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Personal Message

in this site i am merely just a reader. i am not good in creating stories regulary like all the author-nim do here. i give you guys all my respect. that is truly admirable because i just cannot write. 

what happened in my head constantly going faster than my writing and apparently it is affecting the way i talk. which is i don't really do talking because yes i can't comprehend or verbalizing the things going around inside my head without people feel flustered and dazed. i am that absurd.

despite my personality, let's be friends.

About Me

INTX soul. I constantly change between INTP or INTJ. I do think it says a lot about me.

but on the contrary from my mbti personality type, people thought i am an extroverts as their first impression on myself.

because i have no difficulty in introducing myself and pick up conversation with people in real life. and yes i do not like debating because i just think that people are idiot .but so many people admit that i gave off this unapproachable vibe around me at first. in addition i only make justification over myself to those whom having my concern. so i kind of left the other people who doesn't pick my interest with their first impression on me. 

i love meat , poultry and seafood. all kind of dishes. i wear mostly black, brown, or navy sometimes gray. t-shirt, sleeveless, hoodie, jogger pants, loose/baggy pants, sneakers or sandals all time user. you will find me wearing , like, almost , the same outfits most of everyday. it does not mean i dont wash them. i happened to own so many clothes with the same style. i am a basketball player since 5 y.o which is like 20 years ago, but i dont make it for a living. 

designing, video making, web developing are my side job. i work in a laboratory institute in xxxxx. dude it pays well. and currently have no interest in love life. because i am a hardcore fujoshi so i am happy by just watching those cute couple being lovey dovey. but honestly  i have no interest in building a family, my life is full and loved by my 7 cats and 5 dogs atm.