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Personal Message

Hey Guys, just want you to know that I'll go on hiatus for a while, which means I won't update my stories - you still can talk to me though. I'm just too busy with rl to write a single chapter right now...




Now I'll introduce CREEPER-KYU~ ^O^

kekekeke *grins*


      HOOOT!!! ^O^ *nosebleed*

Soo, end of kyutime for now xDD


Sungmin's my second bias and I think he's HOT~:D

And CUTE  o(>.<)o


GIF DAY!!!<33333 (cuz I'm so happy^^)



Because Heechul can give it to you xDD

..and something cuuute~

credits to

About Me



☐ Single ☐ Taken ☑ Unable to fall in love with normal people due to too many perfect celebrities/fictional characters

credits to jewnicornsinlove



And my most perfect celebrity will always be Kyuhyun~♥

I'll always love you ♥


Soooo, now about me~ xDDD

I confess: I love creeper-yesung^^ He's just too adorable as a weirdo~ <3333



Well..about me... I really love ( as you can see in my stories xD)

I'm a fan of super junior and now I've finally found my bias:

 Awww, come here!! I'll give you a HUG !!!!!!


.....yeah.... I'm not creepy or something...o.o


It's so adorable!!! I just love him ♥

And my absolute couple bias is:

KYUMIN!!! ♥ *throws confetti*

OMG it worked!!!! ( All thanks to SonicBOOM^^ sorry for spaming you with my problems...*o*)

This is my favourite Nickkhun vid, coz he's so CUTE!!!!


LOLOLOL THE LOLZ WON'T STOP!!! I laughed my off!!!