from ❝ UNIVERSAL UTOPIA❞ ▬▬


Universal Utopia is a place where all artists and entertainers live in peace.

Universal represents the wide range of cultures and nationalities of entertainers and artists that we accept <3

Utopia represents the harmony that will make the roleplay become family, helping everyone blend together as if we've known each other for a long period of time ◕ ‿ ◕。

Here, we hope to create a warm and loving environment. We might not be big or as popular, but rest assured, we have lots of love to give you.

"This place feels just like family and home to me, and now I'm the next generation of admins, I hope to help you find your home here too." - Head Admin Yeol, 2016

❀ We can't stop stop stop yeogin party time! When with us, it's always party time!
❀ Cuz we'll Love you right! Uh huh! Baby, love you right! (╯3╰)
❀ Sana will give you free hugs and large doses of Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
❀ You'll have 24 hour full access to Chanyeol’s craziness and randomness
❀ We're not erts. Maybe. ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

Join us now! Wanna be Affiliates?