Personal Message

`❅ )  S W I T C H. affrp ↝ oh sehun. [ head admin ]
                       ❝ OH SEHUN
         maknae ┊ lead dancer ┊ 181 cm 
       let's live while doing things we like.   
      taken  ¦ 241012 ¦ kim jongin ¦ sekai
 being with you always makes me happy. you
 constantly make my heart race whenever i'm
 with you. i'll try my hardest to please you 
 because you are my one and only
i love you - forever and always. ♥

 shroomy: you're the most insane person i've met who's also an absolute kris saesang. you're a really great and reliable friend. taehun > eternity.
( luhan   kyungsoo  tao  jieun | suho | jiyeon ) ( under construction ).



About Me

can you believe it? i still love you till this very day.
jongin, i promise i'll be back for you. will you ever see this again? thank you for all of the fond
memories that you've given me. i wish i could've made you something special on my profile
just like the one you made for me. i wish i treasured you more and i wish i could tell you that i loved
you for the last time. if i said it now, would you mind? it's six months late but
kim jongin, i love you so much. thank you and i'm so sorry for not being able to look after you.
i promise i'll be here for you. i'll come back every month just so i can see you again.
i'm still not sick of your voice, i wish i could hear it once more. are you wondering why
i didn't say this to you in our wallpost? it's because i'm a coward and i'm too shy to say this
to your face. jongin-ah, i love you. i still love you and i'll never forget about all of the
things you've done for me. spend every day of your life smiling, please?
34 days.  13 hours.  22 minutes.