Personal Message


These three girls are the biggest dorks out. 

I aflksdjfa;dfa love them so fasl;sldfjasldf much. 

About Me


So basically everything I have loved about K-pop originated from this group. It really was like fate because that day I was walking around in the city and I passed by this shop that was playing a song that sounded so good (I actually went in there just to stick around listening to the song, LOL). When I walked out I kept trying to think what group they were because I couldn't figure out a girl group with such a large number of members. While I was walking I passed by ANOTHER shop that was playing the same song and I knew that this must be fate. It must've been a message from them telling me to give kpop a try. And when I went back home I did just that.

The song was GEE and from that moment on I strived to know everything I could about this group called Girls' Generation. I was never into Kpop at that time because I didn't like the idea of change, I had grown to love Japanese songs, anime and dramas but through this group I slowly overcame it. This group has taught me an important lesson in life, they taught me that sometimes new things may not be something that you would expect to dislike. Maybe when you try something you might not like it, but maybe the next time you might like it or maybe even love it. Always try things fresh and new


These girls have really changed my life, literally