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Personal Message

I really love writing and KPOP, and I'm so glad I came on AFF because it involves two of my favorite things! 

Thank you to everyone who subscrbed and/or commented on Ridiculous, my first fanfic!  I really appreciate it, and it really helps me want to keep writing.  If anyone wants to give me any suggestions, please don't hesitate to comment/PM/write on my wall!  Talk to me! :D 

I love you all! 

About Me

I don't hate on any groups/artists because I think people's taste in music is one thing that is unique among everyone.  Just because I don't like a group/artists doesn't mean they're not talented, it just means they're not my style.  Music people, whether in Kpop, Jpop, Rock, Hip-Hop, etc, are all artists, and they all create different types of art. I respect that.

I do have favorite groups/artists though.  Here are my favorites in the Korean music industry, in no particular order.


Super Junior





C.N. Blue

Big Bang


Epik High


(based on just their musical talents, they are probably my favorite out of this whole list..cause they're awesome. and kwon jung yeol's voice is hot and pretty at the same time... a;sdjfl;asdjfkl;d) 

Baek Ji Young

Lim Jae Bum

Kim Bum Soo


Lee Juk/Panic

(and a lot more that I can't think of)

I know I included artists that aren't really in the Kpop genre, but honestly, it's not like I only listen to Kpop.  I could probably list 102983021839021 artists if included non-Korean artists, but I tried to narrow it down for you guys!  I really think you should check the ones you don't know out.